/* PDFlib GmbH cvsid: $Id: tiff.h,v 1.4 2009-03-23 08:55:58 guy Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE * OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _TIFF_ #define _TIFF_ #include "tiffconf.h" /* * Tag Image File Format (TIFF) * * Based on Rev 6.0 from: * Developer's Desk * Aldus Corporation * 411 First Ave. South * Suite 200 * Seattle, WA 98104 * 206-622-5500 * * (http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/PDFS/TN/TIFF6.pdf) * * For Big TIFF design notes see the following link * http://gdal.maptools.org/twiki/bin/view/libtiff/BigTIFFDesign */ #define TIFF_VERSION 42 #define TIFF_BIGTIFF_VERSION 43 #define TIFF_BIGENDIAN 0x4d4d #define TIFF_LITTLEENDIAN 0x4949 /* * Intrinsic data types required by the file format: * * 8-bit quantities int8/uint8 * 16-bit quantities int16/uint16 * 32-bit quantities int32/uint32 * strings unsigned char* */ #ifdef AIX #include <sys/inttypes.h> typedef u_int8 uint8; typedef u_int16 uint16; typedef u_int32 uint32; #else #ifdef __STDC__ typedef signed char int8; /* NB: non-ANSI compilers may not grok */ #else typedef char int8; #endif typedef unsigned char uint8; typedef short int16; typedef unsigned short uint16; /* sizeof (uint16) must == 2 */ #if defined(__alpha) || (defined(_MIPS_SZLONG) && _MIPS_SZLONG == 64) \ || defined(__LP64__) || defined(__arch64__) || defined(__sparcv9) \ || (defined(__x86_64__) && defined(__SunOS)) typedef int int32; #ifndef _UINT32 typedef unsigned int uint32; /* sizeof (uint32) must == 4 */ #endif #else typedef long int32; #ifndef _UINT32 typedef unsigned long uint32; /* sizeof (uint32) must == 4 */ #endif #endif #endif /* For TIFFReassignTagToIgnore */ enum TIFFIgnoreSense /* IGNORE tag table */ { TIS_STORE, TIS_EXTRACT, TIS_EMPTY }; /* * TIFF header. */ typedef struct { uint16 tiff_magic; /* magic number (defines byte order) */ #define TIFF_MAGIC_SIZE 2 uint16 tiff_version; /* TIFF version number */ #define TIFF_VERSION_SIZE 2 uint32 tiff_diroff; /* byte offset to first directory */ #define TIFF_DIROFFSET_SIZE 4 } TIFFHeader; /* * TIFF Image File Directories are comprised of a table of field * descriptors of the form shown below. The table is sorted in * ascending order by tag. The values associated with each entry are * disjoint and may appear anywhere in the file (so long as they are * placed on a word boundary). * * If the value is 4 bytes or less, then it is placed in the offset * field to save space. If the value is less than 4 bytes, it is * left-justified in the offset field. */ typedef struct { uint16 tdir_tag; /* see below */ uint16 tdir_type; /* data type; see below */ uint32 tdir_count; /* number of items; length in spec */ uint32 tdir_offset; /* byte offset to field data */ } TIFFDirEntry; /* * NB: In the comments below, * - items marked with a + are obsoleted by revision 5.0, * - items marked with a ! are introduced in revision 6.0. * - items marked with a % are introduced post revision 6.0. * - items marked with a $ are obsoleted by revision 6.0. * - items marked with a & are introduced by Adobe DNG specification. */ /* * Tag data type information. * * Note: RATIONALs are the ratio of two 32-bit integer values. */ typedef enum { TIFF_NOTYPE = 0, /* placeholder */ TIFF_BYTE = 1, /* 8-bit unsigned integer */ TIFF_ASCII = 2, /* 8-bit bytes w/ last byte null */ TIFF_SHORT = 3, /* 16-bit unsigned integer */ TIFF_LONG = 4, /* 32-bit unsigned integer */ TIFF_RATIONAL = 5, /* 64-bit unsigned fraction */ TIFF_SBYTE = 6, /* !8-bit signed integer */ TIFF_UNDEFINED = 7, /* !8-bit untyped data */ TIFF_SSHORT = 8, /* !16-bit signed integer */ TIFF_SLONG = 9, /* !32-bit