/* void Amortize(payintr,payprin,balance,intr,pv,pmt,begend,time) * * ARGUMENT * DEC *payintr,*payprin,*balance; * DEC *intr, *pv, *pmt; * int begend, time; * * DESCRIPTION * For a certain payment of a loan, computes the amount of the payment * applied towards interest (payintr), the amount of the payment applied * towards principle (payprin), and the remaining balance (balance). The * loan is described by its present value (pv), the payment (pmt), the * interest rate (intr), and whether payments are at the beginning or end * of the month (begend), while time tells the payment for which the * calculations should be done. pv should be positive while pmt should be * negative to obey the sign convention. The output is rounded to two * decimal places. * * SIDE EFFECTS * None. * * RETURNS * None. * * POSSIBLE ERRORS * GM_NULLPOINTER * GM_ARGVAL * * AUTHOR * Jared Levy * Copyright (C) 1988-1990 Greenleaf Software Inc. All rights reserved. * * MODIFICATIONS * * */ #include <stdio.h> #include "gm.h" #include "gmsystem.h" void Amortize(payintr,payprin,balance,intr,pv,pmt,begend,time) DEC *payintr,*payprin,*balance; DEC *intr, *pv, *pmt; int begend, time; { int i; DEC dnintr, *nintr=&dnintr, dnpmt, *npmt=&dnpmt; _MacStart(GM_AMORT); if (!payintr||!payprin||!balance||!intr||!pv||!pmt) { _MacErr(GM_NULLPOINTER); _MacRetV; } if (_MacBad(intr) || _MacBad(pv) || _MacBad(pmt)) { _MacErr(GM_INIT); _MacRetV; } if ((begend!=GM_BEGIN&&begend!=GM_END)||time<0) { _MacErr(GM_ARGVAL); _MacRetV; } _MacDCopy(nintr, intr); nintr->dc.id+=2; _ScaleDec80Bit(npmt,pmt,2); /* store results for payment '0' */ _MacDZero(payintr); _MacDZero(payprin); (void) _ScaleDec80Bit(balance,pv,2); if (time==0) _MacRetV; /* calculate payment 1 results */ if (begend!=GM_BEGIN) { (void) _MulDec80Bit(payintr, balance, nintr); (void) _ScaleDec80Bit(payintr, payintr ,2); if (_MacIsDecN(payintr)^_MacIsDecN(npmt)) _MacDChgs(payintr); } (void) _SubDec80Bit(payprin, npmt, payintr); (void) _SubDec80Bit(balance, balance, payprin); /* calculate rest of payments */ for (i=2;i<=time;i++) { (void) _MulDec80Bit(payintr, balance, nintr); (void) _ScaleDec80Bit(payintr,payintr,2); if (_MacIsDecN(payintr)^_MacIsDecN(npmt)) _MacDChgs(payintr); (void) _SubDec80Bit(payprin, npmt, payintr); (void) _SubDec80Bit(balance, balance, payprin); } _MacRetV; }