/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* | PDFlib - A library for generating PDF on the fly | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2006 Thomas Merz and PDFlib GmbH. All rights reserved. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | This software is subject to the PDFlib license. It is NOT in the | | public domain. Extended versions and commercial licenses are | | available, please check http://www.pdflib.com. | | | *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* $Id: p_generr.h,v 1.3 2008-10-20 14:34:15 guy Exp $ * * PDFlib error messages * */ #define P_GENERR_H #if pdf_genNames #define gen(n, num, nam, msg) PDF_E_##nam = num, #elif pdf_genInfo #define gen(n, num, nam, msg) { n, num, msg, (const char *) 0 }, #else #error invalid inclusion of generator file #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Configuration (20xx) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ gen(0, 2000, UNSUPP_CRYPT, "Encryption not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2002, UNSUPP_KERNING, "Kerning not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2003, UNSUPP_FONTINFO, "Font info not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2004, UNSUPP_SUBSET, "Subsetting not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2006, UNSUPP_PDFX, "PDF/X not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(1, 2008, UNSUPP_IMAGE, "$1 images not supported in this configuration") gen(0, 2010, UNSUPP_ICC, "ICC profiles not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2012, UNSUPP_UNICODE, "Unicode and glyph id addressing not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2014, UNSUPP_SPOTCOLOR, "Spot colors not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2015, UNSUPP_ICCBASEDCOLOR, "ICC based or Lab colors not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2016, UNSUPP_PDI, "PDF import (PDI) not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2017, UNSUPP_PDI_CONFIG, "PDF import (PDI) not supported in this configuration") gen(0, 2018, UNSUPP_BLOCK, "Personalization with blocks not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2019, UNSUPP_BLOCK_CONFIG, "Personalization with blocks not supported in this configuration") gen(0, 2020, UNSUPP_FORMFIELDS, "Form fields not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2021, UNSUPP_JAVASCRIPT, "JavaScript not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2022, UNSUPP_MC, "Marked content not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2024, UNSUPP_TAGGED, "Tagged PDF not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2026, UNSUPP_LAYER, "Optional content (layers) not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2028, UNSUPP_TEXTFLOWS, "Textflow not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2029, UNSUPP_GLYPHCHECK, "Glyph check not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2030, UNSUPP_CHARREF, "Character references not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2031, UNSUPP_ESCAPESEQU, "Escape sequences not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2032, UNSUPP_JPEG2000, "JPEG2000 images not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2033, UNSUPP_TABLES, "Tables