#define XI_INTERNAL #include extern "C" { #include } #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TSpreadsheet /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // @doc INTERNAL // @class TSpreadsheet | Classe per la creazione di uno spreadsheet all'interno // di una maschera // // @base public | TWindow class TSpreadsheet : public TControl { // @author:(INTERNAL) Guido // @cfriend TSheet_field friend class TSheet_field; // @access:(INTERNAL) Private Member // @cmember:(INTERNAL) costanti enum {NUMBER_WIDTH=3}; enum {MAX_COL=48}; // @cmember:(INTERNAL) Array di TToken_strings contenenti le righe TString_array _str; // @cmember:(INTERNAL) Array delle colonne disattivate (solo visualizzazione) TBit_array _column_disabled; struct TRow_property : public TObject { TBit_array _disabled; COLOR _back, _fore; TRow_property(); virtual ~TRow_property() { } }; // @cmember:(INTERNAL) Array delle proprieta' delle righe TArray _property; // @cmember:(INTERNAL) Maschera in cui e' contenuto lo spreadsheet TMask _mask; // @cmember:(INTERNAL) Numero di colonne presenti nello spreadsheet int _columns; // @cmember:(INTERNAL) Indica se e' attivo lo spreadsheet bool _active; // @cmember:(INTERNAL) Funzione per la gestione di una riga dello sheet (vedi ) SPREADSHEET_NOTIFY _notify; // @cmember:(INTERNAL) Campo corrente che si sta editando TOperable_field* _edit_field; // @cmember:(INTERNAL) Coordinata della riga della cella corrente int _cur_row; // @cmember:(INTERNAL) Numero del record sul file al quale fa riferimento la cella corrente int _cur_rec; // @cmember:(INTERNAL) Coordinata della colonna della cella corrente int _cur_col; // @cmember:(INTERNAL) Indica se la riga corrente e' stata modificata bool _row_dirty; // @cmember:(INTERNAL) Indica se la cella corrente e' stata modificata bool _cell_dirty; // @cmember:(INTERNAL) Permette di gestire i check OFF_ROW e OFF_CELL bool _check_enabled; // @cmember:(INTERNAL) Numero della riga che necessita aggiornamento (vengono aggiornate // nella ) int _needs_update; // @cmember:(INTERNAL) Numero della riga a cui saltare appena possibile int _selection_posted; // @cmember:(INTERNAL) Dimensioni delle colonne int _default_width[MAX_COL]; // @cmember:(INTERNAL) Bisogna salvare l'ordien delle colonne bool _save_columns_order; // @cmember:(INTERNAL) Inizializza lo spreadsheet void init(); // @cmember:(INTERNAL) Funzione che intercetta gli eventi dello spreadsheet friend void XVT_CALLCONV1 xiev_handler(XI_OBJ *itf, XI_EVENT *xiev); // @access Protected Member protected: //@cmember Gestisce gli eventi delle celle (chiamata dal ) virtual bool event_handler(XI_OBJ* itf, XI_EVENT* xiev); //@cmember Copia una cella nel corrispondente campo della maschera e ne ritorna il contenuto const char* copy_cell2field(XI_OBJ* cell = NULL); //@cmember Gestisce l'uscita delle celle (chiamata dal ) bool off_cell_handler(XI_OBJ* cell = NULL); // @cmember Ritorna il campo della maschera corrispondente alla cella dello // spreadsheet indicata da

TOperable_field* col2field(int pos) const; // @cmember Controlla se esiste il campo della maschera corrispondente alla cella dello // spreadsheet indicata da

TOperable_field* test_field(int pos) const; // @cmember Ritorna il campo della maschera corrispondente alla cella dello // spreadsheet indicata da

(chiama ) TOperable_field* cell2field(const XI_OBJ* cell) const; // @cmember Ritorna la posizione della colonna con identificatore

int cid2col(short cid) const; // @cmember Ritorna la colonna logica con identificatore

int cid2index(short cid) const; // @cmember Ritorna la colonna corrispondente al campo

della maschera int field2col(const TOperable_field* f) const; // @cmember Aggiorna il record sullo spreadsheet void update_rec(int rec); TOperable_field* field(short id) const; // @cmember Converte il numero del record nel corrispondente numero della riga int rec2row(int rec); // @cmember Converte il numero della riga nel corrispondente // numero del record int row2rec(int& row); // @cmember Setta la posizione (riga e colonna) del focus sullo spreadsheet. // Ritorna il numero del record corrente int set_pos(int row, int col) { _cur_col = col; _cur_row = row; return _cur_rec = row2rec(_cur_row); } // @cmember Chiama la funzione specificata con la bool notify(int row, KEY k); // @cmember Chiama la funzione specificata con la // ogni volta che c'e' una modifica nello spreadsheet void notify_change(); // @cmember Permette di fare tutti gli aggiornamenti necessari (indicati in //

) void on_idle(); // @cmember Cerca la colonna col XI_OBJ* find_column(int col) const; // @cmember Cerca le proprieta' della riga r e volendo le crea pure TRow_property* get_property(int r, bool create = FALSE); TSheet_field& owner() const { return (TSheet_field&)*_fld; } // @access Public Member public: // @cmember Modifica a video la riga void update(int row); // @cmember Ritorna la disabilitazione della colonna

bool column_disabled(int col) const { return _column_disabled[col]; } // @cmember Ritorna l' abilitazione della colonna

bool column_enabled(int col) const { return !column_disabled(col); } // @cmember Ritorna il contenuto della riga

-esima TToken_string& row(int n) { return _str.row(n); } // @cmember Aggiunge una riga allo spreadsheet passata come puntatore // (vedi ) int add(const TToken_string& s) { return _str.add(s); } // @cmember Aggiunge una riga allo spreadsheet (vedi ) int add(TToken_string* s) { return _str.add(s); } // @cmember Inserisce un record in una posizione stabilita int insert(int rec, bool update_sheet, bool call_notify); // @cmember Elimina il record

bool destroy(int rec = -1, bool update_sheet = TRUE); // @cmember Ritorna l'array di tutte le stringhe delle righe TString_array& rows_array() { return _str; } // @cmember Trova una colonna abilitata a partire da colonna int find_enabled_column(int rec, int colonna, int direction) const; // @cmember Trova un record abilitato a partire da rec int find_enabled_record(int rec, int direction) const; // @cmember Permette di mettere il focus su una cella void set_focus_cell(int riga, int colonna); // @cmember Abilita/disabilita tutto lo spreadsheet (vedi ) void activate(bool on); // @cmember Permette di abilitare/disabilitare una colonna void enable_column(int col, bool on = TRUE); // @cmember Permette di eliminare una colonna dallo spreadsheet void delete_column(const int col) const; // @cmember Sposta la colonna dalla posizione

alla posizione //

void move_column(const int fromindex, const int toindex) const; // @cmember Permette di invertire la posizione di due colonne void swap_columns(const int fromid, const int toid) const; // @cmember Permette di invertire la posizione di due righe void swap_rows(const int fromindex, const int toindex); // @cmember Salva la disposizione delle colonne void save_columns_order() const; // @cmember Salva la disposizione delle colonne void load_columns_order(); // @cmember Setta la disposizione delle colonne void set_columns_order(TToken_string* order); // @cmember Setta la larghezza della colonna void set_column_width(const int col, const int width) const; // @cmember Setta il titolo della colonna void set_column_header(const int col, const TString& header) const; // @cmember Setta l'allineamento di una colonna void set_column_justify(int col, bool right); // @cmember Permette di abilitare/disabilitare una singola cella void enable_cell(int row, int column, bool on = TRUE); // @cmember Controlla se una cella e' disabilitata bool cell_disabled(int row, int column) const; // @cmember Setta i colori di una riga void set_back_and_fore_color(COLOR back, COLOR fore, int row); // @cmember Legge i colori di una riga void get_back_and_fore_color(COLOR& back, COLOR& fore, int row); // @cmember Ritorna la maschera che appartiene allo spreadsheet TMask& sheet_mask() const; // @cmember Ritorna la maschera cui appartiene lo spreadsheet TMask& mask() const; // @cmember Ricopia i campi della maschera nel record

-esimo ed // aggiorna il display void mask2str(int n); // @cmember Ricopia i campi del record

-esimo nella maschera ed // aggiorna il display void str2mask(int n); // @cmember Apre la maschera della riga

