#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cg0.h" #include "cg0200.h" #include "cg0201.h" bool gest_vend() { TConfig c(CONFIG_DITTA,"cg"); return (c.get("GesVen") == "X"); } class CG0200_application : public TRelation_application { TMask* _msk; TClifoVI *_rel; TLocalisamfile* _saldi; TLocalisamfile* _anag; TLocalisamfile* _fis; TLocalisamfile* _comuni; TLocalisamfile* _pcon; bool user_create(); bool user_destroy(); virtual TMask* get_mask(int mode) {return _msk;} virtual bool changing_mask(int mode) {return FALSE;} virtual bool protected_record(TRectype &rec); virtual const char* get_next_key(); virtual void init_query_mode(TMask& m); virtual void init_query_insert_mode(TMask& m) {init_query_mode(m);} virtual void init_insert_mode(TMask& m) {init_query_mode(m);} virtual void init_modify_mode(TMask& m) {init_query_mode(m);} //////////// static bool indsp_notify(int r, KEY key); static bool indsp_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY key) { return TRUE; } virtual int write(const TMask& m); virtual int rewrite(const TMask& m); virtual int read(TMask& m); TSheet_field& indsp_sheet() const; void indsp_pack(); void common_f(const TMask& m); /////////// public: virtual TRelation* get_relation() const {return (TRelation*)_rel;} CG0200_application() {} }; inline CG0200_application& app() {return (CG0200_application&)*MainApp();} bool CG0200_application::protected_record(TRectype &rec) { TMask* m = get_mask(MODE_MOD); const int gruppo = atoi(m->get(F_GRUPPO)); const int conto = atoi(m->get(F_CONTO)); const long sottoc = atol(m->get(F_CODCF)); _saldi->zero(); _saldi->put(PCN_GRUPPO, gruppo); _saldi->put(PCN_CONTO, conto); _saldi->put(PCN_SOTTOCONTO, sottoc); _saldi->read(); return _saldi->good() && gruppo ==_saldi->get_int(PCN_GRUPPO) && conto ==_saldi->get_int(PCN_CONTO) && sottoc ==_saldi->get_long(PCN_SOTTOCONTO); } const char* CG0200_application::get_next_key() { TLocalisamfile& clifo = *_rel->lfile() ; long codcf = 1L ; const TString tipo(_msk->get(F_TIPOCF)) ; if (!clifo.empty()) { clifo.zero() ; clifo.setkey(1) ; if ( tipo == TCLI ) { clifo.put(CLI_TIPOCF, (const char* ) TFOR); clifo.read(_isgteq ) ; if (clifo.good()) clifo.prev() ; clifo.setstatus(NOERR); } else clifo.last( ) ; if ( clifo.good() ) { const TFixed_string tipocf(clifo.get(CLI_TIPOCF)); if ( tipocf == tipo ) codcf += clifo.get_long(CLI_CODCF); } } return format("%d|%s|%d|%ld", F_TIPOCF, (const char*) tipo, F_CODCF, codcf); } HIDDEN bool no_dup_fis(TMask_field& f, KEY key) { TMask& msk = f.mask() ; if (msk.query_mode() || !f.to_check(key)) return TRUE; CG0200_application* app = (CG0200_application*) MainApp(); TLocalisamfile& clifo = *app->get_relation()->lfile(LF_CLIFO) ; if ( f.get().not_empty() && !clifo.empty() ) { clifo.zero() ; const char t1 = msk.get(F_TIPOCF)[0] ; clifo.put(CLI_TIPOCF, t1); clifo.put(CLI_COFI, f.get()); clifo.setkey(4) ; clifo.read() ; clifo.setkey(1) ; const char t = clifo.get_char(CLI_TIPOCF); const TFixed_string s = clifo.get(CLI_CODCF); const TFixed_string s1(msk.get(F_CODCF)); if (clifo.good() && (t1 != t || s1 != s)) { f.yesno_box("Codice fiscale gia' utilizzato per il codice : %c/%s", t, (const char*) s); return FALSE; } } return TRUE ; } HIDDEN bool no_dup_iva(TMask_field& f, KEY key) { TMask& msk = f.mask() ; if (msk.query_mode() || !f.to_check(key)) return TRUE; CG0200_application* app = (CG0200_application*) MainApp(); TLocalisamfile& clifo = *app->get_relation()->lfile(LF_CLIFO) ; if ( f.get().not_empty() && !clifo.empty() ) { clifo.zero() ; const char t1 = msk.get(F_TIPOCF)[0]; clifo.put(CLI_TIPOCF, t1) ; clifo.put(CLI_STATOPAIV, msk.get(F_STATOPAIV)) ; clifo.put(CLI_PAIV, f.get()) ; clifo.setkey(5) ; clifo.read() ; clifo.setkey(1) ; const char t = clifo.get_char(CLI_TIPOCF); const TFixed_string s = clifo.get(CLI_CODCF); const