/* This is really -*-c++-*- */ #ifndef __VISWIN_H #define __VISWIN_H #ifndef __WINDOW_H #include <window.h> #endif #ifndef __STRINGS_H #include <strings.h> #endif #ifndef __TEXTFILE_H #include <text.h> #endif class TBrowsefile_field; class TViswin : public TScroll_window { friend class TBrowsefile_field; enum { MAXBUT = 4, MAXLEN = 256, BUFFERSIZE = 256, MAXPIC=4}; enum scroll { none, up, down, left, right }; TFilename _filename; // name of visfile bool _islink; // "link" button present bool _isedit; // "edit" button present bool _isprint; // "print" button present bool _iscross; // crossbars being drawn bool _selecting; // selection in progress bool _isselection; // selection active bool _isbar; // X-bar drawn instead of cursor at point bool _scrolling; // scrolling in progress bool _need_update; // full update required bool _istimer; // timer successivo attivo? bool _isopen; // new lines may arrive bool _selflag; bool _sel_displayed; bool _link_displayed; bool _cross_displayed; bool _point_displayed; long _timer; // timer per evitare autorepeat tasti long _wtimer; // wait timer before close() scroll _need_scroll; // scrolling required? bool _wasneeded; // flag for smart painting WINDOW _button[MAXBUT]; // button array int _curbut; // button which currently has focus int _buttons; // button count WINDOW _link_button; WINDOW _print_button; long _textrows; // righe di testo long _textcolumns; // indovina indovinello TTextfile _txt; // text being displayed long _firstline; // 1rst text line being displayed long _lastline; // last text line being displayed TString _txt_to_find; // text to find TPoint _last_found; // position of last find bool _down_dir; // search direction bool _case_sensitive; int _formlen; // length of a page TPoint _point; // current point position PNT _cross; // current crossbar point TPoint _sel_start; // start of selection (column, line of FILE) TPoint _sel_end; // end of selection (ibidem) TArray* _links; // admitted links TArray* _hotspots; // hotspots bool need_paint_sel(bool smart = TRUE); TArray _modules; // Scrolling module icons TArray _images; // pictures properly resized bool _multiple; TString80 _linktxt; int _linkID; TToken_string _multiple_link; TArray* _bg; bool _frozen; bool _toplevel; bool _rulers; bool _showbuts; bool _inside_linkexec; // viene istanziato soltanto se e' usata come controllo BROWSEFILE TBrowsefile_field* _brwfld; protected: virtual bool on_key (KEY); virtual void open(); int tabx(int x) const; // Convert charx to pixels int taby(int y) const; // Convert chary to pixels void shift_screen(scroll); void paint_screen(); void draw_crossbars(); void paint_header(); void paint_point(bool erase = FALSE); void paint_row(long r); void paint_column(long r, bool end); void paint_selection(); void paint_waitbar(bool xor = TRUE); void paint_background(long, int); bool call_editor(); bool in_text(const TPoint& p) const; WINDOW add_button(short id, const char* caption); void repos_buttons(); void adjust_selection(TPoint& p1, TPoint& p2); void display_selection(); void erase_selection(); void display_crossbar(); void erase_crossbar(); void display_point(); void erase_point(); bool check_link(TPoint* where = NULL); bool adjust_box(long& x1, long& x2, long y); void paint_link(long, long, long); void erase_link(long, long, long); void display_link(long, long, long, const char*); void freeze() { _frozen = TRUE; } void exec_link(); protected: void scroll_error(long x, long y); virtual void update(); virtual void handler(WINDOW win, EVENT* ep); void check_menu_item(MENU_TAG item, bool on = TRUE); void enable_menu_item(MENU_TAG item, bool on = TRUE); public: // gestione "collegamenti": vengono passati il testo completo, // il punto di inizio selezione e quello di fine selezione; se // non c'e' selezione non viene chiamata affatto (il bottone non fa nulla) // Se serve, si faccia stop_run() qui dentro virtual void process_link(TTextfile& txt, TPoint start, TPoint end) { } void close_print(); bool frozen() { return _frozen; } void abort_print(); long lines() { return _txt.lines(); } void goto_end(); void goto_top(); void goto_pos(long r, long c, bool moveorigin = TRUE); void refresh(); void show_rulers (bool on = TRUE); void show_buttons(bool on = TRUE); void add_line(const char* l); // non_interactive search and replace long search (const char* txt, int& pos, long from = 0, bool down = TRUE, bool casesens = FALSE); int replace(long line, const char* txt, int pos = 0, int len = -1); // interactive search void find(); void find_next(); TViswin (const char* fname = NULL, const char* title = NULL, bool editbutton = TRUE, bool printbutton = TRUE, bool linkbutton = TRUE, int x = -1, int y = -1, int height = 0, int width = 0, bool rulers = TRUE, WINDOW parent = NULL_WIN, TBrowsefile_field* = NULL); virtual ~TViswin (); }; #endif