#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../ba/ba2100.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Utility functions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Current form (edit, print) HIDDEN TForm* _cur_form = NULL; HIDDEN TForm& form() { CHECK(_cur_form, "Can't print NULL form"); return *_cur_form; } // Translate char to pagetype HIDDEN pagetype char2page(char c) { pagetype pt; switch(c) { case '1': case 'E': pt = even_page; break; case '2': case 'F': pt = first_page; break; case '3': case 'L': pt = last_page; break; default: pt = odd_page; break; } return pt; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gestione TFieldref su maschera // ID CAMPO ATTIVO // xx0 Stringa completa del TFieldref // xx1 Descrizione file // xx2 Bottone selezione file X // xx3 Descrizione campo // xx4 Bottone selezione campo X // xx5 Primo carattere campo X // xx6 Ultimo carattere campo X /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HIDDEN void put_fieldref(const TFieldref& fr, TMask_field& f) { TRelation_description& rd = form().rel_desc(); rd.set_cur_file(fr.file()); TString80 desc; desc << fr; f.set(desc); TMask& m = f.mask(); const short id = f.dlg(); // Campo contenente il TFieldref m.set(id+1, rd.file_desc()); m.set(id+3, rd.get_field_description(fr.name())); m.set(id+5, (fr.from() > 0 || fr.to() > 0) ? fr.from()+1 : 0); m.set(id+6, fr.to() > fr.from() ? fr.to() : 0); } // Handler of F_BUT_FILE field on mask HIDDEN bool but_file_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY k) { if (k == K_SPACE) { TRelation_description& r = form().rel_desc(); TEdit_field& e = f.mask().efield(f.dlg()-2); TFieldref ref; ref = e.get(); if (r.choose_file(ref.file())) { ref.set_file(r.file_num()); put_fieldref(ref, e); } } return TRUE; } // Handler of F_BUT_FIELD field on mask HIDDEN bool but_field_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY k) { if (k == K_SPACE) { TRelation_description& r = form().rel_desc(); TEdit_field& e = f.mask().efield(f.dlg()-4); TFieldref ref; ref = e.get(); if (r.choose_field(ref.name())) { ref.set_name(r.field_name()); put_fieldref(ref, e); } } return TRUE; } // Handler of F_FROM field on mask HIDDEN bool from_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY k) { if (f.to_check(k)) { TEdit_field& e = f.mask().efield(f.dlg()-5); TFieldref ref; ref = e.get(); ref.set_from(atoi(f.get())); put_fieldref(ref, e); } return TRUE; } // Handler of F_TO field on mask HIDDEN bool to_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY k) { if (f.to_check(k)) { TEdit_field& e = f.mask().efield(f.dlg()-6); TFieldref ref; ref = e.get(); ref.set_to(atoi(f.get())); put_fieldref(ref, e); } return TRUE; } HIDDEN bool dateformat_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY k) { if (k == K_SPACE) { TMask& m = f.mask(); char fmt[8]; fmt[0] = m.get(F_DFORMAT)[0]; fmt[1] = m.get(F_DDAY)[0]; fmt[2] = m.get(F_DMONTH)[0]; fmt[3] = m.get(F_DYEAR)[0]; fmt[4] = m.get(F_DSEP)[0]; fmt[5] = '\0'; const TFormatted_date ex(TODAY, 0, 0, fmt); m.set(F_DEXAMPLE, ex.string()); } return TRUE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TForm_flags /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct TForm_flags : public TObject { bool automagic : 1; bool enabled : 1; bool shown : 1; bool dirty : 1; protected: void print_on(ostream& out) const; public: TForm_flags(); void print_on(TMask& m); void read_from(const TMask& m); bool update(const char* s); }; TForm_flags::TForm_flags() { automagic = dirty = FALSE; shown = enabled = TRUE; } // Read from string // Certified 100% bool TForm_flags::update(const char* s) { CHECK(s, "NULL flags string"); for (; *s; s++) switch(toupper(*s)) { case 'A': automagic = TRUE; break; case 'D': enabled = FALSE; break; case 'H': shown = FALSE; break; default : error_box("Unknown form item flag '%c'", *s); break; } return TRUE; } // Print on stream // Certified 100% void TForm_flags::print_on(ostream& out) const { TString16 s; if (automagic) s << "A"; if (!enabled) s << "D"; if (!shown) s << "H"; if (s.not_empty()) out << " FLAGS \"" << s << '"' << endl; } // Set mask fields // Certified 100% void TForm_flags::print_on(TMask& m) { m.set(F_DISABLED, enabled ? " " : "X"); m.set(F_HIDDEN, shown ? " " : "X"); m.set(F_AUTOMAGIC, automagic ? "X" : " "); } // Get mask fields // Certified 100% void TForm_flags::read_from(const TMask& m) { shown = !m.get_bool(F_HIDDEN); enabled = !m.get_bool(F_DISABLED); automagic = m.get_bool(F_AUTOMAGIC); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TForm_item /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TForm_item : public TObject { TPrint_section* _section; TForm_flags _flag; TBit_array _group; protected: short _id, _x, _y, _width, _height; TString _prompt; TString _desc; TString_array _message; virtual void print_on(ostream& out) const; virtual void print_body(ostream& out) const; bool shown() const { return _flag.shown; } bool hidden() const { return !_flag.shown; } bool enabled() const { return _flag.enabled; } bool disabled() const { return !