TFixed_string s1(msk.get(F_CODCF)); if (clifo.good() && (t1 != t || s1 != s)) { f.error_box("Partita iva gia' definita per il codice : %c/%s", t, (const char*) s); return FALSE ; } } return TRUE ; } HIDDEN bool autoexit_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY key) { if (f.mask().query_mode()) { if (key == K_TAB && f.focusdirty()) { TArray parms; parms.add((TString)format("%d", f.dlg())); ::validate(AUTOEXIT_FUNC, (TEdit_field&) f, key, parms); } } else if (f.to_check(key) && f.mask().get(F_ALLEG) != "4") { if (f.dlg() == F_COFI) return no_dup_fis(f, key); else return no_dup_iva(f, key); } return TRUE; } HIDDEN bool lbcn = FALSE; HIDDEN bool tipo_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY key) { TMask& m = f.mask(); const bool fis = f.get() == "F"; m.send_key(K_SHIFT + K_CTRL + (lbcn && fis ? 's' : 'h'), -5); return TRUE; } HIDDEN bool percip_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY key) { TMask& m = f.mask(); if (f.to_check(key) && m.get(F_CODANAGPER).not_empty()) { TLocalisamfile anag(LF_ANAG); TString c(m.get(F_COFI)), p(m.get(F_PAIV)); if ((c.not_empty() && c != anag.get(ANA_COFI)) || (p.not_empty() && p != anag.get(ANA_PAIV))) return error_box("Percipiente non corretto"); TString r(anag.get(ANA_RAGSOC)); if (m.get(F_RAGSOC).empty() || (key == K_TAB && yesno_box("Ragione sociale differente correggo in %s", (const char*) r))) m.set(F_RAGSOC, r, TRUE); if (m.get(F_INDCF).empty()) m.set(F_INDCF, anag.get(ANA_INDRES)); if (m.get(F_CIVCF).empty()) m.set(F_CIVCF, anag.get(ANA_CIVRES)); if (m.get(F_CAPCF).empty()) m.set(F_CAPCF, anag.get(ANA_CAPRES)); if (m.get(F_COMCF).empty()) { m.set(F_STATOCF, anag.get(ANA_STATORES), TRUE); m.set(F_COMCF, anag.get(ANA_COMRES), TRUE); } if (c.empty()) m.set(F_COFI, anag.get(ANA_COFI)); if (p.empty()) m.set(F_PAIV, anag.get(ANA_PAIV)); if (m.get(F_TIPOAPER) == "F") { m.send_key(K_SHIFT + K_CTRL + (lbcn ? 's' : 'h'), -5); if (lbcn) { TLocalisamfile fis(LF_ANAGFIS); fis.zero(); fis.put(ANF_CODANAGR, anag.get(ANA_CODANAGR)); fis.read(); if (fis.good()) { if (m.get(F_DATANASC).empty()) m.set(F_DATANASC, fis.get(ANF_DATANASC)); if (m.get(F_COMNASC).empty()) { m.set(F_STATONASC, fis.get(ANF_STATONASC)); m.set(F_COMNASC, fis.get(ANF_COMNASC)); } } } } } return TRUE; } HIDDEN bool alleg_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY key) { if (f.to_check(key)) { const int tipoall = atoi(f.get()); TMask& m = f.mask(); if (tipoall == 0 || tipoall == 4) m.enable(F_CODALLEG); else { m.disable(F_CODALLEG); m.reset(F_CODALLEG); } m.set(F_OCCASIONALE, (tipoall == 2) ? "X" : " "); } return TRUE; } HIDDEN bool occas_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY key) { if (f.to_check(key)) { const bool occas = f.get().not_empty(); TMask& m = f.mask(); if (occas) m.set(F_ALLEG, "2"); else if (m.get_int(F_ALLEG) == 2) m.set(F_ALLEG, " "); } return TRUE; } HIDDEN bool codalleg_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY key) { if (f.to_check(key)) { const TString cod(f.get()); if (cod.not_empty()) { TMask& m = f.mask(); if (cod == m.get(F_TIPOCF)) return error_box("Codice per allegato non corretto"); TLocalisamfile clifo(LF_CLIFO); const TString tipo(m.get(F_TIPOCF)); clifo.zero() ; clifo.setkey(1) ; clifo.put(CLI_TIPOCF, tipo); clifo.put(CLI_CODCF, cod); clifo.read() ; if (clifo.bad()) return FALSE; TString tipoall(clifo.get(CLI_ALLEG)); if (clifo.get(CLI_CODALLEG).not_empty() || clifo.get(CLI_PAIV).empty() || (tipoall.not_empty() && tipoall != "4")) return error_box("Codice per allegato non corretto"); } } return TRUE; } void CG0200_application::init_query_mode(TMask& m) { TConfig conf(CONFIG_DITTA, "cg"); lbcn = (conf.get("GsLbCn") == "X"); m.send_key(K_SHIFT + K_CTRL + (lbcn ? 