/* f4lock.c   (c)Copyright Sequiter Software Inc., 1990-1994.  All rights reserved. */

#include "d4all.h"

#ifdef S4IBMOS2
#include <os2.h>
#ifndef NO_ERROR
#define NO_ERROR 0

#ifndef S4UNIX
#ifdef __TURBOC__
#pragma hdrstop

#ifdef S4TEMP
#include "t4test.h"

#include <time.h>
#ifndef S4SINGLE

#ifdef S4UNIX
#ifdef S4LOCKF
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/locking.h>
#ifndef S4WIN32
#ifndef __TURBOC__
#ifndef S4IBMOS2
#include <sys\locking.h>
#define S4LOCKING
#ifdef __ZTC__
extern int  errno ;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <sys\types.h>
#ifdef __TURBOC__
#ifndef S4OS2
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#include <sys\locking.h> /* Borland C++ compilers */
#include <locking.h>             /* Turbo C++ for DOS compilers */
/* #include <sys\locking.h> */   /* Turbo C++ for Win compilers */
/*   extern int cdecl errno ; */
#include <sys\stat.h>
#include <share.h>


#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>

#ifdef S4ERRNO
extern int errno ;

#ifdef S4LOCK_HOOK
/* Add alternative code to specify how to handle locking failures.
   This function is commented out to give you the option of defining
   it in your own separate source code file.

   WARNING: The printed documentation does not mention the extra
   parameter of information containing the number
   of locking tries so far on this attempted file lock.

   int file4lock_hook( CODE4 *cb, char *file_name, long offset, long num_bytes, int num_tries )
   return 0 ;

int S4FUNCTION file4lock( FILE4 *file, long pos_start, long num_bytes )
#ifdef S4SINGLE
  return 0 ;
  int rc, num_attempts ;

#ifdef S4IBMOS2
  struct LockStrc
    long FileOffset ;
    long RangeLength ;
  } L4RANGE ;

  ParamBlockRec MACParmBlk ;

#ifdef S4DEBUG
  if ( file == 0 )
    e4severe( e4parm, E4_F4LOCK ) ;
#ifndef S4MDX
  if ( num_bytes < 0 || pos_start < 0 )
    e4severe( e4parm, E4_F4LOCK ) ;

  if ( file->is_read_only || file->is_exclusive )  /* don't check error code */
    return 0 ;

  if ( file->code_base->error_code < 0 )
    return -1 ;

#ifdef S4LOCK_HOOK
  num_attempts = 0 ;
  num_attempts = file->code_base->lock_attempts ;
  if ( num_attempts == 0 )
    num_attempts = 1 ;
  errno = 0 ;

  for( ;; )
#ifdef S4LOCKING
#ifdef S4WINDOWS
    _llseek( file->hand, pos_start, 0 ) ;
    lseek( file->hand, pos_start, 0 ) ;

#ifdef S4LOCKF
    if ( num_attempts == -1 )    /* sleep until lock */
      rc = lockf( file->hand, F_LOCK, num_bytes ) ;
      rc = lockf( file->hand, F_TLOCK, num_bytes ) ;
    rc = locking( file->hand, LK_NBLCK, num_bytes ) ;
#ifdef S4IBMOS2
    L4RANGE.FileOffset = pos_start ;
    L4RANGE.RangeLength = num_bytes ;

    rc = DosSetFileLocks( (HFILE) file->hand, 0L,(PFILELOCK) &L4RANGE, 100L, 0L ) ;

    MACParmBlk.ioParam.ioRefNum = file->hand ;
    MACParmBlk.ioParam.ioReqCount = num_bytes ;
    MACParmBlk.ioParam.ioPosMode = fsFromStart ;
    MACParmBlk.ioParam.ioPosOffset = pos_start ;

    PBLockRange( &MACParmBlk, FALSE ) ;
    rc = MACParmBlk.ioParam.ioResult ;

#ifdef __TURBOC__
    rc = lock( file->hand, pos_start, num_bytes ) ;

#ifdef S4WIN32
    rc = LOWORD(pos_start) ;
    rc = HIWORD(pos_start) ;
    rc = LOWORD(num_bytes) ;
    rc = HIWORD(num_bytes) ;
    if ( LockFile( (HANDLE)file->hand, LOWORD(pos_start), HIWORD(pos_start),
                  LOWORD(num_bytes), HIWORD(num_bytes) ) )
      rc = NO_ERROR ;
      rc = GetLastError() ;

