// ------------------------------------------------------------ // Calcolo liquidazioni // Part 1: interfaccia // fv 21-1-94 // ------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cg4300.h" #include "cg4300a.h" #include // Methods of _Iva11Array bool _Iva11Array::add(const real& val, const char* fld_name, int num_file) { const bool is_key = TAssoc_array::is_key(fld_name); if (!is_key) TAssoc_array::add(fld_name,(_Iva11Item*)new _Iva11Item,is_key); _Iva11Item& bi = (_Iva11Item&)find(fld_name); bi.value() += val; if (num_file != LF_TAB1100A) bi.file() = num_file; return TRUE; } bool _Iva11Array::sub(const real& val, const char* fld_name, int num_file) { const real v1 = val * (-1.0); return add(v1,fld_name, num_file); } void _Iva11Array::zero(const char* fld_name) { const bool is_key = TAssoc_array::is_key(fld_name); if (!is_key) TAssoc_array::add(fld_name,(_Iva11Item*) new _Iva11Item,is_key); _Iva11Item& bi = (_Iva11Item&)find(fld_name); bi.value() = 0.0; } // Methods of _ProrataItem void _ProrataItem::set(const int a, const real& c, const real& p, const bool fl) { _current_perc = c; _previous_ok = a < 1998 ? TRUE : fl; if (a > 1997 ) // Se siamo prima del 1997 la percentuale prec vale 0 if (!_previous_ok) // Se non ha trovato la percentuale anno precedente _previous_perc = c; // usa quella attuale ricordandosi la segnalazione else _previous_perc = p; } // Calcola prorata con percentuale attuale o corrente real _ProrataItem::calc_prorata(const real& acq, const bool current) { real prorata = acq * ((current ? _current_perc : _previous_perc) / 100.0); prorata.round(ROUND_LIRA); return prorata; } // Methods of application! real TLiquidazione_app::CENTO(100.0); inline TLiquidazione_app& app() { return (TLiquidazione_app&)main_app(); } TLiquidazione_app::TLiquidazione_app(int m) : _ditte(NULL), _selected(10000), _year(4), _nomiditte(100), _menu(m), _firm_bookmark(-1) { _isprint = _is_interactive = _canprint = TRUE; _isplafond = _printonly = _is_visliq = FALSE; _isvent = _isagricolo = _isbenzinaro = _isviaggio = FALSE; _row = 1; _what = all; _comp_acconto = FALSE; _isriepilogo = FALSE; _calcall = FALSE; _isfinal = _isregis = FALSE; _stampa_vers = _stampa_acc = FALSE; _recalc = needed; } bool TLiquidazione_app::user_create() { // vediamo se c'e' il messaggio per calcolare in batch TMailbox mail; TProgind* pnd = NULL; TMessage* msg = mail.next_s("RCL"); TToken_string subj(36); _is_interactive = msg == NULL; _recalc_only = FALSE; bool is_header = TRUE; int headerlen; TDate printdate; TString filename; long ditta; bool nocalc = FALSE; _prind = NULL; if (msg != NULL) subj = msg->body(); if (_is_interactive) pnd = new TProgind (3,"Preparazione archivi\nPrego attendere", FALSE, TRUE, 30); else begin_wait(); _nditte = new TRelation(LF_NDITTE); _nditte->add(LF_ATTIV,"CODDITTA=CODDITTA"); _nditte_r = &(_nditte->curr()); _att_r = &(_nditte->curr(LF_ATTIV)); _ditte = new TArray_sheet(-1, -1, -4, -4, "Selezione Ditte", "@1|Cod.@5R|Ragione Sociale@50|Vers.