-esima editando la riga KEY edit(int n); // @cmember Ritorna il numero di righe dello sheet int items() const { return _str.items(); } // @cmember Ritorna il record corrente int selected() const { return _cur_rec; } // @cmember Seleziona una riga dandogli il focus void select(int r, bool scrollto); // @cmember Ritorna il numero di colonne presenti nello spreadsheet int columns() const { return _columns; } // @cmember Seleziona una riga appena possibile void post_select(int r); // @cmember Controlla se e' stato modificato una cella dello spreadsheet bool dirty() const { return owner().dirty(); } // @cmember Permette di indicare se e' stata modificata una cella dello spreadsheet void set_dirty(bool spork = TRUE) { owner().set_dirty(spork); } // @cmember Ritorna il valore della variabile active bool active() const { return _active; } // @cmember Ritorna se e' possibile lasciare il focus dallo spreadsheet (TRUE se e' possibile) bool test_focus_change(); // @cmember Setta il membro

al valore

void set_notify(SPREADSHEET_NOTIFY n) { _notify = n; } // @cmember Costruttore TSpreadsheet(WINDOW parent, short dlg, short x, short y, short dx, short dy, const char* maskname, int maskno, const char* head, TSheet_field* owner); // @cmember Distruttore virtual ~TSpreadsheet(); }; TSpreadsheet::TRow_property::TRow_property() : _back(NORMAL_BACK_COLOR), _fore(NORMAL_COLOR) { } // @doc INTERNAL // @mfunc Costruttore TSpreadsheet::TSpreadsheet( WINDOW parent, // @parm Finestra alla quale appartiene lo spreadsheet short dlg, // @parm Identificatore del campo short x, // @parm Coordinata x (in caratteri) nel quale posizionare lo spreadsheet short y, // @parm Coordinata y (in caratteri) nel quale posizionare lo spreadsheet short dx, // @parm Larghezza (in caratteri) dello spreasheet short dy, // @parm Lunghezza (in caratteri) dello spreasheet const char* maskname, // @parm Nome del file della maschera int maskno, // @parm Numero identificativo della maschera nel file const char* head, // @parm Titolo delle colonne TSheet_field* o) // @parm Indica il campo della maschera che contiene lo spreadsheet : _mask(maskname, maskno), _notify(NULL), _cur_row(0), _cur_col(1), _cur_rec(0), _edit_field(NULL), _active(TRUE), _row_dirty(FALSE), _cell_dirty(FALSE), _check_enabled(TRUE), _needs_update(-1), _selection_posted(-1), _save_columns_order(FALSE) { int m_width[MAX_COL], v_width[MAX_COL]; int fixed_columns = 1; // Number of fixed columns int lines_in_header = 1; // Number of header lines TControl::_fld = o; sheet_mask().set_sheet(o); // Calcolo larghezza massima tabella TToken_string header(head); TToken_string new_header(256); int i = 0, tot_width = NUMBER_WIDTH+1; int f_width = tot_width<<1; // Stima larghezza colonne fisse int max_width = f_width; // Stima larghezza della colonna piu' grande for (const char* h = header.get(); h; h = header.get(), i++) { CHECKD(i < MAX_COL, "Tu meni calumns in scit: ", i); const int cid = FIRST_FIELD+i; // Column & Field ID const TOperable_field & f = (TOperable_field &) _mask.field(cid); // Field on mask TString testa(h); char* t = testa.get_buffer(); for (int c = 0; t[c]; c++) { if (t[c] == '\\' && (t[c+1] == 'n' || t[c+1] == 'r')) { t[c] = '\n'; strcpy(t+c+1, t+c+2); lines_in_header = 2; } } const int at = testa.find('@'); const int m = f.size(); // Memory width int v = m; // Video width if (at >= 0) { const TString& wi = testa.mid(at+1); v = atoi(wi) ; if (v == 0) v = m; if (f.has_query_button()) v++; if (wi.find('F') >= 0) { fixed_columns++; f_width += v; } testa.cut(at); } else { v = max(testa.len(), m+(f.has_query_button() ? 1 : 0)); } if (v > 69) v = 69; m_width[i] = m+1; // m = number of allowed chars v_width[i] = v+1; // v = width of column if (v >= max_width) max_width = v+1; tot_width += v_width[i]; new_header.add(testa); } _columns = i; RCT rct; coord2rct(parent, x, y, dx, dy, rct); rct.right -= 2*XI_FU_MULTIPLE; // toglie scroll-bar // Controlla se ci sono troppe colonne fisse if ((f_width+max_width)*XI_FU_MULTIPLE > rct.right) fixed_columns = 1; XI_OBJ* itf = get_interface(parent); XI_OBJ_DEF* listdef = xi_add_list_def(NULL, dlg, rct.top, rct.left, rct.bottom-rct.top, XI_ATR_ENABLED | XI_ATR_VISIBLE, NORMAL_COLOR, NORMAL_BACK_COLOR, // normal NORMAL_COLOR, DISABLED_BACK_COLOR, // disabled FOCUS_COLOR, // active 0); CHECK(listdef, "Can't create spreadsheet definition"); listdef->app_data = (long)this; XI_LIST_DEF* l = listdef->v.list; l->width = rct.right - rct.left; #ifdef XI_R4 l->min_heading_height = xi_button_calc_height_font(xi_get_system_font()) * lines_in_header; #else l->min_heading_height = xi_button_calc_height_font_id(xvt_default_font()) * lines_in_header; #endif l->sizable_columns = TRUE; l->movable_columns = TRUE; l->scroll_bar = TRUE; l->scroll_bar_button = TRUE; l->fixed_columns = fixed_columns; l->active_back_color = FOCUS_BACK_COLOR; l->white_space_color = MASK_DARK_COLOR; l->rule_color = MASK_DARK_COLOR; // Definizione della prima colonna (numero di riga) word attr = XI_ATR_RJUST; if (sheet_mask().id2pos(FIRST_FIELD -1) != -1) attr |= XI_ATR_SELECTABLE; XI_OBJ_DEF* coldef = xi_add_column_def(listdef, 0, attr, 0, NUMBER_WIDTH * XI_FU_MULTIPLE, NUMBER_WIDTH+1, attr & XI_ATR_SELECTABLE ? "X" : ""); coldef->app_data = (long)this; coldef->v.column->heading_platform = TRUE; coldef->v.column->column_platform = TRUE; if (attr & XI_ATR_SELECTABLE) { coldef->v.column->icon_rid = ICO_SEARCH; coldef->v.column->icon_x = 2; if (listdef->v.list->min_heading_height < 20) listdef->v.list->min_heading_height = 20; } else coldef->v.column->center_heading = TRUE; for (h = new_header.get(0), i = 0; h; h = new_header.get(), i++) { const TString testo(h); const int cid = FIRST_FIELD+i; // Column & Field ID const TOperable_field & f = (const TOperable_field &)_mask.field(cid); // Field on mask const int acqua = f.class_id(); long flags = XI_ATR_EDITMENU | XI_ATR_AUTOSCROLL | XI_ATR_FOCUSBORDER; if (AUTOSELECT) flags |= XI_ATR_AUTOSELECT; switch (acqua) { case CLASS_EDIT_FIELD: if (f.right_justified()) flags |= XI_ATR_RJUST; break; case CLASS_REAL_FIELD: flags |= XI_ATR_RJUST; break; default: break; } if (f.active()) flags |= XI_ATR_ENABLED; else _column_disabled.set(i); coldef = xi_add_column_def(listdef, cid, flags, cid, v_width[i] * XI_FU_MULTIPLE, m_width[i], (char*)(const char*)testo); coldef->app_data = (long)this; coldef->v.column->heading_platform = TRUE; coldef->v.column->center_heading = TRUE; } // Create the whole thing! _obj = xi_create(itf, listdef); xi_dequeue(); // Flush events in XOL xi_tree_free(listdef); // Free definitions CHECKD(_obj, "Can't create spreadsheet ", owner().dlg()); update_tab_cid(); int num; XI_OBJ** column = xi_get_member_list(_obj, &num); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { RCT rct; xi_get_rect(column[i], (XinRect *) &rct); _default_width[i] = rct.right - rct.left; } } TSpreadsheet::~TSpreadsheet() { } TMask& TSpreadsheet::sheet_mask() const { return ((TSpreadsheet*)this)->_mask; } // Converts a row number in the correspondig record number int TSpreadsheet::row2rec(int& row) { int rows; const long* handle = xi_get_list_info(_obj, &rows); if (row < 0) row = 0; else { if (row >= rows) row = rows-1; } const int r = (int)handle[row]; CHECKD(r >= 0 && r < items(), "Sheet line out of range: ", row); return r; } // Converts a row number in the correspondig record number int TSpreadsheet::rec2row(int record) { int rows; const long* rec = xi_get_list_info(_obj, &rows); int r = int(record - rec[0]); if (r < 0 || r >= rows) r = -1; return r; } // Retrieves the corresponding field of the mask from a spredsheet cell TOperable_field* TSpreadsheet::test_field(int pos) const { int num; XI_OBJ** column = xi_get_member_list(_obj, &num); CHECKD(pos >= 0 && pos < num, "Bad column number", pos); TOperable_field* good = NULL; for (short id = column[pos]->cid; ; id += 100) { TOperable_field* f = field(id); if (f == NULL) break; // Search failed good = f; // We've found a field with the proper ID ... if (f->active()) break; // ... and it's active: end of search } return good; } // Retrieves the corresponding field of the mask from a spredsheet cell TOperable_field* TSpreadsheet::col2field(int pos) const { TOperable_field* good = test_field(pos); CHECKD(good, "Can't find field corresponding to column ", pos); return good; } // Retrieves the corresponding field of the mask from a spredsheet cell TOperable_field* TSpreadsheet::cell2field(const XI_OBJ* cell) const { XI_OBJ cella; if (cell == NULL) { XI_MAKE_CELL(&cella, _obj, _cur_row, _cur_col); cell = &cella; } return col2field(cell->v.cell.column); } int TSpreadsheet::cid2col(short cid) const { CHECKD(cid >= FIRST_FIELD, "Bad column id ", cid); int num; XI_OBJ** column = xi_get_member_list(_obj, &num); for (int c = num-1; c > 0; c--) { if (column[c]->cid == cid) return c; } return 0; } int TSpreadsheet::cid2index(short cid) const { CHECKD(cid >= FIRST_FIELD, "Bad column id ", cid); return (cid % 100) - 1; } int TSpreadsheet::field2col(const TOperable_field* f) const { const short cid = FIRST_FIELD + cid2index(f->dlg()); return cid2col(cid); } void TSpreadsheet::update_rec(int rec) { const int riga = rec2row(rec); if (riga >= 0) { const bool has_focus = rec == selected() && mask().focus_field().dlg() == owner().dlg(); // if (has_focus) xi_set_focus(get_interface()); XI_OBJ row; XI_MAKE_ROW(&row, _obj, riga); xi_cell_request(&row); // Update internal values if (has_focus) { str2mask(_cur_rec); set_focus_cell(riga, _cur_col); } } if (_needs_update == rec) _needs_update = -1; } // Cerca una colonna abilitata a partire da colonna // La prima cella utilizzabile ha indice 1 // rec e' un numero di record assoluto // colonna e' un numero di colonna a video: puo' succedere che la 3 corrisponda al campo 107 int TSpreadsheet::find_enabled_column(int rec, int colonna, int direction) const { CHECKD(direction == +1 || direction == -1, "Bad column search direction", direction); int num; XI_OBJ** column = xi_get_member_list(_obj, &num); if (colonna <= 0 || colonna >= num) colonna = 1; int c = colonna; do { const short n = column[c]->cid - FIRST_FIELD; if (!cell_disabled(rec, n)) return c; c += direction; if (c >= num) c = 1; else if (c <= 0) c = num-1; } while (c != colonna); return 0; } int TSpreadsheet::find_enabled_record(int rec, int direction) const { for (int r = rec+direction; r >= 0 && r < items(); r += direction) { if (find_enabled_column(r, 1, +1) > 0) return r; } return -1; } // riga (da 0), colonna (0 = numero, 1 = prima cella, ...) void TSpreadsheet::set_focus_cell(int riga, int colonna) { // xi_set_focus(get_interface()); const int rec = row2rec(riga); colonna = find_enabled_column(rec, colonna, +1); if (colonna > 0) { WINDOW win = xvt_scr_get_focus_vobj(); // Puo' essere NULL per cui poi non funziona ... WINDOW par = parent(); // ... la xi_set_focus(&cell) if (win != par) { xvt_scr_set_focus_vobj(par); xvt_vobj_raise(par); } XI_OBJ cell; XI_MAKE_CELL(&cell, _obj, riga, colonna); xi_set_focus(&cell); if (rec != _cur_rec) { _cur_rec = rec; _cur_row = riga; /* Guy! str2mask(_cur_rec); */ _row_dirty = FALSE; } _edit_field = col2field(_cur_col = colonna); // qui } } // @doc INTERNAL // @mfunc Inserisce un record in una posizione stabilita // // @rdesc Ritorna la posizione nella quale e' stato inserito il record. Se non riesce ad inserirlo // ritorna -1. int TSpreadsheet::insert( int rec, // @parm Numero del record da inserire nello spreadsheet bool update_sheet, // @parm Chiama cell request bool call_notify) // @parm Chiama funzione di notify // @comm Non e' possibile inserire un nuovo record nel caso nello spreadsheet vi siano // almeno 999 righe oppure se lo spreadsheet non e' attivo. { static bool ininsert = FALSE; TMask & m = owner().mask(); if (ininsert || items() >= 999) return -1; ininsert = TRUE; int r = rec < 0 ? items() : rec; bool ok = call_notify ? notify(r, K_INS) : TRUE; if (ok) { TToken_string* toktok = new TToken_string(80); r = _str.insert(toktok, rec); _property.insert(NULL, r, TRUE); // Crea lo spazio necessario per le proprieta' // Notifica che l'inserimento e' terminato owner().post_insert(r); xi_insert_row(_obj, INT_MAX); if (call_notify) notify(r, K_CTRL + K_INS); if (update_sheet) xi_cell_request(_obj); } else r = -1; ininsert = FALSE; return r; } // @doc INTERNAL // @mfunc Elimina una riga // // @rdesc Ritorna il risultato dell'operazione: // // @flag TRUE | Se la riga esisteve e quindi e' stata eliminata // @flag FALSE | Se la riga non esisteve bool TSpreadsheet::destroy( int rec, // @parm Numero della riga da eliminare bool update_sheet) // @parm Aggiornamento visuale dell sheet // @comm Se il parametro

