#ifndef __GOLEM_H #define __GOLEM_H #ifndef __DATE_H #include #endif #ifndef __STRINGS_H #include #endif bool goto_url(const char* url); bool edit_url(const char* url); bool print_url(const char* url); class TMAPI_session; class TMail_message : public TString_array { TString_array _recipients, _copy_recipients, _attachments; TString _subject; TString _sender; TString _id; TDate _date; long _hms; protected: bool add_recipient_ex(const char* recipient, int type); public: // Semiprotected: You don't have access to TMAPI_session bool send(TMAPI_session& lhSession, bool hide_ui = false); bool remove(TMAPI_session& lhSession); public: bool add_recipient(const char* address) { return add_recipient_ex(address, 0); } void set_subject(const char* subject) { _subject = subject; _subject.trim(); } bool add_copy_recipient(const char* address) { return add_recipient_ex(address, 1); } bool attach(const char* filename) { return add_recipient_ex(filename, 2); } void set_sender(const char* address) { _sender = address; _sender.trim(); } void set_id(const char* id) { _id = id; } int add_line(const char * s); TMail_message& operator = (const char* msg) { destroy(); add(msg); return *this; } TMail_message& operator = (const TString& msg) { destroy(); add(msg); return *this; } bool send(bool hide_ui = false); bool remove(); const TString& sender() const { return _sender; } const TString& subject() const { return _subject; } const TString& id() const { return _id; } void set_date_time(const char* date_time); const TDate& date() const { return _date; } long time() const { return _hms; } int recipients() const { return _recipients.items(); } const TString& recipient(int n = 0) const; TMail_message(const char* recipient = NULL, const char* subject = NULL, const char* text = NULL, const char* sender = NULL); virtual ~TMail_message() { } }; class TMail_messages : public TArray { public: int get(const char* sender = NULL, const char* subject = NULL, const char* body = NULL, bool attachments = false, bool mark_as_read = false); bool send(bool hide_ui = true); bool remove(); TMail_message& msg(int i) { return (TMail_message&)(*this)[i]; } const TMail_message& msg(int i) const { return (const TMail_message&)(*this)[i]; } TMail_messages(); virtual ~TMail_messages() { } }; #endif