not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2034, UNSUPP_3DANNOT, "3D annotations not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2035, UNSUPP_HONORLANG, "LANG environment variable not supported in PDFlib Lite") gen(0, 2098, BETA_EXPIRED, "PDFlib 6 beta expired -- get latest version at www.pdflib.com") /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Document, page, scoping, resource and matchbox (21xx) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ gen(1, 2100, DOC_SCOPE, "Function must not be called in '$1' scope") gen(1, 2102, DOC_FUNCUNSUPP, "Function not supported for '$1'") gen(2, 2104, DOC_PDFVERSION, "$1 not supported in PDF $2") gen(0, 2106, DOC_EMPTY, "Generated document doesn't contain any pages") gen(0, 2110, PAGE_SIZE_ACRO, "Page size incompatible with Acrobat") gen(2, 2112, PAGE_BADBOX, "Illegal $1 [$2]") gen(0, 2114, PAGE_ILLCHGSIZE, "Page size cannot be changed in top-down coordinate system") gen(2, 2120, RES_BADRES, "Bad resource specification '$1' for category '$2'") gen(2, 2122, DOC_SCOPE_GET, "Can't get parameter '$1' in '$2' scope") gen(2, 2124, DOC_SCOPE_SET, "Can't set parameter '$1' in '$2' scope") gen(1, 2126, PAGE_NOSUSPEND, "Page number $1 has not been suspended") gen(2, 2128, PAGE_NOSUSPEND2, "Page number $1 in group '$2' has not been suspended") gen(1, 2130, PAGE_ILLNUMBER, "Illegal page number $1") gen(1, 2132, PAGE_NOTEXIST, "Page number $1 does not exist") gen(2, 2134, PAGE_NOTEXIST2, "Page number $1 in group '$2' does not exist") gen(0, 2136, PAGE_NEEDGROUP, "No page group specified") gen(0, 2138, PAGE_NEEDGROUP2, "No page group specified (use PDF_begin_page_ext)") gen(1, 2140, DOC_UNKNOWNGROUP, "Unknown page group '$1'") gen(1, 2142, DOC_GROUPMISSING, "Page group '$1' is missing in list of option 'grouporder'") gen(0, 2144, DOC_OPTGROUPORDER, "Option 'grouporder' is illegal (no page groups are specified)") gen(1, 2146, DOC_DUPLGROUP, "Duplicate definition of group '$1' in option 'grouporder'") gen(1, 2148, DOC_ILL_LABELOPT, "Label option '$1' is illegal for this function") gen(1, 2150, DOC_NEED_LABELOPT, "Option 'labels' requires suboption '$1' if used with this function") gen(1, 2152, PAGE_TRANS_COMPAT, "Page transition '$1' requires PDF 1.5") gen(1, 2154, PAGE_ILLROTATE, "Option 'rotate' has illegal value $1") gen(0, 2156, PAGE_SUSPEND_TAGGED, "This function must not be used in Tagged PDF mode") gen(0, 2158, PAGE_SEP_NOSPOT, "Option 'separationinfo' requires 'spotname' or 'spotcolor'") gen(0, 2160, PAGE_SEP_ILLPAGES, "Option 'separationinfo' must not use 'pages' if not first page in group") gen(0, 2162, PAGE_SEP_NOPAGES, "Option 'separationinfo' requires 'pages'") gen(0, 2164, PAGE_SEP_NOINFO, "Option 'separationinfo' missing") gen(0, 2166, DOC_SEP_INCOMPLETE, "Incomplete separation group") gen(0, 2168, PAGE_TOPDOWN_NODIMS, "Must specify page dimensions with option 'topdown'") gen(0, 2170, PAGE_NODIMS, "No dimensions specified for this page") gen(0, 2172, DOC_GETBUF_2GB, "Can't process buffers larger than 2GB on this platform") gen(1, 2174, PAGE_SUSPENDED, "Page number $1 is still suspended") gen(0, 2176, DOC_GETBUF_LIN, "Don't fetch buffer contents before PDF_end_document() when linearizing") gen(1, 2178, PAGE_ILLREF, "A