assume valore -1 vengono eliminate tutte le righe presenti // nello spreadsheet { static bool indestroy = FALSE; if ( indestroy ) return FALSE; indestroy = TRUE; bool ok = TRUE; if (rec < 0) { _str.destroy(); _property.destroy(); set_dirty(_row_dirty = FALSE); } else { _property.destroy(rec, TRUE); // Destroy line info ok = _str.destroy(rec, TRUE); // Destroy line } if (ok && mask().is_running() && update_sheet) update(-1); indestroy = FALSE; return ok; } // @doc INTERNAL // @mfunc Modifica a video la riga void TSpreadsheet::update( int rec) // @parm Numero della riga da modificare // @comm Se il valore di

e' minore di 0 viene aggiornato l'intero spreadsheet { if (rec < 0) { int num = 0; const long* handle = xi_get_list_info(_obj, &num); int first = 0, last = 0; bool scroll = items() == 0; // || !owner().mask().is_running(); if (!scroll) { xi_get_visible_rows(_obj, &first, &last); scroll = items() <= handle[first]; } if (scroll) xi_scroll(_obj, XI_SCROLL_FIRST); else { const long as = AUTOSELECT ? XI_ATR_AUTOSELECT : 0; xi_scroll_rec(_obj, handle[first], NORMAL_COLOR, XI_ATR_ENABLED | as, 0); } _needs_update = -1; // Clear pending row update } else update_rec(rec); } void TSpreadsheet::notify_change() { if (!_row_dirty) { str2mask(_cur_rec); _edit_field = cell2field(NULL); // Ricalcola correttamente il campo corrente notify(_cur_rec, K_SPACE); xvt_statbar_refresh(); set_dirty(); } _row_dirty = _cell_dirty = TRUE; // Era tra le graffe } const char* TSpreadsheet::copy_cell2field(XI_OBJ* cell) { const char* txt; if (cell == NULL) { XI_OBJ cella; XI_MAKE_CELL(&cella, _obj, _cur_row, _cur_col); txt = xi_get_text(&cella, NULL, -1); } else txt = xi_get_text(cell, NULL, -1); if (_edit_field->is_editable()) { if (_edit_field->class_id() == CLASS_ZOOM_FIELD) _edit_field->set(row(_cur_row).get(cid2index(_edit_field->dlg()))); const char* val = _edit_field->is_kind_of(CLASS_LIST_FIELD) ? txt : (const char*)((TEditable_field*)_edit_field)->win2raw(txt); _edit_field->set(val); _edit_field->set_dirty(); // Get it dirty! } return _edit_field->get(); } bool TSpreadsheet::off_cell_handler(XI_OBJ *cell) { bool ok = TRUE; if (_edit_field != NULL) { const char* nuo = copy_cell2field(cell); if (_edit_field->on_key(_edit_field->is_edit() ? K_TAB : K_SPACE) == FALSE) // Test it ok = *nuo == '\0'; // Se e' vuoto lascia stare else _cell_dirty = FALSE; if (_row_dirty) mask2str(_cur_rec); // Update sheet row } return ok; } bool TSpreadsheet::test_focus_change() { bool ok = TRUE; if (_cell_dirty) ok = off_cell_handler(); if (ok) ok = xi_move_focus(get_interface()) ? TRUE : FALSE; return ok; } // Certified 75% bool TSpreadsheet::event_handler(XI_OBJ* itf, XI_EVENT *xiev) { // static KEY _lastab = K_TAB; BOOLEAN& refused = xiev->refused; switch (xiev->type) { case XIE_GET_FIRST: if (items() > 0L) { long n = items() * (long)xiev->v.rec_request.percent / 100L; if (n < 0L) n = 0L; xiev->v.rec_request.data_rec = n; } else refused = TRUE; break; case XIE_GET_LAST: xiev->v.rec_request.data_rec = items()-1; break; case XIE_GET_PREV: case XIE_GET_NEXT: { const long n = xiev->v.rec_request.spec_rec + (xiev->type == XIE_GET_NEXT ? +1 : -1) ; if (n < 0 || n >= items()) refused = TRUE; else xiev->v.rec_request.data_rec = n; } break; case XIE_CELL_REQUEST: { const int rec = (int)xiev->v.cell_request.rec; const int maxlen = xiev->v.cell_request.len; char numrig[8]; const char* src = NULL; int nm; XI_OBJ** obj = xi_get_member_list(xiev->v.cell_request.list, &nm); const int num = xiev->v.cell_request.col_nbr; const int cid = obj[num]->cid; if (cid >= FIRST_FIELD) { if (rec < items()) { const int col = cid - FIRST_FIELD; const int curr = _cur_rec; _cur_rec = rec; const TOperable_field* f = field(cid); _cur_rec = curr; if (f) { const TEditable_field* e = (const TEditable_field*)f; src = row(rec).get(col); // Set value for cell if (src && *src) { if (e->is_kind_of(CLASS_LIST_FIELD)) /* src = src */; // Leave code as is else src = e->raw2win(src); // Get formatted string } if (cell_disabled(rec, col)) { xiev->v.cell_request.back_color = DISABLED_BACK_COLOR; xiev->v.cell_request.attrib &= ~XI_ATR_ENABLED; } else { get_back_and_fore_color(xiev->v.cell_request.back_color, xiev->v.cell_request.color, rec); } if (e->has_query_button()) { xiev->v.cell_request.button = TRUE; xiev->v.cell_request.button_on_focus = TRUE; } } else xiev->v.cell_request.back_color = DISABLED_BACK_COLOR; } } else { sprintf(numrig, "%d", rec+1); src = numrig; } char* dst = xiev->v.cell_request.s; if (src && *src) { strncpy(dst, src, maxlen); dst[maxlen-1] = '\0'; } else *dst = '\0'; } break; case XIE_CHG_CELL: if (_edit_field && !_cell_dirty) { notify_change(); _cell_dirty = TRUE; _edit_field->set_dirty(); } break; case XIE_BUTTON: if (_check_enabled) { on_idle(); // Termina tutti gli eventuali update in corso if (xiev->v.xi_obj->type == XIT_CELL) // Bottone della cella { XI_CELL_DATA& cell = xiev->v.xi_obj->v.cell; int num; XI_OBJ** column = xi_get_member_list(_obj, &num); CHECK(cell.column < num, "Bad column"); int rec = cell.row; rec = row2rec(rec); const int col = column[cell.column]->cid - FIRST_FIELD; if (!cell_disabled(rec, col)) { if (xi_move_focus(xiev->v.xi_obj)) dispatch_e_char(parent(), K_F9); } } else { if (xiev->v.xi_obj->type == XIT_LIST) // Bottone dello sheet { if (test_focus_change()) { int rec = -1; if (items() > 0 && !owner().append()) { XI_OBJ* itf = get_interface(); if (owner().mask().focus_field().dlg() == owner().dlg()) rec = _cur_rec + 1; else rec = 0; } insert(rec, TRUE, TRUE); owner().mask().notify_focus_field(owner().dlg()); } } } } break; case XIE_SELECT: if (xiev->v.xi_obj->type == XIT_ROW) { _check_enabled = FALSE; if (_cell_dirty) off_cell_handler(); const int oldrec = _cur_rec; set_pos(xiev->v.select.xi_obj->v.row, 1); if (oldrec != _cur_rec) { _row_dirty = FALSE; on_idle(); // Forces update delayed by str2mask } const int button_pos = sheet_mask().id2pos(FIRST_FIELD-1); if (button_pos >= 0) { TMask & sm = owner().sheet_mask(); TMask_field& button = sm.fld(button_pos); if (button.active()) { str2mask(_cur_rec); button.on_hit(); if (sm.dirty()) { notify_change(); mask2str(_cur_rec); } } } _check_enabled = TRUE; owner().highlight(); } refused = TRUE; break; case XIE_DBL_CELL: if (!_cell_dirty || off_cell_handler()) { _check_enabled = FALSE; const int oldrec = _cur_rec; if ( xiev->v.xi_obj != NULL ) { // set_pos(xiev->v.xi_obj->v.cell.row, xiev->v.xi_obj->v.cell.column); const XI_CELL_DATA& cell = xiev->v.xi_obj->v.cell; set_focus_cell(cell.row, cell.column); } if (oldrec != _cur_rec || !_row_dirty) { _row_dirty = FALSE; notify_change(); _cell_dirty = FALSE; } const KEY k = edit(_cur_rec); if (k == K_ENTER) _row_dirty = TRUE; else if (k == K_DEL) { _row_dirty = _cell_dirty = FALSE; if (_cur_rec >= items()) { _row_dirty = _cell_dirty = FALSE; _cur_rec = items()-1; _cur_row = 0; _cur_col = 1; } if (_cur_rec >= 0 && _cur_rec < items()) set_focus_cell(_cur_row, _cur_col); } else if (k == K_ESC) { XI_OBJ row; XI_MAKE_ROW(&row, _obj, _cur_row); xi_cell_request(&row); } _check_enabled = TRUE; } break; case XIE_ON_LIST: owner().mask().notify_focus_field(owner().dlg()); break; case XIE_OFF_LIST: on_idle(); break; case XIE_ON_ROW: if (_check_enabled) { const int row = xiev->v.xi_obj->v.row; // Riga in cui si sta entrando int rows; // Numero totale di righe attive const long* handle = xi_get_list_info(_obj, &rows); // Calcola il numero del record corrispondente alla riga const bool exist = row >= 0 && row < rows; int next_rec = exist ? (int)handle[row] : items()-1; // Se la riga non esiste o non ha nessuna cella valida abilitata ... // ... cerca la prossima riga valida e rifiuta l'ingresso in questa if (!exist || find_enabled_column(next_rec, 1, +1) <= 0) { next_rec = find_enabled_record(next_rec, next_rec >= _cur_rec ? +1 : -1); post_select(next_rec); refused = TRUE; break; } // Setta _cur_rec in base a alla riga e cella correnti set_pos(xiev->v.xi_obj->v.row, _cur_col); if (_cur_rec < items() && notify(_cur_rec, K_TAB)) { /* Guy! str2mask(_cur_rec); */ _row_dirty = FALSE; } else { _cur_row = _cur_rec = 0; refused = TRUE; } } break; case XIE_OFF_ROW: if (_check_enabled) { _check_enabled = FALSE; // Avoid recursion! if (_row_dirty && active()) { bool ok = owner().sheet_mask().check_fields(); if (ok) { mask2str(_cur_rec); // Update sheet with mask contents ok = notify(_cur_rec, K_ENTER); // Notify edit _row_dirty = FALSE; // Avoid double notifications! } if (!ok) refused = TRUE; } if (!refused) // Notifica l'abbandono della riga refused = !notify(_cur_rec, K_CTRL+K_TAB); _check_enabled = TRUE; } break; case XIE_ON_CELL: if (_check_enabled) { const int physical_column = xiev->v.xi_obj->v.cell.column; TOperable_field* f = test_field(physical_column); bool disabled = TRUE; if (f) { const int logical_column = (f->dlg()-FIRST_FIELD) % 100; disabled = cell_disabled(_cur_rec, logical_column); // If the cell is disabled ... } if (disabled) { // const int dir = _lastab == K_TAB ? +1 : -1; const int dir = physical_column >= _cur_col ? +1 : -1; const int nex = find_enabled_column(_cur_rec, physical_column, dir); if (nex > 0) // If at least one enabled cell exists set_focus_cell(_cur_row, nex); // else refused = TRUE; } else { _edit_field = f; _cur_col = physical_column; _edit_field->set_focusdirty(_cell_dirty = FALSE); // Azzera il flag di update_pending #ifdef XI_R4 XinEvent e; e.type = XinEventPaint; xi_eh(_obj->itf->v.itf->xin_win, &e); #else EVENT e; e.type = E_UPDATE; xi_eh(_obj->itf->v.itf->xvt_win, &e); #endif } } break; case XIE_OFF_CELL: if (_edit_field && _check_enabled && _cell_dirty) { _check_enabled = FALSE; XI_OBJ* cell = xiev->v.xi_obj; refused = !off_cell_handler(cell); _check_enabled = TRUE; } break; case XIE_COL_MOVE: if (xiev->v.column.in_fixed || xiev->v.column.col_nbr < xi_get_fixed_columns(xiev->v.column.list)) refused = TRUE; else _save_columns_order = TRUE; break; case XIE_COL_SIZE: _save_columns_order = TRUE; break; case XIE_GET_PERCENT: { const long rec = xiev->v.get_percent.record; long n = items(); if (n <= 0) n = 1; xiev->v.get_percent.percent = int(rec * 100L / n); } break; case XIE_CLEANUP: break; case XIE_CHAR_CELL: if (_edit_field) { const KEY k = xiev_to_key(xiev); switch(k) { case K_F2: _cell_dirty = TRUE; case K_F8: case K_F9: if (_edit_field != NULL) { notify_change(); copy_cell2field(); } case K_F11: if (_check_enabled && active()) { _check_enabled = FALSE; // Disable checks notify_change(); bool ok = TRUE; if (k == K_F9 && _edit_field->is_kind_of(CLASS_LIST_FIELD)) // list { XI_OBJ cell; XI_MAKE_CELL(&cell, _obj, _cur_row, _cur_col); // droppa giu' TList_field& lst = (TList_field&)(*_edit_field); TDropDownList ddl(&cell, lst.get_codes(), lst.get_values()); ddl.open(); while (ddl.is_open()) do_events(); // sdroppa su copy_cell2field(); } else // edit_field { // Notifica il corretto campo col focus sulla maschera sheet_mask().notify_focus_field(_edit_field->dlg()); ok = _edit_field->on_key(k); if (!ok && k == K_F9) // Ricerca non completata? { _edit_field = &owner().sheet_mask().focus_field(); const int col = field2col(_edit_field); if (col != _cur_col) // Ricerca alternativa { _cur_col = col; dispatch_e_char(parent(), K_F9); } } } if (ok) { mask2str(_cur_rec); on_idle(); // Update immediately! } else set_focus_cell(_cur_row, _cur_col); _check_enabled = TRUE; // Re-enable checks } break; case K_CTRL + '-': // ********* delete line { if (sheet_mask().id2pos(DLG_DELREC)>=0 && sheet_mask().field(DLG_DELREC).enabled() && notify(_cur_rec, K_DEL)) { int rec = _cur_rec; _row_dirty = FALSE; destroy(rec); if (rec < items()) str2mask(rec); notify(rec, K_CTRL+K_DEL); // Notifica l'avvenuta cancellazione set_dirty(); if (rec >= items()) rec = items() - 1; if (rec >= 0) select(rec, FALSE); } refused = TRUE; } break; case K_CTRL + '+': // ********* insert line if (test_focus_change()) { int rec = -1; if (items() > 0 && !owner().append()) { XI_OBJ* itf = get_interface(); if (owner().mask().focus_field().dlg() == owner().dlg()) rec = _cur_rec + 1; else rec = 0; } insert(rec, TRUE, TRUE); owner().mask().notify_focus_field(owner().dlg()); refused = TRUE; } break; case K_CTRL + 'A': { _check_enabled = FALSE; if (_cell_dirty) off_cell_handler(); const KEY k = edit(_cur_rec); if (k == K_ENTER) _row_dirty = TRUE; else if (k == K_DEL) { _row_dirty = _cell_dirty = FALSE; if (_cur_rec >= items()) { _row_dirty = _cell_dirty = FALSE; _cur_rec = items()-1; _cur_row = 0; _cur_col = 1; } if (_cur_rec >= 0 && _cur_rec < items()) set_focus_cell(_cur_row, _cur_col); } else if (k == K_ESC) { XI_OBJ row; XI_MAKE_ROW(&row, _obj, _cur_row); xi_cell_request(&row); } _check_enabled = TRUE; refused = TRUE; } break; case K_CTRL + 'B': { _check_enabled = FALSE; if (_cell_dirty) off_cell_handler(); const int button_pos = sheet_mask().id2pos(FIRST_FIELD-1); if (button_pos >= 0) { TMask & sm = owner().sheet_mask(); TMask_field& button = sm.fld(button_pos); if (button.active()) { str2mask(_cur_rec); button.on_hit(); if (sm.dirty()) { notify_change(); mask2str(_cur_rec); } } } _check_enabled = TRUE; owner().highlight(); refused = TRUE; } break; case K_CTRL+K_PREV: xi_scroll(_obj, XI_SCROLL_PGUP); break; case K_CTRL+K_NEXT: xi_scroll(_obj, XI_SCROLL_PGDOWN); break; case K_CTRL+K_HOME: xi_scroll(_obj, XI_SCROLL_FIRST); break; case K_CTRL+K_END: xi_scroll(_obj, XI_SCROLL_LAST); break; default: if (k > K_CTRL) { refused = TRUE; } else if (is_edit_key(k) && !_edit_field->on_key(k)) { refused = TRUE; beep(); } else if (_edit_field->is_kind_of(CLASS_LIST_FIELD)) { notify_change(); // Aggiorna valore corrente listbox TList_field& lst = ((TList_field&)*_edit_field); bool changed = FALSE; switch (k) { case K_RIGHT: changed = lst.select_next(); break; case K_LEFT: changed = lst.select_prev(); break; default: if (k >= ' ' && k <= 'z') changed = lst.select_by_initial(k); break; } if (changed) { XI_OBJ cell; XI_MAKE_CELL(&cell, _obj, _cur_row, _cur_col); xi_set_text(&cell, (char*)(const char*)lst.get()); _cell_dirty = TRUE; } refused = TRUE; } break; } } break; case XIE_XVT_EVENT: if (xiev->v.xvte.type == E_CHAR) { const KEY k = e_char_to_key(&xiev->v.xvte); switch (k) { case K_ROWEDIT: xiev->type = XIE_DBL_CELL; xiev->v.xi_obj = NULL; event_handler(itf, xiev); break; /* case K_TAB: case K_BTAB: _lastab = k; break; case K_UP: case K_DOWN: _lastab = (_cur_col == 2) ? K_BTAB : K_TAB; break; */ case K_ENTER: case K_SHIFT+K_ENTER: { const int next_rec = find_enabled_record(_cur_rec, k == K_ENTER ? +1 : -1); if (next_rec >= 0) { dispatch_e_char(parent(), k == K_ENTER ? K_DOWN : K_UP); } else { // if (xi_move_focus(get_interface())) // Test di uscita dalla cella corrente // { // xi_set_focus(_obj); // Riporta il focus sullo sheet dispatch_e_char(parent(), k == K_ENTER ? K_F3 : K_F4); // } refused = TRUE; } } break; case K_ESC: if (xi_move_focus(get_interface())) { owner().mask().on_key(k); refused = TRUE; } break; case K_CTRL + 'A': case K_CTRL + 'B': case K_CTRL + '-': case K_CTRL + '+': case K_CTRL+K_PREV: case K_CTRL+K_NEXT: case K_CTRL+K_HOME: case K_CTRL+K_END: break; default: if (k > K_CTRL) { if (xi_move_focus(get_interface())) owner().mask().on_key(k); refused = TRUE; } break; } } break; default: break; } return !refused; } void TSpreadsheet::activate(bool on) { _active = on; const dword old = xi_get_attrib(_obj); dword att = on ? (old & ~XI_ATR_NAVIGATE) : (old | XI_ATR_NAVIGATE); if (old != att) { int num; XI_OBJ** columns = xi_get_member_list(_obj, &num); xi_move_focus(get_interface()); // Set focus to interface if (on) att |= XI_ATR_TABWRAP; else att &= ~XI_ATR_TABWRAP; xi_set_attrib(_obj, att); for (int col = 1; col < num; col++) { XI_OBJ* column = columns[col]; att = xi_get_attrib(column); if (on) { att &= ~XI_ATR_READONLY; if (AUTOSELECT) att |= XI_ATR_AUTOSELECT; } else { att |= XI_ATR_READONLY; att &= ~XI_ATR_AUTOSELECT; } xi_set_attrib(column, att); // Set new attributes } } } void TSpreadsheet::select(int rec, bool scrollto) { if (!scrollto) { int rows; const long* handle = xi_get_list_info(_obj, &rows); int first = 0, last = 0; xi_get_visible_rows(_obj, &first, &last); scrollto = rec < handle[first] || rec > handle[last]; } if (scrollto) { const long as = AUTOSELECT ? XI_ATR_AUTOSELECT : 0; xi_scroll_rec(_obj, rec, NORMAL_COLOR, XI_ATR_ENABLED | as, 0); } const int row = rec2row(rec); const bool has_focus = mask().focus_field().dlg() == owner().dlg(); if (has_focus) { _cur_rec = -1; set_focus_cell(row, 1); } else { _edit_field = col2field(_cur_col = 1); _cur_rec = rec; _cur_row = row; str2mask(_cur_rec); _row_dirty = FALSE; } notify(rec, K_TAB); } void TSpreadsheet::post_select(int rec) { _selection_posted = rec; } void TSpreadsheet::on_idle() { if (_needs_update >= 0) { if (_needs_update < items()) update_rec(_needs_update); _needs_update = -1; } if (_selection_posted >= 0) { const int next_row = _selection_posted; _selection_posted = -1; if (next_row < items()) select(next_row, FALSE); } } // @doc INTERNAL // @mfunc Cerca la colonna col XI_OBJ* TSpreadsheet::find_column( int col) const // @parm Indice o identificatore colonna { CHECKD(col >= 0, "Bad column ", col); if (col < FIRST_FIELD) // Se e' un indice trasformalo in identificatore col += FIRST_FIELD; else if (col >= FIRST_FIELD+100) // Riportalo nel range 101 - 199 col = FIRST_FIELD + cid2index(col); int num; XI_OBJ** columns = xi_get_member_list(_obj, &num); for (int c = num-1; c >= 0; c--) { if (columns[c]->cid == col) break; } return c >= 0 ? columns[c] : NULL; } TMask& TSpreadsheet::mask() const { TMask* m = (TMask*)xvt_vobj_get_data(parent()); return *m; } // Ritorna il campo con l'identificatore dato della maschera dello sheet TOperable_field* TSpreadsheet::field(short id) const { const TMask & sm = owner().sheet_mask(); const int pos = sm.id2pos(id); return pos < 0 ? NULL : (TOperable_field*)&sm.fld(pos); } // Ricopia i campi della maschera nel record dato ed aggiorna il display void TSpreadsheet::mask2str(int rec) { TToken_string& r = row(rec); owner().mask2row(rec, r); if (_needs_update != rec) { if (_needs_update >= 0) update_rec(_needs_update); // Double update! _needs_update = rec; } } // Certified 50% // @doc INTERNAL // @mfunc Permette di abilitare/disabilitare una singola cella void TSpreadsheet::enable_cell( int row, // @parm Riga della cella da abilitare/disabilitare int column, // @parm Colonna della cella da abilitare/disabilitare (-1=tutta la riga) bool on) // @parm Indica l'operazione da effettuare sulla cella: // // @flag TRUE | La cella viene abilitata (default) // @flag FALSE| La cella viene disabilitata { if (column >= FIRST_FIELD) column = cid2index(column); TRow_property* prop = get_property(row); if (prop == NULL) { if (on) return; // Don't waste time and memory prop = get_property(row, TRUE); } TBit_array& ba = prop->_disabled; if (column >= 0) { ba.set(column, !on); } else { if (on) ba.reset(); else { ba.set(_columns); // Force right array size ba.set(); // Set all bits } } } void TSpreadsheet::set_back_and_fore_color(COLOR back, COLOR fore, int row) { if (back != COLOR_INVALID || fore != COLOR_INVALID) { int first, last; if (row < 0) { first = 0; last = items()-1; } else first = last = row; const bool crea = back != NORMAL_BACK_COLOR || fore != NORMAL_COLOR; for (int r = first; r <= last; r++) { TRow_property* prop = get_property(r, crea); if (prop) { if (back != COLOR_INVALID) prop->_back = back; if (fore != COLOR_INVALID) prop->_fore = fore; } } } } void TSpreadsheet::get_back_and_fore_color(COLOR& back, COLOR& fore, int row) { TRow_property* prop = get_property(row, FALSE); if (prop) { if (prop->_back != NORMAL_BACK_COLOR) back = prop->_back; if (prop->_fore != NORMAL_COLOR) fore = prop->_fore; } /* else { back = NORMAL_BACK_COLOR; fore = NORMAL_COLOR; } */ } // @doc INTERNAL // @mfunc Permette di abilitare/disabiltare una colonna void TSpreadsheet::enable_column( int col, // @parm Numero della colonna da abilitare/disabilitare bool on) // @parm Indica l'operazione da effettuare sulla colonna: // // @flag TRUE | Abilita la colonna (default) // @flag FALSE| Disabilita la colonna { if (col >= FIRST_FIELD) col = cid2index(col); const bool change = _column_disabled[col] == on; _column_disabled.set(col, !on); if (change) { XI_OBJ* column = find_column(col); if (column) { dword attr = xi_get_attrib(column); if (on) attr |= XI_ATR_ENABLED; else attr &= ~XI_ATR_ENABLED; xi_set_attrib(column, attr); // Set new attributes } } } void TSpreadsheet::delete_column( const int col ) const { XI_OBJ* column = find_column(col); if (column) xi_delete(column); } void TSpreadsheet::move_column( const int fromindex, const int toindex) const { int num; XI_OBJ** columns = xi_get_member_list(_obj, &num); CHECKD(fromindex+1 < num, "Can't move column ", fromindex); XI_OBJ* column = columns[fromindex+1]; xi_move_column( column, toindex ); } void TSpreadsheet::swap_columns(const int fromid, const int toid) const { int num; XI_OBJ** columns = xi_get_member_list(_obj, &num); XI_OBJ* from_column = XI_NULL_OBJ; XI_OBJ* to_column = XI_NULL_OBJ; int from_pos = 0; int to_pos = 0; for (int c = num-1; c > 0; c--) { XI_OBJ* column = columns[c]; if (column->cid == fromid) { from_column = column; from_pos = c; } if (column->cid == toid) { to_column = column; to_pos = c; }; } CHECKD(from_pos, "Can't swap column ", fromid); CHECKD(to_pos, "Can't swap column ", toid); xi_move_column(from_column, to_pos); xi_move_column(to_column, from_pos); } void TSpreadsheet::swap_rows( const int fromindex, const int toindex) { _str.swap(fromindex, toindex); _property.swap(fromindex, toindex); } void TSpreadsheet::set_column_width(const int col, const int width) const { XI_OBJ* column = find_column(col); if (column) xi_set_column_width(column, width); // Force redraw } void TSpreadsheet::set_column_header(const int col, const TString& header) const { XI_OBJ* column = find_column(col); if (column) { xi_set_text(column, (char *)(const char *)header ); //RCT r; xi_get_rect(column, &r); //xi_set_column_width(column, (r.right-r.left+1) / CHARX); // Force redraw } } void TSpreadsheet::set_column_justify(int col, bool right) { XI_OBJ* column = find_column(col); if (column) { dword attr = xi_get_attrib(column); if (right) attr |= XI_ATR_RJUST; else attr &= ~XI_ATR_RJUST; xi_set_attrib(column, attr); // Set new attribute update(-1); } } TSpreadsheet::TRow_property* TSpreadsheet::get_property(int row, bool create) { TRow_property* p = (TRow_property*)_property.objptr(row); if (p == NULL && create) { p = new TRow_property; _property.add(p, row); } return p; } // Costruisce l'identificatore del paragrafo contenente la disposizione // delle colonne del campo f HIDDEN TFilename& field2parag(const TMask_field& f, TFilename& name) { const TMask& m = f.mask(); name = m.source_file(); name.ext(""); // Nome della maschera senza estensione if (m.number() > 0) // Aggiunge l'eventuale numero di sotto-maschera name << '(' << m.number() << ')'; return name; } void TSpreadsheet::save_columns_order() const { if (_save_columns_order) { TFilename parag; field2parag(owner(), parag); TConfig config(CONFIG_USER, parag); // Apre il file di configurazione if (_save_columns_order == TRUE) // Se vale 3 devo solo resettare { int num; XI_OBJ** column = xi_get_member_list(_obj, &num); TToken_string order(127); // Nuovo ordine delle colonne