// $Id: relation.cpp,v 1.6 1994-09-01 13:31:24 alex Exp $ // relation.cpp // fv 12/8/93 // relation class for isam files #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // *** check if not already defined #define NOTFOUND (-1) // *** maximum number of elements in a cursor working page #define CMAXELPAGE 8000 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TRelationdef /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TRelationdef : public TObject { // @DPRIV friend class TRelation; const TRelation* _rel; // Relazione padre int _num; // Posizione file int _numto; // Posizione padre byte _alias; // Alias byte _key; // Chiave TArray _fields; // Campi di join TArray _exprs; // Condizioni di uguaglianza TBit_array _forced; bool _first_match; // primo match (ed esiste) bool _allow_lock; // ????? bool _write_enable; protected: virtual void print_on(ostream& out) const; public: // @FPUB int num() const { return _num; } int link() const { return _numto; } byte alias() const { return _alias; } bool& write_enable() { return _write_enable; } TRectype& load_rec(TRectype& r, const TBaseisamfile* from) const; TRelationdef(const TRelation* rel, int file, byte key, int linkto, const char* relexprs, byte alias, bool allow_lock, bool write_enable = FALSE); virtual ~TRelationdef() {} }; // @END HIDDEN ostream& print_name(ostream& out, const TLocalisamfile* f) { const int logicnum = f->num(); if (logicnum == LF_TABCOM || logicnum == LF_TAB) { if (logicnum == LF_TABCOM) out << '%'; out << ((TTable*)f)->name(); } else out << logicnum; return out; } TRelationdef::TRelationdef(const TRelation* rel, int idx_file, byte key, int idx_to, const char* relexprs, byte alias, bool allow_lock, bool write_enable) : _num(idx_file), _key(key), _numto(idx_to), _rel(rel), _fields(4), _exprs(4), _alias(alias), _first_match(FALSE), _allow_lock(allow_lock), _write_enable(write_enable) { TToken_string rels(relexprs); int i = 0; TString80 r,s; for (const char* g = rels.get(); g; g = rels.get(), i++) { r = g; int eq = r.find('='); CHECKS(eq > 0, "Ahoo! E l'uguale 'ndo sta'? ", (const char*)g); s = r.left(eq); // Parte a sinistra dell' = #ifdef DBG TString80 n(s); const int p = n.find('['); if (p > 0) n.cut(p); if (rel->file(_num)->curr().exist(n) == FALSE) { error_box("'%s' non e' un campo del file %d", (const char*)n, rel->file(_num)->num()); continue; } #endif if (r[eq+1] == '=') { _forced.set(i); eq++; } const TString80 xx(s); _fields.add(new TFieldref(xx,0)); _exprs.add(new TExpression(r.mid(eq+1), _strexpr)); } } void TRelationdef::print_on(ostream& out) const { out << "JOIN "; print_name(out, _rel->file(_num)); if (_numto > 0) { out << " TO "; const int alias = _rel->reldef(_numto-1)->alias(); if (alias > 0) out << alias << '@'; else print_name(out, _rel->file(_numto)); } if (_key > 1) out << " KEY " << (int)_key; if (_alias > 0) out << " ALIAS " << (int)_alias; for (int i = 0; i < _fields.items(); i++) { if (i == 0) out << " INTO"; out << ' ' << _fields[i] << '=' << _exprs[i]; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TRelation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TRelation::TRelation(int logicnum, bool linkrecinst) : _files(4) , _reldefs(4), _errors(NOERR) { TLocalisamfile* f = new TLocalisamfile(logicnum, linkrecinst); _files.add(f); } TRelation::TRelation(const char* tabname, bool linkrecinst) : _files(4) , _reldefs(4), _errors(NOERR) { TTable* t = new TTable(tabname, linkrecinst); _files.add(t); } TRelation::~TRelation() {} void TRelation::print_on(ostream& out) const { const TLocalisamfile* f = file(); out << "USE "; print_name(out, f); const int k = f->getkey(); if (k > 1) out << " KEY " << k; out << endl; for (int r = 0; r < _reldefs.items(); r++) out << _reldefs[r] << endl; } void TRelation::restore_status() { _status.restart(); for (int i = 0; i < _files.items(); i++) { int err = _status.get_int(); int recno = _status.get_int(); if (recno >= 0l) file(i)->readat(recno); else file(i)->curr().zero(); file(i)->setstatus(err); } for (i = 0; i < _reldefs.items(); i++) { bool first_match = _status.get_int (); reldef(i)->_first_match = first_match; } } void TRelation::save_status() { _status.cut(0); for (int i = 0; i < _files.items(); i++) { int err = file(i)->status(); TRecnotype recno = file(i)->eof() ? -1l : file(i)->recno(); _status.add (format ("%d",err)); _status.add (format ("%d",recno)); } for (i = 0; i < _reldefs.items(); i++) { bool first_match = reldef(i)->_first_match; _status.add (format ("%d",first_match)); } } int TRelation::log2ind(int log) const { // returns _files index of logical number or // NOTFOUND if not present // sets error status if (log < 0) return alias2ind(byte(-log)); const int num = _files.items(); if (log > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) if (file(i)->num() == log) return i; } return num ? 0 : NOTFOUND; } int TRelation::alias2ind(byte alias) const { if (alias < 1) return 0; for (int i = 0; i < _reldefs.items(); i++) { const TRelationdef& r = (const TRelationdef&)_reldefs[i]; if (r.alias() == alias) return r.num(); } return NOTFOUND; } int TRelation::name2ind(const char* name) const { const int num = name2log(name); const int ind = log2ind(num); return ind; } TLocalisamfile* TRelation::lfile(int logicnum) const { const int idx = log2ind(logicnum); CHECKD(idx != NOTFOUND, "File not found n. ", logicnum); return (TLocalisamfile*)_files.objptr(idx); } TLocalisamfile* TRelation::lfile(const char* name) const { const int idx = name2ind(name); CHECKS(idx != NOTFOUND, "File or Table not found:", name); return (TLocalisamfile*)_files.objptr(idx); } void TRelation::write_enable(int logicnum, const bool on) { if (logicnum == - 1) { for (int i = 0; i < _reldefs.items(); i++) reldef(i)->write_enable() = on; } else { const int idx = log2ind(logicnum); CHECKD(idx != NOTFOUND, "File not found n. ", logicnum); reldef(idx)->write_enable() = on; } } void TRelation::write_enable(const char* name, const bool on) { const int idx = name2ind(name); CHECKS(idx != NOTFOUND, "File or Table not found:", name); reldef(idx)->write_enable() = on; } bool TRelation::add(int logicnum, const char* relexprs, int key, int linkto, byte alias, bool allow_lock) { const int idxto = log2ind(linkto); if (idxto == NOTFOUND) fatal_box("Can't join file %d to %d", logicnum, linkto); int idx = log2ind(logicnum); TLocalisamfile* f = new TLocalisamfile(logicnum, idx == NOTFOUND); idx = _files.add(f); if (relexprs && *relexprs) { TRelationdef* r = new TRelationdef(this, idx, key, idxto, relexprs, alias, allow_lock); _reldefs.add(r); } return _errors; } bool TRelation::add(const char* tabname, const char* relexprs, int key, int linkto, byte alias, bool allow_lock) { // look for file const int idxto = log2ind(linkto); if (idxto == NOTFOUND) fatal_box("Can't link to file no. %d", linkto); int idx = name2ind(tabname); TTable* f = new TTable(tabname, idx == NOTFOUND); idx = _files.add(f); if (relexprs && *relexprs) { TRelationdef* r = new TRelationdef(this, idx, key, idxto, relexprs, alias, allow_lock); _reldefs.add(r); } return _errors; } TRectype& TRelationdef::load_rec(TRectype& r, const TBaseisamfile* from) const { r.zero(); for (int j = 0 ; j < _fields.items(); j++) // for each field { // TString& s = (TString&) _fields[j]; // r.put(s, from->get(s)); TFieldref& s = (TFieldref&) _fields[j]; s.write(s.read(from->curr()),r); // r.put(s.name(), s.read(from->curr())); } return r; } void TRelation::zero() { for (int i = 0; i < _files.items(); i++) file(i)->zero(); } int TRelation::position_rels(TIsamop op, TReclock lockop, TDate& atdate, int first) { _errors = NOERR; // workhorse: position files for each active relation for (int i = first; i < _reldefs.items(); i++) { TRelationdef& rd = *reldef(i); TLocalisamfile* from = file(rd.num()); TLocalisamfile* to = file(rd.link()); TReclock lck = rd._allow_lock ? lockop : _nolock; if (to->curr().empty()) { from->zero(); continue; } from->setkey(rd._key); from->curr().zero(); // build record if (rd._fields.items() && rd._exprs.items()) { for (int j = 0 ; j < rd._fields.items(); j++) // for each field { TExpression& expr = (TExpression&)rd._exprs[j]; // setvar for every variable for (int k = 0; k < expr.numvar(); k++) expr.setvar(k, to->get(expr.varname(k))); // eval expression and put result in field TFieldref& s = (TFieldref&) rd._fields[j]; s.write(expr, from->curr()); // TString& s = (TString&) rd._fields[j]; // from->put(s, (const char*)expr); } // for each field } // read record: if not found, empty current record TRectype rec(from->curr()); from->read(op, lck, atdate); if (from->bad()) { rd._first_match = (from->curr() == rec); if (rd._first_match) { bool eq = TRUE; for (int kk = 0; eq && kk < rd._fields.items(); kk++) { if (rd._forced[kk]) { // TString& fl = (TString&)rd._fields[kk]; // const TString f_fr(from->curr().get(fl)); TFieldref& fl = (TFieldref&)rd._fields[kk]; const TString f_fr(fl.read(from->curr())); // const TFixed_string f_to(to->curr().get(fl)); // eq = (f_fr == f_to); TExpression& expr = (TExpression&)rd._exprs[kk]; for (int k = 0; k < expr.numvar(); k++) expr.setvar(k, to->get(expr.varname(k))); eq = (f_fr == (const char*)expr); } } if (eq) from->setstatus(NOERR); else { rd._first_match = FALSE; from->curr().zero(); } } else from->curr().zero(); } else rd._first_match = TRUE; } // for each relation return _errors; } bool TRelation::next_match(int logicnum, const char* fieldlist, int nkey) { if (logicnum == file()->num()) { next(); return file()->good(); } const int i = log2ind(logicnum); CHECKD(i != NOTFOUND,"Nonexistent file referenced in relation ",logicnum); for (int j = 0; j < _reldefs.items(); j++) if (reldef(j)->num() == i) break; TLocalisamfile* from = file(i); TLocalisamfile* to = file(reldef(j)->link()); reldef(j)->_first_match = FALSE; if (from->bad()) return FALSE; // && vaffanculo() const TRecnotype last = from->recno(); bool ok = TRUE; // Corrispondenza trovata ? if (fieldlist == NULL) { TRectype rec(from->curr()); reldef(j)->load_rec(rec, from); from->setkey(reldef(j)->_key); from->next(); ok = (from->good() && from->curr() == rec); for (int kk = 0; ok && kk < reldef(j)->_fields.items(); kk++) { if (reldef(j)->_forced[kk]) { // TString& fl = (TString&)reldef(j)->_fields[kk]; // const TFixed_string f_fr(from->curr().get(fl)); // const TFixed_string f_to(to->curr().get(fl)); TFieldref& fl = (TFieldref&)reldef(j)->_fields[kk]; const TFixed_string f_fr(fl.read(from->curr())); const TFixed_string f_to(fl.read(to->curr())); ok = (f_fr == f_to); } } if (ok) from->setstatus(NOERR); } else { if (nkey > 0) from->setkey(nkey); TToken_string fields(fieldlist); TToken_string old(80); for (const char* f = fields.get(0); f; f = fields.get()) old.add(from->curr().get(f)); from->next(); old.restart(); for (f = fields.get(0); f && ok; f = fields.get()) { const TFixed_string v(from->curr().get(f)); const char* o = old.get(); if (v != o) ok = FALSE; } } if (!ok) { from->readat(last); return FALSE; } // Riposiziona gli eventuali files successivi position_rels(_isequal, _nolock, botime, j+1); reldef(j)->_first_match = FALSE; return ok; } bool TRelation::is_first_match(int logicnum) // TRUE se c'e' un record ed e' il primo match (non si e' mai fatta // position_rels) { const int i = log2ind(logicnum); CHECKD(i != NOTFOUND,"Nonexistent file referenced in relation ",logicnum); for (int j = 0; j < _reldefs.items(); j++) if (reldef(j)->num() == i) return reldef(j)->_first_match; const int err = file()->status(); return err == NOERR; } bool TRelation::isconsistent(bool reset) { const int MAXREL = 24; int bad = 0; TRecnotype recnos[MAXREL]; for (int i = 0; i < _files.items() && i < MAXREL; i++) { // must be file OK, non-empty record bad |= file(i)->good() || file(i)->curr().empty(); recnos[i] = file(i)->recno(); } // if the above hold, check consistency if (bad) return _errors = bad; position_rels(_isequal, _nolock, botime); for (i = 0; i < _files.items(); i++) if (file(i)->recno() != recnos[i]) { bad = -1; break; } if (reset == FALSE) // leave as before for(i = 0; i < _files.items(); i++) file(i)->readat(recnos[i]); return this->_errors = bad; } int TRelation::write(bool force, TDate& atdate) { _errors = NOERR; if (file(0)->curr().empty()) return _errors; // *** no error returned ** // programmer must be aware if ((_errors = file(0)->write(atdate)) != NOERR) return _errors; for (int i = 0; i < _reldefs.items(); i++) { TRelationdef& rd = *reldef(i); const int log = rd.num(); if (!rd.write_enable() || (file(log)->curr()).empty()) continue; int res = file(log)->write(atdate); if (force && res == _isreinsert) res = file(log)->rewrite(atdate); if (_errors == NOERR) _errors = res; } return _errors; } int TRelation::rewrite(bool force, TDate& atdate) { _errors = file(0)->rewrite(atdate); // Riscrive testata if (force && _errors == _iskeynotfound) // Se non la trova ... _errors = file(0)->write(atdate); // ... forza la scrittura for (int i = 0; i < _reldefs.items(); i++) { TRelationdef& rd = *reldef(i); const int log = rd.num(); if (!rd.write_enable() || (file(log)->curr()).empty()) continue; int res = file(log)->rewrite(atdate); if (force && res == _iskeynotfound) res = file(log)->write(atdate); if (_errors == NOERR) _errors = res; } return _errors; } int TRelation::remove(TDate& atdate) { const int res = file(0)->remove(atdate); if (_errors == NOERR && res != _iskeynotfound) _errors = res; for (int i = 0; i < _reldefs.items(); i++) { TRelationdef& rd = *reldef(i); const int log = rd.num(); if (!rd.write_enable() || (file(log)->curr()).empty()) continue; const int res = file(log)->remove(atdate); if (_errors == NOERR && res != _iskeynotfound) _errors = res; } return _errors; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TCursor /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HIDDEN bool __evalcondition(const TRectype& r,TExpression* cond) { for (int i = 0; i < cond->numvar(); i++) { const char* s = cond->varname(i); // if (cond->type() == _numexpr) // { // real n(r.get(s)); // cond->setvar(i, n); // } // else cond->setvar(i, r.get(s)); } return (bool) *cond; } FILE* TCursor::open_index(bool create) const { #if XVT_OS == XVT_OS_SCOUNIX const char* const r = "r"; const char* const w = "w"; #else const char* const r = "rb"; const char* const w = "wb"; #endif FILE* f = fopen(_indexname, create ? w : r); if (f == NULL) fatal_box("Can't use cursor index for file %d\n", file()->filehnd()->ln); return f; } TRecnotype TCursor::buildcursor(TRecnotype rp) { TRecnotype ap = 0, junkl; char s[82]; int junk, l, pagecnt = 0; Page p; int pos; const int kl = file()->filehnd()->i.Base[file()->filehnd()->i.PN].KeyLen; const bool filtered = has_filter(); if (file()->filehnd()->i.Base[file()->filehnd()->i.PN].PEOD == 0) return 0; FILE* _f = open_index(TRUE); fseek(_f, 0L, SEEK_SET); l = strlen(to()); BTrRead(&file()->filehnd()->i, (char*)(const char*) from(), s, &junkl, &junk); if (junk == _iseof) return 