/* DEC *ConvDegreesToRadians(rad, deg); * * ARGUMENT * DEC *rad; * DEC *deg; * * DESCRIPTION * Converts an angle deg, in degrees, to radians, * storing the result in rad. * * SIDE EFFECTS * None. * * RETURNS * rad if successful, otherwise GM_NULL * * POSSIBLE ERRORS * GM_NULLPOINTER * GM_INIT * GM_UNDERFLOW * * AUTHOR * Jared Levy * Copyright (C) 1988-1990 Greenleaf Software Inc. All rights reserved. * * MODIFICATIONS * * */ #include <stdio.h> #include "gmsystem.h" DEC *ConvDegreesToRadians(rad, deg) DEC *rad; DEC *deg; { _MacStart(GM_DRAD); (void) _MulDec80Bit( rad, &decPiOver180, deg ); (void) _Sq5UnsTo4Uns( rad ); _MacRet( rad ); }