#ifndef BOOLEAN #define BOOLEAN short #endif #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 #endif #ifdef LINUX #define _MAX_PATH 512 #define _MAX_EXT 6 #define _MAX_DRIVE 6 #define _MAX_DIR 512 #define _MAX_FNAME 512 #endif typedef unsigned long WINDOW; typedef unsigned int UNIT_TYPE; typedef unsigned long ULONG; typedef unsigned long XVT_ERRMSG; typedef unsigned long XVT_ODBC; typedef wchar_t XVT_WCHAR; typedef short MENU_TAG; typedef short CURSOR; typedef char* DATA_PTR; #define EOL_SEQ "\015\012" typedef struct { short top, left, bottom, right; } RCT; typedef long XVT_HELP_TID; typedef unsigned long COLOR; typedef unsigned long XVT_COLOR_TYPE; typedef unsigned long XVT_FONT_ATTR_MASK; typedef unsigned long XVT_FONT_STYLE_MASK; typedef long PICTURE; typedef void* XVT_IMAGE; typedef enum { XVT_IMAGE_NONE, XVT_IMAGE_CL8, XVT_IMAGE_RGB, XVT_IMAGE_MONO, } XVT_IMAGE_FORMAT; #define XVT_FNTID void* typedef void* XVT_PALETTE; typedef unsigned long XVT_PALETTE_ATTR; #define XVT_ESC_GET_PRINTER_INFO 883 #define XVT_ESC_SET_PRINTER_INFO 884 typedef enum e_display_type { XVT_DISPLAY_MONO, /* monochromatic display */ XVT_DISPLAY_GRAY_16, /* 16-entry grayscale */ XVT_DISPLAY_GRAY_256, /* 256-entry grayscale */ XVT_DISPLAY_COLOR_16, /* 16-entry color */ XVT_DISPLAY_COLOR_256, /* 256-entry color */ XVT_DISPLAY_DIRECT_COLOR, /* full color capabilities */ } XVT_DISPLAY_TYPE; typedef enum { XVT_PALETTE_NONE, XVT_PALETTE_STOCK, XVT_PALETTE_CURRENT, XVT_PALETTE_CUBE16, XVT_PALETTE_CUBE256, XVT_PALETTE_USER } XVT_PALETTE_TYPE; typedef enum { /* response from ask fcn */ RESP_DEFAULT, /* default button */ RESP_2, /* second button */ RESP_3, /* third button */ } ASK_RESPONSE; typedef enum { /* result from file open & save dialogs */ FL_BAD, /* error occurred */ FL_CANCEL, /* cancel button clicked */ FL_OK, /* OK button clicked */ } FL_STATUS; typedef struct { char path[_MAX_DIR]; } DIRECTORY; typedef struct s_mitem { MENU_TAG tag; /* menu tag */ char *text; /* text to appear in menu */ short mkey; /* mnemonic */ unsigned enabled: 1; /* enabled? */ unsigned checked: 1; /* checked? */ unsigned checkable: 1; /* checkable? */ unsigned separator: 1; /* separator? */ struct s_mitem *child; /* pointer to submenu */ } MENU_ITEM; typedef enum e_popup_alignment { XVT_POPUP_CENTER, XVT_POPUP_LEFT_ALIGN, XVT_POPUP_RIGHT_ALIGN, XVT_POPUP_OVER_ITEM } XVT_POPUP_ALIGNMENT; #define SZ_FNAME _MAX_FNAME typedef struct { /* file specification */ DIRECTORY dir; /* directory */ char type[6]; /* file type/extension */ char name[SZ_FNAME]; /* filename */ char creator[6]; /* file creator */ } FILE_SPEC; typedef struct { void* pr; } PRINT_RCD; typedef struct { short v, h; } PNT; typedef struct { char* str; long data; void* next; } SLIST_ITEM; typedef SLIST_ITEM* SLIST_ELT; typedef struct { SLIST_ELT head; long count; } xvtList; typedef xvtList* SLIST; typedef enum { /* drawing (transfer) mode */ M_COPY, M_OR, M_XOR, M_CLEAR, M_NOT_COPY, M_NOT_OR, M_NOT_XOR, M_NOT_CLEAR } DRAW_MODE; typedef enum e_pen_style { /* pen style */ P_SOLID, /* solid */ P_DOT, /* dotted line */ P_DASH /* dashed line */ } PEN_STYLE; typedef enum { PAT_NONE, /* no pattern */ PAT_HOLLOW, /* hollow */ PAT_SOLID, /* solid fill */ PAT_HORZ, /* horizontal lines */ PAT_VERT, /* vertical lines */ PAT_FDIAG, /* diagonal lines -- top-left to bottom-right */ PAT_BDIAG, /* diagonal lines -- top-right to bottom-left */ PAT_CROSS, /* horizontal and vertical crossing lines */ PAT_DIAGCROSS, /* diagonal crossing lines */ PAT_RUBBER, /* rubber banding */ PAT_SPECIAL } PAT_STYLE; typedef struct { /* color pen tool */ short width; /* width */ PAT_STYLE pat; /* pattern */ PEN_STYLE style; /* style */ COLOR color; /* color */ } CPEN; typedef struct { PAT_STYLE pat; COLOR color; } CBRUSH; typedef struct { /* color drawing tools */ CPEN pen; /* color pen */ CBRUSH brush; /* color brush */ DRAW_MODE mode; /* drawing mode */ COLOR fore_color; /* foreground color */ COLOR back_color; /* background color */ BOOLEAN opaque_text; /* is text opaque*/ } DRAW_CTOOLS; typedef enum { /* scrollbar activity */ SC_NONE, /* nowhere (ignore) */ SC_LINE_UP, /* one line up */ SC_LINE_DOWN, /* one line down */ SC_PAGE_UP, /* previous page */ SC_PAGE_DOWN, /* next page */ SC_THUMB, /* thumb repositioning */ SC_THUMBTRACK /* thumb tracking */ } SCROLL_CONTROL; typedef enum { /* type of window */ W_NONE, /* marker for end of WIN_DEF array */ W_DOC, /* document window */ W_PLAIN, /* window with plain border */ W_DBL, /* window with double border */ W_PRINT, /* XVT internal use only */ W_TASK, /* task window */ W_SCREEN, /* screen window */ W_NO_BORDER, /* no border */ W_PIXMAP, /* pixmap */ W_MODAL, /* modal window */ WD_MODAL, /* modal dialog */ WD_MODELESS, /* modeless dialog */ WC_PUSHBUTTON, /* button control */ WC_RADIOBUTTON, /* radio button control */ WC_CHECKBOX, /* check box control */ WC_HSCROLL, /* horizontal scrollbar control */ WC_VSCROLL, /* vertical scrollbar control */ //WC_EDIT, /* edit control */ commentato perche' rompe le scatole WC_TEXT, /* static text control */ WC_LBOX, /* list box control */ WC_LISTBUTTON, /* button with list */ WC_CHECKBUTTON, /* check button control */ WC_LISTEDIT, /* edit with field list */ WC_GROUPBOX, /* group box */ WC_TEXTEDIT, /* text edit object */ WC_ICON, /* icon control */ WO_TE /* text edit */ } WIN_TYPE; typedef enum { SEV_NONE, SEV_WARNING, SEV_ERROR, SEV_FATAL, } XVT_ERRSEV; typedef enum { /* type of scrollbar */ HSCROLL, /* horizontal */ VSCROLL, /* vertical */ HVSCROLL, /* either */ } SCROLL_TYPE; typedef struct s_ctlinfo { WIN_TYPE type; WINDOW win; union { struct s_scroll { SCROLL_CONTROL what; short pos; } scroll; struct s_edit { BOOLEAN focus_change; BOOLEAN active; } edit; struct s_lbox { BOOLEAN dbl_click; } lbox; struct s_listedit { BOOLEAN focus_change; BOOLEAN active; } listedit; } v; } CONTROL_INFO; typedef struct s_xvt_color_component { XVT_COLOR_TYPE type; /* color component being defined */ COLOR