|Agr.Min"); _n_ditte = 0l; // Caro tab11, ricordati che un giorno sarai un file unico! _tab11 = new TRelation(LF_TAB1100A); _tab11->add(LF_TAB1100B,"TADITT=TADITT|TACATT=TACATT"); _tab11->write_enable(LF_TAB1100B); // Senno' col fischio che scrive i records // prevediamo la data che usera'; se calcola la liq. di un altro anno // si fottera' la frequenza versamenti if (_is_interactive) { TDate oggi(TODAY); _year.format("%d",oggi.year()); _month = oggi.month(); TConfig conf(CONFIG_STUDIO); _sind11 = conf.get_bool("Sind11"); } else // parse messaggio { _year = subj.get(0); _month = subj.get_int(1); ditta = subj.get_long(2); char rcl = *(subj.get(3)); _recalc_only = rcl == 'C'; _is_visliq = rcl == 'V'; // S/s = stampa senza ricalcolo (minuscolo = definitivo) // L/l = stampa con ricalcolo se necessario (minuscolo = definitivo) // C = solo ricalcolo // V = stampa ed ev. ricalcolo per visualizzazione // s o l minuscoli = registro bollato _isregis = (rcl == 'l' || rcl == 'L' || rcl == 'S' || rcl == 's'); // stampa per registri _isfinal = rcl == 'l' || rcl == 's'; // se l minuscolo, definitivo nocalc = rcl == 'S' || rcl == 's'; printdate = subj.get(4); filename = subj.get(5); char rliq = *(subj.get(6)); _riepilogo = rliq == 'X'; headerlen = subj.get_int(7); is_header = subj.items() == 8; //modifica del 5/07/1995 int f = printer().formlen(); printer().formlen(f - headerlen); //fine } if(pnd) pnd->addstatus(1); _rel = new TRelation(LF_MOV); _rel->add(LF_RMOVIVA,"NUMREG=NUMREG"); _rel->add(LF_PCON,"GRUPPO=GRUPPO|CONTO=CONTO",1,LF_RMOVIVA,AGR_PCON1); _rel->add(LF_PCON,"GRUPPO=GRUPPO|CONTO=CONTO|SOTTOCONTO=SOTTOCONTO",1,LF_RMOVIVA,AGR_PCON2); _rel->add(LF_CAUSALI,"CODCAUS=CODCAUS"); _cur = new TCursor(_rel, "", 2); _ver = new TInteressi_IVA_table(); _pim = new TTable("PIM"); _pum = new TTable("PUM"); _pam = new TTable("PAM"); _pom = new TTable("POM"); _ppa = new TTable("PPA"); _plm = new TTable("PLM"); _pia = new TTable("PIA"); _lim = new TTable("LIM"); _lam = new TTable("LAM"); _pla = new TTable("%PLA"); _reg = new TTable("REG"); _iva = new TTable("%IVA"); _del = new TTable("%DEL"); _lia = new TTable("%LIA"); _mov = &_cur->file(LF_MOV); _rmoviva = &_cur->file(LF_RMOVIVA); _pcon_1 = &_cur->file(-AGR_PCON1); _pcon_2 = &_cur->file(-AGR_PCON2); _pim_r = &(_pim->curr()); _plm_r = &(_plm->curr()); _pia_r = &(_pia->curr()); _pum_r = &(_pum->curr()); _pam_r = &(_pam->curr()); _pom_r = &(_pom->curr()); _iva_r = &(_iva->curr()); _del_r = &(_del->curr()); _lim_r = &(_lim->curr()); _lam_r = &(_lam->curr()); _pla_r = &(_pla->curr()); _ppa_r = &(_ppa->curr()); _reg_r = &(_reg->curr()); _mov_r = &(_mov->curr()); _rmoviva_r = &(_cur->curr(LF_RMOVIVA)); _pcon_1_r = &(_cur->curr(-AGR_PCON1)); _pcon_2_r = &(_cur->curr(-AGR_PCON2)); // ACHTUNG: tutti i _codatt (codici attivita') sono // in realta' composti dal codice attivita' piu' il // tipo attivita' (1 o 2) // sarebbe piu' saggio fare 2 campi ma ci vuole 1 vita _pim_anno = new TRecfield(*_pim_r,"CODTAB",0,3); _pim_codatt = new TRecfield(*_pim_r,"CODTAB",4,9); _pim_codreg = new TRecfield(*_pim_r,"CODTAB",10,12); _pim_mese = new TRecfield(*_pim_r,"CODTAB",13,14); _pim_tipocr = new TRecfield(*_pim_r,"CODTAB",15,15); _pim_codiva = new TRecfield(*_pim_r,"CODTAB",16,19); _pim_tipodet = new TRecfield(*_pim_r,"CODTAB",20,20); _pum_anno = new TRecfield(*_pum_r,"CODTAB",0,3); _pum_codatt = new TRecfield(*_pum_r,"CODTAB",4,9); _pum_mese = new TRecfield(*_pum_r,"CODTAB",10,11); _pam_anno = new TRecfield(*_pam_r,"CODTAB",0,3); _pam_codatt = new TRecfield(*_pam_r,"CODTAB",4,9); _pam_mese = new TRecfield(*_pam_r,"CODTAB",10,11); _pom_anno = new TRecfield(*_pom_r,"CODTAB",0,3); _pom_codatt = new TRecfield(*_pom_r,"CODTAB",4,9); _pom_mese = new TRecfield(*_pom_r,"CODTAB",10,11); _ppa_year = new TRecfield(*_ppa_r,"CODTAB",0,3); _ppa_codatt = new TRecfield(*_ppa_r,"CODTAB",4,9); _ppa_month = new TRecfield(*_ppa_r,"CODTAB",10,11); _ppa_kind = new TRecfield(*_ppa_r,"CODTAB",12,12); _plm_anno = new TRecfield(*_plm_r,"CODTAB",0,3); _plm_codatt = new TRecfield(*_plm_r,"CODTAB",4,9); _plm_mese = new TRecfield(*_plm_r,"CODTAB",10,11); _pia_anno = new TRecfield(*_pia_r,"CODTAB",0,3); _pia_codatt = new TRecfield(*_pia_r,"CODTAB",4,9); _pia_mese = new TRecfield(*_pia_r,"CODTAB",10,11); _pia_codord = new TRecfield(*_pia_r,"CODTAB",12,15); _pia_codcom = new TRecfield(*_pia_r,"CODTAB",16,19); _pla_ditta = new TRecfield(*_pla_r,"CODTAB",0,4); _pla_anno = new TRecfield(*_pla_r,"CODTAB",5,8); _pla_codatt = new TRecfield(*_pla_r,"CODTAB",9,14); _del_ditta = new TRecfield(*_del_r,"CODTAB",0,4); _del_anno = new TRecfield(*_del_r,"CODTAB",5,8); _del_mese = new TRecfield(*_del_r,"CODTAB",9,10); _del_tipo = new TRecfield(*_del_r,"CODTAB",11,11); _lim_anno = new TRecfield(*_lim_r,"CODTAB",0,3); _lim_mese = new TRecfield(*_lim_r,"CODTAB",4,6); _lam_anno = new TRecfield(*_lam_r,"CODTAB",0,3); _lam_mese = new TRecfield(*_lam_r,"CODTAB",4,6); __firm = TApplication::get_firm(); if (pnd) pnd->addstatus(1); if (_is_interactive) { build_nomiditte(pnd); build_ditte_sheet(all); } if (pnd) pnd->addstatus(1); TApplication::set_firm(__firm); set_real_picture(REAL_PICTURE); if (!_is_interactive) { TTemp_window w(TASK_WIN); if (_recalc_only) _isprint = FALSE; //else printer().set_export_file(filename, is_header, headerlen); else printer().set_export_file(filename, is_header); // calcola liquidazione printer().setdate(printdate); _recalc = nocalc ? never : needed; TApplication::set_firm(ditta); if (!look_lia()) { end_wait(); return FALSE; } _nditte->zero(); _nditte_r->put("CODDITTA", ditta); _nditte->read(); _freqviva = _lia->get("S7"); TRectype& mov = _cur->curr(); TRectype from(_cur->curr()); from.zero(); TRectype to(from); TDate f(1, 1, atoi(_year)); TDate t(1, _month == 13 ? 12 : _month, atoi(_year)); t.set_end_month(); from.put(MOV_DATAREG, f); to.put(MOV_DATAREG, t); _cur->setregion(from, to); _canprint = is_month_ok_strict(_month) || _month == 13; _isannual = _isriepilogo = _month == 13; //modifica del 03/05/1995 int need_refresh = FALSE; for (int m = 1; m < _month; m++) if (is_month_ok_strict(m) && (!look_lim(m) || !