#define XVT_INCL_NATIVE #define XI_INTERNAL #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef ATTR_WIN_USE_CTL3D #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { WINDOW xvtwi_hwnd_to_window(HWND); } // By Matt Pietrek //######################################################################## // Code that does the real work //######################################################################## #pragma hdrstop #include "prochook.h" // // Central function that modifies a module table to trick the loader // into letting a second instance of a multiple data segment program run. // HIDDEN int MungeModuleHeader( HINSTANCE hInstance, BOOL fMunge ) { HMODULE hModuleSel; LPSTR lpszModName, lpszFileName; BYTE cbModuleName; static BOOL fResidentNamesMunged = FALSE; hModuleSel = SELECTOROF( // Convert the HINSTANCE to an HMODULE GlobalLock(GetModuleHandle((LPSTR)MAKELP(0,hInstance)))); if ( hModuleSel == 0 ) // Make sure we succeeded. return 0; // // First, we'll take care of the resident names table // if ( FALSE == fResidentNamesMunged ) { // Make pointers to the module name in the resident names table lpszModName = (LPSTR)MAKELP(hModuleSel, *(WORD FAR *)MAKELP(hModuleSel, 0x26) ); // Get the module name length, and advance to the actual string cbModuleName = *lpszModName++; // First byte is a length byte // Convert the first uppercase letter of the modulename to lowercase while ( cbModuleName ) { if ( isupper(*lpszModName) ) { *lpszModName = tolower(*lpszModName); break; } cbModuleName--; lpszModName++; } if ( cbModuleName == 0 ) // Make sure we succeeded return 0; // Remember that we've done this, so that we don't bother doing // it in the future. fResidentNamesMunged = TRUE; } // // Now, we'll turn our attention to the module file name in the OFSTRUCT // lpszFileName = (LPSTR)MAKELP(hModuleSel, *(WORD FAR *)MAKELP(hModuleSel, 0x0A)); // Position to the end of the filename. First byte is a length byte lpszFileName += *lpszFileName - 1; // If we're munging, added 0x30 to the last character value, otherwise // subtract 0x30. 0x30 is chosen completely at random. if ( fMunge ) *lpszFileName += 0x30; else *lpszFileName -= 0x30; return 1; } //######################################################################## // This section watches calls to LoadModule and munges the EXE's module // database as needed. //######################################################################## HIDDEN NPHOOKCHILD npHookLoadModule = 0; HIDDEN TFilename szOurFileName; HIDDEN HINSTANCE HInstance; HINSTANCE WINAPI __export MultInst95LoadModule( LPCSTR lpszModuleName, LPVOID lpvParameterBlock ) { HINSTANCE retValue; // Uppercase the name of the module name that was passed to LoadModule TFilename szNewFileName(lpszModuleName); szNewFileName.upper(); // Compare the incoming filename to our EXE's module name. If they // don't match, we don't need to bother munging the module database BOOL fSecondInstance = szOurFileName.find(szNewFileName) >= 0; // Unhook our LoadModule hook so that we can call the real LoadModule ProcUnhook( npHookLoadModule ); // Munge module database if needed if ( fSecondInstance ) MungeModuleHeader( HInstance, TRUE ); // Call the original LoadModule code retValue = LoadModule( lpszModuleName, lpvParameterBlock ); // Unmunge module database if needed if ( fSecondInstance ) MungeModuleHeader( HInstance, FALSE ); // Reinstall our LoadModule hook so that we see future loads ProcHook( npHookLoadModule ); return retValue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Win16 event hook /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const word WM_WAKEUP = RegisterWindowMessage("WAKEUP"); HTASK _waiting_for = 0xFFFF; HIDDEN BOOLEAN