<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <report name="co1300a" orientation="2" lpi="6"> <description>Stampa Estratto Conto Socio</description> <font face="Courier New" size="8" /> <section type="Head"> <field x="50" y="0.5" type="Testo" width="32" pattern="1" text="Estratto conto dal"> <font face="Courier New" bold="1" size="14" /> </field> <field x="85" y="0.5" type="Data" width="18" pattern="1"> <font face="Courier New" bold="1" size="14" /> <source>#DATAINI</source> </field> <field x="106" y="0.5" type="Testo" width="4" pattern="1" text="al"> <font face="Courier New" bold="1" size="14" /> </field> <field x="113.5" y="0.5" type="Data" width="18" pattern="1"> <font face="Courier New" bold="1" size="14" /> <source>#DATAFIN</source> </field> <field x="157.5" y="0.5" type="Testo" width="5" pattern="1" text="Pag." /> <field x="163.5" y="0.5" type="Numero" align="right" width="5" pattern="1" text="#####"> <source>#REPORT.PAGE</source> </field> <field border="2" y="2" type="Linea" width="170" height="0" pattern="1" /> <field x="2" y="2.5" type="Stringa" width="60" pattern="1"> <font face="Courier New" bold="1" size="10" /> <source>101@.CODCF+' '+TRIM(101@.RAGSOC[1,30])+' '+TRIM(101@.RAGSOC[31,50])</source> <postscript description="H0.0 POSTSCRIPT">"101@.CODCF" @ #EC_SOCIO ! </postscript> </field> <field x="2" y="3.5" type="Stringa" width="50" pattern="1"> <source>101@.INDCF+" ,"+101@.CIVCF</source> </field> <field x="2" y="4.5" type="Stringa" width="50" pattern="1"> <source>101@.LOCALITACF</source> </field> <field x="2" y="5.5" type="Stringa" width="50" pattern="1"> <source>101@.CAPCF+" "+COMUNI.DENCOM+" ("+COMUNI.PROVCOM+")"</source> </field> <field border="2" y="7" type="Linea" width="170" height="0" pattern="1" /> <field x="1" y="7.5" type="Testo" width="8" pattern="1" text="Data"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <source>#PARENT.DATADOC</source> </field> <field x="10" y="7.5" type="Testo" width="22" pattern="1" text="Tipo movimento"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <source>DESCR</source> </field> <field x="36" y="7.5" type="Testo" align="right" width="8" pattern="1" text="N.f.asta"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <source>#PARENT.NFASTA</source> </field> <field x="46" y="7.5" type="Testo" align="right" width="8" pattern="1" text="Peso"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <source>Q.ta</source> </field> <field x="56" y="7.5" type="Testo" align="right" width="10" pattern="1" text="Prezzo"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <source>34.PREZZONN</source> </field> <field x="68" y="7.5" type="Testo" align="right" width="8" pattern="1" text="Prz-8%"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <source>PREZZONS</source> </field> <field x="78" y="7.5" type="Testo" align="right" width="9" pattern="1" text="Dir. Merc."> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> </field> <field x="89" y="7.5" type="Testo" align="right" width="8" pattern="1" text="Acc. 8%"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <source>RITENUTA</source> </field> <field x="99" y="7.5" type="Testo" align="right" width="15" pattern="1" text="Imp.a credito"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <source>IMPCNS</source> </field> <field x="116" y="7.5" type="Testo" align="right" width="15" pattern="1" text="Imp.a debito"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <source>IMPCNS</source> </field> <field x="133" y="7.5" type="Testo" align="right" width="10" pattern="1" text="Imposta"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> </field> <field x="145" y="7.5" type="Testo" width="25" pattern="1" text="Mercato"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> </field> </section> <section type="Head" level="1"> <prescript description="H1 PRESCRIPT">MESSAGE RESET,F1.1@</prescript> </section> <section type="Body" /> <section type="Body" level="1" /> <section type="Head" level="11" /> <section type="Body" level="11"> <sql>USE RDOC SELECT ((TIPORIGA=="CO")||(TIPORIGA=="02")) JOIN %SPP ALIAS 201 INTO CODTAB==CODART JOIN ANAMAG INTO CODART==CODARTMAG FROM CODNUM=#PARENT.CODNUM ANNO=#PARENT.ANNO PROVV=#PARENT.PROVV NDOC=#PARENT.NDOC TO CODNUM=#PARENT.CODNUM ANNO=#PARENT.ANNO PROVV=#PARENT.PROVV NDOC=#PARENT.NDOC </sql> <field x="1" type="Data" width="9" pattern="1"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <source>#PARENT.DATADOC</source> </field> <field x="36" type="Numero" align="right" width="8" pattern="1" hide_zero="1"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <source>#PARENT.NFASTA</source> </field> <field x="10" type="Stringa" width="28" id="100" pattern="1"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <source>DESCR</source> <postscript description="B11.100 POSTSCRIPT">#THIS @ #EC_TIPOMOV !