/* DEC *_CompoundAux(fun, nperi, nperd, intr, pv, pmt, fv, begend, opt) * * ARGUMENT * int fun, *nperi, begend, opt; * DEC *nperd, *intr, *pv, *pmt, *fv; * * DESCRIPTION * Given four variables involved in compound interest, solves for the * fifth one. The variables are the number of periods nper, the percentage * interest rate per period intr, the present value pv, the periodic payment * pmt, and the future value fv. begend specifies whether payments take * place at the beginning or the end of each month, while opt tells which * variable to solve for. * This auxillary function does the work of CompoundInterest, * CompoundInterestSimple, CompoundInterestCompound, * and AdvancePayment. * * SIDE EFFECTS * Changes value of unknown variable. * * RETURNS * In case of success when not solving for nper, the result is returned. * If solving for nper or if an error occurs, GM_NULL is returned. * * POSSIBLE ERRORS * GM_NULLPOINTER * GM_ARGVAL * * * * AUTHOR * Jared Levy * Copyright (C) 1988-1990 Greenleaf Software Inc. All rights reserved. * * ALGORITHM * Solve the following formula for the unknown variable: * 0=pv*alpha + (1+intr*begend)*pmt*[1-(1+intr)^-int(nper)]/intr + * fv*(1+intr)^-int(nper) * where alpha=1 for no odd period, * alpha=1+intr*frac(nper) for an odd period with simple interest * alpha=(1+intr)^frac(nper) for an odd period with compound interest * * If intr==0, the function solves * 0 = pv + nper * pmt + fv * If nper==0, the function solves * 0 = pv * alpha + fv * * The equation can be solved in closed form for any variable except intr, * which requires numerical methods. * The variables used by this routine have the following meanings: * fun: 1 if called by ComoundInterest, 2 if by CompoundInterestSimple, * 3 if by CompoundInterestCompound, and 0 if by AdvancePayment * nperi: integer number of periods if fun==1 * nperd: DEC number of periods if fun==2 or fun==3 * intr: interest rate per period * pv: present value * pmt: period payment * fv: future value (balloon payment) * begend: GM_BEGIN if payments at beginning of period, GM_END if at end * (or if fun==0, number of advanced payments ad) * opt: variable to solve for: GM_N, GM_PV, GM_INTR, GM_FV, GM_PMT * * opi: 1 + intr * intper: integer part of nper * fractper: fractional part of nper (if fun==2 or fun==3) * opitmn: (1 + intr) ^ -intper * mess: (1 + begend)[1 - (1 + intr) ^ -intper]/intr * alpha: 1 + intr * fractper if fun==2, (1 + intr) ^ fractper if fun==3 * pva: pv * alpha * fvopi: fv * opitmn * pmtm: pmt * mess * temp, temp2: temporary DEC's */ #include <stdio.h> #include "gm.h" #include "gmsystem.h" DEC *_CompoundAux(fun, nperi, nperd, intr, pv, pmt, fv, begend, opt) int fun, *nperi, begend, opt; DEC *nperd, *intr, *pv, *pmt, *fv; { int intper, ad; DEC dopi, *opi=&dopi, dfractper, *fractper=&dfractper; DEC dmess, *mess=&dmess, dalpha, *alpha=&dalpha; DEC dpva, *pva=&dpva, dfvopi, *fvopi=&dfvopi; DEC dpmtm, *pmtm=&dpmtm, dopitmn, *opitmn=&dopitmn; DEC dtemp, *temp=&dtemp, dtemp2, *temp2=&dtemp2; DEC dnintr, *nintr=&dnintr; DEC ddad, *dad=&ddad, dopitmna, *opitmna=&dopitmna; if (!intr||!pv||!pmt||!fv||!nperd) { _MacErr(GM_NULLPOINTER); return(GM_NULL); } if ((opt!