#include <QuickDraw.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> #define bufferSize 1024 #define screenWindow 128 static Rect scrollRect, pauseRect; static WindowPtr theWindow; static RgnHandle scrollRgn; static short fontHeight, fontWidth, screenHeight, screenWidth; static short currentPosition, maxPosition, pausePosition; static short *screenLength, startLine, endLine; static char *screenImage, **screenLine; static int screenOptions; #define pauseOption 0x0001 #define scrollOption 0x0002 void screenOpen(char *Title) { FontInfo fontInfo; int n; theWindow = GetNewWindow(screenWindow, nil, (WindowPtr)(-1)); if ((Title != NULL) && (*Title != '\0')) { c2pstr(Title); SetWTitle(theWindow, (StringPtr)Title); p2cstr(Title); } ShowWindow(theWindow); SetPort(theWindow); TextFont(monaco); TextSize(9); GetFontInfo(&fontInfo); fontHeight = fontInfo.ascent + fontInfo.descent + fontInfo.leading; fontWidth = fontInfo.widMax; scrollRgn = NewRgn(); screenWidth = (theWindow->portRect.right - theWindow->portRect.left - 10) / fontWidth; screenHeight = (theWindow->portRect.bottom - theWindow->portRect.top) / fontHeight; maxPosition = screenHeight * fontHeight; pausePosition = maxPosition - (currentPosition = fontHeight); SetRect(&scrollRect, theWindow->portRect.left, theWindow->portRect.top + fontInfo.descent, theWindow->portRect.right, theWindow->portRect.bottom); SetRect(&pauseRect, theWindow->portRect.left, pausePosition + fontInfo.descent, theWindow->portRect.right, theWindow->portRect.bottom); MoveTo(5, currentPosition); n = (sizeof(char *) + sizeof(short) + screenWidth) * screenHeight; screenLine = (char **)NewPtr(n); screenLength = (short *)&screenLine[screenHeight]; screenImage = (char *)&screenLength[screenHeight]; for (n = 0; n < screenHeight; n++) { screenLine[n] = &screenImage[n * screenWidth]; screenLength[n] = 0; } startLine = endLine = 0; screenOptions = 0; return; } void screenControl(options, setting) char *options; int setting; { int n = 0; while (*options) { switch (*options) { case 'p': n |= pauseOption; break; case 'r': currentPosition = maxPosition; break; case 's': n |= scrollOption; break; default: break; } options += 1; } if (setting == 0) screenOptions &= (n ^ (-1)); else screenOptions |= n; if ((pausePosition = maxPosition - currentPosition) == 0) pausePosition = maxPosition - fontHeight; return; } void screenClose(void) { DisposPtr((Ptr)screenLine); DisposeWindow(theWindow); return; } void screenUpdate(WindowPtr window) { GrafPort *savePort; int m, n; if (window == theWindow) { BeginUpdate(window); if (!EmptyRgn(window->visRgn)) { GetPort(&savePort); SetPort(window); n = startLine; for (m = 1; ; m++) { MoveTo(5, m * fontHeight); if (screenLength[n] != 0) DrawText(screenLine[n], 0, screenLength[n]); if (n == endLine) break; if ((n += 1) == screenHeight) n = 0; } SetPort(savePort); } EndUpdate(window); } return; } static void screenNewline(void) { MoveTo(5, currentPosition += fontHeight); if (currentPosition > maxPosition) { if (screenOptions & scrollOption) { ScrollRect(&scrollRect, 0, -fontHeight, scrollRgn); MoveTo(5, currentPosition = maxPosition); if ((startLine += 1) == screenHeight) startLine = 0; } else { ScrollRect(&scrollRect, 0, -maxPosition + fontHeight, scrollRgn); MoveTo(5, currentPosition = fontHeight + fontHeight); startLine = endLine; } } pausePosition -= fontHeight; if ((endLine += 1) == screenHeight) endLine = 0; screenLength[endLine] = 0; return; } static char waitChar(void) { WindowPtr whichWindow; EventRecord theEvent; for ( ; ; ) { SystemTask(); if (GetNextEvent(everyEvent, &theEvent)) { switch (theEvent.what) { case keyDown: if ((theEvent.modifiers & cmdKey) && ((theEvent.message & charCodeMask) == '.')) ExitToShell(); return(theEvent.message & charCodeMask); case mouseDown: if (FindWindow(theEvent.where, &whichWindow) == inSysWindow) SystemClick(&theEvent, whichWindow); break; case updateEvt: screenUpdate((WindowPtr)theEvent.message); break; } } } } static void screenPause(void) { if (pausePosition == 0) { if (screenOptions & pauseOption) { DrawText("Press any key to continue ...", 0, 29); memcpy(screenLine[endLine], "Press any key to continue ...", 29); screenLength[endLine] = 29; (void)waitChar(); EraseRect(&pauseRect); MoveTo(5, currentPosition); screenLength[endLine] = 0; } pausePosition = maxPosition - fontHeight; } return; } void screenDisplay(char *s) { GrafPort *savePort; int m, n; char *t; GetPort(&savePort); SetPort(theWindow); while (*s) { screenPause(); for (t = s; (*s) && (*s != '\n') && (*s != '\r'); s++); if ((n = s - t) > (m = screenWidth - screenLength[endLine])) n = m; if (n > 0) { DrawText(t, 0, n); memcpy(screenLine[endLine] + screenLength[endLine], t, n); screenLength[endLine] += n; } if ((*s == '\n') || (*s == '\r')) { screenNewline(); s += 1; } } SetPort(savePort); return; } void screenDump(char *s, long n) { GrafPort *savePort; int k, m; char *t; GetPort(&savePort); SetPort(theWindow); while (n) { screenPause(); for (t = s; (n) && (*s != '\n') && (*s != '\r'); s++, n--); if ((k = s - t) > (m = screenWidth - screenLength[endLine])) k = m; if (k > 0) { DrawText(t, 0, k); memcpy(screenLine[endLine] + screenLength[endLine], t, k); screenLength[endLine] += k; } if ((*s == '\n') || (*s == '\r')) { screenNewline(); s += 1; n -= 1; } } SetPort(savePort); return; } char *wfgets(char *s, int n, FILE *stream) { GrafPort *savePort; char c, *t = s; GetPort(&savePort); SetPort(theWindow); for (n -= 1; (n > 0) && ((c = waitChar()) != '\r'); n -= 1) { DrawChar(*t++ = c); if (screenLength[endLine] < screenWidth) screenLine[endLine][screenLength[endLine]++] = c; } if (c == '\r') screenNewline(); *t = '\0'; SetPort(savePort); return(s); } void wfprintf(FILE *stream, char *format, ...) { char buffer[bufferSize]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); vsprintf(buffer, format, ap); va_end(ap); screenDisplay(buffer); return; } void wprintf(char *format, ...) { char buffer[bufferSize]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); vsprintf(buffer, format, ap); va_end(ap); screenDisplay(buffer); return; }