// sqlcols.cpp: implementation of the CColumns class // // This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library. // Copyright (C) 1992-1993 Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the // Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and Microsoft // QuickHelp and/or WinHelp documentation provided with the library. // See these sources for detailed information regarding the // Microsoft Foundation Classes product. #include "stdafx.h" #include "columnst.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CColumns implementation // IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CColumns, CRecordset) CColumns::CColumns(CDatabase* pDatabase) : CRecordset(pDatabase) { //{{AFX_FIELD_INIT(CColumns) m_strQualifier = ""; m_strOwner = ""; m_strTableName = ""; m_strColumnName = ""; m_nDataType = 0; m_strTypeName = ""; m_lPrecision = 0; m_lLength = 0; m_nScale = 0; m_nRadix = 0; m_nFields = 11; //}}AFX_FIELD_INIT m_strQualifierParam = ""; m_strOwnerParam = ""; m_strTableNameParam = ""; m_strColumnNameParam = ""; } BOOL CColumns::Open(UINT nOpenType /* = snapshot */, LPCSTR lpszSQL /* = NULL */, DWORD dwOptions /* = none */) { RETCODE nRetCode; ASSERT(lpszSQL == NULL); // Allocation and opening of database not supported if (m_hstmt == SQL_NULL_HSTMT) { CString strDefaultConnect; TRY { if (m_pDatabase == NULL) { m_pDatabase = new CDatabase(); m_bRecordsetDb = TRUE; } strDefaultConnect = GetDefaultConnect(); // If not already opened, attempt to open if (!m_pDatabase->IsOpen() && !m_pDatabase->Open("", FALSE, FALSE, strDefaultConnect)) return FALSE; AFX_SQL_SYNC(::SQLAllocStmt(m_pDatabase->m_hdbc, &m_hstmt)); if (!Check(nRetCode)) ThrowDBException(SQL_INVALID_HANDLE); } CATCH_ALL(e) { #ifdef _DEBUG if (afxTraceFlags & 0x20) TRACE0("Error: CDatabase create for CRecordset failed\n"); #endif // _DEBUG strDefaultConnect.Empty(); if (m_bRecordsetDb) { delete m_pDatabase; m_pDatabase = NULL; } ASSERT(m_hstmt == SQL_NULL_HSTMT); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL } TRY { // set any options, like timeouts, scrolling options OnSetOptions(m_hstmt); // call the ODBC catalog function with data member params RETCODE nRetCode; AFX_SQL_ASYNC(this, ::SQLColumns(m_hstmt, (m_strQualifierParam.IsEmpty()? (UCHAR FAR *)NULL: (UCHAR FAR *)(const char*)m_strQualifierParam), SQL_NTS, (m_strOwnerParam.IsEmpty()? (UCHAR FAR *)NULL: (UCHAR FAR *)(const char*)m_strOwnerParam), SQL_NTS, (m_strTableNameParam.IsEmpty()? (UCHAR FAR *)NULL: (UCHAR FAR *)(const char*)m_strTableNameParam), SQL_NTS, NULL, SQL_NTS)); if (!Check(nRetCode)) { AfxThrowDBException(nRetCode, m_pDatabase, m_hstmt); } // load first record MoveFirst(); } CATCH_ALL(e) { Close(); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL return TRUE; } CString CColumns::GetDefaultConnect() { // this minimal connect string will cause ODBC login dialog to be brought up return "ODBC;"; } CString CColumns::GetDefaultSQL() { // there is no default SQL - a direct ODBC call is made instead ASSERT(FALSE); return "!"; } void CColumns::DoFieldExchange(CFieldExchange* pFX) { //{{AFX_FIELD_MAP(CColumns) pFX->SetFieldType(CFieldExchange::outputColumn); RFX_Text(pFX, "table_qualifier", m_strQualifier); RFX_Text(pFX, "table_owner", m_strOwner); RFX_Text(pFX, "table_name", m_strTableName); RFX_Text(pFX, "column_name", m_strColumnName); RFX_Int(pFX, "data_type", m_nDataType); RFX_Text(pFX, "type_name", m_strTypeName); RFX_Long(pFX, "precision", m_lPrecision); RFX_Long(pFX, "length", m_lLength); RFX_Int(pFX, "scale", m_nScale); RFX_Int(pFX, "radix", m_nRadix); RFX_Int(pFX, "nullable", m_nNullable); //}}AFX_FIELD_MAP }