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1. Overview


syntax diagram update-stmt







An UPDATE statement is used to modify a subset of the values stored in zero or more rows of the database table identified by the qualified-table-name specified as part of the UPDATE statement.

2. Details

If the UPDATE statement does not have a WHERE clause, all rows in the table are modified by the UPDATE. Otherwise, the UPDATE affects only those rows for which the WHERE clause boolean expression is true. It is not an error if the WHERE clause does not evaluate to true for any row in the table - this just means that the UPDATE statement affects zero rows.

The modifications made to each row affected by an UPDATE statement are determined by the list of assignments following the SET keyword. Each assignment specifies a column-name to the left of the equals sign and a scalar expression to the right. For each affected row, the named columns are set to the values found by evaluating the corresponding scalar expressions. If a single column-name appears more than once in the list of assignment expressions, all but the rightmost occurrence is ignored. Columns that do not appear in the list of assignments are left unmodified. The scalar expressions may refer to columns of the row being updated. In this case all scalar expressions are evaluated before any assignments are made.

Beginning in SQLite version 3.15.0 (2016-10-14), an assignment in the SET clause can be a parenthesized list of column names on the left and a row value of the same size on the right.

The optional "OR action" conflict clause that follows the UPDATE keyword allows the user to nominate a specific constraint conflict resolution algorithm to use during this one UPDATE command. Refer to the section entitled ON CONFLICT for additional information.

2.1. Restrictions on UPDATE Statements Within CREATE TRIGGER

The following additional syntax restrictions apply to UPDATE statements that occur within the body of a CREATE TRIGGER statement.


The UPDATE-FROM idea is an extension to SQL that allows an UPDATE statement to be driven by other tables in the database. The "target" table is the specific table that is being updated. With UPDATE-FROM you can join the target table against other tables in the database in order to help compute which rows need updating and what the new values should be on those rows. UPDATE-FROM is supported beginning in SQLite version 3.33.0 (2020-08-14).

Other relation database engines also implement UPDATE-FROM, but because the construct is not part of the SQL standards, each product implements UPDATE-FROM differently. The SQLite implementation strives to be compatible with PostgreSQL. The SQL Server and MySQL implementations of the same idea work a little differently.

As an example of how UPDATE-FROM can be useful, suppose you have a point-of-sale application that accumulates purchases in the SALES table. At the end of the day, you want to adjust the INVENTORY table according to the daily sales. To do this, you can run an UPDATE against the INVENTORY table that adjusts the quantity by the aggregated sales for the day. The statement would look like this:

UPDATE inventory
   SET quantity = quantity - daily.amt
  FROM (SELECT sum(quantity) AS amt, itemId FROM sales GROUP BY 2) AS daily
 WHERE inventory.itemId = daily.itemId;

The subquery in the FROM clause computes the amount by which the inventory should be reduced for each itemId. That subquery is joined against the inventory table and the quantity of each affected inventory row is reduced by the appropriate amount.

The target table is not included in the FROM clause, unless the intent is to do a self-join against the target table. In the event of a self-join, the table in the FROM clause must be aliased to a different name than the target table.

If the join between the target table and the FROM clause results in multiple output rows for the same target table row, then only one of those output rows is used for updating the target table. The output row selected is arbitrary and might change from one release of SQLite to the next, or from one run to the next.

2.2.1. UPDATE FROM in other SQL database engines

SQL Server also supports UPDATE FROM, but in SQL Server the target table must be included in the FROM clause. In other words, the target table is named twice in the statement. With SQL Server, the inventory adjustment statement demonstrated above would be written like this:

UPDATE inventory
   SET quantity = quantity - daily.amt
  FROM inventory, 
       (SELECT sum(quantity) AS amt, itemId FROM sales GROUP BY 2) AS daily
 WHERE inventory.itemId = daily.itemId;

MySQL supports the UPDATE FROM idea, but it does so without using a FROM clause. Instead, the complete join specification is given in between the UPDATE and SET keywords. The equivalent MySQL statement would be like this:

UPDATE inventory JOIN
       (SELECT sum(quantity) AS amt, itemId FROM sales GROUP BY 2) AS daily
       USING( itemId )
   SET inventory.quantity = inventory.quantity - daily.amt;

The MySQL UPDATE statement does not have just one target table like other systems. Any of the tables that participate in the join can be modified in the SET clause. The MySQL UPDATE syntax allows you to update multiple tables at once!

2.3. Optional LIMIT and ORDER BY Clauses

If SQLite is built with the SQLITE_ENABLE_UPDATE_DELETE_LIMIT compile-time option then the syntax of the UPDATE statement is extended with optional ORDER BY and LIMIT clauses as follows:


syntax diagram update-stmt-limited

If an UPDATE statement has a LIMIT clause, the maximum number of rows that will be updated is found by evaluating the accompanying expression and casting it to an integer value. A negative value is interpreted as "no limit".

If the LIMIT expression evaluates to non-negative value N and the UPDATE statement has an ORDER BY clause, then all rows that would be updated in the absence of the LIMIT clause are sorted according to the ORDER BY and the first N updated. If the UPDATE statement also has an OFFSET clause, then it is similarly evaluated and cast to an integer value. If the OFFSET expression evaluates to a non-negative value M, then the first M rows are skipped and the following N rows updated instead.

If the UPDATE statement has no ORDER BY clause, then all rows that would be updated in the absence of the LIMIT clause are assembled in an arbitrary order before applying the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses to determine which are actually updated.

The ORDER BY clause on an UPDATE statement is used only to determine which rows fall within the LIMIT. The order in which rows are modified is arbitrary and is not influenced by the ORDER BY clause.