0; TRecnotype* page = new TRecnotype [CMAXELPAGE]; if (GetAPage(&file()->filehnd()->i, &p, file()->filehnd()->i.CurPag, &junk) != NOERR) fatal_box("Can't read index n. %d - file n. %d", file()->filehnd()->i.PN + 1, file()->filehnd()->ln); pos = file()->filehnd()->i.Pos - 1; _pos = -1; while (TRUE) { if (pos >= p.PA.PageHeader.NKey) { if (p.PA.PageHeader.Next == -1L) break; file()->filehnd()->i.CurPag = p.PA.PageHeader.Next; if (GetAPage(&file()->filehnd()->i, &p, file()->filehnd()->i.CurPag, &junk) != NOERR) fatal_box("Can't read index n. %d - file n. %d", file()->filehnd()->i.PN + 1, file()->filehnd()->ln); pos = 0; } const char* s0 = p.PA.AreaForKey + pos++ * (kl + 4); if (l && (strncmp(to(), s0, l) < 0)) break; if (pagecnt == CMAXELPAGE) { if (filtered) pagecnt = filtercursor(pagecnt, page); fwrite(page, sizeof(junkl), pagecnt, _f); if (pos == -1) for (int i = 0; i < pagecnt; i++) if (page[i] == rp) { _pos = ap + i; break; } ap += pagecnt; pagecnt = 0; } page[pagecnt++] = *((long *)(s0 + kl)); } if (pagecnt) { if (filtered) pagecnt = filtercursor(pagecnt, page); fwrite(page, sizeof(junkl), pagecnt, _f); if (pos == -1) for (int i = 0; i < pagecnt; i++) if (page[i] == rp) { _pos = ap + i; break; } ap += pagecnt; } if (_pos == -1 ) pos = 0; delete page; fclose(_f); return ap; } int TCursor::filtercursor(int pagecnt, TRecnotype* page) { int np = 0; TRectype& rec = file()->curr(); const bool tab = file()->tab(); if (tab) { file()->filehnd()->r->Fd[0].RecOff += 3; file()->filehnd()->r->Fd[0].Len -= 3; } // TRecfield* codtab = tab ? new TRecfield(rec, "CODTAB") : NULL; for (int i = 0; i < pagecnt; i++) { CRead(&file()->filehnd()->f, rec.string(), page[i], _nolock); // if (tab) *codtab = (const char*)(*codtab) + 3; if ((_filterfunction ? _filterfunction(_if) : TRUE ) && (_fexpr ? __evalcondition(rec, _fexpr) : TRUE)) { if (np < i) page[np] = page[i]; np++; } } if (tab) { file()->filehnd()->r->Fd[0].RecOff -= 3; file()->filehnd()->r->Fd[0].Len += 3; } // if (tab) delete codtab; return np; } bool TCursor::ok() const { if (file()->bad()) return FALSE; const TRectype& rec = file()->curr(); TString key(rec.key(_nkey)), kf(from()), kt(to()); if (file()->tab()) { kf.ltrim(3); kt.ltrim(3); } if (key < kf || (kt.not_empty() && kt < key.left(kt.len()))) return FALSE; if ((_filterfunction ? _filterfunction(_if) : TRUE ) && (_fexpr ? __evalcondition(rec, _fexpr) : TRUE)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } bool TCursor::changed() { isdef* fh = file()->filehnd(); if (_frozen && _lastrec != 0L) return _filename != fh->f.name; #if XVT_OS==XVT_OS_SCOUNIX const TRecnotype eod = file()->eod(); #else int junk = 0; const TRecnotype eod = cisgeteod(fh, &junk); // GetHead(&fh->i, _nolock, &junk); #endif if (_lastrec != eod || (_lastkrec != fh->i.Base[_nkey -1].PEOD) || (_filename != fh->f.name)) { _lastrec = eod; _lastkrec = fh->i.Base[_nkey -1].PEOD; _filename = fh->f.name; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } TRecnotype TCursor::update() { file()->setkey(_nkey); file()->read(_isgteq); const CURSOR old = get_cursor(TASK_WIN); set_cursor(TASK_WIN, CURSOR_WAIT); TRecnotype totrec = buildcursor(file()->recno()); // if (has_filter()) totrec = filtercursor(); set_cursor(TASK_WIN, old); return totrec; } void TCursor::filter(const char* filter, const TRectype *from, const TRectype* to) { CHECK(!