 *  Header file for ArchiveLib 2.0
 *  Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Greenleaf Software, Inc.
 *  All Rights Reserved
 *  This header file contains the class definition for class
 *  ALPkArchive.
 *  ALPkArchive
 *  February 14, 1996  2.0A : New release

#ifndef _PKARC_H
#define _PKARC_H

#if defined( __cplusplus )

 * class ALPkArchive
 * ALPkArchive defines the interface to PKWare archive objects, on disk,
 * memory, or whatever. It is a derived class that is a sibling to ALGlArchive.
 * Most of the interface to this archive class is defined in the base
 * class.
 *  mlStartOfCentralDir  : An offset in the archive to the start of
 *                         the central directory.
 *  mEcd                 : A copy of the End-Of-Central-Directory record,
 *                         as found in the ZIP file.
 *  ALPkArchive()              : Construct from a storage object
 *  ALPkArchive()              : Construct from a named ALFile object
 *  ~ALPkArchive()             : The virtual destructor.
 *  operator new()             : Memory allocation operator used when
 *                               the library is in a DLL
 *  ReadEcd()                  : Function used to read in the
 *                               End-Of-Central-Directory record, mEcd.
 *  LocateEcd)(                : Locates the ECD by stumbling around near
 *                               the end of the file.
 *  AddJobs()                  : Virtual function that adds new objects
 *                               to the PKWare archive.
 *  WriteArchiveData()         : Called by the base class to write archive
 *                               specific data.
 *  ReadArchiveData()          : Called by the base class to read archive
 *                               specific data.
 *  PreCompress()              : Virtual function called by the base class
 *                               before compressing an object.
 *  PostCompress()             : Virtual function called by the base class
 *                               after compressing an object.
 *  PreDecompress()            : Virtual function called by the base class
 *                               before decompressing an object.
 *  PreWriteDir()              : Virtual function called by the base class
 *                               before writing the directory information
 *                               to the storage object.
 *  WriteDirEntry()            : Virtual function called by the base class
 *                               to write an entry in a directory.
 *  PostWriteDir()             : Virtual function called by the base class
 *                               after writing all the directory entries.
 *  PreCopyInput()             : Virtual function called by the base class
 *                               before copying a compressed file.
 *  ReadDirectory()            : Virtual function that reads in the entire
 *                               ZIP file directory.
 *  May 26, 1994  1.0A  : First release
 *  February 14, 1996  2.0A : New release
class AL_CLASS_TYPE ALPkArchive : public ALArchive {  /* Tag public class */
 * Constructors, destructors, declarations, and friends
    protected :
    public :
        AL_PROTO ALPkArchive( ALStorage AL_DLL_FAR & );
        AL_PROTO ALPkArchive( const char AL_DLL_FAR *file_name );
        virtual AL_PROTO ~ALPkArchive();
#if defined( AL_USING_DLL ) || defined( AL_BUILDING_DLL )
        void AL_DLL_FAR * AL_PROTO operator new( size_t size );

/* The copy constructor and assignment operator do not exist. */
    protected :
        AL_PROTO ALPkArchive( const ALPkArchive AL_DLL_FAR & );
        ALPkArchive AL_DLL_FAR & AL_PROTO operator=( ALPkArchive AL_DLL_FAR &rhs );
 * Member functions
    protected :
        int AL_PROTO ALPkArchive::ReadEcd();
        int AL_PROTO ALPkArchive::LocateEcd();
        int AL_PROTO AddJobs( ALEntryList AL_DLL_FAR & list );
        virtual int AL_PROTO WriteArchiveData();
        virtual int AL_PROTO ReadArchiveData();
        virtual void AL_PROTO PreCompress( ALEntry AL_DLL_FAR &entry );
        virtual void AL_PROTO PostCompress( ALEntry AL_DLL_FAR &entry );
        virtual void AL_PROTO PreDecompress( ALEntry AL_DLL_FAR &entry );
        virtual void AL_PROTO PreWriteDir();
        virtual void AL_PROTO WriteDirEntry( ALEntry AL_DLL_FAR &entry );
        virtual void AL_PROTO PostWriteDir();
        virtual void AL_PROTO PreCopyInput( ALEntry AL_DLL_FAR &entry );
 * These functions provide the public API to an archive
    public :
        virtual int AL_PROTO ReadDirectory( ALEntryList AL_DLL_FAR &list );
 * Some protected data members
    protected :
        struct AL_CLASS_TYPE {  /* Tag protected class */
            long mlOffset;
            short int muThisDiskNumber;
            short int muStartCentralDirDiskNumber;
            short int muThisDiskCentralDirEntries;
            short int muTotalCentralDirEntries;
            long mlSizeCentralDir;
        } mEcd;
        long mlStartOfCentralDir;
    public :
        AL_CLASS_TAG( _ALPkArchiveTag );

#else /* #if defined( __cplusplus ) ... */

newALPkArchiveFromStorage( hALStorage storage );
newALPkArchive( char AL_DLL_FAR *name );

#endif /* #if defined( __cplusplus ) ... #else ... */

#endif /* #ifndef _PKARC_H         */