for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) // Scorre le colonne { order.add(column[i]->cid); RCT rct; xi_get_rect(column[i], (XinRect *) &rct); order << ',' << rct.right - rct.left; } config.set("Browse", order, NULL, TRUE, owner().dlg()); } else config.remove("Browse", owner().dlg()); } } void TSpreadsheet::load_columns_order() { TFilename parag; field2parag(owner(), parag); TConfig config(CONFIG_USER, parag); const int index = owner().dlg(); TToken_string order = config.get("Browse", NULL, index); if (order.empty_items()) config.remove("Browse", index); else set_columns_order(&order); } void TSpreadsheet::set_columns_order(TToken_string* order) { XI_OBJ* itf = get_interface(); XI_OBJ* focus = xi_get_focus(itf); xi_set_focus(itf); int num_cols; XI_OBJ** column = xi_get_member_list(_obj, &num_cols); // Costante da sottrarre nella xi_column_set_pixel_width altrimenti la somma due volte! const int offset = 2 * (int)xi_get_pref(XI_PREF_COLUMN_OFFSET); const int fixed = xi_get_fixed_columns(_obj); if (fixed > 1) xi_set_fixed_columns(_obj, 1); if (order == NULL) { for (int index = 0; index < num_cols; index++) { const short cid = index ? FIRST_FIELD + index - 1 : 0; XI_OBJ* col = find_column(cid); if (col) { if (index >= fixed) xi_move_column(col, index); RCT rct; xi_get_rect(col, (XinRect *) &rct); if (_default_width[index] != rct.right - rct.left) xi_column_set_pixel_width(col, _default_width[index]-offset); } } _save_columns_order = 0x3; } else { TToken_string col(8, ','); int pos = 0; for (col = order->get(0); !col.blank(); col = order->get(), pos++) { const int cid = col.get_int(0); const int width = col.get_int(); XI_OBJ* column = find_column(cid); if (column) // Controlla che esista ancora { if (pos >= fixed && pos < num_cols) xi_move_column(column, pos); // Sposta la colonna if (width > XI_FU_MULTIPLE) // Se ha una larghezza valida xi_column_set_pixel_width(column, width - offset); } } _save_columns_order = FALSE; } if (fixed > 1) xi_set_fixed_columns(_obj, fixed); if (focus) xi_set_focus(focus); } // Certified 99% // @doc INTERNAL // @mfunc Controlla se una cella o un'intera riga e' disabilitata // // @rdesc Se column e' minore di zero si considera l'intera riga // @rdesc Ritorna lo stato della cella indicata: // // @flag TRUE | Se la cella e' disabilitata // @flag FALSE| Se la cella e' abilitata bool TSpreadsheet::cell_disabled(int row, int column) const { const TRow_property* prop = ((TSpreadsheet*)this)->get_property(row); bool d; if (column < 0) d = (prop == NULL) ? FALSE : (prop->_disabled.ones() >= columns()-1); else { d = _column_disabled[column]; // Controlla la colonna if (d == FALSE && prop != NULL) // Se la colonna e' disabilitata e' inutile proseguire d = prop->_disabled[column]; // Controlla la cella } return d; } // Certified 75% void TSpreadsheet::str2mask(int riga) { if (riga == items()) { const int curr = _cur_rec; _cur_rec = riga; owner().sheet_mask().reset(); _cur_rec = curr; mask2str(riga); return; } TToken_string& r = row(riga); owner().row2mask(riga, r); } // Certified 100% bool TSpreadsheet::notify(int rec, KEY k) { const bool ok = _notify ? _notify(owner(), rec, k) : TRUE; if (k == K_ENTER) set_dirty(ok ? TRUE : 3); return ok; } // Certified 99% KEY TSpreadsheet::edit(int n) { str2mask(n); KEY k = owner().run_editmask(n); if (active()) { if (k == K_ENTER) { mask2str(n); } else { if (k == K_DEL) { const bool ok = notify(n, K_DEL); // Notifica intenzione di cancellare if (ok) { destroy(n); if (n < items()) str2mask(n); notify(n, K_CTRL+K_DEL); // Notifica l'avvenuta cancellazione set_dirty(); } } else if (k == K_ESC) { str2mask(n); // Ripristina valori precedenti } } } return k; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TSheet_field /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Certified 100% TSheet_field::TSheet_field(TMask* m) : TLoadable_field(m), _append(TRUE), _enable_autoload(FALSE),_sheetfile(NULL),_linee_rec(NULL),_external_record(FALSE), _userput(NULL),_userget(NULL) { } // Certified 100% word TSheet_field::class_id() const { return CLASS_SHEET_FIELD; } bool TSheet_field::is_kind_of(word cid) const { return cid == CLASS_SHEET_FIELD || TOperable_field::is_kind_of(cid); } // Certified 100% TSheet_field::~TSheet_field() { if (_sheetfile!=NULL) delete _sheetfile; if (_linee_rec!=NULL && !_external_record) delete _linee_rec; } // Certified 100% void TSheet_field::reset() { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; if (s->items()) s->select(0, FALSE); s->destroy(); s->sheet_mask().reset(); set_dirty(); // Reset any error (dirty = 3) set_dirty(mask().is_running()); // Set dirty state based on mask status force_update(); } // Certified 100% void TSheet_field::destroy(int r, bool update_sheet) { ((TSpreadsheet*)_ctl)->destroy(r, update_sheet); } // Certified 100% int TSheet_field::insert(int r, bool update_sheet, bool call_notify) { return ((TSpreadsheet*)_ctl)->insert(r, update_sheet, call_notify); } void TSheet_field::parse_head(TScanner& scanner) { _ctl_data._width = scanner.integer(); _ctl_data._height = scanner.integer(); if (_ctl_data._height == 0) _ctl_data._height = -1; } // Certified: ...under debug... bool TSheet_field::parse_item(TScanner& scanner) { if (scanner.key() == "IT") // ITEM { _ctl_data._park.add(scanner.string()); return TRUE; } if (scanner.key() == "FL") // FLAGS { TString16 flags(scanner.string()); _enable_autoload=(flags.find("A")>=0); _append=(flags.find("I")<0); return TRUE; } if (scanner.key() == "US") // USE { int key = 1; const int logicnum = scanner.integer(); if (logicnum > 0) { TDir d; d.get(logicnum); if (fexist(d.filename())) // Controlla l'esistenza del file { _sheetfile = new TLocalisamfile(logicnum); TString s = scanner.pop(); // cerca l'indicazione del campo di numerazione if (s == "KE") { s = scanner.pop(); _linee_rec= new TRecord_array(logicnum, s);// alloca i record } else { NFCHECK("Manca la definizione del campo di autonumerazione nel campo %d", (int)dlg()); } } } return TRUE; } if (scanner.key() == "IN") // input (definisce la chiave) { parse_input(scanner); return TRUE; } return TMask_field::parse_item(scanner); } void TSheet_field::parse_input(TScanner& scanner) { const char* s = scanner.pop(); _file_k_names.add(s); s = scanner.pop(); if (*s == '"') // Constant string { scanner.push(); TString& str = scanner.line(); _file_k_ids.add(str); } else // Field on the mask { CHECKS(_file_k_ids.get_pos(s) < 0, "Duplicate input field ", s); _file_k_ids.add(s); if (scanner.popkey() == "SE") _file_k_ids << '@'; // Special FILTERing field else scanner.push(); } } // Certified 100% void TSheet_field::create(WINDOW parent) { const TMask& m = mask(); const TString head(_ctl_data._park); _ctl = new TSpreadsheet(parent, dlg(), _ctl_data._x, _ctl_data._y, _ctl_data._width, _ctl_data._height, m.source_file(), m.sheets(), head, this); _ctl->show(shown()); if (!_flags.enable_default) { _flags.enabled = TRUE; // Lo sheet e' sempre operabile anche se non editabile disable(); } const TMask & s = sheet_mask(); for (short id = FIRST_FIELD; ; id++) if (s.id2pos(id) < 0) break; _last_column_id = id - 1; ((TSpreadsheet*)_ctl)->load_columns_order(); } // Certified 100% TString_array& TSheet_field::rows_array() const { return ((TSpreadsheet*)_ctl)->rows_array(); } // Certified 100% // Ritorna l'indice della prima riga vuota dello sheet int TSheet_field::first_empty() const { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; const int max = (int)s->items(); for (int n = 0; n < max; n++) if (s->row(n).empty_items()) break; return n; } // @doc EXTERNAL // @mfunc Ritorna nuova riga dello spreadshhet // // @rdesc Ritorna la stringa letta TToken_string& TSheet_field::row( int n) // @parm Numero della riga da leggere/creare // @comm Se il parametro