link annotation refers to non-existing page '$1'") gen(0, 2180, DOC_NOLINOPT_ENCATT, "Optimization/linearization not supported for encrypted file attachments") gen(1, 2190, MBOX_NOTFOUND, "Matchbox '$1' not found") /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Graphics and Text (22xx) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ gen(0, 2200, GSTATE_UNMATCHEDSAVE, "Unmatched save level") gen(0, 2202, GSTATE_RESTORE, "Invalid restore (no matching save level)") gen(1, 2204, GSTATE_SAVELEVEL, "Too many save levels (max. $1)") gen(0, 2210, PATTERN_SELF, "Can't use a pattern within its own definition") gen(0, 2212, SHADING13, "Smooth shadings are not supported in PDF 1.3") gen(1, 2220, TEMPLATE_SELF, "Can't place template handle $1 within its own definition") gen(1, 2222, TEXT_ALIGNCHARNOTFOUND, "Character U+$1 for option 'alignchar' not found in font or encoding") /* UNUSED gen(1, 2230, TEXT_UNICODENOTSHOW, "Can't show character with Unicode value U+$1") gen(1, 2232, TEXT_GLYPHIDNOTSHOW, "Can't show character with glyph id $1") gen(1, 2233, TEXT_BUILTINNOTSHOW, "Can't show 16-bit character $1 for builtin encoding") */ gen(2, 2234, TEXT_TOOLONG, "Text with $1 bytes is too long (max. $2)") gen(2, 2235, TEXT_SIZENOMATCH, "Size ($1) of glyphwidths list doesn't match size ($2 characters) of text") gen(0, 2236, TEXT_TOOMANYCODES, "Too many different unicode values (> 256)") gen(0, 2237, TEXT_NOFONTSIZESET, "Font size not specified for text") gen(0, 2238, TEXT_NOFONT, "No font set for text") gen(0, 2239, TEXT_ITALUNSUPP, "Parameter 'italicangle' not supported for vertical writing mode") gen(1, 2240, TEXT_NOFONT_PAR, "No font set for parameter '$1'") /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Color (23xx) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ gen(0, 2300, COLOR_SPOT, "Spot color can not be based on a Pattern, Indexed, or Separation color space") gen(2, 2302, COLOR_BADSPOT, "Color name '$1' not found in $2 table") gen(1, 2304, COLOR_SPOTBW, "Alternate color for custom spot color '$1' is black or white") gen(1, 2306, COLOR_UNLIC_SPOTCOLOR, "$1 spot colors not licensed") gen(0, 2308, COLOR_UNSUPP_SPOTNAME, "Unicode spot color names not supported") gen(2, 2309, COLOR_REDEFINE_SPOTNAME, "Option '$1': spot color '$2' has already an alternative color") gen(1, 2350, COLOR_INVALPATT, "Pattern with painttype 2 can not be colorized with another pattern") gen(0, 2352, COLOR_INVALSPEC, "Color specification not allowed while defining a pattern with painttype 2") /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Image (24xx) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ gen(2, 2400, IMAGE_CORRUPT, "Corrupt $1 image file '$2'") gen(3, 2402, IMAGE_NOPAGE, "Requested page $1 in $2 image '$3' not found") gen(2, 2404, IMAGE_BADDEPTH, "Bad number of bits per pixel ($1) in image file '$2'") gen(1, 2406, IMAGE_BADMASK, "Image '$1' not suitable as mask (more than one color component)") gen(2, 2407, IMAGE_NOMATCH, "Image '$1' not suitable as mask for image '$2' (different orientation)") gen(1, 2408, IMAGE_MASK1BIT13, "Image '$1' with more than 1 bit not supported as mask in PDF 1.3") gen(1, 2410, IMAGE_COLORMAP, "Couldn't read colormap in image '$1'") gen(2, 