_flag.enabled; } bool automagic() const { return _flag.automagic; } virtual bool parse_head(TScanner&); virtual bool parse_item(TScanner&); virtual const char* get() const { return _prompt; } virtual bool set(const char* s) { _prompt = s; return TRUE; } TToken_string& message(int m = 0); void send_message(const TString& cmd, TForm_item& dest) const; bool do_message(int m = 0); void string_at(int x, int y, const char* s); public: short id() const { return _id; } virtual int width() const { return _width; } virtual int height() const { return _height; } virtual bool parse(TScanner&); virtual bool update(); virtual void print_on(TMask& m); virtual void read_from(const TMask& m); virtual bool read_from(const TRectype& rform); virtual void print_on(TRectype& rform); virtual bool edit(TMask& m); TPrint_section& section() const { return *_section; } TForm& form() const { return _section->form(); } void set_dirty(bool d = TRUE) { _flag.dirty = d; } bool dirty() const { return _flag.dirty; } bool in_group(byte g) const { return g == 0 || _group[g]; } const TString& key() const { return _desc; } void print_on(TToken_string& row) const; virtual void show(bool on = TRUE) { _flag.shown = on; } void hide() { show(FALSE); } virtual void enable(bool on = TRUE); void disable() { enable(FALSE); } TForm_item(TPrint_section* section); virtual ~TForm_item() {} }; TForm_item::TForm_item(TPrint_section* section) : _section(section), _x(-1), _y(-1), _width(0), _height(0), _id(0) {} bool TForm_item::parse_head(TScanner& scanner) { _id = scanner.integer(); if (_id == 0) // Temporary _id = _section->fields()+1; _width = scanner.integer(); if (_width > 0) _height = scanner.integer(); return TRUE; } void TForm_item::print_on(ostream& out) const { out << class_name() << ' ' << id(); if (_width > 0) { out << ' ' << _width; if (_height > 0) out << ' ' << _height; } out << "\nBEGIN\n"; print_body(out); out << "END\n" << endl; } void TForm_item::print_body(ostream& out) const { out << " KEY \"" << _desc << "\"\n"; if (_y >= 0) out << " PROMPT " << _x << ' ' << _y << " \"" << _prompt << "\"\n"; if (_group.ones()) out << " GROUP " << _group << "\n"; out << _flag; if (_message.items() == 1) { const TToken_string& m = _message.row(0); if (!m.empty_items()) out << " MESSAGE " << m << endl; } } bool TForm_item::parse_item(TScanner& scanner) { if (scanner.key() == "PR") { _x = scanner.integer(); _y = scanner.integer(); _prompt = scanner.string(); return TRUE; } if (scanner.key() == "FL") return _flag.update(scanner.string()); if (scanner.key() == "ME") { TFixed_string m(scanner.line()); m.strip_spaces(); if (!m.blank()) message(0).add(m); return TRUE; } if (scanner.key() == "KE") { _desc = scanner.string(); return TRUE; } if (scanner.key() == "GR") { _group.set(scanner.line()); return TRUE; } yesnofatal_box("Unknown symbol in item '%s': '%s'", (const char*)key(), (const char*)scanner.token()); return FALSE; } bool TForm_item::parse(TScanner& scanner) { bool ok = parse_head(scanner); if (ok && scanner.popkey() != "BE") ok = yesnofatal_box("Missing BEGIN in form item %s", (const char*)key()); while (ok && scanner.popkey() != "EN") ok = parse_item(scanner); return ok; } bool TForm_item::read_from(const TRectype& prof) { CHECK(prof.num() == LF_RFORM, "Il record deve essere del file LF_RFORM"); bool changed = FALSE; int i = prof.get_int("X"); if (_x != i) { _x = i; changed = TRUE; } i = prof.get_int("Y"); if (_y != i) { _y = i; changed = TRUE; } i = prof.get_int("LEN"); if (_width != i) { _width = i; changed = TRUE; } i = prof.get_int("HGT"); if (_height != i) { _height = i; changed = TRUE; } const bool s = prof.get_bool("ATTIVO"); if (_flag.shown != s) { _flag.shown = s; changed = TRUE; } return TRUE; } void TForm_item::print_on(TRectype& prof) { CHECK(prof.num() == LF_RFORM, "Il record deve essere del file LF_RFORM"); prof.put("ID", id()); prof.put("X", _x); prof.put("Y", _y); prof.put("LEN", width()); prof.put("HGT", height()); prof.put("ATTIVO", shown() ? "X" : " "); } void TForm_item::enable(bool on) { _flag.enabled = on; show(on); } void TForm_item::string_at(int x, int y, const char* s) { if (shown()) { section().offset(x, y); TPrintrow& row = section().row(y-1); // Seleziona riga di stampa if (_width > 0 && strlen(s) > (word)_width) // Tronca testo se necessario { strncpy(__tmp_string, s, width()); __tmp_string[_width] = '\0'; s = __tmp_string; } row.put(s, x-1); // Stampa testo } } TToken_string& TForm_item::message(int m) { TToken_string* t = (TToken_string*)_message.objptr(m); if (t == NULL) { t = new TToken_string(16); _message.add(t, m); } return *t; } void TForm_item::send_message(const TString& cmd, TForm_item& des) const { if (cmd == "ADD" || cmd == "INC") { const real n((cmd[0] == 'I') ? "1.0" : get()); real r(des.get()); r += n; des.set(r.string()); } else if (cmd == "COPY") { des.set(get()); } else if (cmd == "APPEND") { TString256 val = des.get(); if (val.not_empty()) val << ' '; val << get(); des.set(val); } else if (cmd == "DISABLE") { des.disable(); } else if (cmd == "ENABLE") { des.enable(); } else if (cmd == "HIDE") { des.hide(); } else if (cmd == "RESET") { des.set(""); } else if (cmd == "SHOW") { des.show(); } else if (cmd[0] == '"') { TString256 val(cmd); val.strip("\""); des.set(val); } else error_box("Unknown message in item '%s': '%s'", (const char*)key(), (const