event_hook(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, UINT wparam, ULONG lparam, long* ret) { switch(msg) { #ifndef ATTR_WIN_USE_CTL3D case WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE: Ctl3dColorChange(); break; #endif case WM_MENUCHAR: if (wparam > ' ' && wparam <= 'z') { WINDOW win = cur_win(); if (win != NULL_WIN) { const KEY key = toupper(wparam)+K_CTRL; dispatch_e_char(win, key); *ret = 2 << 16; } } break; case WM_KEYDOWN: if (wparam == VK_F1) { if ((lparam & (1<<29)) == 0) // Il tasto alt non e' premuto { KEY k = K_F1; int sc = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL); // Stato del tasto control if (sc & 0x8000) k += K_CTRL; int ss = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT); // Stato del tasto shift if (ss & 0x8000) k += K_SHIFT; WINDOW win = cur_win(); if (win != NULL_WIN) dispatch_e_char(win, k); } } break; default: if (msg == WM_WAKEUP) { if (wparam == _waiting_for) _waiting_for = 0xFFFF; } break; } return TRUE; // Continua col processo normale } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Operating system dependent functions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool os_allow_another_instance() { if ( npHookLoadModule ) return TRUE; #ifdef DBG bool noMunge = getenv("NOMUNGE") != NULL; if (noMunge) return FALSE; #endif #ifndef ATTR_WIN_USE_CTL3D Ctl3dRegister(HInstance); Ctl3dAutoSubclass(HInstance); #endif HInstance = (HINSTANCE)xvt_vobj_get_attr(NULL_WIN, ATTR_WIN_INSTANCE); // Get the EXE's filename into a global string variable and uppercase it GetModuleFileName( HInstance, szOurFileName.get_buffer(), szOurFileName.size() ); szOurFileName.upper(); // Create a MakeProcInstance thunk so that our callback function // will always be using the correct DS selector FARPROC lpfnMPI = MakeProcInstance( (FARPROC)MultInst95LoadModule, HInstance ); if ( !lpfnMPI ) return FALSE; // Call PROCHOOK.DLL to hook calls to LoadModule npHookLoadModule = SetProcAddress( (FARPROC)LoadModule, lpfnMPI, FALSE ); return npHookLoadModule != NULL; } COLOR os_choose_color(COLOR col, WINDOW win) { CHOOSECOLOR cc; memset(&cc, 0, sizeof(cc)); // Azzera struttura if (win == NULL_WIN) win = TASK_WIN; // Sceglie una finestra valida HWND hwnd = (HWND)xvt_vobj_get_attr(win, ATTR_NATIVE_WINDOW); HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd); // Legge la palette di sistema PALETTEENTRY* pe = NULL; int max_entries = 0; if (GetDeviceCaps(hdc, RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE) { max_entries = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, SIZEPALETTE); pe = new PALETTEENTRY[max_entries]; GetSystemPaletteEntries(hdc, 0, max_entries, pe); } ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); // Definisce i 16 colori customizzabili unsigned long custom_colors[16]; for (int c = 0; c < 16; c++) { if (pe) { const PALETTEENTRY& e = pe[c < 8 ? c : max_entries - 16 + c]; custom_colors[c] = RGB(e.peRed, e.peGreen, e.peBlue); } else { const unsigned char val = (c & 0x8) ? 255 : 127; const unsigned char red = (c & 0x1) ? val : 0; const unsigned char green = (c & 0x2) ? val : 0; const unsigned char blue = (c & 0x4) ? val : 0; custom_colors[c] = RGB(red, green, blue); } } if (pe) { delete pe; pe = NULL; } cc.lStructSize = sizeof(cc); // Setta dimensioni cc.hwndOwner = hwnd; // Setta finestra padre cc.rgbResult = RGB(XVT_COLOR_GET_RED(c), XVT_COLOR_GET_GREEN(c), XVT_COLOR_GET_BLUE(c)); cc.lpCustColors = custom_colors; // Fissa colori custom cc.Flags = CC_RGBINIT; // Usa col come primo colore if (ChooseColor(&cc) != 0) col = RGB2COLOR(GetRValue(cc.rgbResult), GetGValue(cc.rgbResult), GetBValue(cc.rgbResult)); else col = COLOR_INVALID; return col; } bool os_deny_another_instance() { if ( !npHookLoadModule ) return FALSE; SetProcRelease( npHookLoadModule ); npHookLoadModule = 0; #ifndef ATTR_WIN_USE_CTL3D Ctl3dUnregister(HInstance); #endif return TRUE; } bool os_destroy_native_icon(unsigned icon) { return DestroyIcon((HICON)icon) != 0; } void os_draw_native_icon(WINDOW win, const RCT& rct, unsigned icon) { HDC hdc = (HDC)xvt_vobj_get_attr(win, ATTR_NATIVE_GRAPHIC_CONTEXT); int x = (rct.right + rct.left - 32) / 2; int y = (rct.bottom + rct.top - 32) / 2; DrawIcon(hdc, x, y, (HICON)icon); } unsigned long os_get_free_memory() { return GetFreeSpace(0); } bool os_is_removable_drive(const char* path) { bool yes = isalpha(path[0]) && path[1] == ':'; if (yes) yes = GetDriveType(toupper(path[0]) - 'A') == DRIVE_REMOVABLE; return yes; } bool os_is_network_drive(const char* path) { bool yes = isalpha(path[0]) && path[1] == ':'; if (yes) yes = GetDriveType(toupper(path[0]) - 'A') == DRIVE_REMOTE; return yes; } bool os_is_fixed_drive(const char* path) { bool yes = isalpha(path[0]) && path[1] == ':'; if (yes) yes = GetDriveType(toupper(path[0]) - 'A') == DRIVE_FIXED; return yes; } bool os_test_disk_free_space(const char* path, unsigned long filesize) { int disk = 0; if (path && *path && path[1] == ':') { const char letter = toupper(path[0]); disk = 'A' - letter + 1; } struct _diskfree_t drive; _dos_getdiskfree(disk, &drive); const unsigned requested_clusters = unsigned(filesize / drive.sectors_per_cluster / drive.bytes_per_sector) + 1; bool space_ok = requested_clusters <= drive.avail_clusters; return space_ok; } void os_exec_help_command(MENU_TAG tag, const char* key) { TFilename hlp("prassi.hlp"); TString mod(key); if (mod.not_empty()) { mod.cut(2); mod.lower(); if (mod != "ba") hlp.insert(mod, 0); } else { if (tag == M_HELP_ONCONTEXT) tag = M_HELP_CONTENTS; } HWND hwnd = (HWND)xvt_vobj_get_attr(TASK_WIN, ATTR_NATIVE_WINDOW); switch(tag) { case M_HELP_CONTENTS: WinHelp(hwnd, hlp, HELP_CONTENTS, 0); break; case M_HELP_SEARCH: WinHelp(hwnd, hlp, HELP_PARTIALKEY, (DWORD)""); break; case M_HELP_HELPONHELP: WinHelp(hwnd, hlp, HELP_HELPONHELP, 0); break; case M_HELP_ONCONTEXT: if (hlp.exist()) { struct MULTIGUY { UINT mkSize; BYTE mkKeylist; char mkKeyphrase[16]; } mk; mk.mkSize = sizeof(MULTIGUY); mk.mkKeylist = 'M'; strcpy(mk.mkKeyphrase, key); WinHelp(hwnd, hlp, HELP_MULTIKEY, (DWORD)&mk); } break; default: break; } } int os_execute(const TFilename& path, bool sync, bool iconizetask, bool showchild) { const int exitcode = WinExec(path, showchild ? SW_SHOWNORMAL : SW_HIDE); if (exitcode < 32) { switch (exitcode) { case 8: error_box("Risorse insufficienti per eseguire '%s'", (const char*)path); break; default: error_box("Impossibile eseguire '%s': %d", (const char*)path, exitcode); break; } return exitcode; } if (sync) { TTemp_window tw(TASK_WIN); if (iconizetask) { tw.iconize(); tw.deactivate(); } const char* szModule = path.name(); HTASK child = NULL; TASKENTRY te; te.dwSize = sizeof(TASKENTRY); for (bool ok = TaskFirst(&te); ok; ok = TaskNext(&te)) if (te.hInst == (HINSTANCE)exitcode || stricmp(te.szModule, szModule) == 0) { child = te.hTask; break; } // Warning! child could be NULL if you run that beast called Foxpro _waiting_for = child; for (byte i = 0; _waiting_for == child; i++) { // Esegue il controllo solo ogni 256 cicli if (i == 0 && ok && TaskFindHandle(&te, child) == FALSE) { _waiting_for = 0xFFFF; // Annulla attesa del processo break; } xvt_app_process_pending_events(); } if (iconizetask) { tw.maximize(); tw.activate(); } xvt_app_process_pending_events(); } xvt_statbar_refresh(); return 0; } bool os_spawn_by_menu() { TASKENTRY te; te.dwSize = sizeof(TASKENTRY); HTASK ct = GetCurrentTask(); TaskFindHandle(&te, ct); TaskFindHandle(&te, te.hTaskParent); bool yes = stricmp(te.szModule, "BA0") == 0 || #ifdef DBG