/* void AddDaysToDate365( m2, d2, y2, m1, d1, y1, ndays ) * * ARGUMENTS * int m1, d1, y1 - Specify a base date. * int *m2, *d2, *y2 - Specify a date to be calculated * int ndays - Number of days (+ or -) to be added to base * * DESCRIPTION * A signed number of days (ndays) is added to the base date to form a * second date which is transferred to the variables m2,d2,y2. If any of * the arguments are NULL on input, an error results. * * Years < 100 are taken to be in 20th century. * * Years are considered to have 365 days. Leap years are considered here. * * SIDE EFFECTS * Modified d2, m2, y2. * * RETURNS * None. * * POSSIBLE ERROR CODES * * GM_ARGVAL * GM_NULLPOINTER * * AUTHOR * Don Killen 03-Feb-1988 16:27:32 * Copyright (C) 1988-1990 Greenleaf Software Inc. All rights reserved. * * MODIFICATIONS * * */ #include <stdio.h> #include "gm.h" #include "gmsystem.h" void AddDaysToDate365(m2,d2,y2,m1,d1,y1,ndays) int m1,*m2,d1,*d2,y1,*y2,ndays; { long n1; int np, x, z, mt, dt=1, dp, ny, t1, t2; mbool ly; _MacStart(GM_ADATE365); if (d2==NULL||m2==NULL||y2==NULL) { _MacErr(GM_NULLPOINTER); _MacRetV; } if ( m1<1 || m1>12 || d1<1 || d1>31 || y1<1 || y1>9999 ) { _MacErr(GM_ARGVAL); _MacRetV; } if (m1<=2) { x=0; z=y1-1; } else { x=(4*m1 + 23) / 10; z=y1; } /* compute day # */ n1 = (long) y1 * 365L + (long) (31*(m1-1) + d1 + z/4 - x) +(long) ndays; /* estimate year */ *y2 = (int) ((4L * n1) / 1461L); np = (int) (n1 - ((long) (*y2) * 365L + (long) (((*y2) - 1) / 4))); /* correct year estimate */ while (np<1) { /* year too large */ *y2 = (*y2)-1; np = (int) (n1 - ((long)(*y2) * 365L + (long) (((*y2)-1) / 4))); } if ( ((*y2) % 4) == 0) ny = 366; else ny = 365; while (np > ny ) { /* year too small */ *y2 = (*y2)+1; np = (int) (n1 - ((long)(*y2) * 365L + (long) (((*y2)-1) / 4))); } /* no leap year in 1700, 1800, 1900 */ if ((y1>=1700 && y1<=1900) || (*y2>=1700 && *y2<=1900)) { t1 = (m1<=2) ? y1-1 : y1; t2 = (np<60) ? (*y2)-1 : *y2; if (np==60 && ndays<0) t2--; /* if y1 and y2 fall on different centuries, extra leap year counted */ np+= ((t2/100) - (t1/100)); if (np<1) { *y2 = *y2-1; *m2 = 12; *d2 = 31; _MacRetV; } if (np>366) { *y2 = *y2+1; *m2 = 1; *d2 = 1; _MacRetV; } } /* handle Jan. & Feb. */ if (np <= 31) { *m2 = 1; *d2 = np; _MacRetV; } /* check for leap year */ ly = ((*y2) % 4 == 0); if (np <= 59 + (ly)) { *m2 = 2; *d2 = np - 31; _MacRetV; } /* handle other months */ if (ly) np--; mt = 2; do { mt++; dp = dt; dt = np - 31 * (mt - 1) + (4 * mt + 23) / 10; } while (dt>=1); *m2 = mt-1; *d2 = dp; _MacRetV; }