char*)cmd); } bool TForm_item::do_message(int num) { TToken_string& messaggio = message(num); if (messaggio.empty_items()) return FALSE; TToken_string msg(16, ','); for (const char* m = messaggio.get(0); m; m = messaggio.get()) { msg = m; if (*m == '_') { const char* s = form().validate(get(), msg); if (s) set(s); } else { const TString16 cmd(msg.get()); // Get command const TString16 id = msg.get(); // Get destination if (id.right(1) == "@") { const word group = atoi(id); // Send the message to all fields with the given group for (word i = 0; i < section().fields(); i++) { TForm_item& des = section().field(i); if (des.in_group(group)) send_message(cmd, des); } } else { if (isdigit(id[0])) // Field in the same section { TForm_item& des = section().find_field(atoi(id)); send_message(cmd, des); } else { const pagetype pt = (id[1] == '-') ? section().page_type() : char2page(id[1]); const int freccia = id.find("->"); CHECKS(freccia > 0, "Non trovo la freccia nel messaggio ", (const char*)messaggio); TForm_item& des = form().find_field(id[0], pt, atoi(id.mid(freccia+2))); send_message(cmd, des); } } } } return TRUE; } bool TForm_item::update() { if (_prompt.right(1) == "#") { TString prompt(_prompt); for (int i = prompt.len()-2; i >= 0; i--) if (prompt[i] != '#') break; prompt.cut(i+1); string_at(_x, _y, prompt); } else string_at(_x, _y, _prompt); do_message(); return TRUE; } void TForm_item::print_on(TToken_string& row) const { row = ""; row.add(id()); row.add(class_name()); row.add(_y); row.add(_x); const long fu = _group.first_one(); if (fu > 0) row.add(fu); else row.add(" "); row.add(key()); } void TForm_item::print_on(TMask& m) { m.set(F_CLASS, class_name()); m.set(F_ID, id()); m.set(F_KEY, key()); m.set(F_X, _x); m.set(F_Y, _y); m.set(F_PROMPT, _prompt); m.set(F_WIDTH, _width); m.set(F_HEIGHT, _height); _flag.print_on(m); for (int g = 1; g <= 24; g++) m.set(F_GROUP+g, _group[g] ? "X" : " "); } void TForm_item::read_from(const TMask& m) { _desc = m.get(F_KEY); _x = atoi(m.get(F_X)); _y = atoi(m.get(F_Y)); _prompt = m.get(F_PROMPT); _width = atoi(m.get(F_WIDTH)); _height = atoi(m.get(F_HEIGHT)); _id = atoi(m.get(F_ID)); _flag.read_from(m); _group.reset(); for (int g = 1; g <= 24; g++) _group.set(g, m.get_bool(F_GROUP+g)); } bool TForm_item::edit(TMask& m) { m.enable(F_CLASS, m.insert_mode()); m.reset(); if (m.insert_mode()) { short id = 0; for (word i = 0; i < section().fields(); i++) { const TForm_item& f = section().field(i); if (f.id() > id) id = f.id(); } _id = id+1; } print_on(m); const bool godmode = form().edit_level() > 1; m.enable_page(1, godmode); m.enable(-7, godmode); m.enable(F_ID, godmode); const bool dirty = m.run() == K_ENTER && m.dirty(); if (dirty) { read_from(m); set_dirty(); } return dirty; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TForm_subsection /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TForm_subsection : public TForm_item { TPrint_section _ssec; TString _name; protected: virtual void print_on(ostream& out) const; public: virtual int width() const; virtual int height() const; virtual bool parse(TScanner& s) { name(s.pop()); return _ssec.parse(s); } virtual bool update() { return _ssec.update(); } virtual bool edit(TMask& m); virtual const char* class_name() const { return "SEZIONE"; } TPrint_section& subsection() { return _ssec; } virtual void show(bool on = TRUE); virtual void enable(bool on = TRUE); void hide() { show(FALSE); } void disable() { enable(FALSE); } void name(const char* s) { _name = s; _desc << "Sottosezione " << s; } const char* name() const { return _name; } TForm_subsection(TPrint_section* section, const char* name = ""); virtual ~TForm_subsection() {} }; TForm_subsection::TForm_subsection(TPrint_section* s, const char* nm) : TForm_item(s), _ssec(&(s->form()), s->page_type()), _name(nm) {} bool TForm_subsection::edit(TMask& m) { // mask con nome e bottone edit contents / annulla TMask mu("ba2100u"); mu.set(F_CAPTION, _name); KEY k; // vedere se e' nuova etc. // gestire aggiunta / modifica menu while ((k = mu.run()) != K_ESC) { if (mu.field(F_CAPTION).dirty()) _name = mu.get(F_CAPTION); if (k == K_INS) _ssec.edit(_name); // TBI god mode only if... else if (k == K_DEL) { // remove myself } else if (k == K_ENTER) break; } return k != K_ESC; } void TForm_subsection::print_on(ostream& out) const { out << "SEZIONE " << _name << "\n"; for (word i = 0; i < _ssec.fields(); i++) out << _ssec.field(i); out << "END" << "\n"; } // ??? int TForm_subsection::width() const { int w = 0; for (word i = 0; i < _ssec.fields(); i++) if (_ssec.field(i).width() > w) w = _ssec.field(i).width(); return w; } // ??? int TForm_subsection::height() const { int h = 0; for (word i = 0; i < _ssec.fields(); i++) h += _ssec.field(i).height(); return h; } // ??? void TForm_subsection::show(bool on) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _ssec.fields(); i++) _ssec.field(i).show(on); } // ??? void TForm_subsection::enable(bool on) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _ssec.fields(); i++) _ssec.field(i).enable(on); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TForm_string /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TForm_string : public