's' : 'h'), -5); // Se non e' abilitata la gestione delle vendite disabilita le // maschere dalla 4 in poi if (!gest_vend()) { for (int j=3; j<8;j++) m.disable_page(j); // for (int i=F_CODINDDOC; i<= F_SHEET_G_VEN; i++) // m.disable(i); } else { for (int j=3; j<8;j++) m.enable_page(j); // for (int i=F_CODINDDOC; i<= F_SHEET_G_VEN; i++) // m.enable(i); } } int CG0200_application::read(TMask& m) { m.autoload(_rel); indsp_sheet().reset(); TToken_string riga(240); for (int i=0; i< _rel->indirizzi_items();i++) { TRectype& rec=_rel->indirizzo(i); riga.cut(0); riga.add(rec.get("RAGSOC")); riga.add(rec.get("INDIR")); riga.add(rec.get("CIV")); riga.add(rec.get("LOCALITA")); riga.add(rec.get("CAP")); riga.add(rec.get("STATO")); riga.add(rec.get("COM")); riga.add(rec.get("PTEL")); riga.add(rec.get("TEL")); riga.add(rec.get("PFAX")); riga.add(rec.get("FAX")); riga.add(rec.get("IVARID")); riga.add(rec.get("CODIND")); indsp_sheet().row(i)=riga; } return _rel->status(); } int CG0200_application::rewrite(const TMask& m) { common_f(m); return _rel->rewrite(TRUE); } int CG0200_application::write(const TMask& m) { common_f(m); return _rel->write(TRUE); } TSheet_field& CG0200_application::indsp_sheet() const { TSheet_field& o_sheet=(TSheet_field&) _msk->field(F_SHEET_G_VEN); return o_sheet; } void CG0200_application::indsp_pack() { TArray& rows = indsp_sheet().rows_array(); int nr=rows.items(); for (int i=0; ilfile()->zero(); m.autosave(_rel); _rel->destroy_rows(); indsp_pack(); TArray& rows=indsp_sheet().rows_array(); int n_items = rows.items(); for (int i=0; iindirizzo(i); row.restart(); rec.zero(); rec.put("TIPOCF",tipocf); rec.put("CODCF",codcf); rec.put("RAGSOC",row.get()); rec.put("INDIR",row.get()); rec.put("CIV",row.get()); rec.put("LOCALITA",row.get()); rec.put("CAP",row.get()); rec.put("STATO",row.get_int()); rec.put("COM",row.get()); rec.put("PTEL",row.get()); rec.put("TEL",row.get()); rec.put("PFAX",row.get()); rec.put("FAX",row.get()); rec.put("IVARID",row.get()); rec.put("CODIND",i+1); } } bool CG0200_application::indsp_notify(int r, KEY key) { TSheet_field& indsp=app().indsp_sheet(); switch (key) { case K_SPACE: { // Request to modify row #r // Disable field # 101 (CODIND) update # of row TMask& m = indsp.sheet_mask(); if (m.get_int(F_CODINDI)==0) // Is it a new row ? m.set(F_CODINDI,(long)(r+1)); m.disable(F_CODINDI); } break; case K_INS: // request to add the row #r // To avoid rewriting of existing record. if (indsp.items() >= 999) { error_box("Raggiunto il numero massimo degli indirizzi per questo C/F"); return FALSE; // Refuse Permission } else // To avoid inserts in the middle of the sheet if (r != -1 && indsp.items() > r) { error_box("Si possono aggiungere indirizzi solo alla fine"); return FALSE; //Refuse permission } break; default: break; } return TRUE; } bool CG0200_application::user_create() // initvar e arrmask { _rel = new TClifoVI; _saldi = new TLocalisamfile(LF_SALDI); _anag = new TLocalisamfile(LF_ANAG); _fis = new TLocalisamfile(LF_ANAGFIS); _pcon = new TLocalisamfile(LF_PCON); _comuni = new TLocalisamfile(LF_COMUNI); _msk = new TMask("cg0200a") ; _msk->set_handler(F_OCCASIONALE, occas_handler); _msk->set_handler(F_COFI, autoexit_handler); _msk->set_handler(F_PAIV, autoexit_handler); _msk->set_handler(F_CODANAGPER, percip_handler); _msk->set_handler(F_TIPOPERS, tipo_handler); _msk->set_handler(F_ALLEG, alleg_handler); _msk->set_handler(F_CODALLEG, codalleg_handler); _msk->set_handler(F_SHEET_G_VEN, indsp_handler); TSheet_field& ind = (TSheet_field&) _msk->field(F_SHEET_G_VEN); ind.set_notify(indsp_notify); _saldi->setkey(2); return TRUE; } bool CG0200_application::user_destroy() // releasev e arrmask { delete _msk; delete _rel; delete _saldi; delete _anag; delete _fis; delete _pcon; delete _comuni; return TRUE; } int cg0200(int argc, char* argv[]) { CG0200_application a ; a.run(argc, argv, "Clienti/Fornitori"); return 0; }