2412, IMAGE_BADCOMP, "Bad number of color components ($1) in image '$2'") gen(1, 2414, IMAGE_COLORIZE, "Can't colorize image '$1' with more than 1 component") gen(1, 2416, IMAGE_ICC, "Couldn't handle embedded ICC profile in image '$1'") gen(1, 2418, IMAGE_ICC2, "ICC profile for image file '$1' doesn't match image data") gen(0, 2420, IMAGE_THUMB, "More than one thumbnail for this page") gen(1, 2422, IMAGE_THUMB_MULTISTRIP, "Can't use multi-strip image $1 as thumbnail") gen(1, 2424, IMAGE_THUMB_CS, "Unsupported color space in thumbnail image handle $1") gen(2, 2426, IMAGE_THUMB_SIZE, "Thumbnail image $1 larger than $2 pixels") gen(2, 2428, IMAGE_OPTUNSUPP, "Option '$1' for image type '$2' not supported") gen(2, 2430, IMAGE_OPTUNREAS, "Option '$1' for image type '$2' doesn't have any effect") gen(2, 2432, IMAGE_OPTBADMASK, "Option '$1' has bad image mask $2") gen(1, 2434, IMAGE_UNKNOWN, "Unknown image type in file '$1'") gen(0, 2436, IMAGE_NOADJUST, "Option 'adjustpage' must not be used in top-down system") gen(1, 2437, IMAGE_OPI_ILLRECT, "Option '$1' has bad rectangle") gen(2, 2438, IMAGE_OPI_ILLMAPSIZE, "Option '$1': Number of values must be $2") gen(1, 2439, IMAGE_OPI_ILLPARALL, "Option '$1' has bad parallelogram") gen(2, 2440, RAW_ILLSIZE, "Size ($1 bytes) of raw image file '$2' doesn't match specified options") gen(2, 2442, IMAGE_TYPUNSUPP, "Image type '$1' is not supported in PDF $2") gen(1, 2444, BMP_VERSUNSUPP, "Version of BMP image file '$1' not supported") gen(1, 2446, BMP_COMPUNSUPP, "Compression in BMP image file '$1' not supported") gen(2, 2450, JPEG_COMPRESSION, "JPEG compression scheme $1 in file '$2' not supported in PDF") /* UNUSED gen(1, 2452, JPEG_MULTISCAN, "JPEG file '$1' contains multiple scans, which is not supported in PDF") */ gen(2, 2454, JPEG_TRANSCODE, "Problems during JPEG transcoding in file '$1' ($2)") /* UNUSED gen(1, 2460, GIF_LZWOVERFLOW, "LZW code size overflow in GIF file '$1'") gen(1, 2462, GIF_LZWSIZE, "Color palette in GIF file '$1' with fewer than 128 colors not supported") gen(1, 2464, GIF_INTERLACED, "Interlaced GIF image '$1' not supported") gen(2, 2470, TIFF_UNSUPP_CS, "Couldn't open TIFF image '$1' (unsupported color space; photometric $2)") gen(2, 2472, TIFF_UNSUPP_PREDICT, "Couldn't open TIFF image '$1' (unsupported predictor tag $2)") gen(1, 2474, TIFF_UNSUPP_LZW, "Couldn't open LZW-compressed TIFF image '$1')") gen(1, 2476, TIFF_UNSUPP_LZW_PLANES, "Couldn't open TIFF image '$1' (separate planes with LZW compression)") gen(1, 2478, TIFF_UNSUPP_LZW_ALPHA, "Couldn't open TIFF image '$1' (alpha channel with LZW compression)") gen(2, 2480, TIFF_UNSUPP_JPEG, "Couldn't open TIFF image '$1' (JPEG compression scheme $2)") gen(1, 2482, TIFF_UNSUPP_JPEG_TILED, "Couldn't open TIFF image '$1' (tiled image with JPEG compression)") */ gen(2, 2483, TIFF_UNSUPP_COLORSPACE, "Color space (photometric) $1 in TIFF image '$2' not supported") gen(1, 2484, TIFF_UNSUPP_SEPARATE, "Couldn't open TIFF image '$1' (separate image planes not supported)") gen(1, 2485, TIFF_TILE_UNSUPP, "Couldn't open TIFF image '$1' " "(separate image planes with tiles not supported)") gen(2, 2486, TIFF_UNSUPP_SEP_NONCMYK, "Couldn't open TIFF image '$1' (unsupported inkset tag $2)") gen(1, 2488, TIFF_MASK_MULTISTRIP, "Can't mask multistrip TIFF image '$1'") gen(2, 2489, TIFF_CLIPPPATH_NOTFOUND, "Couldn't find clipping path '$1' in TIFF image '$2'") gen(1, 2490, TIFF_16BITCMYK_UNSUPP, "Compressed 16-bit CMYK TIFF image '$1' not supported") gen(1, 2491, TIFF_16BIT_UNSUPP, "More than 16 bits per component in TIFF image '$1' not supported") gen(1, 2492, TIFF_CMYK_MASK, "Couldn't open TIFF image '$1' (CMYK with mask)") gen(2, 2493, TIFF_UNSUPP_COMPRESSION, "Compression scheme $1 in TIFF image '$2' not supported") gen(1, 2494, JPX_FORMATUNSUPP, "JPEG2000 flavor in image file '$1' not supported") gen(1, 2496, JPX_RAWDATAUNSUPP, "Raw JPEG2000 code stream in image file '$1' not supported") gen(1, 2498, JPX_COMPOUNDUNSUPP, "Compound JPEG2000 (JPM) image file '$1' not supported") gen(1, 2499, TIFF_BPC_UNSUPP, "TIFF image '$1' contains bpc that not equal to 1,2, 4, 8, 16, not supported") /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Font (25xx) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ gen(2, 2500, FONT_CORRUPT, "Corrupt $1 font file $2") gen(2, 2501, FONT_PREFIX, "Font '$1' with encoding '$2': ") gen(0, 2502, FONT_BADENC, "Font doesn't support encoding") gen(3, 2503, FONT_PREFIX2, "Font '$1' with encoding '$2' (changed to '$3'): ") gen(1, 2504, FONT_FORCEENC, "Font doesn't support encoding (encoding '$1' will be used)") gen(0, 2505, FONT_NEEDUCS2, "Encoding not supported (use Unicode-compatible CMap)") /* UNUSED gen(0, 2506, FONT_FORCEEMBED, "Font will be embedded (encoding requires CID font") */ gen(1, 2507, FONT_INAPPROPENC, "Encoding not appropriate for the font (only $1 glyphs found)") /* UNUSED gen(1, 2508, FONT_BADTEXTFORM, "Current text format not allowed for builtin encoding") */ gen(0, 2509, FONT_FORCECVTUNI, "Native text code (keepnative) for this font configuration will be ignored") gen(0, 2514, FONT_EMBEDMM, "Multiple Master font cannot be embedded") gen(0, 2516, FONT_NOMETRICS, "Metrics data not found") gen(0, 2518, FONT_NOOUTLINE, "File with outline data not found") /* Unused gen(0, 2520, FONT_NOGLYPHID, "Font doesn't contain any glyph IDs") */ gen(0, 2522, FONT_FORCEEMBED2, "Metadata requires embedding") gen(0, 2530, CJK_UNSUPP_REGISTRY, "Font not supported (contains non-Adobe registry in CMap)") gen(0, 2531, CJK_UNSUPP_CHARCOLL, "CJK font doesn't support encoding (use a compatible predefined CMap)") gen(0, 2532, FONT_EMBEDCMAP, "Standard CJK font with predefined CMap cannot be embedded") gen(0, 2533, FONT_ONLY_CMAP, "Font doesn't support encoding (use predefined CMap or 'unicode' encoding)") /* Unused gen(0, 2534, FONT_EMBEDSTYLE, "Option 'fontstyle' not allowed for embedded fonts") */ gen(0, 2535, FONT_UNSUPP_CMAP, "Font doesn't support predefined CMap") gen(2, 2536, FONT_UNSUPPOPTION, "Option '$1' not supported for font type '$2'") gen(0, 2538, FONT_IGNOREVERTICAL, "Option 'vertical' ignored because of predefined CMap or font name resp.") gen(1, 2540, T3_BADBBOX, "Bounding box values must be 0 for colorized font") gen(1, 2541, T3_FONT_PREFIX, "Type3 font '$1': ") gen(1, 2542, T3_GLYPH, "Glyph '$1' already defined") gen(0, 2544, T3_FONTEXISTS, "Already exists") gen(0, 2545, T3_FONTSUBSET, "Font with subsetting can only be loaded