e maggiore del numero massimo di righe presenti // o minore di 0 viene aggiunta una riga vuota in fondo allo spreadsheet // (viene chiamata la ) { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; const int max = (int)s->items(); if (n < 0 || n >= max) { if (n < 0) n = first_empty(); if (n >= max) n = (int)s->add(new TToken_string(80)); } return s->row(n); } // @doc EXTERNAL // @mfunc Forza l'aggiornamento dei dati della riga sullo schermo void TSheet_field::force_update( int r) // @parm Numero della riga da aggiornare // @comm Se il parametro

assume valore -1 vengono aggiornate tutte le righe presenti // nello spreadsheet { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; s->update(r); } int TSheet_field::items() const { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; return (int)s->items(); } int TSheet_field::selected() const { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; return s != NULL ?(int)s->selected() : -1; } void TSheet_field::set_notify(SPREADSHEET_NOTIFY n) { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; s->set_notify(n); } // Certified 50% void TSheet_field::highlight() const { // TEditable_field::highlight(); TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; if (s->_check_enabled) { int rows; xi_get_list_info(s->_obj, &rows); if (rows > 0) { if (s->notify(s->_cur_rec, K_TAB)) { s->set_focus_cell(s->_cur_row, s->_cur_col); s->str2mask(selected()); } } } } void TSheet_field::enable(bool on) { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; s->activate(on); } bool TSheet_field::enabled() const { // return items() > 0; return TMask_field::enabled(); } int TSheet_field::cid2index(short cid) const { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; return s->cid2index(cid); } void TSheet_field::enable_column(int column, bool on) { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; s->enable_column(column, on); } void TSheet_field::enable_cell(int row, int column, bool on) { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; s->enable_cell(row, column, on); } bool TSheet_field::column_enabled(int column) const { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; return s->column_enabled(column); } bool TSheet_field::column_disabled(int column) const { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; return s->column_disabled(column); } bool TSheet_field::cell_disabled(int row, int column) const { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; return s->cell_disabled(row, column); } // Matteo void TSheet_field::delete_column( const int col ) const { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; s->delete_column( col ); } void TSheet_field::move_column( const int fromindex, const int toindex ) const { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; s->move_column(fromindex, toindex); } void TSheet_field::swap_columns(const int fromid, const int toid) const { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; s->swap_columns(fromid, toid); } void TSheet_field::swap_rows( const int fromindex, const int toindex) { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; s->swap_rows(fromindex, toindex); } void TSheet_field::set_column_width( const int col, const int width ) const { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; s->set_column_width(col, width); } void TSheet_field::set_column_header( const int col, const TString& header ) const { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; s->set_column_header(col, header); } void TSheet_field::set_column_justify(int col, bool right) { if (col < FIRST_FIELD) col += FIRST_FIELD; sheet_mask().field(col).set_justify(right); TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; s->set_column_justify(col, right); } TMask& TSheet_field::sheet_mask() const { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; return s->sheet_mask(); } bool TSheet_field::on_hit() { if (!mask().is_running()) // Inizializzazione maschera { force_update(); if (items() > 0) { mask().notify_focus_field(dlg()); // Fa' credere alla maschera che ha il focus ... select(0); // ... cosi' la set_focus_cell funziona bene } set_dirty(FALSE); } const bool ok = handler(K_SPACE); return ok; } void TSheet_field::select(int r, bool scrollto) { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; s->select(r, scrollto); } void TSheet_field::set_focus_cell(int riga, int colonna) { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; s->set_focus_cell(riga, colonna); } bool TSheet_field::on_key(KEY k) { if (k == K_TAB && items() > 0) { if (focusdirty()) { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; if (!s->test_focus_change()) return FALSE; } } if (k == K_ROWEDIT && items() > 0) { select(items()-1); XI_EVENT xie; xie.type = XIE_DBL_CELL; xie.v.xi_obj = NULL; _ctl->event_handler(NULL, &xie); return TRUE; } return TOperable_field::on_key(k); } void TSheet_field::on_idle() { ((TSpreadsheet*)_ctl)->on_idle(); } void TSheet_field::exchange(bool show_value, const real& nuo) { TMask& m = sheet_mask(); const real& vec = mask().exchange(); if (vec != nuo) { TBit_array valuta(TSpreadsheet::MAX_COL); int i = 0; for (int f = FIRST_FIELD; ;f++, i++) { const int pos = m.id2pos(f); if (pos < 0) break; if (m.fld(pos).class_id() == CLASS_REAL_FIELD) { if (m.fld(pos).exchangeable()) valuta.set(i); } } for (int riga = 0; riga < items(); riga++) { TToken_string& r = row(riga); for (const char* s = r.get(i = 0); s; s = r.get(++i)) if (*s > ' ' && valuta[i]) { real v(s); v *= nuo; v /= vec; v.round(); r.add(v.string(), i); } } } m.set_exchange(show_value, nuo); if (mask().is_running()) force_update(); } // Ricopia i campi della maschera nel record dato void TSheet_field::mask2row(int n, TToken_string & rec) { const TMask& m = sheet_mask(); rec.cut(0); const TSpreadsheet& s = (const TSpreadsheet&)*_ctl; for (short id = FIRST_FIELD; id <= _last_column_id ; id++) { int pos = m.id2pos(id); const int firstpos = pos; if (pos >= 0) { for(int dlg = id; pos >= 0; pos = m.id2pos(dlg += 100)) { const TMask_field& f = m.fld(pos); if (f.shown() || f.ghost()) { rec.add(f.get()); if (active() && s.active()) { const int col = cid2index(id); if (!s.column_disabled(col)) { const bool on = f.enabled(); enable_cell(n, col, on); } } break; } } #ifdef DBG if (pos < 0 && s.cid2col(id) > 0) yesnofatal_box("Mask2row: Non e' visibile il campo %d", id); #endif } else { const int col = cid2index(id); if (!s.column_disabled(col)) enable_cell(n, col, FALSE); } if (pos < 0) rec.add(firstpos >= 0 ? m.fld(firstpos).get() : " "); } } // Ricopia i campi del record dato nella maschera void TSheet_field::row2mask(int n, TToken_string & r) { TString val(80); TMask& m = sheet_mask(); const int campi = m.fields(); const TSpreadsheet& s = (const TSpreadsheet&)*_ctl; int i; // Conatatore di tutti i cicli successivi for (short id = FIRST_FIELD; id <= _last_column_id; id++) { const int index = cid2index(id); val = r.get(index); int dlg = id; for(int pos = m.id2pos(dlg); pos >= 0; pos = m.id2pos(dlg += 100)) { TMask_field& f = m.fld(pos); f.set(val); const bool on = s.active() && !cell_disabled(n, index); if (f.enabled() != on) f.enable(on); } } for (i = 0; i < campi; i++) { TMask_field& f = m.fld(i); const short id = f.dlg(); if (id >= FIRST_FIELD && !f.is_kind_of(CLASS_BUTTON_FIELD) && (f.active() || f.ghost())) { if (f.has_check()) f.check(STARTING_CHECK); f.set_dirty(FALSE); f.on_hit(); } } for (i = 0; i < campi; i++) { TMask_field& f = m.fld(i); if (f.dirty() == TRUE) f.set_dirty(FALSE); } val.format("Riga %d", n+1); m.set_caption(val); } void TSheet_field::set_back_and_fore_color(COLOR back, COLOR fore, int row) { TSpreadsheet& s = (TSpreadsheet&)*_ctl; s.set_back_and_fore_color(back, fore, row); } void TSheet_field::reset_columns_order() { TSpreadsheet& s = (TSpreadsheet&)*_ctl; s.set_columns_order(NULL); } void TSheet_field::save_columns_order() { const TSpreadsheet& s = (const TSpreadsheet&)*_ctl; s.save_columns_order(); } void TSheet_field::check_row(int n) { TSpreadsheet* s = (TSpreadsheet*)_ctl; const int current = s->_cur_rec; s->_cur_rec = n; TMask& m = sheet_mask(); CHECK(!m.is_running(), "Can't use check_row while sheet mask is running"); TToken_string & r = row(n); const int max = m.fields(); TMaskmode mask_mode = (TMaskmode) m.mode(); m.set_mode(mask().mode()); for (int i = max - 1; i >= 0; i--) { TMask_field & f = m.fld(i); if (f.has_check()) f.set_dirty(); } row2mask(n, r); mask2row(n, r); m.set_mode(mask_mode); s->_cur_rec = current; } // Certified: ...under debug.. void TSheet_field::set_lines_record(TRecord_array & r_a) { if (_linee_rec && !_external_record) delete _linee_rec; _linee_rec= & r_a; _external_record=TRUE; // il record attuale è esterno... } // Certified: ...under debug.. TRectype * TSheet_field::putkey(const TRelation& r) { if (_sheetfile) { // ******* // costruisce la chiave per il record array _sheetfile->zero(); _file_k_ids.restart(); for (TString16 dbfieldname = _file_k_names.get(0); dbfieldname.not_empty(); dbfieldname = _file_k_names.get()) { TMask_field& f= mask().field(_file_k_ids.get_int()); ((TLoadable_field&)f).autoload(r); _sheetfile->put(dbfieldname, f.get()); } return &_sheetfile->curr(); } return NULL; } // Certified: ...under debug.. bool TSheet_field::autoload_line(int i,TRectype & rec) { TToken_string &row= this->row(i-1); row = ""; // riempie le colonne dello sheet i cui campi hanno attributo "FIELD" /*for (int f=FIRST_FIELD; f<=_last_column_id; f++) { TFieldref const *dbfield=sheet_mask().field(f).field(); if (dbfield) { row.add(dbfield->read(rec),cid2index(f)); } // completa l'operazione con le funzioni definite dall'utente } */ for (int j = 0; j < sheet_mask().fields(); j++) { TMask_field& mf = sheet_mask().fld(j); const short id = mf.dlg(); TFieldref const *dbfield=mf.field(); if (dbfield) { if (id>=FIRST_FIELD && id<=_last_column_id) { row.add(dbfield->read(rec),cid2index(id)); } else { mf.set(dbfield->read(rec)); } } } // completa l'operazione con le funzioni definite dall'utente if (_userget) _userget(*this,i); check_row(i-1); return TRUE; } // Certified: ...under debug.. bool TSheet_field::autosave_line(int i,TRectype & rec) { for (int j = 0; j < sheet_mask().fields(); j++) { TMask_field& mf = sheet_mask().fld(j); const short id = mf.dlg(); TFieldref const *dbfield=mf.field(); if (dbfield) { if (id>=FIRST_FIELD && id<=_last_column_id) dbfield->write(cell(i-1,cid2index(id)),rec); else dbfield->write(mf.get(), rec); } } // completa l'operazione con le funzioni definite dall'utente if (_userput) _userput(*this,i); return FALSE; } // Certified: ...under debug.. bool TSheet_field::autoload(const TRelation& rel) { if (_enable_autoload) { CHECK(_linee_rec !=NULL, "Iu ev forgotten tu declare de Record array for de scit"); // ******* // trasferisce le linee dal record array allo sheet destroy(); // cancella lo sheet const int last_line = _linee_rec->last_row(); for (int i= 1; i <= last_line; i++) { autoload_line(i,_linee_rec->row(i, TRUE)); } return(0); } return _enable_autoload; } // Certified: ...under debug.. bool TSheet_field::autosave(TRelation& rel) { if (_enable_autoload) { CHECK(_linee_rec !=NULL, "Iu ev forgotten tu declare de Record array for de scit"); _linee_rec->destroy_rows(); if (_sheetfile) { // trasferisce dal file locale if (mask().insert_mode()) { // rinumera la chiave _file_k_names.restart(); _file_k_ids.restart(); TString dbfieldname; while ((dbfieldname=_file_k_names.get())!="") { TMask_field & f= mask().field(atoi(_file_k_ids.get())); _linee_rec->renum_key(dbfieldname, f.get()); } } } // ******* // trasferisce le linee dallo sheet al record array (ignorando righe vuote alla fine) int i= items(); while (i >= 1 && row(i-1).empty_items()) i--; for (; i >= 1; i--) { TRectype &rec = _linee_rec->row(i, TRUE); autosave_line(i,rec); } } return _enable_autoload; } // Certified: ...under debug.. void TSheet_field::set_userget(SHEET_USERGETPUT handler) { _userget = handler; } // Certified: ...under debug.. void TSheet_field::set_userput(SHEET_USERGETPUT handler) { _userput = handler; }