/* Greenleaf Financial MathLib * Greenleaf Software, Inc. * Long Names and Short Names equal so the user can * Use the One they want (or intermix)... * Copyright (c) 1984-1990 Greenleaf Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Function Call Equates that offer the user * a shorter name to use in calling the mathlib. Note * that it is the longer names that are actually in the * .obj and .lib files. */ #define adate360 AddDaysToDate360 #define adate365 AddDaysToDate365 #define adatenly AddDaysToDate365NoLeapYear #define addarr AddDecimalArrays #define addarrd AddDecimalToDecimalArray #define adddfd AddDoubleToDecimal #define addid AddIntToDecimal #define addld AddLongToDecimal #define daddstr AddAscii #define adduid AddUnsToDecimal #define adduld AddUnsLongToDecimal #define advpmt AdvancePayment #define amort Amortize #define amorttbl AmortizeTable #define atod ConvAsciiToDecimal #define atodr ConvAsciiToDecimalRound #define comp CompoundInterest #define compcomp CompoundInterestCompound #define compsimp CompoundInterestSimple #define dabs AbsoluteDecimal #define dacos ArcCosineDecimal #define dadd AddDecimal #define dalloc AllocateDecimal #define dalog AntiLog10Decimal #define daralloc AllocateDecimalArray #define darcpy CopyDecimalArray #define darfree FreeDecimalArray #define dasin ArcSineDecimal #define datan ArcTangentDecimal #define dbd360 DaysBetweenDates360 #define dbd365 DaysBetweenDates365 #define dbdnly DaysBetweenDates365NoLeapYear #define dchgs ChangeSignDecimal #define dcmp CompareDecimal #define dcos CosineDecimal #define dcot CotangentDecimal #define dcpy CopyDecimal #define dctod ConvDollarsAndCentsToDecimal #define ddeg ConvRadiansToDegrees #define ddiv DivideDecimal #define ddivr DivideDecimalAndRound #define ddivt DivideDecimalAndTruncate #define deltrz DeleteTrailingZeroes #define dexp AntiLogEDecimal #define dfact Factorial #define dfprintf FilePrintDecimal #define dfract FractionDecimal #define dfree FreeDecimal #define dfscanf FileScanDecimal #define dftod ConvDoubleToDecimal #define dftodr ConvDoubleToDecimalRound #define dint IntegerPartDecimal #define diseq IsDecimalEqual #define disge IsDecimalGreaterOrEqual #define disgt IsDecimalGreater #define disint IsDecimalInt #define disle IsDecimalLessOrEqual #define dislt IsDecimalLess #define disne IsDecimalNotEqual #define disneg IsDecimalNegative #define dispos IsDecimalPositive #define diszero IsDecimalZero #define divarr DivideDecimalArrays #define divarrd DivideDecimalArrayByDecimal #define divdfd DivideDecimalByDouble #define divid DivideDecimalByInt #define divld DivideDecimalByLong #define divstr DivideAscii #define divuid DivideDecimalByUns #define divuld DivideDecimalByUnsLong #define dln LogEDecimal #define dlog Log10Decimal #define dmag MagnitudeOfDecimal #define dmant DecimalMantissa #define dmax MaximumDecimal #define dmean StatMean #define dmin MinimumDecimal #define dmod ModuloDecimal #define dmoddf DecimalModuloDouble #define dmodi DecimalModuloInt #define dmodl DecimalModuloLong #define dmodui DecimalModuloUns #define dmodul DecimalModuloUnsLong #define dmul MultiplyDecimal #define dmulr MultiplyDecimalAndRound #define dmult MultiplyDecimalAndTruncate #define dpct DecimalPercentage #define dpdb DepreciateDeclining #define dpdbtbl DepreciateDecliningTable #define dpddb DepreciateDoubleDeclining #define dpddbtbl DepreciateDoubleDecliningTable #define dpow PowerDecimal #define dpowi PowerInteger #define dpowrat PowerRational #define dprec DecimalPrecision #define dprintf PrintDecimal #define dpsl DepreciateStraightLine #define dpsltbl DepreciateStraightLineTable #define dpsoy DepreciateSumOfYears #define dpsoytbl DepreciateSumOfYearsTable #define drad ConvDegreesToRadians #define droot RootDecimal #define drooti RootInteger #define dround RoundDecimal #define dscanf ScanDecimal #define dsetertn SetMathErrVector #define dsign TestSignDecimal #define dsin SineDecimal #define dsprintf StringPrintDecimal #define dsqrt SquareRootDecimal #define dsscanf StringScanDecimal #define dsub SubtractDecimal #define dtan TangentDecimal #define dtoa ConvDecimalToAscii #define dtoac ConvDecimalToAsciiComma #define dtoacr ConvDecimalToAsciiCommaRound #define dtoar ConvDecimalToAsciiRound #define dtodc ConvDecimalToDollarsAndCents #define dtodf ConvDecimalToDouble #define dtoeng ConvDecimalToEngineering #define dtofr ConvDecimalToFraction #define dtoi ConvDecimalToInt #define dtol ConvDecimalToLong #define dtosci ConvDecimalToScientific #define dtoui ConvDecimalToUns #define dtoul ConvDecimalToUnsLong #define dtrunc TruncateDecimal #define dzero ZeroDecimal #define dzeroarr ZeroDecimalArray #define efftonom ConvEffectiveToNominal #define errname ErrorName #define frtod ConvFractionToDecimal #define funname FunctionName #define gmec ReturnMathErrAndClear #define gmef ReturnErrFuncNumAndClear #define gmrs ClearMathError #define irr InternalRateOfReturn #define itod ConvIntToDecimal #define linest LinearEstimate #define lookarr LookUpDecimalArray #define ltod ConvLongToDecimal #define makid MakeDecimalFromInt #define makld MakeDecimalFromLong #define makuid MakeDecimalFromUns #define makuld MakeDecimalFromUnsLong #define maxarr FindMaximumDecimalArray #define minarr FindMinimumDecimalArray #define mirr ModifiedIRR #define mularr MultiplyDecimalArrays #define mularrd MultiplyDecimalArrayByDecimal #define muldfd MultiplyDecimalByDouble #define mulid MultiplyDecimalByInt #define mulld MultiplyDecimalByLong #define mulstr MultiplyAscii #define muluid MultiplyDecimalByUns #define mululd MultiplyDecimalByUnsLong #define nfv NetFutureValue #define nomtoeff ConvNominalToEffective #define npv NetPresentValue #define padd AddPercent #define pchange PercentChange #define pdiv DividePercent #define pmul MultiplyPercent #define pof PercentOf #define predx PredictX #define predy PredictY #define psub SubtractPercent #define ptoy ConvPeriodicToYearly #define roundcnt RoundCents #define simp360 SimpleInterest360 #define simp365 SimpleInterest365 #define spfv SinglePaymentFutureValue #define sppv SinglePaymentPresentValue #define stnddev StandardDeviation #define subarr SubtractDecimalArrays #define subarrd SubtractDecimalFromDecimalArray #define subdfd SubtractDoubleFromDecimal #define subid SubtractIntFromDecimal #define subld SubtractLongFromDecimal #define substr SubtractAscii #define subuid SubtractUnsFromDecimal #define subuld SubtractUnsLongFromDecimal #define sumarr SumDecimalArray #define sumarrn SumDecimalArrayNegative #define sumarrp SumDecimalArrayPositive #define trunccnt TruncateCents #define uitod ConvUnsToDecimal #define ultod ConvUnsLongToDecimal #define usfv UniformSeriesFutureValue #define uspv UniformSeriesPresentValue #define wmean WeightedMean #define ytop ConvYearlyToPeriodic