#ifdef __ZTC__
    if (rc == 0 || errno == 1)
#ifdef S4IBMOS2
      if (rc == NO_ERROR )
        if (rc == 0 )
#ifdef S4WIN32
          if (rc == NO_ERROR )
            if (rc == 0 || errno == EINVAL)
              l4lock_save( file->hand, pos_start, num_bytes ) ;
              return 0 ;

    if ( rc == 0 )
      l4lock_save( file->hand, pos_start, num_bytes ) ;
      file4set_write_opt( file, 1 ) ;
      return 0 ;

#ifdef S4WIN32
    if ( rc != ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION )
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#if _MSC_VER == 600
#ifdef S4WINDOWS
      if (errno != -1 )       /* Microsoft 6.00a does not return */
#else                      /* valid 'errno' under Windows,    */
        if (errno != EACCES)    /* but performs locking correctly  */
          if (errno != EACCES)
#ifdef __ZTC__
            if (errno != 33)
#ifdef S4IBMOS2
              if ( rc != ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION )
                if (rc != fLckdErr )
                  if (errno != EACCES && errno != 0 )
                    return e4( file->code_base, e4lock, file->name ) ;

#ifdef S4LOCK_HOOK
    rc = file4lock_hook( file->code_base, file->name, pos_start, num_bytes,
                        ++num_attempts ) ;
    if( rc )
      return rc ;
    if ( num_attempts == 1 )
      return r4locked ;
    if ( num_attempts > 1 )
      num_attempts-- ;
#ifdef S4TEMP
    if ( d4display_quit( &display ) )
      e4severe( e4result, E4_RESULT_EXI ) ;

    u4delay_sec() ;   /* wait a second & try lock again */

int S4FUNCTION file4unlock( FILE4 *file, long pos_start, long num_bytes )
#ifndef S4SINGLE
  int rc ;

#ifdef S4IBMOS2
  struct LockStrc
    long FileOffset ;
    long RangeLength ;
  } L4RANGE ;

  ParamBlockRec MACParmBlk ;

#ifdef S4DEBUG
  if ( file == 0 )
    e4severe( e4parm, E4_F4UNLOCK ) ;
#ifndef S4MDX
  if ( num_bytes < 0 || pos_start < 0 )
    e4severe( e4parm, E4_F4UNLOCK ) ;

  if ( file->is_read_only || file->is_exclusive )
    return 0 ;

  file4set_write_opt( file, 0 ) ;

  l4lock_remove( file->hand, pos_start, num_bytes ) ;

  errno = 0 ;
#ifdef S4LOCKING
#ifdef S4WINDOWS
  _llseek( file->hand, pos_start, 0 ) ;
  lseek( file->hand, pos_start, 0 ) ;

#ifdef S4LOCKF /* lockf() replaces locking() for SUN OS, AT&T */
  rc = lockf( file->hand, F_ULOCK, num_bytes ) ;
  rc = locking( file->hand, LK_UNLCK, num_bytes ) ;
#ifdef S4IBMOS2
  L4RANGE.FileOffset = pos_start ;
  L4RANGE.RangeLength = num_bytes ;

  rc = DosSetFileLocks( (HFILE)file->hand, (PFILELOCK) &L4RANGE, 0L, 100L , 0L ) ;

  MACParmBlk.ioParam.ioRefNum = file->hand ;
  MACParmBlk.ioParam.ioReqCount = num_bytes ;
  MACParmBlk.ioParam.ioPosMode = fsFromStart ;
  MACParmBlk.ioParam.ioPosOffset = pos_start ;

  PBUnlockRange( &MACParmBlk, FALSE ) ;
  rc = MACParmBlk.ioParam.ioResult ;

#ifdef __TURBOC__
  rc = unlock( file->hand, pos_start, num_bytes ) ;

#ifdef S4WIN32
  if ( UnlockFile( (HANDLE)file->hand, LOWORD(pos_start), HIWORD(pos_start),
                  LOWORD(num_bytes), HIWORD(num_bytes) ) )
    rc = NO_ERROR ;
    rc = -1 ;

#ifdef __ZTC__
  if (rc < 0  && errno != 1 )
#ifdef S4IBMOS2
    if (rc != NO_ERROR )
      if (rc != 0 )
#ifdef S4WIN32
        if (rc != NO_ERROR )
          if (rc < 0  && errno != EINVAL )
            return e4( file->code_base, e4unlock, file->name ) ;

  return 0 ;