TForm_item { TString _str, _picture; TArray _field; protected: virtual const char* class_name() const { return "STRINGA"; } virtual void print_body(ostream& out) const; virtual void print_on(TMask& m); virtual void read_from(const TMask& m); virtual bool read_from(const TRectype& rform); virtual void print_on(TRectype& rform); virtual bool parse_item(TScanner&); virtual bool read(); virtual bool update(); const char* get() const; bool set(const char*); const TString& picture() const { return _picture; } TFieldref& field(int i) const { return (TFieldref&)_field[i]; } void put_paragraph(const char* s); public: TForm_string(TPrint_section* section) : TForm_item(section) {} virtual ~TForm_string() {} }; bool TForm_string::parse_item(TScanner& scanner) { if (scanner.key() == "FI") { TFieldref* fr = new TFieldref(scanner.line(), 0); _field.add(fr); return TRUE; } if (scanner.key() == "PI") { _picture = scanner.string(); return TRUE; } return TForm_item::parse_item(scanner); } void TForm_string::print_body(ostream& out) const { TForm_item::print_body(out); if (_picture.not_empty()) out << " PICTURE \"" << _picture << "\"" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < _field.items(); i++) out << " FIELD " << field(i) << endl; } bool TForm_string::read_from(const TRectype& prof) { bool changed = TForm_item::read_from(prof); const TString& pict = prof.get("PICT"); if (_picture != pict) { _picture = pict; changed = TRUE; } return changed; } void TForm_string::print_on(TRectype& prof) { TForm_item::print_on(prof); prof.put("PICT", _picture); } void TForm_string::print_on(TMask& m) { TForm_item::print_on(m); for (int i = 0; i < _field.items(); i++) put_fieldref(field(i), m.field(i == 0 ? F_FIELDREF1 : F_FIELDREF2)); m.set(F_PICTURE, _picture); TSheet_field& s = (TSheet_field&)m.field(F_ITEMS); s.reset(); if (_message.items() > 0) { TToken_string& row = s.row(0); row = " | "; row.add(message(0)); } } void TForm_string::read_from(const TMask& m) { TForm_item::read_from(m); _picture = m.get(F_PICTURE); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { const TString& f = m.get(i == 0 ? F_FIELDREF1 : F_FIELDREF2); if (f.not_empty()) { TFieldref* fr = (TFieldref*)_field.objptr(i); if (fr == NULL) { fr = new TFieldref(f, 0); _field.add(fr, i); } *fr = f; } else _field.destroy(i); } TSheet_field& f = (TSheet_field&)m.field(F_ITEMS); TToken_string& msg = f.row(0); if (msg.empty_items()) _message.destroy(0); else _message.add(msg.get(2), 0); } bool TForm_string::set(const char* s) { _str = s; return TRUE; } const char* TForm_string::get() const { return _str; } // Se un campo e' abilitato ed ha almeno un riferimento su file leggilo bool TForm_string::read() { const bool ok = enabled(); if (ok) { if (_field.items() != 0) { const char* s = ""; const TRelation* r = form().relation(); for (int i = 0; i < _field.items() && *s == '\0'; i++) s = field(i).read(r); set(s); } } return ok; } void TForm_string::put_paragraph(const char* s) { if (hidden()) return; if (height() > 1) { TParagraph_string p(s, width()); int i = _prompt.not_empty() ? 1 : 0; for (; (s = p.get()) != NULL && i < height(); i++) string_at(_x, _y+i, s); } else string_at(-1, _y, s); } bool TForm_string::update() { if (read()) { TForm_item::update(); if (_picture.not_empty()) { TString80 p; p.picture(_picture, get()); put_paragraph(p); } else put_paragraph(get()); } return TRUE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TForm_number /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TForm_number : public TForm_string { protected: // TForm_string virtual const char* class_name() const { return "NUMERO"; } virtual bool parse_head(TScanner& scanner); virtual bool update(); virtual int height() const { return 0; } protected: int decimals() const { return _height; } public: TForm_number(TPrint_section* section) : TForm_string(section) {} virtual ~TForm_number() {} }; bool TForm_number::parse_head(TScanner& scanner) { TForm_item::parse_head(scanner); _height = _width; // Decimals _width = 0; return TRUE; } bool TForm_number::update() { if (read()) { TForm_item::update(); const char* s = get(); real n(s); n.round(decimals()); s = n.string(picture()); string_at(-1, _y, s); } return TRUE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TForm_date /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TForm_date : public TForm_string { TString16 _format; protected: virtual const char* class_name() const { return "DATA"; } virtual bool read(); virtual bool set(const char*); bool set(const TDate& d); virtual bool parse_item(TScanner& scanner); virtual void print_body(ostream& out) const; virtual void print_on(TMask& m); virtual void read_from(const TMask& m); virtual bool read_from(const TRectype& rform); virtual void print_on(TRectype& rform); public: virtual bool edit(TMask& m); TForm_date(TPrint_section* section); virtual ~TForm_date() {} }; TForm_date::TForm_date(TPrint_section* section) : TForm_string(section), _format("1444-") {} bool TForm_date::read() { bool ok = TForm_string::read(); if (ok && !get()[0] && automagic()) set(printer().getdate()); return ok; } void TForm_date::print_body(ostream& out) const { TForm_string::print_body(out); out << " FORMAT \"" << _format << "\"\n"; } bool TForm_date::parse_item(TScanner& scanner) { if (scanner.key() == "FO") { _format = scanner.string(); return TRUE; } return TForm_string::parse_item(scanner); } bool TForm_date::read_from(const TRectype& prof) { bool changed = TForm_string::read_from(prof); const TString& df = prof.get("DATEFORM"); if (df.not_empty() && df != _format) { _format = df; changed = TRUE; } return changed; } void TForm_date::print_on(TRectype& prof) { TForm_string::read_from(prof); prof.put("DATEFORM", _format); } bool TForm_date::set(const char* s) { const TDate da(s); return set(da); } bool TForm_date::set(const TDate& da) { TFormatted_date d(da); d.set_format(_format); TForm_string::set(d.string()); return TRUE; } void TForm_date::print_on(TMask& m) { const TFormatted_date d(TODAY, 0, 0, _format); m.set(F_DEXAMPLE, d.string()); m.set(F_DFORMAT, _format.mid(0,1)); m.set(F_DDAY, _format.mid(1,1)); m.set(F_DMONTH, _format.mid(2,1)); m.set(F_DYEAR, _format.mid(3,1)); m.set(F_DSEP, _format.mid(4,1)); TForm_string::print_on(m); } void TForm_date::read_from(const TMask& m) { TForm_string::read_from(m); // adjust format string _format[0] = m.get(F_DFORMAT)[0]; _format[1] = m.get(F_DDAY )[0]; _format[2] = m.get(F_DMONTH )[0]; _format[3] = m.get(F_DYEAR )[0]; _format[4] = m.get(F_DSEP )[0]; _format[5] = '\0'; } bool TForm_date::edit(TMask& m) { return TForm_string::edit(m); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TForm_list /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TForm_list : public TForm_string { TToken_string _codes; TToken_string _values; protected: virtual const char* class_name() const { return "LISTA"; } virtual bool parse_item(TScanner& scanner); virtual void print_on(TMask& m); virtual void read_from(const TMask& m); virtual void print_body(ostream& out) const; virtual bool update(); public: TForm_list(TPrint_section* section); virtual ~TForm_list() {} }; TForm_list::TForm_list(TPrint_section* section) : TForm_string(section) {} bool TForm_list::parse_item(TScanner& scanner) { if (scanner.key() == "IT") { TToken_string s(scanner.string()); _codes.add(s.get()); _values.add(s.get()); while (scanner.popkey() == "ME") { TFixed_string m(scanner.line()); m.strip_spaces(); message(_values.items()-1).add(m); } scanner.push(); return TRUE; } return TForm_string::parse_item(scanner); } void TForm_list::print_on(TMask& m) { TForm_string::print_on(m); TSheet_field& s = (TSheet_field&)m.field(F_ITEMS); s.reset(); _codes.restart(); _values.restart(); for (int i = 0; i < _codes.items(); i++) { TToken_string& row = s.row(i); row = _codes.get(); row.add(_values.get()); row.add(message(i)); } // s.force_update(); } void TForm_list::read_from(const TMask& m) { TForm_string::read_from(m); TSheet_field& s = (TSheet_field&)m.field(F_ITEMS); _codes = _values = ""; for (int i = 0; i < s.items(); i++) { TToken_string& row = s.row(i); _codes.add(row.get(0)); _values.add(row.get()); message(i) = row.get(); } } void TForm_list::print_body(ostream& out) const { TForm_string::print_body(out); TToken_string& cod = (TToken_string&)_codes; // Trick to skip const TToken_string& val = (TToken_string&)_values; int i = 0; TString c(cod.get(0)); TString v(val.get(0)); for (; c[0]; c = cod.get(), v = val.get(), i++) { out << " ITEM \"" << c; if (v.not_empty()) out << '|' << v; out << '"'; const char* m = ((TForm_list*)this)->message(i); if (*m) out << " MESSAGE " << m; out << endl; } } bool TForm_list::update() { bool ok = TRUE; if (!read()) return ok; const TString& val =get(); int pos = _codes.get_pos(val); if (pos < 0) { ok = yesno_box("Il campo '%s' non puo' valere '%s': continuare ugualmente", (const char*)key(), (const char*)val); set(_codes.get(pos = 0)); } if (ok) { do_message(pos); if (!hidden()) { const char* c = _values.get(pos); if (c == NULL) c = val; if (c) string_at(_x, _y, c); } } return ok; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TForm_group /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TForm_group : public TForm_item { protected: virtual const char* class_name() const { return "GRUPPO"; } virtual bool update() { return TRUE; } public: TForm_group(TPrint_section* section) : TForm_item(section) {}; virtual ~TForm_group() {} }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TPrint_section /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TMask* TPrint_section::_msk = NULL; TPrint_section::TPrint_section(TForm* f, pagetype pt) : _height(0), _x(0), _y(0), _form(f), _page_type(pt), _dirty(FALSE) {} TPrint_section::~TPrint_section() { if (_msk) { delete _msk; _msk = NULL; } } const TPrint_section& TPrint_section::copy(const TPrint_section& ps) { _item = ps._item; _height = ps._height; _x = ps._x; _y = ps._y; return ps; } TPrintrow& TPrint_section::row(int num) { TPrintrow* pr = (TPrintrow*)objptr(num); if (pr == NULL) { pr = new TPrintrow; add(pr, num); } return *pr; } void TPrint_section::offset(int& x, int& y) const { if (x >= 0) x += _x; if (y >= 0) y += _y; } TForm_item* TPrint_section::parse_item(const TString& s) { if (s == "ST") return new TForm_string(this); if (s == "NU") return new TForm_number(this); if (s == "DA") return new TForm_date(this); if (s == "LI") return