/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 1991-1996 by ORCA Software, Inc. * * * * All rights reserved. May not be reproduced or distributed, in printed or * * electronic form, without permission of ORCA Software, Inc. May not be * * distributed as object code, separately or linked with other object modules, * * without permission. * *******************************************************************************/ /*============================================================================== * Note: Portions not implemented on Motif are commented NOTIMP. * Portions removed from the header are commented out and marked REMOVED * New parts are marked with NEW *============================================================================*/ #ifndef XIN_INCL_XIPORT_H #define XIN_INCL_XIPORT_H #define R4 #include "xires.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "assert.h" #include "string.h" #include "math.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "ctype.h" /* This code is not needed when using the XVT define for native #if XIWS == XIWS_PM #define INCL_DOS #define INCL_WIN #define INCL_GPI #define COLOR pm_COLOR #define UINT pm_UINT #define ULONG pm_ULONG #include #undef COLOR #undef UINT #undef ULONG #define INTERNAL #endif */ /* We don't really use the following, we just define them so that they are removed from the XI source code when we don't use XVT. */ #ifndef XVT_CALLCONV1 #define XVT_CALLCONV1 #endif #ifndef XVT_CC_ARGS #define XVT_CC_ARGS(a) a #endif /* Set an object's memory to all zeros */ #define XIN_CLEAR(obj) memset(&obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); #define XIN_INC_TYPE( s_T, T ) typedef struct s_T T #define XIN_INC_PTR_TYPE( s_T, T ) typedef struct s_T *T #define XIN_FAKE_TYPE( s_T, T ) typedef struct s_T {int x;} T #define XIN_FAKE_PTR_TYPE( s_T, T ) typedef struct s_T {int x;} *T #ifndef BOOLEAN #define BOOLEAN short int #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 #endif typedef enum { XinFlagNotSet, XinFlagTrue, XinFlagFalse } XinFlag; typedef enum { XinClipboardFormatText, XinClipboardFormatBitmap /* NOTIMP */ } XinClipboardFormat; typedef struct { short v; short h; } XinPoint; typedef struct { short top; short left; short bottom; short right; } XinRect; typedef unsigned long XinColor; #ifdef XIN_INTERNAL_WINDOW XIN_INC_PTR_TYPE( s_XinWindow, XinWindow ); #else XIN_FAKE_PTR_TYPE( s_XinWindow, XinWindow ); #endif #define XI_NULL_WINDOW ((XinWindow)0L) typedef enum { XinEventCreate, XinEventDestroy, XinEventFocus, XinEventResize, XinEventPaint, XinEventCloseButton, XinEventMouseDown, XinEventMouseUp, XinEventMouseMove, XinEventMouseDouble, XinEventCharacter, XinEventVScroll, /* NOTIMP */ XinEventHScroll, /* NOTIMP */ XinEventMenuCommand, XinEventControl, XinEventTimer, XinEventQuit, XinEventHelp, /* NOTIMP */ XinEventFont, /* NOTIMP */ XinEventUser } XinEventType; typedef enum { XinScrollBarActionNone, XinScrollBarActionLineUp, XinScrollBarActionLineDown, XinScrollBarActionPageUp, XinScrollBarActionPageDown, XinScrollBarActionThumb, XinScrollBarActionThumbTrack } XinScrollBarAction; typedef int XinMenuTag; /* NEW */ typedef enum { XinBorderDouble, XinBorderSingle, XinBorderSizable, XinBorderFixed, XinBorderNone /* NOTIMP -- requires child window support */ } XinBorderStyle; /* NEW */ typedef enum { XinModeless, XinModalReturn, XinModalWait, XinModalAutoclose } XinWindowMode; typedef enum { XinWindowTypeDocument, XinWindowTypePrint, XinWindowTypeTask, XinWindowTypeScreen, XinWindowTypeButton, /* NOTIMP */ XinWindowTypeRadioButton, /* NOTIMP */ XinWindowTypeCheckBox, /* NOTIMP */ XinWindowTypeHorizontalScrollBar, XinWindowTypeVerticalScrollBar } XinWindowType; typedef struct { XinWindowType type; XinWindow win; union { struct { XinScrollBarAction action; short position; } scroll; } v; } XinControlInformation; typedef enum { XinScrollBarTypeHorizontal, /* NOTIMP -- no scrollbars on window borders */ XinScrollBarTypeVertical, /* NOTIMP -- no scrollbars on window borders */ XinScrollBarTypeEither } XinScrollBarType; typedef enum { XinFontFamilySystem, XinFontFamilyFixed, XinFontFamilyTimes, XinFontFamilyHelvetica, XinFontFamilyOther } XinFontFamily; #ifdef XIN_INTERNAL_FONT /* Use an incomplete type so that complete type can be defined internally */ XIN_INC_TYPE( s_XinFont, XinFont ); #else /* Use a complete but fake type, so that Borland does not complain */ XIN_FAKE_TYPE( s_XinFont, XinFont ); #endif #ifdef XIN_INTERNAL_BITMAP XIN_INC_TYPE( s_XinBitmap, XinBitmap ); #else XIN_FAKE_TYPE( s_XinBitmap, XinBitmap ); #endif typedef struct { XinEventType type; union { struct { XinPoint where; BOOLEAN shift; BOOLEAN control; BOOLEAN alt; short button; } mouse; struct { short ch; BOOLEAN shift; BOOLEAN control; BOOLEAN alt; BOOLEAN consumed; /* For internal use only */ } character; struct { BOOLEAN active; } focus; struct { BOOLEAN query; /* NOTIMP -- always FALSE on Motif */ } quit; struct { XinScrollBarAction action; short position; } scroll; struct { XinMenuTag tag; BOOLEAN shift; BOOLEAN control; } menu_command; struct { BOOLEAN minimized; short height; short width; } resize; struct { short control_id; XinControlInformation ctrl_info; } control; struct { XinRect rect; } paint; struct { long id; } timer; struct { XinFont *font; } font; struct { XinWindow obj; XinMenuTag tag; long topic_id; } help; struct { long id; void *ptr; } user; } v; } XinEvent; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef void ( *XinWindowEventHandler ) ( XinWindow win, XinEvent * ep ); typedef BOOLEAN( *XinPrintHandler ) ( long app_data ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif typedef struct s_XinMenuItem { XinMenuTag tag; char *text; /* ~ in text indicates mnemonic */ BOOLEAN enabled; BOOLEAN checked; BOOLEAN checkable; BOOLEAN separator; int nbr_children; struct s_XinMenuItem *children; } XinMenuItem; /* NEW */ typedef struct { int nbr_items; XinMenuItem *items; } XinMenu; typedef struct { int control_id; XinWindowType type; XinRect *p_rect; char *title; /* NEW -- NULL means no titlebar */ XinBorderStyle border_style; /* NEW */ BOOLEAN vertical_scroll_bar; /* NOTIMP */ BOOLEAN horizontal_scroll_bar;/* NOTIMP */ BOOLEAN close_button; BOOLEAN visible; BOOLEAN enabled; BOOLEAN iconizable; BOOLEAN iconized; BOOLEAN maximized; XinWindowMode mode; /* NEW */ XinWindow parent; /* See note1 below */ XinMenu *menu; /* New -- no menubar if NULL */ int menu_bar_rid; /* NOTIMP */ int icon_rid; /* Implemented via XPM on Motif -- requires * linkage of icons */ long app_data; XinWindowEventHandler eh; XinColor back_color; /* NEW -- window's default background. * Influences caret color */ XinFont *font; /* NEW -- only used for