=GM_I && _MacBad(intr)) || (opt!=GM_PV && _MacBad(pv)) || (opt!=GM_PMT && _MacBad(pmt)) || (opt!=GM_FV && _MacBad(fv))) { _MacErr(GM_INIT); return(GM_NULL); } if ((begend!=GM_BEGIN&&begend!=GM_END&&fun!=0)|| (opt!=GM_N&&opt!=GM_I&&opt!=GM_PV&&opt!=GM_PMT&&opt!=GM_FV)|| (opt!=GM_I&&CompareDecimal(intr,&decMinusHundred)!=1)) { _MacErr(GM_ARGVAL); return(GM_NULL); } intper = 0; ad = begend; if (opt!=GM_N) { /* determine integer & fractional parts of nper, if in range */ if (fun<=1) { if (*nperi<0) { _MacErr(GM_ARGVAL); return(GM_NULL); } intper=*nperi; } else { if (_MacIsDecN(nperd)|| (CompareDecimal(nperd,&decMaxTime)==1)) { _MacErr(GM_ARGVAL); return(GM_NULL); } (void) _TruncateDec80Bit(temp, nperd, 0); intper=temp->dc.sl[0]; (void) _SubDec80Bit(fractper, nperd, temp); } } if (opt==GM_I) { opi=_InterestAux(fun, intper, fractper, intr, pv, pmt, fv, begend); return(opi); } _MacDCopy(nintr, intr); nintr->dc.id+=2; /* opi = 1+i */ (void) _AddDec80Bit(opi, nintr, &decOne); if (opt!=GM_N) { /* handle zero interest */ if (_MacIsDecZ(intr)) { (void) ConvLongToDecimal(temp2, (long) intper); if (opt==GM_PV) { (void) _MulDec80Bit(temp, temp2, pmt); (void) _AddDec80Bit(temp, temp, fv); _MacDChgs(temp); (void) _ScaleDec80Bit(pv, temp, 2); return(pv); } if (opt==GM_FV) { (void) _MulDec80Bit(temp, temp2, pmt); (void) _AddDec80Bit(temp, temp, pv); _MacDChgs(temp); (void) _ScaleDec80Bit(fv, temp, 2); return(fv); } if (opt==GM_PMT) { if (intper==0) { _MacErr(GM_ARGVAL); return(GM_NULL); } (void) _AddDec80Bit(temp, pv, fv); _MacDChgs(temp); (void) _DivRndDec80Bit(pmt, temp, temp2, 2); return(pmt); } } /* calculate alpha */ if (fun==2) { (void) _MulDec80Bit(temp, nintr, fractper); (void) _AddDec80Bit(alpha, temp, &decOne); } if (fun==3) { (void) _LnDec80Bit(temp, opi); (void) _MulDec80Bit(temp, temp, fractper); (void) _ExpDec80Bit(alpha, temp); } /* handle zero nper */ if (intper==0) { if (opt==GM_PMT) { _MacErr(GM_ARGVAL); return(GM_NULL); } if (opt==GM_PV) { if (fun<=1) (void) _ScaleDec80Bit(pv, fv, 2); else (void) _DivRndDec80Bit( pv, fv, alpha, 2); _MacDChgs(pv); return(pv); } if (opt==GM_FV) { if (fun<=1) (void) _ScaleDec80Bit(fv, pv, 2); else { (void) _MulDec80Bit(fv, pv, alpha); (void) _ScaleDec80Bit(fv, fv, 2); } _MacDChgs(fv); return(fv); } } /* calcuate (1+i)^-n and (1+iS)[1-(1+i)^-n]/i */ (void) _IntPwrDec80Bit(opitmn, opi, -intper); (void) _SubDec80Bit(temp, &decOne, opitmn); /* Advance payment needs (1+i)^-(n-a) */ if (fun==0) { (void) _IntPwrDec80Bit(opitmna, opi, -(intper-ad)); (void) _SubDec80Bit(temp, &decOne, opitmna); (void) ConvLongToDecimal(dad, (long) ad); } else (void) _SubDec80Bit(temp, &decOne, opitmn); (void) _DivDec80Bit(mess, temp, nintr); if (begend==GM_BEGIN && fun!