_frozen, "Impossibile filtrare un cursore congelato"); TString kf(_keyfrom), kto(_keyto), kfilter, tbpref; if (filter) kfilter << filter; bool filterchanged = (filter != NULL) && (_filter != kfilter); if (file()->tab()) { TTable& f = (TTable&) *file(); tbpref = f.name(); } if (from != NULL) { kf = tbpref; kf << from->key(_nkey); int p; while ((p = kf.find('~')) != -1) kf[p] = ' '; } if (to != NULL) { kto = tbpref; kto << to->key(_nkey); int p; while ((p = kto.find('~')) != -1) kto[p] = ' '; } if (filterchanged || (_keyfrom != kf) || (_keyto != kto)) { _pos = 0; _totrec = 0; _lastrec = 0; if (filterchanged) { _filter = kfilter; if (_fexpr) delete _fexpr; TTypeexp type = (_filter.find('"') != -1) ? _strexpr : _numexpr; if (_filter.not_empty()) { _fexpr = new TExpression(_filter, type); if (_fexpr->type() == _numexpr) for (int i = 0 ; i < _fexpr->numvar(); i++) if (file()->curr().type(_fexpr->varname(i)) == _alfafld) { _fexpr->set_type(_strexpr); break; } } else _fexpr = NULL; } file()->setkey(_nkey); _keyfrom = kf; _keyto = kto; } } void TCursor::setkey(int nkey) { if (nkey != _nkey) { _lastrec = 0L; _nkey = nkey; file()->setkey(_nkey); filter(NULL); } } TRecnotype TCursor::read(TIsamop op, TReclock lockop, TDate& atdate) { TRecnotype *page; int pagecnt; file()->setkey(_nkey); _if->file()->read(op, lockop, atdate); const TRecnotype curpos = file()->recno(); if (changed()) _totrec = update(); FILE* _f = open_index(); if (fseek(_f, 0L, SEEK_SET) != 0) fatal_box("Can't repos cursor : File %d\n", file()->filehnd()->ln); page = new TRecnotype [CMAXELPAGE]; _pos = -1; for (TRecnotype max = _totrec; _pos == -1 && max > 0; max -= pagecnt) { pagecnt = (max < CMAXELPAGE) ? (int)max : CMAXELPAGE; fread(page, sizeof(TRecnotype), pagecnt, _f); for (int i = 0; i < pagecnt; i++) if (page[i] == curpos) { _pos = _totrec - max + i; break; } } if (_pos == -1) _pos = 0; delete page; fclose(_f); readrec(); return _pos; } TCursor::TCursor(TRelation* r, const char* filter, int nkey, TRectype *from, TRectype* to) : _frozen(FALSE), _filterfunction(NULL) { _if = r; _nkey = nkey; CHECKD(_nkey > 0 && _nkey <= file()->filehnd()->r->NKeys, "Bad key number : ", _nkey); _indexname.temp("ci"); /* #if XVT_OS==XVT_OS_SCOUNIX _f = fopen(_indexname, "w+"); #else _f = fopen(_indexname, "wb+"); #endif if (_f == NULL) fatal_box("Can't create cursor index on file %d: %s", file()->num(), strerror(errno)); */ FILE* _f = open_index(TRUE); fclose(_f); _pos = 0; _totrec = 0; _lastrec = 0; _lastkrec = 0; _filter << filter; TTypeexp type = (_filter.find('"') != -1) ? _strexpr : _numexpr; if (_filter.not_empty()) { _fexpr = new TExpression(_filter, type); if (_fexpr->type() == _numexpr) for (int i = 0 ; i < _fexpr->numvar(); i++) if (file()->curr().type(_fexpr->varname(i)) == _alfafld) { _fexpr->set_type(_strexpr); break; } } else _fexpr = NULL; file()->setkey(_nkey); if (file()->tab()) { TTable& f = (TTable&) *file(); _keyfrom = _keyto = f.name(); } if (from != NULL) { _keyfrom << from->key(_nkey); int p; while ((p = _keyfrom.find('~')) != -1) _keyfrom[p] = ' '; } if (to != NULL) { _keyto << to->key(_nkey); int p; while ((p = _keyto.find('~')) != -1) _keyto[p] = ' '; } } TCursor::~TCursor() { // fclose(_f); ::remove(_indexname); if (_fexpr) delete _fexpr; } TRecnotype TCursor::readrec() { TRecnotype& nrec = file()->filehnd()->RecNo; if (_pos == items()) { file()->setstatus(_iseof); curr().zero(); return nrec = 0L; } file()->setstatus(NOERR); FILE* _f = open_index(); if ((fseek(_f, _pos * sizeof(TRecnotype), SEEK_SET) != 0) || (fread(&nrec, sizeof(TRecnotype), 1, _f) != 1)) fatal_box("Can't read record in file n. %d\n", file()->filehnd()->ln); fclose(_f); curr().setdirty(); CRead(&file()->filehnd()->f, curr().string(), nrec, _nolock); if (file()->tab()) { TRecfield codtab(curr(), "CODTAB"); codtab = (const char*)codtab + 3; } repos(); return nrec; } TRecnotype TCursor::operator =(const TRecnotype pos) { if (changed()) _totrec = update(); CHECKD(pos >= 0 && pos <= _totrec, "Bad cursor position : ", pos); _pos = pos; if (_pos > _totrec) _pos = _totrec; readrec(); return _pos; } TCursor& TCursor::operator +=(const TRecnotype npos) { if (changed()) _totrec = update(); _pos += npos; if (_pos > _totrec) _pos = _totrec; readrec(); return *this; } TCursor& TCursor::operator -=(const TRecnotype npos) { if (changed()) _totrec = update(); _pos -= npos; if (_pos < 0) _pos = 0; readrec(); return *this; } TCursor& TCursor::operator ++() { if (changed()) _totrec = update(); _pos++; if (_pos > _totrec) _pos = _totrec; readrec(); return *this; } TCursor& TCursor::operator --() { if (changed()) _totrec = update(); if (_pos) _pos--; readrec(); return *this; } TRecnotype TCursor::items() { if (changed()) _totrec = update(); return _totrec; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TFieldRef /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int name2log(const char* name) { int log = 0; if (name && *name) { if (isdigit(*name)) { log = atoi(name); if (strchr(name, '@')) log = -log; } else { const int len = strlen(name); if (len == 3 || len == 4) log = TTable::name2log(name); } if (log == 0) fatal_box("'%s' non e' un file o una tabella", name); } return log; } TFieldref::TFieldref() : _fileid(0), _name(0) {} TFieldref::TFieldref(const TString& s, short defid) { operator=(s); if (_fileid == 0) _fileid = defid; } // A Fieldref should have the following format (only NAME is mandatory): // FILE->NAME[FROM,TO] TFieldref& TFieldref::operator =(const TString& s) { int pos = s.find("->"); if (pos > 0) { _id = s.left(pos); _id.strip(" "); _fileid = name2log(_id); pos += 2; } else _fileid = pos = 0; int par = s.find('[', pos); _name = s.sub(pos, par); _name.strip(" "); if (par > 0) { pos = par+1; _from = atoi(&s[pos]); if (_from > 0) _from--; else _from = 0; par = s.find(',', pos); if (par > 0) _to = atoi(&s[par+1]); else _to = -1; } else { _from = 0; _to = -1; } return *this; } void TFieldref::print_on(ostream& out) const { if (_id.not_empty()) out << _id << "->"; out << _name; if (_from > 0 || _to > 0) { out << '[' << (_from+1); if (_to) out << ',' << _to; out << ']'; } } const char* TFieldref::read(const TRectype& rec) const { static TString80 buffer; if (_fileid >= CNF_GENERAL) { TToken_string s(_name, '.'); TConfig c(_fileid - CNF_STUDIO, s.get()); buffer = c.get(s.get()); } else { buffer = rec.get(_name); if (_from > 0 || _to > 0) { const int l = buffer.len(); const int from = (_from > l) ? l : _from; const int to = (_to > l || _to < 1) ? l : _to; if (to < l) buffer.cut(to); if (from > 0) buffer.ltrim(from); } } return buffer; } const char* TFieldref::read(const TRelation* c) const { const char * s; if (c == NULL) { TLocalisamfile f(_fileid); s = read(f.curr()); } else s = read(c->lfile(_id)->curr()); return s; } void TFieldref::write(const char* val, TRelation* c) const { TLocalisamfile* f = NULL; TRectype* curr = NULL; if (c == NULL) { f = new TLocalisamfile(_fileid); curr = &f->curr(); } else curr = &c->lfile(_id)->curr(); write(val, *curr); if (f != NULL) delete f; } void TFieldref::write(const char* val, TRectype& rec) const { if (_fileid >= CNF_GENERAL) return; if (_from > 0) { TString80 campo(rec.get(_name)); campo.overwrite(val, _from); rec.put(_name, campo); } else rec.put(_name, val); } int TFieldref::len(TRectype &rec) const { if (_to >= 0) return _to - _from; if (_fileid == 0) return rec.length(_name) - _from; TLocalisamfile f(_fileid); const int len = f.curr().length(_name); return len - _from; } bool TCursor::next_match(int lognum, const char* fl, int nk) { if (lognum == 0 || lognum == file()->num()) {++(*this); return file()->good(); } else return _if->next_match(lognum, fl, nk); } bool TCursor::is_first_match(int ln) { return (ln == 0 || ln == file()->num()) ? (_pos == 0 && file()->good()) : (_if->is_first_match(ln)); } // *** EOF relation.cpp