_lim->get_bool("B0"))) { need_refresh = TRUE; break; } if (need_refresh) _recalc = ever; // determina attivita' prevalente e istanzia cazzuole // per vedere che Kazzo di liquidazione calcolare TString attprev = _nditte->curr().get("CODATTPREV"); TLocalisamfile& atts = _nditte->lfile(LF_ATTIV); atts.zero(); atts.put("CODDITTA",ditta); atts.put("CODATT", attprev); if (atts.read() != NOERR) atts.zero(); // istanzia benzinaro _isbenzinaro = atts.get_bool("ART74_4"); // riaggiusta relazione _nditte->read(); for (int mese = 1; mese < _month; mese++) if (is_month_plain(mese) || _recalc == ever) update_firm(mese); if (is_month_plain(_month) || _month == 13) update_firm(_month); if (_isprint && _descr_arr.items() > 0) print(); if (!nocalc) { // se ci sono altri mesi dopo l'ultimo calcolato, invalida il // flag 'calcolato' del primo, per causare il ricalcolo dei // successivi (evitando problemi per credito precedente) for (m = _month+1; m <= 13; m++) if (look_lim(m)) { _lim->put("B0",""); _lim->rewrite(); break; } } TApplication::set_firm(__firm); end_wait(); } else delete pnd; return _is_interactive; } bool TLiquidazione_app::user_destroy() { delete _ditte; delete _pim_anno; delete _pim_codreg; delete _pim_mese; delete _pim_tipocr; delete _pim_codiva; delete _ppa_year; delete _ppa_codatt; delete _ppa_month; delete _ppa_kind; delete _plm_anno; delete _plm_codatt; delete _plm_mese; delete _pia_anno; delete _pia_codatt; delete _pia_mese; delete _pia_codord; delete _pia_codcom; delete _pum_anno; delete _pum_codatt; delete _pum_mese; delete _pam_codatt; delete _pam_anno; delete _pam_mese; delete _pom_codatt; delete _pom_anno; delete _pom_mese; delete _lim_anno; delete _lim_mese; delete _lam_anno; delete _lam_mese; delete _pla_anno; delete _pla_codatt; delete _pim_codatt; delete _del_ditta; delete _del_anno; delete _del_mese; delete _del_tipo; delete _ver; delete _pim; delete _pum; delete _pam; delete _pom; delete _ppa; delete _plm; delete _pia; delete _lim; delete _lam; delete _pla; delete _del; delete _tab11; delete _nditte; delete _rel; delete _cur; return TRUE; } bool TLiquidazione_app::set_print(int) { _descr_arr.destroy(); _errors.destroy(); _reg_arr.destroy(); _codiva_arr.destroy(); switch(_menu) { case 1: // liquidazione _isprint = TRUE; while (set_liquidazione()) { if (_selected.ones() > 0l) { TRectype& mov = _cur->curr(); TRectype from(_cur->curr()); from.zero(); TRectype to(from); TDate f(1, 1, atoi(_year)); TDate t(1, _month == 13 ? 12 : _month, atoi(_year)); t.set_end_month(); from.put(MOV_DATAREG, f); to.put(MOV_DATAREG, t); _cur->setregion(from, to); return recalc_all() && _isprint; } else warning_box("Nessuna ditta selezionata!"); } break; case 2: // estrazione deleghe _isprint = FALSE; _selected.reset(); _ditte->check(-1, FALSE); build_ditte_sheet(all); while (set_deleghe()) { if (_calcall || _selected.ones() > 0l) { TRectype & mov = _cur->curr(); TRectype from(_cur->curr()); from.zero(); TRectype to(from); TDate f(1, _recalc == one ? _month : 1, atoi(_year)); TDate t(1, _month == 13 ? 