native controls */ } XinWindowDef; /* { XinWindowDef Def; MEMCLEAR(Def); Def.control_id = ; Def.type = ; Def.p_rect = ; Def.title = ; Def.border_style = ; Def.vertical_scroll_bar = ; Def.horizontal_scroll_bar = ; Def.close_button = ; Def.visible = ; Def.enabled = ; Def.iconizable = ; Def.iconized = ; Def.maximized = ; Def.mode = ; Def.parent = ; Def.menu = ; Def.menu_bar_rid = ; Def.icon_rid = ; Def.app_data = ; Def.eh = ; Def.back_color = ; } */ /* Note1: if mode == * XinModeless, then parent argument may be task, screen or toplevel window. Setting the * parent to toplevel window enforfces stack-above-parent and iconize-with-parent. * XinModalReturn or XinModalWait, then parent argument may be task, screen or toplevel window. * Task or screen window is application-modal (although windows may still be closed). * XinModalAutoclose, then parent must be a toplevel window. Autoclose windows are closed before * any user input is sent to the parent window. */ typedef struct { char *task_win_title; /* NOTIMP */ char *appl_name; /* NOTIMP */ int menu_bar_rid; /* NOTIMP */ XinWindowEventHandler eh; XinRect *p_rect; /* NOTIMP */ BOOLEAN iconized; /* NOTIMP */ BOOLEAN maximized; /* NOTIMP */ BOOLEAN use_mdi; /* NOTIMP */ BOOLEAN drawable_task_win; BOOLEAN app_is_unique; /* Don't allow multiple instances of the application to run. */ int argc; char **argv; } XinSystemSetup; typedef unsigned long XinCursor; /* NEW */ typedef enum { XinPenHollow, XinPenSolid, XinPenDashed, XinPenDotted, // Added by Guy } XinPenPattern; /* NEW */ typedef enum { XinBrushHollow, XinBrushSolid, XinBrushHatch } XinBrushPattern; typedef struct { short width; XinPenPattern pattern; /* Changed to XinPenPattern */ XinColor fore_color; /* NEW color of pen */ } XinPen; typedef struct { XinBrushPattern pattern; /* Changed to XinBrushPattern */ XinColor fore_color; /* NEW fore_color allows future back_color with * hatched brushes */ } XinBrush; typedef enum { XinDrawModeCopy, XinDrawModeXor /* See Note2 */ } XinDrawMode; /* Note2: XOR mode, if drawn on pixels equalling the back_color of the window, will attempt * to produce the fore_color of the tool (pen/brush/text). Drawing on pixels of fore_color * will attempt to produce back_color. The operation is self-reversing. */ typedef struct { XinPen pen; XinBrush brush; XinDrawMode draw_mode; XinColor text_fore_color; XinColor text_back_color; BOOLEAN opaque_text; } XinDrawTools; typedef enum { XinResponse1, XinResponse2, XinResponse3 } XinResponse; typedef enum { XinMetricIconHeight, /* Will pick a constant reflecting the WM * restirctions */ XinMetricIconWidth, /* Will pick a constant reflecting the WM * restirctions */ XinMetricHorizontalScrollBarHeight, XinMetricVerticalScrollBarWidth, XinMetricScreenHeight, XinMetricScreenWidth, XinMetricSizableFrameHeight, /* Guess on Motif */ XinMetricSizableFrameWidth, /* Guess on Motif */ XinMetricDoubleFrameHeight, /* Guess on Motif */ XinMetricDoubleFrameWidth, /* Guess on Motif */ XinMetricFrameHeight, /* Guess on Motif */ XinMetricFrameWidth, /* Guess on Motif */ XinMetricMenuHeight, /* Guess on Motif */ XinMetricTitleHeight, /* Guess on Motif */ XinMetricVerticalStagger, XinMetricHorizontalStagger, XinMetricScreenHRes, XinMetricScreenVRes } XinMetricType; #define XI_FILE_MAX 256 typedef char XinDirectory[XI_FILE_MAX + 1]; typedef enum { XinFileGood, XinFileCancel, XinFileBad } XinFileResult; typedef enum { XinOpenFileDialog, XinSaveFileDialog } XinFileDialogType; typedef struct { char *type; XinDirectory directory; char file_name[XI_FILE_MAX + 1]; } XinFileSpec; typedef struct { char *type; char *pattern; BOOLEAN include_dirs; BOOLEAN dirs_only; } XinFileListSpec; typedef struct { int nbr_files; char **file_names; } XinFileList; #ifdef XIN_INTERNAL_PRINT_RECORD /* Use an incomplete type so that complete type can be defined internally */ XIN_INC_TYPE( s_XinPrintRecord, XinPrintRecord ); #else /* Use a complete but fake type, so that Borland does not complain */ XIN_FAKE_TYPE( s_XinPrintRecord, XinPrintRecord ); #endif #ifndef NOREF #define NOREF(a) a = a #endif #ifndef assert4 #define assert4(a, b, c, d) if (!(a)) XinError( (c),XinSeverityFatal,0L ) #endif #define XI_KEY_DEL 127 #define XI_KEY_UP 301 #define XI_KEY_DOWN 302 #define XI_KEY_RIGHT 303 #define XI_KEY_LEFT 304 #define XI_KEY_PREV 305 #define XI_KEY_NEXT 306 #define XI_KEY_LHOME 307 #define XI_KEY_LEND 308 #define XI_KEY_HOME 309 #define XI_KEY_END 310 #define XI_KEY_WLEFT 313 #define XI_KEY_WRIGHT 314 #define XI_KEY_BTAB 315 #define XI_KEY_CLEAR 317 #define XI_KEY_F1 331 #define XI_KEY_F2 332 #define XI_KEY_F3 333 #define XI_KEY_F4 334 #define XI_KEY_F5 335 #define XI_KEY_F6 336 #define XI_KEY_F7 337 #define XI_KEY_F8 338 #define XI_KEY_F9 339 #define XI_KEY_F10 340 #define XI_KEY_F11 341 #define XI_KEY_F12 342 #define XI_CURSOR_ARROW 0 #define XI_CURSOR_IBEAM 1 #define XI_CURSOR_CROSS 2 #define XI_CURSOR_WAIT 3 #define XI_COLOR_RED 0x00FF0000L #define XI_COLOR_GREEN 0x0000FF00L #define XI_COLOR_BLUE 0x000000FFL #define XI_COLOR_CYAN 0x0000FFFFL #define XI_COLOR_MAGENTA 0x00FF00FFL #define XI_COLOR_YELLOW 0x00FFFF00L #define XI_COLOR_BLACK 0x80000000L #define XI_COLOR_DKGRAY 0x00404040L #define XI_COLOR_GRAY 0x00808080L #define XI_COLOR_LTGRAY 0x00C0C0C0L #define XI_COLOR_WHITE 0x00FFFFFFL #ifndef USHRT_MAX #define USHRT_MAX (unsigned short)(~0) #endif #ifndef SHRT_MAX #define SHRT_MAX ((short)(USHRT_MAX >> 1)) #endif #ifndef UINT_MAX #define UINT_MAX (unsigned)(~0) #endif #ifndef INT_MAX #define INT_MAX ((int)(UINT_MAX >> 1)) #endif #ifndef ULONG_MAX #define ULONG_MAX (unsigned long)(~0) #endif #ifndef LONG_MAX #define LONG_MAX ((long)(ULONG_MAX >> 1 )) #endif /* New -- values for Motif */ #if XIWS == XIWS_XM #define XI_CLIP_EOL "\012" #else #define XI_CLIP_EOL "\015\012" #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Memory */ void *XinMemoryAlloc( size_t size ); void XinMemoryFree( void *ptr ); void *XinMemoryRealloc( void *ptr, size_t size ); void *XinMemoryZeroAlloc( size_t size ); /* Dialogs */ XinResponse XinDialogAsk( char *btn_text_1, char *btn_text_2, char *btn_text_3, char *fmt,... ); void XinDialogError( char *format,... ); void XinDialogFatal( char *format,... ); XinFileResult XinDialogFile( char *message, XinFileSpec * spec, XinFileDialogType type ); BOOLEAN XinDialogFont( XinFont * font ); void XinDialogNote( char *format,... ); BOOLEAN XinDialogPrinterSetup( XinPrintRecord * rec ); char *XinDialogStringPrompt( char *message, char *response, int size_response ); /* Rectangles */ BOOLEAN XinRectEmpty( XinRect * rect ); XinRect *XinRectIntersect( XinRect * result, XinRect * r1, XinRect * r2 ); BOOLEAN XinRectPointContained( XinRect * rect, XinPoint * point ); XinRect *XinRectEnclose( XinRect * dst, XinRect * src1, XinRect * src2 ); /* Windows and drawing */ long XinWindowAppDataGet( XinWindow win ); void XinWindowAppDataSet( XinWindow win, long app_data ); void XinWindowArcDraw( XinWindow win, XinRect* ellipse, XinPoint* start, XinPoint* stop ); void XinWindowBitmapDraw( XinWindow win, XinBitmap * bitmap, XinRect * dest, XinRect * source ); void XinWindowBrushSet( XinWindow win, XinBrush * brush ); void XinWindowCaretOff( XinWindow win ); void XinWindowCaretOn( XinWindow win, int x, int y, int height, XinColor assumed_back_color, XinRect * clip_rct ); void XinWindowCheckBox( XinWindow win, BOOLEAN check ); /* NOTIMP */ void XinWindowCheckRadioButton( XinWindow win, XinWindow * wins, /* NOTIMP */ int nbr_windows ); BOOLEAN XinWindowClipGet( XinWindow win, XinRect * rect ); void XinWindowClipSet( XinWindow Win, XinRect * rect ); void XinWindowColorTextBackSet( XinWindow win, XinColor color ); /* Added Text */ void XinWindowColorTextForeSet( XinWindow win, XinColor color ); /* Added Text */ XinWindow XinWindowCreate( XinWindowDef * def ); void XinWindowCursorSet( XinWindow win, XinCursor cursor ); void XinWindowDestroy( XinWindow win ); XinDrawMode XinWindowDrawModeGet( XinWindow win ); void XinWindowDrawModeSet( XinWindow win, XinDrawMode mode ); XinDrawTools *XinWindowDrawToolsGet( XinWindow win, XinDrawTools * tools ); XinDrawTools *XinWindowDrawToolsNormalGet( XinDrawTools * tools ); void XinWindowDrawToolsSet( XinWindow win, XinDrawTools * tools ); XinWindow XinWindowDropDownParentGet( XinWindow creating_win ); void XinWindowEllipseDraw( XinWindow win, XinRect* rect ); void XinWindowEnable( XinWindow win, BOOLEAN enable ); /* NOTIMP */ void XinWindowEventUserSend( XinWindow win, long id, void *ptr ); void XinWindowFontMap( XinWindow win, XinFont * font ); XinWindow XinWindowFocusGet( void ); void XinWindowFocusSet( XinWindow win ); /* May be ineffective */ void XinWindowFrontSet( XinWindow win ); void XinWindowHotkeySet( XinWindow win, char ch ); void XinWindowIconDraw( XinWindow win, int x, int y, int icon_rid, XinColor fore_color, XinColor back_color ); void XinWindowLineDraw( XinWindow win, XinPoint * point ); void XinWindowLineMoveTo( XinWindow win, XinPoint * point ); void XinWindowMouseRelease( void ); void XinWindowMouseTrap( XinWindow win, BOOLEAN continuous_mouse_moves ); long XinWindowNativeGet( XinWindow win ); void XinWindowPaintForce( XinWindow win ); BOOLEAN XinWindowPaintNeeds( XinWindow win, XinRect * p_rect ); XinWindow XinWindowParentGet( XinWindow win ); void XinWindowPenSet( XinWindow win, XinPen * pen ); void XinWindowPieDraw( XinWindow win, XinRect* ellipse, XinPoint* start, XinPoint* stop ); void XinWindowPointsTranslate( XinWindow from_win, XinWindow to_win, XinPoint * points, int nbr_points ); void XinWindowPolygonDraw( XinWindow win, XinPoint* points, int nbr_points ); void XinWindowRectDraw( XinWindow win, XinRect * rect ); void XinWindowDottedRectDraw( XinWindow win, XinRect * rect ); /* Added by Guy */ XinRect *XinWindowRectGet( XinWindow win, XinRect * p_rect ); void XinWindowRectInvalidate( XinWindow win, XinRect * rect ); XinRect *XinWindowRectOuterGet( XinWindow win, XinRect * p_rect ); void XinWindowRectScroll( XinWindow win, XinRect * p_rect, int dh, int dv ); void XinWindowRectSet( XinWindow win, XinRect * rect ); void XinWindowRectTranslate( XinWindow from_win, XinWindow to_win, XinRect * rect ); XinWindow XinWindowScreenGet( void ); void XinWindowShow( XinWindow win, BOOLEAN show ); XinWindow XinWindowTaskGet( void ); void XinWindowTextOpaqueSet( XinWindow win, BOOLEAN opaque ); void XinWindowTextDraw( XinWindow win, XinFont * font, int x, int y, char *buf, int len ); void XinWindowTextRotateDraw( XinWindow win, XinFont* font, int x, int y, int rotation, char* buf, int len ); void XinWindowTimerKill( XinWindow win, long timer_id ); long XinWindowTimerSet( XinWindow win, long millisecs ); char *XinWindowTitleGet( XinWindow win ); void XinWindowTitleSet( XinWindow win, char *title ); #if XIWS == XIWS_XM long XinWindowGetWidget( XinWindow win ); /* Return value is really a * Widget */ #endif /* Scroll Bars */ int XinScrollBarPositionGet( XinWindow win, XinScrollBarType type ); void XinScrollBarPositionSet( XinWindow win, XinScrollBarType type, int position ); int XinScrollBarProportionGet( XinWindow win, XinScrollBarType type ); void XinScrollBarRangeGet( XinWindow win, XinScrollBarType type, int *p_min, int *p_max ); void XinScrollBarSet( XinWindow win, XinScrollBarType type, int min_val, int max_val, int proportion, int pos ); /* Clip Board */ BOOLEAN XinClipboardFormatAvail( XinClipboardFormat format ); void *XinClipboardGet( XinClipboardFormat format, long *size ); void XinClipboardPut( XinClipboardFormat format, long size, void *data ); /* Application */ void XinAppCleanup( void ); void XinAppQuitOk( void ); /* NOP on Motif */ void XinAppTerminate( void ); void XinAppSystemSetupInit( XinSystemSetup * setup ); void XinDebugPrintf( char *format,... ); /* NOTIMP */ void XinPendingEventsProcess( void ); /* Miscellaneous */ void XinBeep( void ); XinColor XinColorMake( int red, int green, int blue ); BOOLEAN XinStringMatch( char *string, char *pattern, BOOLEAN case_sensitive ); void XinCursorWait( void ); long XinMetricGet( XinMetricType type ); void XinCoalesceInvalidates( XinWindow win, BOOLEAN coalesce ); void XinInitBuffer( void ); #ifdef XI_USE_XVT void XinXvtEventGet( void *xvtp ); char *XinXvtEventTextGet( void *xvtp ); void XinXvtWindowRegister( XinWindow win, XinWindowEventHandler eh ); #endif /* Menus */ XinMenuItem *XinMenuAdd( XinMenu * menu, int index, XinMenuItem * item ); XinMenu *XinMenuCreate( void ); BOOLEAN XinMenuDelete( XinMenu * menu, int index ); XinMenu *XinMenuDuplicate( XinMenu * menu ); void XinMenuFree( XinMenu * menu ); XinMenuItem *XinMenuItemAdd( XinMenuItem * item, int index, XinMenuItem * child ); XinMenuItem *XinMenuItemCreate( char *text ); XinMenuItem *XinMenuItemDuplicate( XinMenuItem * item ); BOOLEAN XinMenuItemDelete( XinMenuItem * item, int index ); void XinMenuItemFree( XinMenuItem * item ); void XinMenuItemTextSet( XinMenuItem * item, char *text ); void XinWindowMenuFontSet( XinWindow win, XinFont * font ); /* NOTIMP */ XinMenu *XinWindowMenuGet( XinWindow win, XinMenuTag tag ); /* menubar if tag==0 */ void XinWindowMenuItemCheck( XinWindow win, XinMenuTag tag, BOOLEAN check ); void XinWindowMenuItemEnable( XinWindow win, XinMenuTag tag, BOOLEAN enable ); XinMenuItem *XinWindowMenuItemGet( XinWindow win, XinMenuTag tag ); BOOLEAN XinWindowMenuItemIsChecked( XinWindow win, XinMenuTag tag ); BOOLEAN XinWindowMenuItemIsEnabled( XinWindow win, XinMenuTag tag ); char *XinWindowMenuItemTextGet( XinWindow win, XinMenuTag tag ); void XinWindowMenuItemTextSet( XinWindow win, XinMenuTag tag, char *text ); void XinWindowMenuReplace( XinWindow win, XinMenuTag tag, XinMenu * menu ); /* menubar if tag==0 */ /* Fonts */ BOOLEAN XinFontBoldGet( XinFont * font ); void XinFontBoldSet( XinFont * font, BOOLEAN flag ); BOOLEAN XinFontCompare( XinFont * font1, XinFont * font2 ); void XinFontCopy( XinFont ** to, XinFont * from ); XinFont *XinFontCreate( void ); void XinFontDestroy( XinFont * font ); XinFontFamily XinFontFamilyGet( XinFont * font ); void XinFontFamilySet( XinFont * font, XinFontFamily family ); BOOLEAN XinFontIsMapped( XinFont * font ); BOOLEAN XinFontItalicGet( XinFont * font ); void XinFontItalicSet( XinFont * font, BOOLEAN flag ); void XinFontMetricsGet( XinFont * font, int *p_leading, int *p_ascent, int *p_descent ); int XinFontSizeGet( XinFont * font ); void XinFontSizeSet( XinFont * font, int size ); int XinFontTextWidthGet( XinFont * font, char *text, int len ); void XinFontNativeConvert( XinFont * font ); #ifdef XI_USE_XVT XinFont *XinFontXvtConvert( void *font_id ); void *XinFontXvtConvertBack( XinFont * font_id ); void XinFontXvtDestroy( void* font_id ); #endif void XinFontUnmap( XinFont* font_id ); /* RGM: Font unmap hack */ /* Bitmaps */ void XinBitmapDestroy( XinBitmap * bitmap ); XinBitmap *XinBitmapRead( char *filename ); XinBitmap *XinBitmapReadRes( short id ); void XinBitmapSizeGet( XinBitmap * bitmap, short *pwidth, short *pheight ); /* Printing */ XinRect *XinPrintBandNext( void ); BOOLEAN XinPrintPageEnd( XinPrintRecord * rec ); BOOLEAN XinPrintPageStart( XinPrintRecord * rec ); XinPrintRecord *XinPrintRecordCreate( int *p_size ); void XinPrintRecordDestroy( XinPrintRecord * rec ); BOOLEAN XinPrintRecordValidate( XinPrintRecord * rec ); BOOLEAN XinPrintThreadStart( XinPrintHandler func, long app_data ); XinWindow XinPrintWindowCreate( XinPrintRecord * rec, char *title ); void XinPrintWindowDestroy( XinWindow win ); void XinPrintRecordMetricsGet( XinPrintRecord * rec, long * height, long * width, long * vres, long * hres ); /* Files and Directories */ BOOLEAN XinDirectoryAbsoluteGet( char *full_name, XinDirectory * dir ); BOOLEAN XinDirectoryCurrentGet( XinDirectory * dir ); BOOLEAN XinDirectoryCurrentSet( XinDirectory * dir ); XinFileList *XinFileListGet( XinFileListSpec * spec ); /* NEW error handling */ typedef enum { XinSeverityWarning, XinSeverityFatal } XinSeverity; typedef BOOLEAN( *XinErrorHandler ) ( int errocde, XinSeverity severity, long app_data ); /* Note: return value of error handler is TRUE if app should terminate, FALSE to continue */ void XinError( int errcode, XinSeverity severity, long app_data ); XinErrorHandler XinErrorHandlerGet( void ); void XinErrorHandlerSet( XinErrorHandler handler ); BOOLEAN XinErrorDefaultHandler( int errcode, XinSeverity severity, long app_data ); void XinIconSizeGet( int icon_rid, int *widthp, int *heightp ); /* Native help (only implemented on Windows - these calls do nothing elsewhere) */ void XinHelpFileNameSet( char *filename ); char *XinHelpFileNameGet(); BOOLEAN XinNativeHelp( XinWindow win, char *help_key ); #ifdef __cplusplus } /* End of extern "C" */ #endif /* Range of errors used internally by Xin */ #define XIN_ERRCODE_INTERNAL_MIN 1000 #define XIN_ERRCODE_INTERNAL_MAX 2000 #endif