wxPGChoices Member List

This is the complete list of members for wxPGChoices, including all inherited members.
Add(const wxChar **labels, const ValArrItem *values=NULL)wxPGChoices
Add(const wxArrayString &arr, const ValArrItem *values=NULL)wxPGChoices
Add(const wxArrayString &arr, const wxArrayInt &arrint)wxPGChoices
Add(const wxString &label, int value=INT_MAX)wxPGChoices
Add(const wxString &label, const wxBitmap &bitmap, int value=INT_MAX)wxPGChoices
Add(const wxPGChoiceEntry &entry)wxPGChoices
AddAsSorted(const wxString &label, int value=INT_MAX)wxPGChoices
Assign(const wxPGChoices &src)wxPGChoices
AssignData(wxPGChoicesData *data) (defined in wxPGChoices)wxPGChoices
Copy() const wxPGChoices
EnsureData() (defined in wxPGChoices)wxPGChoices
ExtractData() (defined in wxPGChoices)wxPGChoices
Free() (defined in wxPGChoices)wxPGChoices [protected]
GetCount() const (defined in wxPGChoices)wxPGChoices
GetData() (defined in wxPGChoices)wxPGChoices
GetDataPtr() const (defined in wxPGChoices)wxPGChoices
GetId() const wxPGChoices
GetIndicesForStrings(const wxArrayString &strings, wxArrayString *unmatched=NULL) const wxPGChoices
GetLabel(unsigned int ind) const (defined in wxPGChoices)wxPGChoices
GetLabels() const (defined in wxPGChoices)wxPGChoices
GetValue(unsigned int ind) const (defined in wxPGChoices)wxPGChoices
GetValuesForStrings(const wxArrayString &strings) const wxPGChoices
HasValue(unsigned int i) const wxPGChoices
HasValues() const wxPGChoices
Index(const wxString &str) const (defined in wxPGChoices)wxPGChoices
Index(int val) const (defined in wxPGChoices)wxPGChoices
Init() (defined in wxPGChoices)wxPGChoices [protected]
Insert(const wxString &label, int index, int value=INT_MAX)wxPGChoices
Insert(const wxPGChoiceEntry &entry, int index)wxPGChoices
IsOk() const wxPGChoices
Item(unsigned int i) const (defined in wxPGChoices)wxPGChoices
Item(unsigned int i) (defined in wxPGChoices)wxPGChoices
m_data (defined in wxPGChoices)wxPGChoices [protected]
operator=(const wxPGChoices &a) (defined in wxPGChoices)wxPGChoices
operator[](unsigned int i) (defined in wxPGChoices)wxPGChoices
operator[](unsigned int i) const (defined in wxPGChoices)wxPGChoices
RemoveAt(size_t nIndex, size_t count=1)wxPGChoices
Set(const wxChar **labels, const long *values=NULL)wxPGChoices
Set(wxArrayString &arr, const long *values=(const long *) NULL)wxPGChoices
Set(const wxArrayString &labels, const wxArrayInt &values=wxArrayInt())wxPGChoices
SetExclusive() (defined in wxPGChoices)wxPGChoices
ValArrItem typedef (defined in wxPGChoices)wxPGChoices
wxPGChoices(const wxPGChoices &src)wxPGChoices
wxPGChoices(const wxChar **labels, const long *values=NULL)wxPGChoices
wxPGChoices(const wxArrayString &labels, const wxArrayInt &values=wxArrayInt())wxPGChoices
wxPGChoices(wxPGChoicesData *data)wxPGChoices
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