12 : _month, atoi(_year)); t.set_end_month(); from.put(MOV_DATAREG, f); to.put(MOV_DATAREG, t); _cur->setregion(from, to); extract_deleghe(); return _isprint; } else warning_box("Nessuna ditta selezionata!"); } break; case 3: // calcolo acconto _isprint = TRUE; _month = 12; _selected.reset(); _ditte->check(-1, FALSE); build_ditte_sheet(all); real inf; real ina; // cotale obbrobrio non fu da me cercato, ne' mai condiviso while (set_acconto(inf, ina)) { if (_calcall || _selected.ones() > 0l) { TRectype & mov = _cur->curr(); TRectype from(_cur->curr()); from.zero(); TRectype to(from); TDate f(1, _recalc == one ? _month : 1, atoi(_year)); TDate t(1, _month == 13 ? 12 : _month, atoi(_year)); t.set_end_month(); from.put(MOV_DATAREG, f); to.put(MOV_DATAREG, t); _cur->setregion(from, to); recalc_acconti(inf, ina); return _isprint; } else warning_box("Nessuna ditta selezionata!"); } break; } return FALSE; } long TLiquidazione_app::select_firm_range(long from, long to, wht freq) { if (to == 0l) to = 99999L; for (int i = 0; i < _ditte->items(); i++) { if (_ditte->row_disabled(i)) continue; TToken_string& d = _ditte->row(i); const char vers = d.get_char(3); if (vers == '?' || (freq == mnt && vers == 'T') || (freq == trimestre && vers == 'M')) continue; const long cod = d.get_long(1); if (cod >= from && cod <= to) { _selected.set(i); _ditte->check(i); } else { _selected.set(i,FALSE); _ditte->uncheck(i); } } return _selected.ones(); } // ----------------------------------------------- handlers bool TLiquidazione_app::ch_year_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY key) { if (key == K_TAB && f.focusdirty()) { app().begin_wait(); app().reset_choices(f.mask()); app().set_year(f.get()); app().build_nomiditte(); app().build_ditte_sheet(f.mask().source_file() == "cg4300a.msk" ? (wht)atoi(f.mask().get(CG43_RDB_VERS)) : all); app().end_wait(); } return TRUE; } void TLiquidazione_app::build_nomiditte(TProgind* pnd) { _nomiditte.destroy(); // ricostruire _nomiditte e rifare build_ditte_sheet TLocalisamfile& dt = _nditte->lfile(); for (dt.first(); !dt.eof(); dt.next()) { // check no archivi bool good = prefix().exist(dt.get_long("CODDITTA")); if (good) { // check no parametri liquidazione if (!look_lia(dt.get_long("CODDITTA"))) good = FALSE; } else continue; TToken_string* d = new TToken_string(64); // add record d->add(dt.get("CODDITTA")); d->add(dt.get("RAGSOC")); if (good) { d->add(_lia->get("S7")); d->add(_lia->get("B2")); } else { d->add("??"); d->add("??"); } _nomiditte.add(d); } if (pnd) pnd->addstatus(1); } bool TLiquidazione_app::to_ditt_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY key) { TMask& m = f.mask(); if (key == K_F9) { TArray_sheet* sh = app().get_ditte_sheet(); TMask& m = f.mask(); sh->disable_check(); sh->disable(DLG_USER); if (sh->run() == K_ENTER) { app().select_firm_range(m.get_long(CG43_FLD_DFR),sh->row(sh->selected()).get_long(1), (wht)m.get_int(CG43_RDB_VERS)); app().set_choice_limits(m); } sh->enable(DLG_USER); } if (key == K_TAB && f.focusdirty()) { const long l = app().select_firm_range(m.get_long(CG43_FLD_DFR), m.get_long(CG43_FLD_DTO), (wht)m.get_int(CG43_RDB_VERS)); app().set_choice_limits(m); m.field(CG43_FLD_SELECTED).set(format("%ld", l)); } return