#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Metodi di accesso globali all'applicazione corrente /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HIDDEN TApplication* _application = NULL; HIDDEN long savefirm = 0; TApplication* MainApp() { CHECK(_application, "NULL application!"); return _application; } TApplication& main_app() { CHECK(_application, "NULL application!"); return *_application; } bool xvt_running() { return _application != NULL; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gestione dello sfondo della finestra principale /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HIDDEN long backdrop_eh( WINDOW win, EVENT* ep) { #if XVTWS == WMWS clear_window( win, COLOR_BLUE ); #else clear_window( win, COLOR_GRAY ); #endif return 0L; } HIDDEN void create_backdrop( void ) { #if XVTWS == WMWS xvt_escape(XVT_ESC_CH_COLOR, XVT_CH_CLR_MENU, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE); xvt_escape(XVT_ESC_CH_COLOR, XVT_CH_CLR_DIALOG, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_WHITE); xvt_escape(XVT_ESC_CH_COLOR, XVT_CH_CLR_WINDOW, COLOR_RED, COLOR_WHITE); xvt_escape(XVT_ESC_CH_COLOR, XVT_CH_CLR_CONTROL, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE); xvt_escape(XVT_ESC_CH_COLOR, XVT_CH_CLR_DISABLED, COLOR_GRAY, COLOR_WHITE); xvt_escape(XVT_ESC_CH_COLOR, XVT_CH_CLR_MNEMONIC, COLOR_RED, COLOR_WHITE); RCT rct; get_client_rect( SCREEN_WIN, &rct ); create_window(W_PLAIN, &rct, (char*) "BACKDROP", 0, TASK_WIN, WSF_NO_MENUBAR | WSF_CH_BACKDROP , EM_UPDATE, backdrop_eh, 0L ); #else xvt_create_statbar(); xvt_statbar_set(""); #endif } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gestione del banner iniziale /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TBanner : public TWindow { protected: virtual void handler(WINDOW win, EVENT* ep); public: TBanner(); ~TBanner(); }; TBanner::TBanner() { create(-1, 6, 72, 6, "BANNER", WSF_NONE, W_PLAIN); hide_brush(); open_modal(); do_events(); } TBanner::~TBanner() { close_modal(); } void TBanner::handler(WINDOW win, EVENT* ep) { if (ep->type == E_UPDATE) { clear(COLOR_LTGRAY); RCT r; get_client_rect(win, &r); set_color(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_LTGRAY); set_font(FF_TIMES, FS_BOLD | FS_ITALIC, CHARY<<1); char* t = (char*)(const char*)main_app().title(); int w = win_get_text_width(win, t, -1); int x = (r.right-r.left-w)>>1, y = r.bottom - 4*CHARY; win_draw_text(win, x+1, y+1, t, -1); set_color(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_LTGRAY); win_draw_text(win, x, y, t, -1); set_font(FF_TIMES); t = "PRASSI S.p.A."; w = win_get_text_width(win, t, -1); x = (r.right-r.left-w)>>1, y = 2*CHARY; win_draw_text(win, x, y, t, -1); t = "Caricamento in corso"; w = win_get_text_width(win, t, -1); x = (r.right-r.left-w)>>1, y = r.bottom - 2*CHARY; win_draw_text(win, x, y, t, -1); r.left += 4; r.right -= 4; r.top += 4; r.bottom -= 4; set_pen(COLOR_BLACK); win_draw_rect(win, &r); offset_rect(&r, 1, 1); set_pen(COLOR_WHITE); win_draw_rect(win, &r); win_draw_icon(win, CHARX<<1, CHARX<<1, ICON_RSRC); } else TWindow::handler(win, ep); } #if XVT_OS == XVT_OS_WIN /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gestione dei processi per Windows(R) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include const word WM_WAKEUP = RegisterWindowMessage("WAKEUP"); DWORD waiting_for = 0; HIDDEN BOOLEAN waiting_event_hook(HWND, WORD msg, WORD, DWORD lparam, long far* ret) { if (msg == WM_WAKEUP) { if( lparam == waiting_for || lparam == 0) { waiting_for = 0L; TTemp_window tw(TASK_WIN); tw.maximize(); } *ret = 0; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } HIDDEN