signed integer */ TIFF_SRATIONAL = 10, /* !64-bit signed fraction */ TIFF_FLOAT = 11, /* !32-bit IEEE floating point */ TIFF_DOUBLE = 12, /* !64-bit IEEE floating point */ TIFF_IFD = 13 /* %32-bit unsigned integer (offset) */ } TIFFDataType; /* * TIFF Tag Definitions. */ #define TIFFTAG_SUBFILETYPE 254 /* subfile data descriptor */ #define FILETYPE_REDUCEDIMAGE 0x1 /* reduced resolution version */ #define FILETYPE_PAGE 0x2 /* one page of many */ #define FILETYPE_MASK 0x4 /* transparency mask */ #define TIFFTAG_OSUBFILETYPE 255 /* +kind of data in subfile */ #define OFILETYPE_IMAGE 1 /* full resolution image data */ #define OFILETYPE_REDUCEDIMAGE 2 /* reduced size image data */ #define OFILETYPE_PAGE 3 /* one page of many */ #define TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH 256 /* image width in pixels */ #define TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH 257 /* image height in pixels */ #define TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE 258 /* bits per channel (sample) */ #define TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION 259 /* data compression technique */ #define COMPRESSION_NONE 1 /* dump mode */ #define COMPRESSION_CCITTRLE 2 /* CCITT modified Huffman RLE */ #define COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX3 3 /* CCITT Group 3 fax encoding */ #define COMPRESSION_CCITT_T4 3 /* CCITT T.4 (TIFF 6 name) */ #define COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX4 4 /* CCITT Group 4 fax encoding */ #define COMPRESSION_CCITT_T6 4 /* CCITT T.6 (TIFF 6 name) */ #define COMPRESSION_LZW 5 /* Lempel-Ziv & Welch */ #define COMPRESSION_OJPEG 6 /* !6.0 JPEG */ #define COMPRESSION_JPEG 7 /* %JPEG DCT compression */ #define COMPRESSION_NEXT 32766 /* NeXT 2-bit RLE */ #define COMPRESSION_CCITTRLEW 32771 /* #1 w/ word alignment */ #define COMPRESSION_PACKBITS 32773 /* Macintosh RLE */ #define COMPRESSION_THUNDERSCAN 32809 /* ThunderScan RLE */ /* codes 32895-32898 are reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT <dkelly@apago.com) */ #define COMPRESSION_IT8CTPAD 32895 /* IT8 CT w/padding */ #define COMPRESSION_IT8LW 32896 /* IT8 Linework RLE */ #define COMPRESSION_IT8MP 32897 /* IT8 Monochrome picture */ #define COMPRESSION_IT8BL 32898 /* IT8 Binary line art */ /* compression codes 32908-32911 are reserved for Pixar */ #define COMPRESSION_PIXARFILM 32908 /* Pixar companded 10bit LZW */ #define COMPRESSION_PIXARLOG 32909 /* Pixar companded 11bit ZIP */ #define COMPRESSION_DEFLATE 32946 /* Deflate compression */ #define COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE 8 /* Deflate compression, as recognized by Adobe */ /* compression code 32947 is reserved for Oceana Matrix <dev@oceana.com> */ #define COMPRESSION_DCS 32947 /* Kodak DCS encoding */ #define COMPRESSION_JBIG 34661 /* ISO JBIG */ #define COMPRESSION_SGILOG 34676 /* SGI Log Luminance RLE */ #define COMPRESSION_SGILOG24 34677 /* SGI Log 24-bit packed */ #define COMPRESSION_JP2000 34712 /* Leadtools JPEG2000 */ #define TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC 262 /* photometric interpretation */ #define PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE 0 /* min value is white */ #define PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK 1 /* min value is black */ #define PHOTOMETRIC_RGB 2 /* RGB color model */ #define PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE 3 /* color map indexed */ #define PHOTOMETRIC_MASK 4 /* $holdout mask */ #define PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED 5 /* !color separations */ #define PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR 6 /* !CCIR 601 */ #define PHOTOMETRIC_CIELAB 8 /* !1976 CIE L*a*b* */ #define PHOTOMETRIC_ICCLAB 9 /* ICC L*a*b* [Adobe TIFF Technote 4] */ #define PHOTOMETRIC_ITULAB 10 /* ITU L*a*b* */ #define PHOTOMETRIC_LOGL 32844 /* CIE Log2(L) */ #define PHOTOMETRIC_LOGLUV 32845 /* CIE Log2(L) (u',v') */ #define TIFFTAG_THRESHHOLDING 263 /* +thresholding used on data */ #define THRESHHOLD_BILEVEL 1 /* b&w art scan */ #define THRESHHOLD_HALFTONE 2 /* or dithered scan */ #define THRESHHOLD_ERRORDIFFUSE 3 /* usually floyd-steinberg */ #define TIFFTAG_CELLWIDTH 264 /* +dithering matrix width */ #define TIFFTAG_CELLLENGTH 265 /* +dithering matrix height */ #define TIFFTAG_FILLORDER 266 /* data order within a byte */ #define FILLORDER_MSB2LSB 1 /* most significant -> least */ #define FILLORDER_LSB2MSB 2 /* least significant -> most */ #define TIFFTAG_DOCUMENTNAME 269 /* name of doc. image is from */ #define TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION 270 /* info about image */ #define TIFFTAG_MAKE 271 /* scanner manufacturer name */ #define TIFFTAG_MODEL 272 /* scanner model name/number */ #define TIFFTAG_STRIPOFFSETS 273 /* offsets to data strips */ #define TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION 274 /* +image orientation */ #define ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT 1 /* row 0 top, col 0 lhs */ #define ORIENTATION_TOPRIGHT 2 /* row 0 top, col 0 rhs */ #define ORIENTATION_BOTRIGHT 3 /* row 0 bottom, col 0 rhs */ #define ORIENTATION_BOTLEFT 4 /* row 0 bottom, col 0 lhs */ #define ORIENTATION_LEFTTOP 5 /* row 0 lhs, col 0 top */ #define ORIENTATION_RIGHTTOP 6 /* row 0 rhs, col 0 top */ #define ORIENTATION_RIGHTBOT 7 /* row 0 rhs, col 0 bottom */ #define ORIENTATION_LEFTBOT 8 /* row 0 lhs, col 0 bottom */ #define TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL 277 /* samples per pixel */ #define TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP 278 /* rows per strip of data */ #define TIFFTAG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS 279 /* bytes counts for strips */ #define TIFFTAG_MINSAMPLEVALUE 280 /* +minimum sample value */ #define TIFFTAG_MAXSAMPLEVALUE 281 /* +maximum sample value */ #define TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION 282 /* pixels/resolution in x */ #define TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION 283 /* pixels/resolution in y */ #define TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG 284 /* storage organization */ #define PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG 1 /* single image plane */ #define PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE 2 /* separate planes of data */ #define TIFFTAG_PAGENAME 285 /* page name image is from */ #define TIFFTAG_XPOSITION 286 /* x page offset of image lhs */ #define TIFFTAG_YPOSITION 287 /* y page offset of image lhs */ #define TIFFTAG_FREEOFFSETS 288 /* +byte offset to free block */ #define TIFFTAG_FREEBYTECOUNTS 289 /* +sizes of free blocks */ #define TIFFTAG_GRAYRESPONSEUNIT 290 /* $gray scale curve accuracy */ #define GRAYRESPONSEUNIT_10S 1 /* tenths of a unit */ #define GRAYRESPONSEUNIT_100S 2 /* hundredths of a unit */ #define GRAYRESPONSEUNIT_1000S 3 /* thousandths of a unit */ #define GRAYRESPONSEUNIT_10000S 4 /* ten-thousandths of a unit */ #define GRAYRESPONSEUNIT_100000S 5 /* hundred-thousandths */ #define TIFFTAG_GRAYRESPONSECURVE 291 /* $gray scale response curve */ #define TIFFTAG_GROUP3OPTIONS 292 /* 32 flag bits */ #define TIFFTAG_T4OPTIONS 292 /* TIFF 6.0 proper name alias */ #define GROUP3OPT_2DENCODING 0x1 /* 2-dimensional coding */ #define GROUP3OPT_UNCOMPRESSED 