Contents of the "WinCE" subdirectory for UnZip 5.3 and later: Contents This file. README Information about the Windows CE port and its author. punzip.dsp Visual C++ 5.0 project for WinCE (SH3 and MIPS) and WinNT. punzip.h Main header file for the entire Pocket UnZip project. winmain.cpp Contains the entire user interface and all Windows code. winmain.h Header for winmain.cpp. intrface.cpp The interface between the Windows code and Info-ZIP code. intrface.h Header for intrface.cpp. wince.cpp All the Win32 APIs and C runtimes called by Info-ZIP. wince.h Header for wince.cpp. punzip.rc Resource file for all dialogs, bitmaps, menus, icons, etc. resource.h Resource header file for punzip.rc and other source modules. punzip.rcv Version resource and version defines. punzip.ic2 Windows CE app icons (16x16 and 32x32, both 2 bits/pixel). zipfile.ic2 Windows CE zip icons (16x16 and 32x32, both 2 bits/pixel). imglist.2bp Windows CE image list bitmap (2 bits/pixel). ilmask.bmp Windows CE image list mask bitmap (1 bit/pixel). toolbar.2bp Windows CE toolbar bitmap (2 bits/pixel). punzip.ico Windows NT application icons (16x16 and 32x32, 16 bits/pixel). zipfile.ico Windows NT zip file icons (16x16 and 32x32, 16 bits/pixel). imglist.bmp Windows NT image list bitmap (16 bits/pixel including mask). toolbar.bmp Windows NT toolbar bitmap (16 bits/pixel). punzip.htp Windows CE help file (rename to punzip.html for WinNT). inc\ Contains dummy headers that are called by Info-ZIP code.