=0) (void) _MulDec80Bit(mess, mess, opi); if ((opt==GM_PMT||opt==GM_FV)) { if (fun>1) (void) _MulDec80Bit(pva, pv, alpha); if (fun<=1) _MacDCopy(pva, pv); } /* calculate FV*(1+i)^-n */ if (opt==GM_PV||opt==GM_PMT) (void) _MulDec80Bit(fvopi, fv, opitmn); if (opt==GM_PV||opt==GM_FV) (void) _MulDec80Bit(pmtm, pmt, mess); if (opt==GM_PV) { (void) _AddDec80Bit(temp, pmtm, fvopi); _MacDChgs(temp); if (fun>1) (void) _DivRndDec80Bit(pv, temp, alpha, 2); if (fun==1) (void) _ScaleDec80Bit(pv, temp, 2); if (fun==0) { (void) _MulDec80Bit(temp2, dad, pmt); (void) _SubDec80Bit(temp, temp, temp2); (void) _ScaleDec80Bit(pv, temp, 2); } return(pv); } if (opt==GM_PMT) { (void) _AddDec80Bit(temp, pva, fvopi); _MacDChgs(temp); if (fun==0) (void) _AddDec80Bit(mess, mess, dad); (void) _DivRndDec80Bit(pmt, temp, mess, 2); return(pmt); } if (opt==GM_FV) { if (fun==0) { (void) _MulDec80Bit(temp, pmt, dad); (void) _AddDec80Bit(pva, pv, temp); } (void) _AddDec80Bit(temp, pva, pmtm); _MacDChgs(temp); (void) _DivRndDec80Bit(fv, temp, opitmn, 2); return(fv); } } /* opt==GM_N */ /* handle zero interest */ if (_MacIsDecZ(intr)) { if (_MacIsDecZ(pmt)) { _MacErr(GM_ARGVAL); return(GM_NULL); } (void) _AddDec80Bit(temp, pv, fv); _MacDChgs(temp); (void) _DivTrnDec80Bit(temp2, temp, pmt, 0); /* check for exact division => don't increment */ (void) _MulDec80Bit(mess, temp2, pmt); if (CompareDecimal(temp,mess)!=0) (void) _AddDec80Bit(temp2, temp2, &decOne); if (_MacIsDecN(temp2)||CompareDecimal(temp2,&decMaxTime)==1) { _MacErr(GM_ARGVAL); return(GM_NULL); } if (fun==1) { *nperi=temp2->dc.sl[0]; return(GM_NULL); } else { _MacDCopy(nperd, temp2); return(nperd); } } /* first solve for integer part of period */ (void) _DivDec80Bit(temp, pmt, nintr); if (begend==GM_BEGIN) (void) _MulDec80Bit(temp, temp, opi); _MacDCopy(temp2, temp); (void) _AddDec80Bit(temp, temp, pv); (void) _SubDec80Bit(temp2, temp2, fv); if (_MacIsDecZ(temp)||_MacIsDecZ(temp2)) { _MacErr(GM_ARGVAL); return(GM_NULL); } (void) _DivDec80Bit(temp, temp2, temp); if (!_MacIsDecP(temp)) { _MacErr(GM_ARGVAL); return(GM_NULL); } (void) _LnDec80Bit(temp, temp); (void) _LnDec80Bit(temp2, opi); (void) _DivTrnDec80Bit(temp, temp, temp2, 0); if (_MacIsDecN(temp)||(CompareDecimal(temp,&decMaxTime)==1)) { _MacErr(GM_ARGVAL); return(GM_NULL); } intper=temp->dc.sl[0]+1; if (intper==1) intper--; /* the +1 rounding assumes the ratio of logarithms is not an integer */ if (fun==1) { *nperi=intper; /* always round up */ return(GM_NULL); } /* fun > 1 */ (void) ConvLongToDecimal(nperd, (long) intper); /* zero pv makes fractional period irrelevant */ if (_MacIsDecZ(pv)) return(nperd); /* now solve for fractional part & add to integer part */ (void) _IntPwrDec80Bit(opitmn, opi, -intper); (void) _SubDec80Bit(temp, &decOne, opitmn); (void) _DivDec80Bit(mess, temp, nintr); if (begend==GM_BEGIN) (void) _MulDec80Bit(mess, mess, opi); (void) _MulDec80Bit(pmtm, pmt, mess); (void) _MulDec80Bit(fvopi, fv, opitmn); (void) _AddDec80Bit(temp, pmtm, fvopi); _MacDChgs(temp); (void) _DivDec80Bit(alpha, temp, pv); if (fun==2) { (void) _SubDec80Bit(temp, alpha, &decOne); (void) _DivDec80Bit(fractper, temp, nintr); (void) _AddDec80Bit(nperd, nperd, fractper); (void) _Sq5UnsTo4Uns(nperd); } if (fun==3) { if (!_MacIsDecP(alpha)) return(nperd); (void) _LnDec80Bit(temp, alpha); (void) _LnDec80Bit(temp2, opi); (void) _DivDec80Bit(fractper, temp, temp2); (void) _AddDec80Bit(nperd, nperd, fractper); (void) _Sq5UnsTo4Uns(nperd); } return(nperd); }