0x2 /* data not compressed */ #define GROUP3OPT_FILLBITS 0x4 /* fill to byte boundary */ #define TIFFTAG_GROUP4OPTIONS 293 /* 32 flag bits */ #define TIFFTAG_T6OPTIONS 293 /* TIFF 6.0 proper name */ #define GROUP4OPT_UNCOMPRESSED 0x2 /* data not compressed */ #define TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT 296 /* units of resolutions */ #define RESUNIT_NONE 1 /* no meaningful units */ #define RESUNIT_INCH 2 /* english */ #define RESUNIT_CENTIMETER 3 /* metric */ #define TIFFTAG_PAGENUMBER 297 /* page numbers of multi-page */ #define TIFFTAG_COLORRESPONSEUNIT 300 /* $color curve accuracy */ #define COLORRESPONSEUNIT_10S 1 /* tenths of a unit */ #define COLORRESPONSEUNIT_100S 2 /* hundredths of a unit */ #define COLORRESPONSEUNIT_1000S 3 /* thousandths of a unit */ #define COLORRESPONSEUNIT_10000S 4 /* ten-thousandths of a unit */ #define COLORRESPONSEUNIT_100000S 5 /* hundred-thousandths */ #define TIFFTAG_TRANSFERFUNCTION 301 /* !colorimetry info */ #define TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE 305 /* name & release */ #define TIFFTAG_DATETIME 306 /* creation date and time */ #define TIFFTAG_ARTIST 315 /* creator of image */ #define TIFFTAG_HOSTCOMPUTER 316 /* machine where created */ #define TIFFTAG_PREDICTOR 317 /* prediction scheme w/ LZW */ #define PREDICTOR_NONE 1 /* no prediction scheme used */ #define PREDICTOR_HORIZONTAL 2 /* horizontal differencing */ #define PREDICTOR_FLOATINGPOINT 3 /* floating point predictor */ #define TIFFTAG_WHITEPOINT 318 /* image white point */ #define TIFFTAG_PRIMARYCHROMATICITIES 319 /* !primary chromaticities */ #define TIFFTAG_COLORMAP 320 /* RGB map for pallette image */ #define TIFFTAG_HALFTONEHINTS 321 /* !highlight+shadow info */ #define TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH 322 /* !tile width in pixels */ #define TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH 323 /* !tile height in pixels */ #define TIFFTAG_TILEOFFSETS 324 /* !offsets to data tiles */ #define TIFFTAG_TILEBYTECOUNTS 325 /* !byte counts for tiles */ #define TIFFTAG_BADFAXLINES 326 /* lines w/ wrong pixel count */ #define TIFFTAG_CLEANFAXDATA 327 /* regenerated line info */ #define CLEANFAXDATA_CLEAN 0 /* no errors detected */ #define CLEANFAXDATA_REGENERATED 1 /* receiver regenerated lines */ #define CLEANFAXDATA_UNCLEAN 2 /* uncorrected errors exist */ #define TIFFTAG_CONSECUTIVEBADFAXLINES 328 /* max consecutive bad lines */ #define TIFFTAG_SUBIFD 330 /* subimage descriptors */ #define TIFFTAG_INKSET 332 /* !inks in separated image */ #define INKSET_CMYK 1 /* !cyan-magenta-yellow-black color */ #define INKSET_MULTIINK 2 /* !multi-ink or hi-fi color */ #define TIFFTAG_INKNAMES 333 /* !ascii names of inks */ #define TIFFTAG_NUMBEROFINKS 334 /* !number of inks */ #define TIFFTAG_DOTRANGE 336 /* !0% and 100% dot codes */ #define TIFFTAG_TARGETPRINTER 337 /* !separation target */ #define TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES 338 /* !info about extra samples */ #define EXTRASAMPLE_UNSPECIFIED 0 /* !unspecified data */ #define EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA 1 /* !associated alpha data */ #define EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA 2 /* !unassociated alpha data */ #define TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT 339 /* !data sample format */ #define SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT 1 /* !unsigned integer data */ #define SAMPLEFORMAT_INT 2 /* !signed integer data */ #define SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP 3 /* !IEEE floating point data */ #define SAMPLEFORMAT_VOID 4 /* !untyped