stricmp(te.szModule, "CVW4") == 0 || stricmp(te.szModule, "MSVC") == 0 || #endif stricmp(te.szModule, "Explorer") == 0 || stricmp(te.szModule, "PROGMAN") == 0; return yes; } int os_get_printer_names(TToken_string& t) { char* buf = t.get_buffer(4096); // ammazzao' GetProfileString ("devices", NULL, "", buf, t.size()); for (int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++) { if (buf[i] == '\0') { if (buf[i+1] != '\0') buf[i] = t.separator(); else break; } } return t.items(); } bool os_set_default_printer(const char* name) { CHECK(name && *name > ' ', "Null printer name"); TString pdev(name); if (pdev.find(',') < 0) { TString szDevice(256); GetProfileString ("devices", pdev, "", szDevice.get_buffer(), szDevice.size()); pdev << ',' << szDevice; } bool ok = WriteProfileString("windows", "device", pdev) != 0; return ok; } bool os_get_default_printer(TString& name) { char* buf = name.get_buffer(128); bool ok = GetProfileString ("windows", "device", ",,,", buf, name.size()) != 0; return ok; } bool os_get_image_editor_path(TFilename& name) { // where is EasyDoc installed? GetPrivateProfileString("Easydoc", "Path", "\\EASYDOC", name.get_buffer(), name.size(), "EasyDoc.ini"); // You're unlucky there is no EasyDoc if (name.empty()) return FALSE; // paste EasyDoc path name.add("easydoc.exe"); // is EasyDoc present? bool ok = name.exist(); return ok; } os_type os_get_type() { const WORD winver = LOWORD(GetVersion()); const BYTE majver = LOBYTE(winver); const BYTE minver = HIBYTE(winver); if (majver > 3 || (majver == 3 && minver > 11)) return os_Windows95; const DWORD winflags = GetWinFlags(); if (winflags & 0x4000) return os_WindowsNT; return os_Windows; } void os_post_menu_event(WINDOW win, MENU_TAG tag) { HWND w = (HWND)xvt_vobj_get_attr(win, ATTR_NATIVE_WINDOW); PostMessage(w, WM_COMMAND, tag, 0L); } void os_set_event_hook() { xvt_vobj_set_attr(NULL_WIN, ATTR_EVENT_HOOK, (long)event_hook); #ifdef ATTR_WIN_USE_CTL3D xvt_vobj_set_attr(NULL_WIN, ATTR_WIN_USE_CTL3D, TRUE); #endif long twin_style = WSF_ICONIZABLE | WSF_CLOSE | WSF_SIZE; const int scx = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); if (scx == 640 && os_get_type() == os_Windows95) { const int scy = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); const int bcx = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME); const int bcy = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME); static RCT rct; rct.left = -bcx; rct.top = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION)-bcy-1; rct.right = scx+bcx; rct.bottom = scy+bcy; xvt_vobj_set_attr(NULL_WIN, ATTR_WIN_PM_TWIN_STARTUP_RCT, long(&rct)); } else twin_style |= WSF_MAXIMIZED; xvt_vobj_set_attr(NULL_WIN,ATTR_WIN_PM_TWIN_STARTUP_STYLE, twin_style); } void os_wake_up_caller() { const HTASK ht = GetCurrentTask(); // SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_WAKEUP, (WPARAM)ht, 0L); PostMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_WAKEUP, (WPARAM)ht, 0L); HWND hwnd = (HWND)xvt_vobj_get_attr(TASK_WIN, ATTR_NATIVE_WINDOW); WinHelp(hwnd, "prassi.hlp", HELP_QUIT, 0L); do_events(); } bool os_file_exist(const char* file) { HFILE hf = _lopen(file, READ); bool ok = hf != HFILE_ERROR; if (ok) _lclose(hf); return ok; } bool os_open_spool_row(const char* device) { return TRUE; } bool os_spool_row(const char* str) { return SpoolRow((char*)str, strlen(str)) != 0; } bool os_close_spool_row() { return TRUE; } void os_iconize_window(WINDOW win) { HWND hwnd = (HWND)xvt_vobj_get_attr(win, ATTR_NATIVE_WINDOW); ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_MINIMIZE); } void os_maximize_window(WINDOW win) { HWND hwnd = (HWND)xvt_vobj_get_attr(win, ATTR_NATIVE_WINDOW); ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED); }