once") gen(1, 2546, T3_GLYPHMISSING, "Outlines of glyph '$1' not defined") gen(1, 2547, T3_OUTLINESMISSING, "Outlines of Type3 font '$1' missing") gen(1, 2548, T3_UNKOWNGLYPH, "Glyph '$1' unknown") gen(1, 2549, T3_MISSNOTDEF, "Glyph for character '.notdef' is missing") gen(1, 2550, T1_BADCHARSET, "PDFlib doesn't support encoding (dfCharSet $1 in PFM file unknown)") gen(1, 2551, T1_UNSUPP_FORMAT, "'$1' metrics file type not supported") gen(2, 2554, T1_AFMBADKEY, "Unknown key '$1' in AFM file '$2'") gen(1, 2558, T1_NOFONT, "'$1' is not a PostScript Type1 font file") gen(1, 2559, T1_RESOURCENOTLOADED, "Couldn't load PostScript font resource file (system error code $1)") gen(2, 2560, FONT_CODENOTFOUND1, "Glyph with character code $1 not found in font '$2'") gen(2, 2561, FONT_CODENOTFOUNDREP1, "Glyph with character code $1 not found in font '$2' (will be replaced)") gen(2, 2562, FONT_UNICODENOTFOUND, "Glyph with Unicode value U+$1 not found in font '$2'") gen(2, 2563, FONT_UNICODENOTFOUNDREP, "Glyph with Unicode value U+$1 not found in font '$2' (will be replaced)") gen(2, 2564, FONT_GLYPHIDNOTFOUND, "Glyph with id $1 not found in font '$2'") gen(3, 2566, FONT_CODENOTFOUND2, "Glyph with code $1 and Unicode value U+$2 not found in font '$3'") gen(3, 2567, FONT_CODENOTFOUNDREP2, "Glyph with code $1 and Unicode value U+$2 not found in font '$3' " "(will be replaced)") gen(2, 2569, FONT_NOTFULFILL, "Option '$1' cannot be fulfilled (same font already loaded with no$1)") /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Encoding (26xx) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* MOVED to pc_generr.h, #1552 gen(1, 2600, ENC_NOTFOUND, "Couldn't find encoding '$1'") */ gen(1, 2602, ENC_UNSUPP, "Code page '$1' not supported") gen(1, 2606, ENC_CANTQUERY, "Can't query encoding '$1'") gen(1, 2608, ENC_CANTCHANGE, "Can't change encoding '$1'") gen(1, 2610, ENC_INUSE, "Encoding '$1' can't be changed since it has already been used") /* MOVED to pc_generr.h, #1550 gen(2, 2612, ENC_TOOLONG, "Encoding name '$1' too long (max. $2)") MOVED to pc_generr.h, #1551 gen(2, 2614, ENC_BADLINE, "Syntax error in encoding file '$1' (line '$2')") */ gen(0, 2616, ENC_GLYPHORCODE, "Glyph name or Unicode value required") gen(3, 2618, ENC_BADGLYPH, "Glyph name '$1' for Unicode value U+$2 differs from AGL name '$3'") gen(3, 2620, ENC_BADUNICODE, "Unicode value U+$1 for glyph name '$2' differs from AGL value U+$3") gen(2, 2622, ENC_BADFONT, "Current font $1 wasn't specified with encoding '$2'") gen(1, 2640, ENC_BADHYPTEXTENC, "Bad hypertext encoding '$1'") gen(1, 2650, ENC_UNSUPPENCFORMAT, "Parameter or option '$1' not supported in Unicode-capable languages") /* Unused gen(2, 2670, CMAP_ILLCODESEQU, "Illegal code sequence in '$1' for CMap '$2'") */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Hypertext, form fields, actions, annotations (28xx) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ gen(2, 2802, HYP_OPTIGNORE_FORTYPE, "Option '$1' for destination type '$2' doesn't have any effect") gen(1, 2804, HYP_OPTIGNORE_FORELEM, "Option '$1' for hypertext function will be ignored") gen(2, 2820, FF_OPTEFFLESS_FORTYPE, "Option '$1' for field type '$2' doesn't have any effect") gen(1, 