DWORD name2id(const char* name) { waiting_for = 0L; for (int i = 0; i < 5 && name[i] > ' '; i++) { waiting_for <<= 6; waiting_for |= toupper(name[i]) - '0'; } return waiting_for; } void TApplication::wait_for(const char* command) { TTemp_window tw(TASK_WIN); tw.iconize(); name2id(cmd2name(command)); const long old_hook = get_value(TASK_WIN, ATTR_EVENT_HOOK); set_value(TASK_WIN, ATTR_EVENT_HOOK, (long)waiting_event_hook); while (waiting_for) do_events(); // We need to restore these things set_value(TASK_WIN, ATTR_EVENT_HOOK, old_hook); xvt_statbar_refresh(); } void TApplication::wake_up_caller() const { name2id(name()); SendMessage(-1, WM_WAKEUP, 0, waiting_for); } #endif long TApplication::task_eh(WINDOW win, EVENT *ep) { switch (ep->type) { case E_CREATE: create_backdrop(); #if defined(DBG) && XVT_OS == XVT_OS_SCOUNIX message_box("Attach to process %d ...", getpid()); #endif do_events(); break; #if XVT_OS == XVT_OS_WIN case E_UPDATE: backdrop_eh(win, ep); break; #endif default: break; } return _application->handler(win, ep); } long TApplication::handler(WINDOW, EVENT* ep) { switch (ep->type) { case E_CREATE: { bool ok = FALSE; { TBanner banner; ok = create(); } if (!ok) stop_run(); } break; case E_COMMAND: { const MENU_TAG mt = ep->v.cmd.tag; switch(mt) { case M_FILE_QUIT: if (can_close()) stop_run(); break; case M_FILE_PG_SETUP: printer().set(); break; case M_FILE_PRINT: print(); break; case M_FILE_NEW: set_firm(); break; case M_FILE_REVERT: config(); break; case (M_FILE+11): about(); break; default: if (mt >= BAR_ITEM(1)) { if(!menu(mt)) stop_run(); } break; } } break; case E_CLOSE: if (can_close()) stop_run(); break; case E_QUIT: if (ep->v.query) { if (can_close()) quit_OK(); } else stop_run(); break; default: break; } return 0L; } void TApplication::stop_run() { if (savefirm) prefhndl->set_codditta(savefirm); terminate(); xvt_terminate(); } TApplication::TApplication() : _printer(NULL) { init_global_vars(); _bar = TASK_MENUBAR; } TApplication::~TApplication() {} TPrinter* TApplication::set_printer(TPrinter* p) { TPrinter* printer = _printer; _printer = p; return printer; } TPrinter& TApplication::printer() { if (_printer == NULL) _printer = new TPrinter; return *_printer; } bool TApplication::create() { return TRUE; } bool TApplication::destroy() { return TRUE; } void TApplication::terminate() { #if XVT_OS == XVT_OS_WIN wake_up_caller(); // Manda il segnale di risveglio al chiamante #endif close_all_dialogs(); _application->destroy(); // Distruzione files e maschere do_events(); if (_printer != NULL) // Distruzione dell'eventuale stampante { if (printer().isopen()) printer().close(); delete _printer; _printer = NULL; } free_global_vars(); // Distruzione variabili globali customize_controls(FALSE); // Rilascio eventuali DLL } const char* TApplication::get_module_name() const { TScanner scanner("prassi.aut"); bool ok = FALSE; for (int aut = 0; scanner.line() != ""; aut++) if (strncmp(scanner.token(), _name, 2) == 0) { ok = TRUE; break; } const char* module = scanner.token().mid(3); if (ok) ok = has_module(aut); if (!ok) fatal_box("Il modulo '%s' non e' autorizzato", module); return module; } void TApplication::run(int argc, char* argv[], const char* title) { TFilename base(argv[0]); base.ext(""); base.lower(); _title = title; __argc = argc; __argv = (const char**)argv; int addbar; if (argc > 1) { addbar = atoi(argv[1]+1); _name = cmd2name(argv[0], argv[1]); } else { addbar = 0; _name = cmd2name(argv[0]); } TString80 caption; caption << "PRASSI S.p.A. - " << get_module_name(); static XVT_CONFIG cfg; cfg.base_appl_name = (char*)base.name(); cfg.appl_name = (char*)(const char*)_title; cfg.taskwin_title = (char*)(const char*)caption; cfg.menu_bar_ID = TASK_MENUBAR+addbar; cfg.about_box_ID = 0; customize_controls(TRUE); _application = this; xvt_system(argc, argv, 0L, task_eh, &cfg); } // About box: risposta alla opzione Informazioni del menu File void TApplication::about() const { #include const TFilename n(__argv[0]); message_box("PRASSI Versione Beta %4.2f\nProgramma %s\nLibreria del %s", VERSION, (const char*)n.name(), __DATE__); } // Risposta alla selezione Stampa del menu File void TApplication::print() { #ifdef DBG error_box("Non saprei bene cosa stampare!"); #endif } void TApplication::check_menu_item(MENU_TAG item) { win_menu_check(TASK_WIN, item, TRUE); win_update_menu_bar(TASK_WIN); } void TApplication::uncheck_menu_item(MENU_TAG item) { win_menu_check(TASK_WIN, item, FALSE); win_update_menu_bar(TASK_WIN); } void TApplication::enable_menu_item(MENU_TAG item, bool on) { win_menu_enable(TASK_WIN, item, on); win_update_menu_bar(TASK_WIN); } void TApplication::dispatch_e_menu(MENU_TAG item) { #if XVT_OS == XVT_OS_WIN HWND w = (HWND)get_value(TASK_WIN, ATTR_NATIVE_WINDOW); PostMessage(w, WM_COMMAND, item, 0L); #else EVENT e; e.type = E_COMMAND; e.v.cmd.tag = item; e.v.cmd.shift = e.v.cmd.control = 0; dispatch_event(TASK_WIN, &e); #endif } bool TApplication::has_module(int module) const { return (bool)CGetAut(module); } long TApplication::get_firm() const { return prefhndl->get_codditta(); } const char* TApplication::get_firm_dir() const { return format("%s%s", __ptprf, prefhndl->name()); } bool TApplication::set_firm(long newfirm) { disable_menu_item(M_FILE_NEW); const long oldfirm = get_firm(); if (newfirm < 1) { TMask mask("bagn002"); mask.send_key(K_CTRL+K_SHIFT+(extended_firm() ? 's' : 'h'), -2); const KEY k = mask.run(); enable_menu_item(M_FILE_NEW); if (k == K_ENTER) { newfirm = mask.get_long(F_CODDITTA); const int tipodir = mask.get_int(F_TIPO); if (tipodir > 0) { if (savefirm == 0) savefirm = oldfirm; prefhndl->set(tipodir == 1 ? "com" : ""); return TRUE; } } } if (newfirm == oldfirm || newfirm < 1) return newfirm > 0; if (prefhndl->test(newfirm)) { prefhndl->set_codditta(newfirm); savefirm = 0; } return TRUE; } bool TApplication::config() // gestisce le voci di configurazione // le si passa il file in cui cercare il proprio // paragrafo (comunque relativo alla ditta) // se non c'e', viene creato copiando il default // la variabile EdMask di quel paragrafo specifica // la maschera da usare { TConfig cnf(CONFIG_DITTA); bool ok = FALSE; TString80 maskname(cnf.get("EdMask")); if (!maskname.empty()) { TMask m(maskname); // carica campi for (int i = 0; i < m.fields(); i++) { TMask_field& f = m.fld(i); const TFieldref* fref = f.field(); if (fref != NULL) { const char* fname = fref->name(); if (fname != NULL) { TString& oldvl = cnf.get(fname); if (!oldvl.empty()) f.set(oldvl); } } } // run mask disable_menu_item(M_FILE_NEW); disable_menu_item(M_FILE_REVERT); if (m.run() == K_ENTER) { // aggiusta campi for (i = 0; i < m.fields(); i++) { TMask_field& f = m.fld(i); if (f.dirty()) { const TFieldref* fref = f.field(); if (fref != NULL) { const char* fname = fref->name(); const char* value = f.get(); const char* oldvl = cnf.get(fname); if (change_config(fname,oldvl,value)) cnf.set(fname, value, NULL, TRUE); } } } ok = TRUE; } else ok = FALSE; enable_menu_item(M_FILE_NEW); enable_menu_item(M_FILE_REVERT); return ok; } return warning_box("Nessun parametro da configurare"); } bool TApplication::change_config(const char* var, const char* oldv, const char* newv) { return TRUE; }