new TForm_list(this); if (s == "GR") return new TForm_group(this); if (s == "SE") return new TForm_subsection(this); yesnofatal_box("Campo di stampa non ammesso per la sezione di stampa: %s", (const char*)s); return NULL; } TForm_item* TPrint_section::parse_item(TScanner& scanner) { return parse_item(scanner.key()); } bool TPrint_section::parse(TScanner& scanner) { _height = scanner.integer(); _x = scanner.integer(); _y = scanner.integer(); while (scanner.popkey() != "EN") { TForm_item *fi = parse_item(scanner); if (fi == NULL) return FALSE; if (fi->parse(scanner)) _item.add(fi); else return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // Azzera tutte le righe della sezione di stampa void TPrint_section::reset() { for (word i = 0; i < height(); i++) row(i).reset(); } // Aggiorna tutti i campi e li stampa bool TPrint_section::update() { bool ok = TRUE; reset(); for (word i = 0; i < fields(); i++) { const bool esito = field(i).update(); if (!esito) ok = FALSE; } return ok; } bool TPrint_section::read_from(const TRectype& prof) { CHECK(prof.num() == LF_RFORM, "Il record deve essere del file LF_RFORM"); int i; bool changed = FALSE; i = prof.get_int("X"); if (_x != i) { _x = i; changed = TRUE; } i = prof.get_int("Y"); if (_y != i) { _y = i; changed = TRUE; } const word h = (word)prof.get_int("HGT"); if (_height != h) { _height = h; changed = TRUE; } return changed; } void TPrint_section::print_on(TRectype& prof) { CHECK(prof.num() == LF_RFORM, "Il record deve essere del file LF_RFORM"); prof.put("ID", 0); prof.put("X", _x); prof.put("Y", _x); prof.put("HGT", _height); } bool TPrint_section::edit(const char* title) { _cur_form = _form; TMask m("ba2100s"); m.set_caption(title); m.set(F_HEIGHT, _height); m.set(F_X, _x); m.set(F_Y, _y); if (m.run() == K_ESC) return FALSE; bool dirty = m.dirty() != 0; if (dirty) { _height = m.get_int(F_HEIGHT); _x = m.get_int(F_X); _y = m.get_int(F_Y); } const word flags = 0x08 | (form().edit_level() > 1 ? 0x06 : 0x00); TArray_sheet a(-1, -1, 0, 0, title, "ID@4|Tipo@8|Riga@R|Col.@R|Gr.@R|Descrizione@40", flags); for (word i = 0; i < fields(); i++) { TToken_string* s = new TToken_string(128); field(i).print_on(*s); a.add(s); } KEY k; while ((k = a.run()) != K_ESC) { i = (word)a.selected(); if (_msk == NULL && (k == K_ENTER || k == K_INS || k == K_CTRL + 'N')) { _msk = new TMask("ba2100f"); _msk->set_handler(F_DFORMAT, dateformat_handler); _msk->set_handler(F_DYEAR, dateformat_handler); _msk->set_handler(F_DMONTH, dateformat_handler); _msk->set_handler(F_DDAY, dateformat_handler); _msk->set_handler(F_DSEP, dateformat_handler); _msk->set_handler(F_BUT_FILE1, but_file_handler); _msk->set_handler(F_BUT_FIELD1, but_field_handler); _msk->set_handler(F_FROM1, from_handler); _msk->set_handler(F_TO1, to_handler); _msk->set_handler(F_BUT_FILE2, but_file_handler); _msk->set_handler(F_BUT_FIELD2, but_field_handler); _msk->set_handler(F_FROM2, from_handler); _msk->set_handler(F_TO2, to_handler); } TForm_string dummy(this); switch(k) { case K_ENTER: _msk->set_mode(MODE_MOD); if (field(i).edit(*_msk)) { field(i).print_on(a.row(i)); dirty = TRUE; } break; case K_CTRL + 'N': case K_INS: _msk->set_mode(MODE_INS); if (dummy.edit(*_msk)) { const TString& c = _msk->get(F_CLASS).left(2); TForm_item* item = parse_item(c); if (item != NULL) { item->read_from(*_msk); _item.insert(item, i); TToken_string s(128); item->print_on(s); a.insert(s, i); dirty = TRUE; } } break; case K_DEL: if (yesno_box("Confermare la cancellazione")) { _item.destroy(i, TRUE); a.destroy(i); dirty = TRUE; } break; default: break; } } set_dirty(dirty); return dirty; } void TPrint_section::print_on(ostream& out) const { out << ' '; switch (page_type()) { case even_page: out << "EVEN"; break; case first_page: out << "FIRST"; break; case last_page: out << "LAST"; break; default: out << "ODD"; break; } out << ' ' << _height << ' ' << _x << ' ' << _y << endl << endl; for(word i = 0; i < fields(); i++) out << field(i); } TForm_item& TPrint_section::find_field(short id) const { for(word i = 0; i < fields(); i++) { TForm_item& f = field(i); if (f.id() == id) return f; } yesnofatal_box("Can't find item whit id %d", id); return field(0); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TGraphic_section /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TGraphic_section : public TPrint_section { TString _back; protected: TForm_item* parse_item(const TString& s); bool update(); public: void append(const char* s) { _back << s; } TGraphic_section(TForm* f, pagetype pt) : TPrint_section(f, pt) {} virtual ~TGraphic_section() {} }; class TForm_picture : public TForm_item { protected: virtual const char* class_name() const { return "FIGURA"; } virtual bool update(); public: TForm_picture(TGraphic_section* section) : TForm_item(section) {}; virtual ~TForm_picture() {} }; class TForm_line : public TForm_item { protected: virtual const char* class_name() const { return "LINEA"; } virtual bool update(); public: TForm_line(TGraphic_section* section) : TForm_item(section) {}; virtual ~TForm_line() {} }; bool TForm_picture::update() { const bool ok = _prompt.not_empty(); if (ok) { TString80 i; i << "i{" << _prompt << ',' << _x << ',' << _y << ',' << (_x+width()-1) << ',' << (_y+height()-1) << '}'; ((TGraphic_section&)section()).append(i); } return ok; } bool TForm_line::update() { TString80 i; const int w = _prompt[0] == '@' ? 