TRUE; } bool TLiquidazione_app::fr_ditt_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY key) { TMask& m = f.mask(); if (key == K_F9) { TMask& m = f.mask(); TArray_sheet* sh = ((TLiquidazione_app&)main_app()).get_ditte_sheet(); sh->disable_check(); sh->disable(DLG_USER); if (sh->run() == K_ENTER) { app().select_firm_range(sh->row(sh->selected()).get_long(1), m.get_long(CG43_FLD_DTO), (wht)m.get_int(CG43_RDB_VERS)); app().set_choice_limits(m); } sh->enable(DLG_USER); } else if (key == K_TAB && f.focusdirty()) { const long l = app().select_firm_range(m.get_long(CG43_FLD_DFR), m.get_long(CG43_FLD_DTO), (wht)m.get_int(CG43_RDB_VERS)); app().set_choice_limits(m); m.set(CG43_FLD_SELECTED, l); } return TRUE; } bool TLiquidazione_app::what_freq_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY key) { if (key == K_SPACE) { int month = f.mask().get_int(CG43_LST_MESE); if (f.get()[0] == '3') // trimestre intelligente { if (month > 3) while (!is_trim(month)) month--; else month = 3; f.mask().field(CG43_LST_TRIM).set(format("%d",month)); } app().set_month(month); app().reset_choices(f.mask()); app().build_ditte_sheet((wht)atoi(f.get())); } return TRUE; } bool TLiquidazione_app::lst_tm_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY key) { if (f.to_check(key)) { const int m = atoi(f.get()); TMask& msk = f.mask(); if (m == 13) { msk.field(CG43_LST_CALC).set("2"); msk.field(CG43_LST_CALC).disable(); } else // Abilita il ricalcolo solo se non e' richiesta esplicitamente la sola stampa if (!msk.get_bool(CG43_CHK_FINAL)) msk.field(CG43_LST_CALC).enable(); const bool change = (app()._month != 13 && m == 13) || (app()._month == 13 && m != 13); if (change) { app().begin_wait(); app().reset_choices(f.mask()); app().set_month(m); app().build_ditte_sheet(f.mask().source_file() == "cg4300a.msk" ? (wht)atoi(f.mask().get(CG43_RDB_VERS)) : all); app().end_wait(); } } return TRUE; } bool TLiquidazione_app::select_button(TMask_field& f, KEY key) { if (key == K_SPACE) { app()._ditte->enable_check(); // seleziona e aggiungi alle gia' selezionate if (app()._ditte->run() == K_ENTER) { const long itms = app()._ditte->items(); for (long j = 0l; j < itms; j++) app()._selected.set(j, app()._ditte->checked(j)); app().set_choice_limits(f.mask()); } } return TRUE; } bool TLiquidazione_app::reset_button(TMask_field& f, KEY key) { if (key == K_SPACE) app().reset_choices(f.mask()); return TRUE; } bool TLiquidazione_app::chk_final_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY key) { if (key == K_SPACE) { TMask& m = f.mask(); // Abilita solo se il mese di ricalcolo e' != 13 (annuale) e non e' checkkato il campo int vers = m.get_int(CG43_RDB_VERS); int mese = vers == 3 ? m.get_int(CG43_LST_TRIM) : m.get_int(CG43_LST_MESE); const bool abilita = !m.get_bool(CG43_CHK_FINAL) && mese != 13; m.enable(CG43_LST_CALC, abilita); } return TRUE; } void TLiquidazione_app::reset_choices(TMask& m) { _selected.reset(); if (m.source_file() == "cg4300a.msk") { m.reset(CG43_FLD_SELECTED); m.reset(CG43_FLD_DFR); m.reset(CG43_FLD_DTO); } _ditte->check(-1, FALSE); } void TLiquidazione_app::set_choice_limits(TMask& m) { long first = -1l, last = -1l; for (int i = 0; i < _ditte->items(); i++) { if (_selected[i]) { const long dit = _ditte->row(i).get_long(1); if (first == -1l) first = dit; if (last < dit) last = dit; } } if (first != -1) m.set(CG43_FLD_DFR, first); if (last != -1) m.set(CG43_FLD_DTO, last); m.set(CG43_FLD_SELECTED, _selected.ones()); } void TLiquidazione_app::build_ditte_sheet(wht what) { // build sheet const int items = _nomiditte.items(); _ditte->destroy(); _what = what; for (int i = 0; i < items; i++) { TToken_string* d = new TToken_string(64); *d = (TToken_string&)_nomiditte[i]; const char vers = d->get_char(2); const bool agr = d->get_char(3) == 'X'; bool unselectable = vers == '?' || (_year > "1997" && _month < 13 && agr); if ((what == mnt && vers == 'T') || (what == trimestre && vers == 'M')) continue; d->insert(" |", 0); const long pos = _ditte->add(d); if (unselectable) _ditte->disable_row(pos); else { _ditte->enable_row(pos); if (_selected[i]) _ditte->check(pos); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------- bool TLiquidazione_app::set_liquidazione() { TMask m("cg4300a.msk"); m.set_handler(CG43_FLD_DTO, to_ditt_handler); m.set_handler(CG43_FLD_DFR, fr_ditt_handler); m.set_handler(CG43_RDB_VERS, what_freq_handler); m.set_handler(CG43_FLD_ANNO, ch_year_handler); m.set_handler(CG43_LST_MESE, lst_tm_handler); m.set_handler(CG43_LST_TRIM, lst_tm_handler); m.set_handler(CG43_BUT_SEL, select_button); m.set_handler(CG43_BUT_ANN, reset_button); m.set_handler(CG43_CHK_FINAL, chk_final_handler); m.field(CG43_FLD_SELECTED).set(format("%ld",_selected.ones())); m.field(CG43_FLD_ANNO).set(_year); set_choice_limits(m); KEY k; // stampa abilitata per default m.set(CG43_CHK_STAMPA,"X"); _month = m.get_int(CG43_LST_MESE); do { m.field(CG43_RDB_VERS).set(format("%d",(int)_what)); if ((k = m.run()) == K_ESC) break; // handlers have set everything _month = _what == trimestre ? m.get_int(CG43_LST_TRIM) : m.get_int(CG43_LST_MESE); _year = m.get(CG43_FLD_ANNO); _date = m.get(CG43_FLD_DATA); _isprint = m.get_bool(CG43_CHK_STAMPA); _recalc = (recalc)m.get_long(CG43_LST_CALC); _printonly = m.get_bool(CG43_CHK_FINAL); if (_isprint) printer().setdate(_date); if (_printonly) _recalc = never; // ------------------------------------------------ //m.first_focus(k); } while (k != K_ENTER && k != K_ESC); return k == K_ENTER; } int cg4300(int argc, char* argv[]) { TApplication::check_parameters(argc, argv); const char* title = "Liquidazione IVA"; int menu = 1; if (argc > 2) { const char mode = argv[2][1]; switch (mode) { case 'A': title = "Calcolo acconti"; menu = 3; break; case 'C': title = "Ricalcolo progressivi IVA"; break; case 'D': title = "Estrazione versamenti"; menu = 2; break; case 'S': title = "Stampa liquidazione"; break; default: break; } } TLiquidazione_app* main_app = new TLiquidazione_app(menu); main_app->run(argc, argv, title); delete main_app; return TRUE; }