data */ #define SAMPLEFORMAT_COMPLEXINT 5 /* !complex signed int */ #define SAMPLEFORMAT_COMPLEXIEEEFP 6 /* !complex ieee floating */ #define TIFFTAG_SMINSAMPLEVALUE 340 /* !variable MinSampleValue */ #define TIFFTAG_SMAXSAMPLEVALUE 341 /* !variable MaxSampleValue */ #define TIFFTAG_CLIPPATH 343 /* %ClipPath [Adobe TIFF technote 2] */ #define TIFFTAG_XCLIPPATHUNITS 344 /* %XClipPathUnits [Adobe TIFF technote 2] */ #define TIFFTAG_YCLIPPATHUNITS 345 /* %YClipPathUnits [Adobe TIFF technote 2] */ #define TIFFTAG_INDEXED 346 /* %Indexed [Adobe TIFF Technote 3] */ #define TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLES 347 /* %JPEG table stream */ /* %OPI Proxy [Adobe TIFF technote] */ #define TIFFTAG_OPIPROXY 351 /* * Tags 512-521 are obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a * revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme. */ #define TIFFTAG_JPEGPROC 512 /* !JPEG processing algorithm */ #define JPEGPROC_BASELINE 1 /* !baseline sequential */ #define JPEGPROC_LOSSLESS 14 /* !Huffman coded lossless */ #define TIFFTAG_JPEGIFOFFSET 513 /* !pointer to SOI marker */ #define TIFFTAG_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT 514 /* !JFIF stream length */ #define TIFFTAG_JPEGRESTARTINTERVAL 515 /* !restart interval length */ #define TIFFTAG_JPEGLOSSLESSPREDICTORS 517 /* !lossless proc predictor */ #define TIFFTAG_JPEGPOINTTRANSFORM 518 /* !lossless point transform */ #define TIFFTAG_JPEGQTABLES 519 /* !Q matrice offsets */ #define TIFFTAG_JPEGDCTABLES 520 /* !DCT table offsets */ #define TIFFTAG_JPEGACTABLES 521 /* !AC coefficient offsets */ #define TIFFTAG_YCBCRCOEFFICIENTS 529 /* !RGB -> YCbCr transform */ #define TIFFTAG_YCBCRSUBSAMPLING 530 /* !YCbCr subsampling factors */ #define TIFFTAG_YCBCRPOSITIONING 531 /* !subsample positioning */ #define YCBCRPOSITION_CENTERED 1 /* !as in PostScript Level 2 */ #define YCBCRPOSITION_COSITED 2 /* !as in CCIR 601-1 */ #define TIFFTAG_REFERENCEBLACKWHITE 532 /* !colorimetry info */ #define TIFFTAG_XMLPACKET 700 /* %XML packet [Adobe XMP Specification, January 2004 */ #define TIFFTAG_OPIIMAGEID 32781 /* %OPI ImageID [Adobe TIFF technote] */ /* tags 32952-32956 are private tags registered to Island Graphics */ #define TIFFTAG_REFPTS 32953 /* image reference points */ #define TIFFTAG_REGIONTACKPOINT 32954 /* region-xform tack point */ #define TIFFTAG_REGIONWARPCORNERS 32955 /* warp quadrilateral */ #define TIFFTAG_REGIONAFFINE 32956 /* affine transformation mat */ /* tags 32995-32999 are private tags registered to SGI */ #define TIFFTAG_MATTEING 32995 /* $use ExtraSamples */ #define TIFFTAG_DATATYPE 32996 /* $use SampleFormat */ #define TIFFTAG_IMAGEDEPTH 32997 /* z depth of image */ #define TIFFTAG_TILEDEPTH 32998 /* z depth/data tile */ /* tags 33300-33309 are private tags registered to Pixar */ /* * TIFFTAG_PIXAR_IMAGEFULLWIDTH and TIFFTAG_PIXAR_IMAGEFULLLENGTH * are set when an image has been cropped out of a larger image. * They reflect the size of the original uncropped image. * The TIFFTAG_XPOSITION and TIFFTAG_YPOSITION can be used * to determine the position of the smaller image in the larger one. */ #define TIFFTAG_PIXAR_IMAGEFULLWIDTH 33300 /* full image size in x */ #define TIFFTAG_PIXAR_IMAGEFULLLENGTH 33301 /* full image size in y */ /* Tags 33302-33306 are used to identify special image modes and data * used by Pixar's texture formats. */ #define TIFFTAG_PIXAR_TEXTUREFORMAT 33302 /* texture map format */ #define TIFFTAG_PIXAR_WRAPMODES 33303 /* s & t wrap modes */ #define TIFFTAG_PIXAR_FOVCOT 33304 /* cotan(fov) for env. maps */ #define TIFFTAG_PIXAR_MATRIX_WORLDTOSCREEN 