3 : 1; i << 'W' << w << "l{" << _x << ',' << _y << ',' << (_x+width()-1) << ',' << (_y+height()-1) << '}'; ((TGraphic_section&)section()).append(i); return TRUE; } TForm_item* TGraphic_section::parse_item(const TString& s) { if (s == "FI") return new TForm_picture(this); else if (s == "LI") return new TForm_line(this); error_box("Campo di stampa non ammesso per lo sfondo: %s", (const char*)s); return NULL; } bool TGraphic_section::update() { _back.cut(0); const bool ok = TPrint_section::update(); printer().setbackground(_back); return ok; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TForm /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool TForm::parse_use(TScanner& scanner) { const int logicnum = scanner.integer(); const char* tab = NULL; if (logicnum > 0) _relation = new TRelation(logicnum); else { tab = scanner.pop(); _relation = new TRelation(tab); } int key = 1; if (scanner.popkey() == "KE") key = scanner.integer(); else scanner.push(); _cursor = new TCursor(_relation, "", key); return TRUE; } bool TForm::parse_join(TScanner& scanner) { TString16 j(scanner.pop()); // File or table int to = 0; if (scanner.popkey() == "TO") // TO keyword { const char* n = scanner.pop(); to = name2log(n); } else scanner.push(); int key = 1; if (scanner.popkey() == "KE") key = scanner.integer(); else scanner.push(); int alias = 0; if (scanner.popkey() == "AL") alias = scanner.integer(); else scanner.push(); TToken_string exp(80); if (scanner.pop() == "INTO") { const char* r = scanner.pop(); while (strchr(r, '=') != NULL) { exp.add(r); r = scanner.pop(); } } if (exp.empty()) yesnofatal_box("JOIN senza espressioni INTO"); scanner.push(); if (isdigit(j[0])) _relation->add(atoi(j), exp, key, to, alias); // join file else _relation->add(j, exp, key, to, alias); // join table return TRUE; } TRelation_description& TForm::rel_desc() const { CHECK(_rel_desc, "No relation description"); return *_rel_desc; } bool TForm::parse_description(TScanner& scanner) { if (edit_level() > 0) { CHECK(_rel_desc == NULL, "Can't parse descriptions two times"); _rel_desc = new TRelation_description(*_relation); } bool ok = scanner.popkey() == "DE"; if (ok) { if (edit_level() > 0) { scanner.popkey(); // eat BEGIN TFieldref fld; while (scanner.pop() != "END") { fld = scanner.token(); _rel_desc->set_cur_file(fld.file()); if (fld.name() == "*") _rel_desc->file_desc(scanner.string()); else _rel_desc->set_field_description(fld.name(), scanner.string()); } } else { while (scanner.line() != "END"); ok = FALSE; } } else scanner.push(); return ok; } void TForm::print_description(ostream& out) const { out << "DESCRIPTION\nBEGIN\n"; out << rel_desc(); out << "END\n" << endl; } TPrint_section* TForm::exist(char s, pagetype t, bool create) { TArray* a; switch (toupper(s)) { case 'F': a = &_foot; break; case 'G': a = &_back; break; case 'H': a = &_head; break; default: a = &_body; break; } TPrint_section* sec = (TPrint_section*)a->objptr(t); if (sec == NULL && create) { sec = (s == 'G') ? new TGraphic_section(this, t) : new TPrint_section(this, t); a->add(sec, t); } return sec; } TForm_item& TForm::find_field(char s, pagetype t, short id) const { const TPrint_section* ps = ((TForm*)this)->exist(s, t); CHECKD(ps, "Can't find section for field %d", id); return ps->find_field(id); } TPrint_section& TForm::section(char s, word p) { pagetype pos = odd_page; if (p == 0 && exist(s, last_page)) pos = last_page; if (p == 1 && exist(s, first_page)) pos = first_page; if (pos == odd_page && (p & 0x1) == 0 && exist(s, even_page)) pos = even_page; TPrint_section* sec = exist(s, pos, TRUE); return *sec; } word TForm::set_background(word p, bool u) { word len = 0; if (u && _back.items()) { TPrint_section& graph = section('G', p); graph.update(); len = printer().formlen(); } return len; } word TForm::set_header(word p, bool u) { TPrinter& pr = printer(); pr.resetheader(); TPrint_section& head = section('H', p); if (u) head.update(); else { head.reset(); pr.headerlen(head.height()); } for (word j = 0; j < head.height(); j++) pr.setheaderline(j, head.row(j)); return head.height(); } word TForm::set_body(word p, bool u) { TPrint_section& body = section('B', p); if (u) body.update(); else body.reset(); if (u) { TPrinter& pr = printer(); for (word j = 0; j < body.height(); j++) pr.print(body.row(j)); } return body.height(); } word TForm::set_footer(word p, bool u) { TPrinter& pr = printer(); pr.resetfooter(); TPrint_section& foot = section('F', p); if (u) foot.update(); else { foot.reset(); pr.footerlen(foot.height()); } for (word j = 0; j < foot.height(); j++) pr.setfooterline(j, foot.row(j)); return foot.height(); } void TForm::header_handler(TPrinter& p) { const word page = form().page(p); form().set_background(page, TRUE); form().set_header(page, TRUE); form().set_footer(page, FALSE); } void TForm::footer_handler(TPrinter& p) { const word page = form().page(p); form().set_footer(page, TRUE); if (page) form().set_header(page+1, FALSE); } word TForm::page(const TPrinter& p) const { return _lastpage ? 