2822, FF_GROUPMISSING, "Required field group missing for radio button field '$1'") gen(1, 2824, FF_FONTMISSING, "Font not specified for field '$1'") gen(2, 2826, FF_OPTIONMISSING, "Option '$1' not specified for field '$2'") gen(1, 2828, FF_CIDFONT, "Specified font '$1' not allowed for fields (encoding not supported)") gen(1, 2830, FF_NOEMBEDFONT, "Specified font '$1' not allowed for fields (must be embedded)") gen(1, 2832, FF_SUBSETTFONT, "Specified font '$1' not allowed for fields (must not be subset)") gen(1, 2834, FF_CAPTMISSING, "No caption or icon specified for field '$1'") gen(0, 2836, FF_DIFFSTRLISTS, "Options 'itemnamelist' and 'itemtextlist' contain " "different numbers of strings") gen(2, 2838, FF_INVALINDEX, "Option '$1' has invalid list index '$2'") gen(2, 2840, FF_NOTFOUND, "Illegal field pathname '$1' (name '$2' not found)") gen(2, 2842, FF_NAMEEXISTS, "Illegal field pathname '$1' (name '$2' already exists)") gen(2, 2844, FF_NOTGROUP, "Illegal field pathname '$1' ('$2' is not a field group)") gen(3, 2846, FF_TYPENOTMATCH, "Type '$1' of field '$2' doesn't match type '$3' of group") gen(0, 2848, FF_ITEMNAMEORNOT, "Either all or none of the buttons/checkboxes in a group can have item names") gen(2, 2850, FF_OPTEFFONLY, "Option '$1' for field type '$2' only has an effect for highlight=push") gen(2, 2852, FF_ILLUNINAME, "Illegal field name '$1' (Unicode names are not supported in PDF $2") gen(0, 2854, FF_DEMOLIMIT, "No more than 10 fields can be created with the evaluation version") gen(0, 2856, FF_RICHTEXT, "fontsize 0 not supported for fields with rich text") gen(2, 2860, ACT_OPTIGNORE_FORTYPE, "Option '$1' for action type '$2' doesn't have any effect") gen(2, 2862, ACT_BADACTTYPE, "Action type '$1' for event '$2' not allowed") gen(2, 2880, ANN_OPTEFFLESS_FORTYPE, "Option '$1' for annotation type '$2' doesn't have any effect") gen(1, 2882, ANN_NOSTDFONT, "Font '$1' not allowed for annotations (not a core or standard CJK font)") gen(1, 2884, ANN_BADNUMCOORD, "Option '$1' has bad number of coordinates") gen(1, 2886, ANN_OPTALRDEF, "Option '$1' already defined in option 'custom'") gen(1, 2888, ANN_ILLCUSTOMKEY, "Option 'custom' uses illegal key '$1' (already defined in PDF)") gen(0, 2890, ANN_ILLTEMPLATE, "Option 'movieposter' has bad template handle " "(only images with RGB or Gray color spaces supported)") gen(1, 2892, ANN_ACTIONNOTALLOWED, "Option 'action' not allowed for annotation type '$1'") /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Internal (29xx) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ gen(1, 2900, INT_BADSCOPE, "Bad scope '$1'") gen(1, 2902, INT_BADANNOT, "Bad annotation type '$1'") gen(3, 2904, INT_BADCS, "Unknown color space (function $1, index $2, type $3)") gen(1, 2906, INT_BADALTERNATE, "Bad alternate color space $1") gen(1, 2908, INT_BADPROFILE, "Unknown number of profile components ($1)") gen(1, 2910, INT_SSTACK_OVER, "State stack overflow in function '$1'") gen(1, 2912, INT_SSTACK_UNDER, "State stack underflow in function '$1'") gen(3, 2914, INT_WRAPPER, "Error in PDFlib $1 wrapper function $2 ($3)") gen(0, 2990, OT_UNSUPP_SID2CID, "Accented characters not supported; contact support@pdflib.com") #undef gen #undef pdf_genNames #undef pdf_genInfo