#pragma region Includes #include "SSAservice.h" #include "ThreadPool.h" #include "PathName.h" #include #include #pragma comment(lib, "Psapi.lib") #pragma endregion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSSAservice /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CSSAservice::FindAgent(HANDLE& hFound, DWORD& pid) const { DWORD* aProcesses = NULL; DWORD nItems = 0, nFound = 0, i = 0; hFound = 0; pid = 0; for (nItems = 256; ; nItems *= 2) { DWORD cbNeeded = 0; free(aProcesses); aProcesses = (DWORD*)calloc(nItems, sizeof(DWORD)); if (!EnumProcesses(aProcesses, nItems*sizeof(DWORD), &cbNeeded)) { free(aProcesses); return FALSE; } nFound = cbNeeded / sizeof(DWORD); if (nFound < nItems) break; } for (i = 0; i < nFound && hFound == NULL; i++) if (aProcesses[i]) { HANDLE hProcess = ::OpenProcess( PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, aProcesses[i] ); if (hProcess != NULL) { HMODULE hMod; DWORD cbNeeded; if (::EnumProcessModules( hProcess, &hMod, sizeof(hMod), &cbNeeded) ) { TCHAR szProcessName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; ::GetModuleBaseName( hProcess, hMod, szProcessName, sizeof(szProcessName)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); if (wcsstr(szProcessName, _agent) != NULL) { hFound = ::OpenProcess( SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, aProcesses[i] ); // Waitable process handle pid = aProcesses[i]; } } // Release the handle to the process. CloseHandle( hProcess ); } } free(aProcesses); return hFound != NULL; } BOOL CSSAservice::FindOrCreateAgent(HANDLE& hProcess, DWORD& pid) const { if (!FindAgent(hProcess, pid)) { STARTUPINFO si = { 0 }; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi = { 0 }; si.cb = sizeof(si); // si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; std::wstring str; str = L"Creating instance of "; str += _agent; WriteEventLogEntry(str.c_str()); if (CreateProcess(_agent, NULL, // lpCommandLine NULL, // lpProcessAttributes NULL, // lpThreadAttributes FALSE, // no Handle inheritance CREATE_NO_WINDOW | IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS, // creation flags NULL, // Use parent's environment block NULL, // Use parent's starting directory &si, &pi)) { hProcess = pi.hProcess; pid = pi.dwProcessId; } else WriteErrorLogEntry(TEXT("CreateProcess")); } else { std::wstring str; str = L"Attaching to instance of "; str += _agent; WriteEventLogEntry(str.c_str()); } return hProcess != 0; } void CSSAservice::CheckDirectory() const { char full[_MAX_PATH] = {0}; ::GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, full, sizeof(full)); CPathName pn = full; ::SetCurrentDirectoryA(pn.Path()); } CSSAservice::CSSAservice(LPCTSTR pszServiceName, BOOL fCanStop, BOOL fCanShutdown, BOOL fCanPauseContinue) : CServiceBase(pszServiceName, fCanStop, fCanShutdown, fCanPauseContinue), _agent(NULL) { m_fStopping = FALSE; // Create a manual-reset event that is not signaled at first to indicate // the stopped signal of the service. m_hStoppedEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (m_hStoppedEvent == NULL) throw GetLastError(); } CSSAservice::~CSSAservice(void) { if (m_hStoppedEvent) { CloseHandle(m_hStoppedEvent); m_hStoppedEvent = NULL; } } // // FUNCTION: CSSAservice::OnStart(DWORD, LPWSTR *) // // PURPOSE: The function is executed when a Start command is sent to the // service by the SCM or when the operating system starts (for a service // that starts automatically). It specifies actions to take when the // service starts. In this code sample, OnStart logs a service-start // message to the Application log, and queues the main service function for // execution in a thread pool worker thread. // // PARAMETERS: // * dwArgc - number of command line arguments // * lpszArgv - array of command line arguments // // NOTE: A service application is designed to be long running. Therefore, // it usually polls or monitors something in the system. The monitoring is // set up in the OnStart method. However, OnStart does not actually do the // monitoring. The OnStart method must return to the operating system after // the service's operation has begun. It must not loop forever or block. To // set up a simple monitoring mechanism, one general solution is to create // a timer in OnStart. The timer would then raise events in your code // periodically, at which time your service could do its monitoring. The // other solution is to spawn a new thread to perform the main service // functions, which is demonstrated in this code sample. // void CSSAservice::OnStart(DWORD dwArgc, LPWSTR *lpszArgv) { // Log a service start message to the Application log. WriteEventLogEntry(TEXT("SSAservice Starting")); // Queue the main service function for execution in a worker thread. CThreadPool::QueueUserWorkItem(&CSSAservice::ServiceLoop, this); } // // FUNCTION: CSSAservice::ServiceLoop(void) // // PURPOSE: The method performs the main function of the service. It runs // on a thread pool worker thread. // void CSSAservice::ServiceLoop(void) { const int nSeconds = 5; CheckDirectory(); WIN32_FIND_DATA fd = { 0 }; HANDLE hf = ::FindFirstFile(TEXT("*.ssa"), &fd); if (hf) { _agent = TEXT("SSAagent.exe"); ::FindClose(hf); } else _agent = TEXT("Authoriz.exe"); HANDLE hProcess = 0; DWORD pid = 0; FindOrCreateAgent(hProcess, pid); // Periodically check if the service is stopping. while (hProcess && !m_fStopping) { DWORD ret = ::WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, nSeconds * 1000); if (ret != WAIT_TIMEOUT) { WriteEventLogEntry(TEXT("Unexpected agent termination"), EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE); ::CloseHandle(hProcess); FindOrCreateAgent(hProcess, pid); } } if (hProcess) { ::CloseHandle(hProcess); HANDLE hAgent = ::OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, FALSE, pid); if (hAgent) { if (::TerminateProcess(hAgent, 0)) _agent = NULL; else WriteErrorLogEntry(TEXT("TerminateProcess")); ::CloseHandle(hAgent); } else WriteErrorLogEntry(TEXT("OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE)")); } // Signal the stopped event. SetEvent(m_hStoppedEvent); } // // FUNCTION: CSSAservice::OnStop(void) // // PURPOSE: The function is executed when a Stop command is sent to the // service by SCM. It specifies actions to take when a service stops // running. In this code sample, OnStop logs a service-stop message to the // Application log, and waits for the finish of the main service function. // // COMMENTS: // Be sure to periodically call ReportServiceStatus() with // SERVICE_STOP_PENDING if the procedure is going to take long time. // void CSSAservice::OnStop() { // Log a service stop message to the Application log. WriteEventLogEntry(L"SSAservice Stopping"); // Indicate that the service is stopping and wait for the finish of the // main service function (ServiceWorkerThread). m_fStopping = TRUE; if (WaitForSingleObject(m_hStoppedEvent, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) throw GetLastError(); }