0 : p.getcurrentpage(); } long TForm::records() const { const long r = _cursor ? _cursor->items() : 0; return r; } // Stampa gli items dal from a to // se to < 0 stampa fino alla fine del file bool TForm::print(long from, long to) { _cur_form = this; TPrinter& pr = printer(); // Setta handlers pr.setheaderhandler(header_handler); pr.setfooterhandler(footer_handler); pr.formlen(height()); const bool was_open = pr.isopen(); _lastpage = FALSE; // non e' l'ultima pagina set_background(1, TRUE); if (!was_open && !pr.open()) return FALSE; do_events(); if (to < 0) to = records()-1; bool ok = TRUE; for (long i = from; i <= to && ok; i++) { if (from < 0) to = from; else if (_cursor) *_cursor = i; const word h = set_body(page(pr), FALSE); if (h > pr.rows_left()) pr.formfeed(); set_body(page(pr), TRUE); } if (i > records()) { if (exist('H', last_page) || exist('B', last_page) || exist('F', last_page)) { _lastpage = TRUE; set_background(0, TRUE); set_header(0, TRUE); set_body(0, TRUE); pr.formfeed(); } } if (!was_open) pr.close(); pr.setheaderhandler(NULL); pr.setfooterhandler(NULL); return ok; } void TForm::print_section(ostream& out, char s) const { for (pagetype t = odd_page; t <= last_page; t = pagetype(t+1)) { const TPrint_section* sec = ((TForm*)this)->exist(s, t); if (sec && sec->ok()) { const char* name; switch (s) { case 'F': name = "FOOTER"; break; case 'G': name = "GRAPHICS"; break; case 'H': name = "HEADER"; break; default : name = "BODY"; break; } out << "SECTION " << name; out << *sec; out << "END\n" << endl; } } } const char* TForm::validate(const char*, TToken_string&) { return NULL; } void TForm::print_on(ostream& out) const { main_app().begin_wait(); if (relation()) { out << *relation() << "\nEND" << endl; print_description(out); } print_section(out, 'G'); print_section(out, 'H'); print_section(out, 'B'); print_section(out, 'F'); out << "END" << endl; main_app().end_wait(); } word TForm::height() { word h = 0; if (_back.items() == 0) { if (_head.items()) h += section('H', 1).height(); if (_body.items()) h += section('B', 1).height(); if (_foot.items()) h += section('F', 1).height(); } else h = printer().formlen(); return h; } bool TForm::read_profile() { TLocalisamfile prof(LF_RFORM); prof.zero(); prof.put("TIPOPROF", _name); prof.put("CODPROF", _code); const TRectype filter(prof.curr()); for (int err = prof.read(_isgteq); err == NOERR && prof.curr() == filter; err = prof.next()) { const TString& s = prof.get("SEZ"); const char sec = s[0]; const pagetype pt = char2page(s[1]); const short id = prof.get_int("ID"); if (id == 0) { TPrint_section& se = section(sec, pt); se.read_from(prof.curr()); } else { TForm_item& item = find_field(sec, pt, id); item.read_from(prof.curr()); } } return TRUE; } bool TForm::write_profile() { const char sechar[4] = { 'B', 'F', 'G', 'H' }; TLocalisamfile rform(LF_RFORM); TRectype& cur = rform.curr(); int err = NOERR; for (int sn = 0; sn < 4 && err == NOERR; sn++) // For each section { const char sc = sechar[sn]; for (pagetype pt = odd_page; pt <= last_page; pt = pagetype(pt+1)) // For each section type { TPrint_section* sec = exist(sc, pt); if (sec != NULL && sec->dirty()) { const char codsez[3] = { sc, pt+'0', '\0' }; cur.zero(); cur.put("TIPOPROF", name()); cur.put("CODPROF", code()); cur.put("SEZ", codsez); sec->print_on(cur); sec->set_dirty(FALSE); err = _isnew ? rform.write() : rform.rewrite(); if (err != NOERR) err = _isnew ? rform.rewrite() : rform.write(); for (word i = 0; i < sec->fields() && err == NOERR; i++) { TForm_item& fi = sec->field(i); if (fi.dirty()) { fi.print_on(cur); err = _isnew ? rform.write() : rform.rewrite(); if (err != NOERR) err = _isnew ? rform.rewrite() : rform.write(); fi.set_dirty(FALSE); } } } } } if (err != NOERR) return error_box("Errore di salvataggio profilo: %d", err); return TRUE; } TForm::TForm(const char* name, long code, int lev) : _name(name), _code(code), _relation(NULL), _cursor(NULL), _rel_desc(NULL), _isnew(FALSE), _editlevel(lev) { main_app().begin_wait(); if (_code > 0) { // extract base form name TLocalisamfile forms(LF_FORM); forms.zero(); forms.put("TIPOPROF", _name); forms.put("CODPROF", _code); _isnew = forms.read() != NOERR; if (_isnew) { // create new form forms.put("TIPOPROF", _name); forms.put("CODPROF", _code); forms.put("DESC", _name); forms.write(); } else _desc = forms.get("DESC"); } // read base form TFilename n(_name); n.ext("frm"); TScanner scanner(n); bool ok = TRUE; if (scanner.popkey() == "US") // Parse relation { ok = parse_use(scanner); while (ok && scanner.popkey() == "JO") ok = parse_join(scanner); parse_description(scanner); // Parse description } else scanner.push(); while (ok) { if (scanner.popkey() != "SE") // SECTION or END break; const char sec = scanner.popkey()[0]; // Section name (GRAPH, HEAD, BODY, FOOT) const pagetype p = char2page(scanner.popkey()[0]); // Section type (odd, even, first, last) TPrint_section* ps = exist(sec, p, TRUE); // Create section ok = ps->parse(scanner); // Parse section } if (_code > 0) read_profile(); // read from LF_RFORM file main_app().end_wait(); } TForm::~TForm() { if (_cursor) { delete _cursor; delete _relation; if (_rel_desc) delete _rel_desc; } }