33305 #define TIFFTAG_PIXAR_MATRIX_WORLDTOCAMERA 33306 /* tag 33405 is a private tag registered to Eastman Kodak */ #define TIFFTAG_WRITERSERIALNUMBER 33405 /* device serial number */ /* tag 33432 is listed in the 6.0 spec w/ unknown ownership */ #define TIFFTAG_COPYRIGHT 33432 /* copyright string */ /* IPTC TAG from RichTIFF specifications */ #define TIFFTAG_RICHTIFFIPTC 33723 /* 34016-34029 are reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT <dkelly@apago.com) */ #define TIFFTAG_IT8SITE 34016 /* site name */ #define TIFFTAG_IT8COLORSEQUENCE 34017 /* color seq. [RGB,CMYK,etc] */ #define TIFFTAG_IT8HEADER 34018 /* DDES Header */ #define TIFFTAG_IT8RASTERPADDING 34019 /* raster scanline padding */ #define TIFFTAG_IT8BITSPERRUNLENGTH 34020 /* # of bits in short run */ #define TIFFTAG_IT8BITSPEREXTENDEDRUNLENGTH 34021/* # of bits in long run */ #define TIFFTAG_IT8COLORTABLE 34022 /* LW colortable */ #define TIFFTAG_IT8IMAGECOLORINDICATOR 34023 /* BP/BL image color switch */ #define TIFFTAG_IT8BKGCOLORINDICATOR 34024 /* BP/BL bg color switch */ #define TIFFTAG_IT8IMAGECOLORVALUE 34025 /* BP/BL image color value */ #define TIFFTAG_IT8BKGCOLORVALUE 34026 /* BP/BL bg color value */ #define TIFFTAG_IT8PIXELINTENSITYRANGE 34027 /* MP pixel intensity value */ #define TIFFTAG_IT8TRANSPARENCYINDICATOR 34028 /* HC transparency switch */ #define TIFFTAG_IT8COLORCHARACTERIZATION 34029 /* color character. table */ #define TIFFTAG_IT8HCUSAGE 34030 /* HC usage indicator */ #define TIFFTAG_IT8TRAPINDICATOR 34031 /* Trapping indicator (untrapped=0, trapped=1) */ #define TIFFTAG_IT8CMYKEQUIVALENT 34032 /* CMYK color equivalents */ /* tags 34232-34236 are private tags registered to Texas Instruments */ #define TIFFTAG_FRAMECOUNT 34232 /* Sequence Frame Count */ /* tag 34377 is private tag registered to Adobe for PhotoShop */ #define TIFFTAG_PHOTOSHOP 34377 /* tags 34665, 34853 and 40965 are documented in EXIF specification */ /* Pointer to EXIF private directory */ #define TIFFTAG_EXIFIFD 34665 /* tag 34750 is a private tag registered to Adobe? */ #define TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE 34675 /* ICC profile data */ /* tag 34750 is a private tag registered to Pixel Magic */ #define TIFFTAG_JBIGOPTIONS 34750 /* JBIG options */ /* Pointer to GPS private directory */ #define TIFFTAG_GPSIFD 34853 /* tags 34908-34914 are private tags registered to SGI */ #define TIFFTAG_FAXRECVPARAMS 34908 /* encoded Class 2 ses. parms */ #define TIFFTAG_FAXSUBADDRESS 34909 /* received SubAddr string */ #define TIFFTAG_FAXRECVTIME 34910 /* receive time (secs) */ /* encoded fax ses. params, Table 2/T.30 */ #define TIFFTAG_FAXDCS 34911 /* tags 37439-37443 are registered to SGI <gregl@sgi.com> */ #define TIFFTAG_STONITS 37439 /* Sample value to Nits */ /* tag 34929 is a private tag registered to FedEx */ #define TIFFTAG_FEDEX_EDR 34929 /* unknown use */ /* Pointer to Interoperability private directory */ #define TIFFTAG_INTEROPERABILITYIFD 40965 /* Adobe Digital Negative (DNG) format tags */ #define TIFFTAG_DNGVERSION 50706 /* &DNG version number */ #define TIFFTAG_DNGBACKWARDVERSION 50707 /* &DNG compatibility version */ #define TIFFTAG_UNIQUECAMERAMODEL 50708 /* &name for the camera model */ #define TIFFTAG_LOCALIZEDCAMERAMODEL 50709 /* &localized camera model name */ #define TIFFTAG_CFAPLANECOLOR 50710 /* &CFAPattern->LinearRaw space mapping */ #define TIFFTAG_CFALAYOUT 50711 /* &spatial layout of the CFA */ #define TIFFTAG_LINEARIZATIONTABLE 50712 /* &lookup table description */ #define TIFFTAG_BLACKLEVELREPEATDIM 50713 /* &repeat pattern size for the BlackLevel tag */ #define TIFFTAG_BLACKLEVEL 50714 /* &zero light encoding level */ #define TIFFTAG_BLACKLEVELDELTAH 50715 /* &zero light encoding level differences (columns) */ #define TIFFTAG_BLACKLEVELDELTAV 50716 /* &zero light encoding level differences (rows) */ #define TIFFTAG_WHITELEVEL 50717 /* &fully saturated encoding level */ #define TIFFTAG_DEFAULTSCALE 50718 /* &default scale factors */ #define TIFFTAG_DEFAULTCROPORIGIN 50719 /* &origin of the final image area */ #define TIFFTAG_DEFAULTCROPSIZE 50720 /* &size of the final image area */ #define TIFFTAG_COLORMATRIX1 50721 /* &XYZ->reference color space transformation matrix 1 */ #define TIFFTAG_COLORMATRIX2 50722 /* &XYZ->reference color space transformation matrix 2 */ #define TIFFTAG_CAMERACALIBRATION1 50723 /* &calibration matrix 1 */ #define TIFFTAG_CAMERACALIBRATION2 50724 /* &calibration matrix 2 */ #define TIFFTAG_REDUCTIONMATRIX1 50725 /* &dimensionality reduction matrix 1 */ #define TIFFTAG_REDUCTIONMATRIX2 50726 /* &dimensionality reduction matrix 2 */ #define TIFFTAG_ANALOGBALANCE 50727 /* &gain applied the stored raw values*/ #define TIFFTAG_ASSHOTNEUTRAL 50728 /* &selected white balance in linear reference space */ #define TIFFTAG_ASSHOTWHITEXY 50729 /* &selected white balance in x-y chromaticity coordinates */ #define TIFFTAG_BASELINEEXPOSURE 50730 /* &how much to move the zero point */ #define TIFFTAG_BASELINENOISE 50731 /* &relative noise level */ #define TIFFTAG_BASELINESHARPNESS 50732 /* &relative amount of sharpening */ #define TIFFTAG_BAYERGREENSPLIT 50733 /* &how closely the values of the green pixels in the blue/green rows track the values of the green pixels in the red/green rows */ #define TIFFTAG_LINEARRESPONSELIMIT 50734 /* &non-linear encoding range */ #define TIFFTAG_CAMERASERIALNUMBER 50735 /* &camera's serial number */ #define TIFFTAG_LENSINFO 50736 /* info about the lens */ #define TIFFTAG_CHROMABLURRADIUS 50737 /* &chroma blur radius */ #define TIFFTAG_ANTIALIASSTRENGTH 50738 /* &relative strength of the camera's anti-alias filter */ #define TIFFTAG_SHADOWSCALE 50739 /* &used by Adobe Camera Raw */ #define TIFFTAG_DNGPRIVATEDATA 50740 /*&manufacturer's private data*/ #define TIFFTAG_MAKERNOTESAFETY 50741 /* &whether the EXIF MakerNote tag is safe to preserve along with the rest of the EXIF data */ #define TIFFTAG_CALIBRATIONILLUMINANT1 50778 /* &illuminant 1 */ #define TIFFTAG_CALIBRATIONILLUMINANT2 50779 /* &illuminant 2 */ #define TIFFTAG_BESTQUALITYSCALE 50780 /* &best quality multiplier */ #define TIFFTAG_RAWDATAUNIQUEID 50781 /* &unique identifier for the raw image data */ #define TIFFTAG_ORIGINALRAWFILENAME 50827 /* &file name of the original raw file */ #define TIFFTAG_ORIGINALRAWFILEDATA 50828 /* &contents of the original raw file */ #define TIFFTAG_ACTIVEAREA 50829 /* &active (non-masked) pixels of the sensor */ #define TIFFTAG_MASKEDAREAS 50830 /* &list of coordinates of fully masked pixels */ #define TIFFTAG_ASSHOTICCPROFILE 50831 /* &these two tags used to */ #define TIFFTAG_ASSHOTPREPROFILEMATRIX 50832 /* map cameras's color space into ICC profile space */ #define TIFFTAG_CURRENTICCPROFILE 50833 /* & */ #define TIFFTAG_CURRENTPREPROFILEMATRIX 50834 /* & */ /* tag 65535 is an undefined tag used by Eastman Kodak */ #define TIFFTAG_DCSHUESHIFTVALUES 65535 /* hue shift correction data */ /* * The following are ``pseudo tags'' that can be used to control * codec-specific functionality. These tags are not written to file. * Note that these values start at 0xffff+1 so that they'll never * collide with Aldus-assigned tags. * * If you want your private pseudo tags ``registered'' (i.e. added