#include <execp.h>
#include <prefix.h>
#include <printapp.h>
#include <relation.h>
#include <tabutil.h>

// trasferimenti

class TField_text : public TObject
	int			_pos;
	int			_from;
	int			_to;
  struct TField_Flags
    bool rightjust      : 1;
    byte trim           : 2;    // Trim the string 
    bool uppercase      : 1;
    bool zerofilled     : 1;
    char update(const char*);
    TField_Flags(const char* flags) {update(flags);}
  } _flags;
	TField_text(int pos, int from, int to, const char* flags);

TField_text::TField_text(int pos, int from, int to, const char* flags)
	_pos = pos;
	_from = from;
	_to = to;

  uppercase    = FALSE;
  rightjust    = FALSE;
  zerofilled 	 = FALSE;
  trim         = 3;

char TField_text::TField_Flags::update(const char* f)
  for (const char* s = f; *s; s++)
    case '#':
      trim = 2; break;
    case '@':
      trim = 1; break;
    case ' ':  
    case '_':
      trim = 0; break;  
    case 'R': 
      rightjust = TRUE; break;
    case 'U': 
      uppercase = TRUE; break;
    case 'Z': 
      zerofilled = TRUE; break;
    default :  
      CHECKS(FALSE, "FLAG sconosciuto in ", f);
  return *s;

class TRecord_text : TToken_string
	int _numrec;
	const char* get_field(int pos, int from, int to);

const char* TRecord_text::get_field(int pos, int from, int to)
	if (from == 0 && to == 0)
		return TToken_string::get(pos);
		TString record = TToken_string::get(0);
		return record.sub(from, to);

class TFiletext_len : public TObject
	char						_name[20];
	word						_len;
	TRecord_text*		_current;
	TRecord_text& curr() {return *_current;}

class TTransfer : public TObject
	TCursor*		_cursor;
	TConfig*		_config;
	link_item* _pr_tree;
  int _cur_file;  
  link_item* _look_transf_node(link_item* head, int logicnum);
  void _reset_tree(link_item* head);

	void create_cursor(TRelation* r, const char* filter, int nkey,
										 const TRectype *from, const TRectype* to);
	void create_config(const char* file);	
	virtual bool preprocess_record(int file, int counter) { return TRUE; }
	virtual bool preprocess_transf(int file, int counter) { return TRUE; }
	virtual bool postprocess_record(int file, int counter) { return TRUE; } 
	virtual bool postprocess_transf(int file, int counter) { return TRUE; } 
  void reset_files();
  void add_file(int file, int from = 0);
  void add_file(const char* tab, int from = 0);
  bool add(TLocalisamfile* f, const char* relexprs, int key, int linkto,
  				 int alias, bool allow_lock);
  bool add(int logicnum, const char* relexprs, int key = 1, int linkto = 0,
  				 int alias = 0, bool allow_lock = FALSE);
  bool add(const char* tabname, const char* relexprs, int key = 1, int linkto = 0,
  				 int alias = 0, bool allow_lock = FALSE);
  bool do_load();
  bool do_dump();

  virtual ~TTransfer();


	if (_cursor != NULL)
		delete _cursor;
	if (_config != NULL)
		delete _config;

void TTransfer::create_cursor(TRelation* r, const char* filter, int nkey,
										 					const TRectype* from, const TRectype* to)
	CHECK(_cursor == NULL, "Il cursore esiste gi�");
	_cursor = new TCursor(r, filter, nkey, from, to);
void TTransfer::create_config(const char* file)
	CHECK(_config == NULL, "La configurazione esiste gi�");
	_config = new TConfig(file, "HEADER");

void TTransfer::_reset_tree(link_item* head)
  if (head)
    if (head->_brother)
    if (head->_son)
    delete head;

link_item* TTransfer::_look_transf_node(link_item* head, int logicnum)
  link_item* s;
  while (head)
    if (head->_logicnum == logicnum)
      return head;
    else if (head->_son) 
      if ((s = _look_transf_node(head->_son, logicnum)) != NULL)
        return s;
    head = head->_brother;
  return NULL;

void TTransfer::add_file(const char* tab, int from)
  add_file(TTable::name2log(tab), from);

void TTransfer::add_file(int file, int from)
  link_item *nw = new link_item(file);
  if (_pr_tree == NULL)
    _pr_tree = nw;
  if (from == 0)
    from = _pr_tree->_logicnum;
  link_item *fr = _look_transf_node(_pr_tree, from);
  CHECKD(fr, "add_file: nonexistent node: logicnum = ", from);
  if (fr->_son)
    fr = fr->_son;
    while (fr->_brother)
      fr = fr->_brother;
    fr->_brother = nw;
    fr->_son = nw;

// aggiunge un file alla relazione del cursore (come add della TRelation)
bool TTransfer::add(TLocalisamfile* f, const char* relexprs, int key, int linkto,
  				 					int alias, bool allow_lock)
	return _cursor->relation()->add(f,	relexprs, key, linkto, alias, allow_lock);
bool TTransfer::add(int logicnum, const char* relexprs, int key, int linkto,
  				 					int alias, bool allow_lock)
	return _cursor->relation()->add(logicnum,	relexprs, key, linkto, alias, allow_lock);
bool TTransfer::add(const char* tabname, const char* relexprs, int key, int linkto,
  				 					int alias, bool allow_lock)
	return _cursor->relation()->add(tabname,	relexprs, key, linkto, alias, allow_lock);
bool TTransfer::do_load()
	CHECK((_config != NULL) && (_cursor != NULL), "Non esistono cursore o config");
	return TRUE;

bool TTransfer::do_dump()
	CHECK((_config != NULL) && (_cursor != NULL), "Non esistono cursore o config");
	return TRUE;