color; /* RGB color value */ } XVT_COLOR_COMPONENT; typedef struct s_win_def { WIN_TYPE wtype; /* WC_* or WO_* type */ RCT rct; char *text; UNIT_TYPE units; XVT_COLOR_COMPONENT * ctlcolors; union { struct s_win_def_win { /* WINDOW's */ short int menu_rid; /* menu resource id */ MENU_ITEM *menu_p; /* pointer to menu tree */ long flags; /* WSF_* flags */ XVT_FNTID ctl_font_id; /* control font id */ } win; struct s_win_def_dlg { /* DIALOG's */ long flags; /* WSF_* flags */ XVT_FNTID ctl_font_id; /* control font id */ } dlg; struct s_win_def_ctl { /* CONTROL's */ short int ctrl_id; short int icon_id; /* for icons only */ long flags; /* CTL_* flags */ XVT_FNTID font_id; /* logical font */ } ctl; struct s_win_def_tx { /* text edit objects */ unsigned short attrib; /* TX_* flags */ XVT_FNTID font_id; /* logical font */ short margin; /* right margin */ short limit; /* max chars */ short int tx_id; /* text ID */ } tx; } v; } WIN_DEF; typedef enum { E_CREATE, /* creation */ E_DESTROY, /* destruction */ E_FOCUS, /* window focus gain/loss */ E_SIZE, /* resize */ E_UPDATE, /* update */ E_CLOSE, /* close window request */ E_MOUSE_DOWN, /* mouse down */ E_MOUSE_UP, /* mouse up */ E_MOUSE_MOVE, /* mouse move */ E_MOUSE_DBL, /* mouse double click */ E_CHAR, /* character typed */ E_VSCROLL, /* vert. window scrollbar activity */ E_HSCROLL, /* horz. window scrollbar activity */ E_COMMAND, /* menu command */ E_FONT, /* font menu selection */ E_CONTROL, /* control activity */ E_TIMER, /* timer */ E_QUIT, /* application shutdown request */ E_HELP, /* help invoked */ E_USER, /* user defined */ } EVENT_TYPE; typedef struct s_event { EVENT_TYPE type; union { struct s_mouse { PNT where; BOOLEAN shift; BOOLEAN control; short button; } mouse; struct s_char { XVT_WCHAR ch; BOOLEAN shift; BOOLEAN control; BOOLEAN virtual_key; unsigned long modifiers; } chr; BOOLEAN active; BOOLEAN query; struct s_scroll_info { SCROLL_CONTROL what; short pos; } scroll; struct s_cmd { MENU_TAG tag; BOOLEAN shift; BOOLEAN control; } cmd; struct s_size { short height; short width; } size; struct s_efont { XVT_FNTID font_id; } font; struct s_ctl { short id; CONTROL_INFO ci; } ctl; struct s_update { RCT rct; } update; struct s_timer { long id; } timer; struct s_user { long id; void *ptr; } user; struct s_help { WINDOW obj; MENU_TAG tag; XVT_HELP_TID tid; }help; } v; } EVENT; typedef unsigned long EVENT_MASK; typedef long (* EVENT_HANDLER) (WINDOW win, EVENT *ep); typedef BOOLEAN (* XVT_ERRMSG_HANDLER) (XVT_ERRMSG err, DATA_PTR context); typedef enum { /* std. clipboard format */ CB_TEXT, /* ASCII text */ CB_PICT, /* encapsulated picture */ CB_APPL /* app's own (must have name) */ } CB_FORMAT; typedef struct s_xvt_config { short menu_bar_ID; /* task menubar ResID */ short about_box_ID; /* default aboutbox ResID */ const char* base_appl_name; /* application's "filename" */ const char* appl_name; /* application's name */ const char* taskwin_title; /* title for task window */ } XVT_CONFIG;