to * this file), please post a bug report via the tracking system at * http://www.remotesensing.org/libtiff/bugs.html with the appropriate * C definitions to add. */ #define TIFFTAG_FAXMODE 65536 /* Group 3/4 format control */ #define FAXMODE_CLASSIC 0x0000 /* default, include RTC */ #define FAXMODE_NORTC 0x0001 /* no RTC at end of data */ #define FAXMODE_NOEOL 0x0002 /* no EOL code at end of row */ #define FAXMODE_BYTEALIGN 0x0004 /* byte align row */ #define FAXMODE_WORDALIGN 0x0008 /* word align row */ #define FAXMODE_CLASSF FAXMODE_NORTC /* TIFF Class F */ #define TIFFTAG_JPEGQUALITY 65537 /* Compression quality level */ /* Note: quality level is on the IJG 0-100 scale. Default value is 75 */ #define TIFFTAG_JPEGCOLORMODE 65538 /* Auto RGB<=>YCbCr convert? */ #define JPEGCOLORMODE_RAW 0x0000 /* no conversion (default) */ #define JPEGCOLORMODE_RGB 0x0001 /* do auto conversion */ #define TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLESMODE 65539 /* What to put in JPEGTables */ #define JPEGTABLESMODE_QUANT 0x0001 /* include quantization tbls */ #define JPEGTABLESMODE_HUFF 0x0002 /* include Huffman tbls */ /* Note: default is JPEGTABLESMODE_QUANT | JPEGTABLESMODE_HUFF */ #define TIFFTAG_FAXFILLFUNC 65540 /* G3/G4 fill function */ #define TIFFTAG_PIXARLOGDATAFMT 65549 /* PixarLogCodec I/O data sz */ #define PIXARLOGDATAFMT_8BIT 0 /* regular tif_char samples */ #define PIXARLOGDATAFMT_8BITABGR 1 /* ABGR-order tif_chars */ #define PIXARLOGDATAFMT_11BITLOG 2 /* 11-bit log-encoded (raw) */ #define PIXARLOGDATAFMT_12BITPICIO 3 /* as per PICIO (1.0==2048) */ #define PIXARLOGDATAFMT_16BIT 4 /* signed short samples */ #define PIXARLOGDATAFMT_FLOAT 5 /* IEEE float samples */ /* 65550-65556 are allocated to Oceana Matrix <dev@oceana.com> */ #define TIFFTAG_DCSIMAGERTYPE 65550 /* imager model & filter */ #define DCSIMAGERMODEL_M3 0 /* M3 chip (1280 x 1024) */ #define DCSIMAGERMODEL_M5 1 /* M5 chip (1536 x 1024) */ #define DCSIMAGERMODEL_M6 2 /* M6 chip (3072 x 2048) */ #define DCSIMAGERFILTER_IR 0 /* infrared filter */ #define DCSIMAGERFILTER_MONO 1 /* monochrome filter */ #define DCSIMAGERFILTER_CFA 2 /* color filter array */ #define DCSIMAGERFILTER_OTHER 3 /* other filter */ #define TIFFTAG_DCSINTERPMODE 65551 /* interpolation mode */ #define DCSINTERPMODE_NORMAL 0x0 /* whole image, default */ #define DCSINTERPMODE_PREVIEW 0x1 /* preview of image (384x256) */ #define TIFFTAG_DCSBALANCEARRAY 65552 /* color balance values */ #define TIFFTAG_DCSCORRECTMATRIX 65553 /* color correction values */ #define TIFFTAG_DCSGAMMA 65554 /* gamma value */ #define TIFFTAG_DCSTOESHOULDERPTS 65555 /* toe & shoulder points */ #define TIFFTAG_DCSCALIBRATIONFD 65556 /* calibration file desc */ /* Note: quality level is on the ZLIB 1-9 scale. Default value is -1 */ #define TIFFTAG_ZIPQUALITY 65557 /* compression quality level */ #define TIFFTAG_PIXARLOGQUALITY 65558 /* PixarLog uses same scale */ /* 65559 is allocated to Oceana Matrix <dev@oceana.com> */ #define TIFFTAG_DCSCLIPRECTANGLE 65559 /* area of image to acquire */ #define TIFFTAG_SGILOGDATAFMT 65560 /* SGILog user data format */ #define SGILOGDATAFMT_FLOAT 0 /* IEEE float samples */ #define SGILOGDATAFMT_16BIT 1 /* 16-bit samples */ #define SGILOGDATAFMT_RAW 2 /* uninterpreted data */ #define SGILOGDATAFMT_8BIT 3 /* 8-bit RGB monitor values */ #define TIFFTAG_SGILOGENCODE 65561 /* SGILog data encoding control*/ #define SGILOGENCODE_NODITHER 0 /* do not dither encoded values*/ #define SGILOGENCODE_RANDITHER 1 /* randomly dither encd values */ #endif /* _TIFF_ */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 noet: */