</postscript> </field> <field x="46" type="Numero" align="right" width="8" id="102" pattern="1" hide_zero="1" text="###.###,@@"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <groups>1</groups> <source>QTA</source> <postscript description="B11.102 POSTSCRIPT">#THIS @ DUP "F1.102" +! #EC_QTA !</postscript> </field> <field x="56" type="Prezzo" align="right" width="10" codval="33.CODVAL" id="103" pattern="1" hide_zero="1" text="###.###.###,@@"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <groups>1</groups> <prescript description="B11.103 PRESCRIPT">"CODNUM" @ "CONF" = IF "PREZZONN" @ "ANAMAG.USER1" @ "X" = IF "QTA" @ DUP 0 C;E; IF F; THEN THEN ELSE 0 THEN #THIS ! </prescript> </field> <field x="67" type="Prezzo" align="right" width="8" id="104" pattern="1" hide_zero="1" text="###.###.###,@@"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <groups>1</groups> <prescript description="B11.104 PRESCRIPT">"CODNUM" @ "CONF" = IF "PREZZONS" @ "ANAMAG.USER1" @ "X" = IF "QTA" @ DUP 0 C;E; IF F; THEN THEN ELSE 0 THEN #THIS ! </prescript> </field> <field x="78.5" type="Valuta" align="right" width="9" id="105" pattern="1" hide_zero="1" text="###.###.###,@@"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <groups>1</groups> <source>#PARENT.SPESMER</source> <prescript description="B11.105 PRESCRIPT">#THIS @ \ leggo il val corrente -1 * \ cambio segno #THIS ! \ scrivo il valore</prescript> <postscript description="B11.105 POSTSCRIPT">#THIS @ DUP "F1.105" +! #EC_MER ! </postscript> </field> <field x="89" type="Valuta" align="right" width="8" id="106" pattern="1" hide_zero="1" text="###.###.###,@@"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <source>SCONTOR</source> <postscript description="B11.106 POSTSCRIPT">#THIS @ DUP "F1.106" +! #EC_ACC ! </postscript> </field> <field x="99" type="Valuta" align="right" width="15" id="107" pattern="1" hide_zero="1" text="###.###.###,@@"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <groups>1</groups> <prescript description="B11.107 PRESCRIPT">#PARENT.CODNUM @ \ legge il tipodoc "CONF" = IF \ controlla se &#E8; un conferimento #PARENT.NETCRED @ \ se &#E8; un conferimento scrivo TOTMER DUP 0 E;= IF \ se &#E8; maggiore di zero lo scrivo in B11.107 "B11.107" ELSE \ altrimenti ci scrivo 0 0 * "B11.107" THEN ELSE \ se non &#E8; un conferimento #PARENT.IMPONIBILI @ \ se non un conferimento scrivo IMPONIBILI DUP 0 C;= IF \ se &#E8; minore di zero gli cambio segno e lo scrivo in B11.107 -1 * "B11.107" ELSE \ altrimenti scrivo 0 0 * "B11.107" THEN THEN ! \ lo scrivo effettivamente</prescript> <postscript description="B11.107 POSTSCRIPT">#THIS @ DUP DUP "F1.107" +! #EC_IMPCRE ! #EC_CRED ! </postscript> </field> <field x="116" type="Valuta" align="right" width="15" id="108" pattern="1" hide_zero="1" text="###.###.###,@@"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <groups>2</groups> <prescript description="B11.108 PRESCRIPT">#PARENT.CODNUM @ \ legge il tipodoc "CONF" = IF \ controlla se &#E8; un conferimento #PARENT.NETCRED @ \ se &#E8; un conferimento scrivo TOTMER DUP 0 C;= IF \ se &#E8; minore di zero gli cambio segno e lo scrivo in B11.108 -1 * "B11.108" ELSE \ altrimenti ci scrivo 0 0 * "B11.108" THEN ELSE \ se non &#E8; un conferimento #PARENT.IMPONIBILI @ \ se non &#E8; un conferimento scrivo IMPONIBILI DUP 0 E;= IF \ se &#E8; maggiore di zero lo scrivo in B11.108 "B11.108" ELSE \ altrimenti scrivo 0 0 * "B11.108" THEN THEN ! \ lo scrivo effettivamente</prescript> <postscript description="B11.108 POSTSCRIPT">#THIS @ DUP DUP "F1.108" +! #EC_IMPDEB ! #EC_DEB ! </postscript> </field> <field x="133" type="Prezzo" hidden="1" align="right" width="10" id="109" pattern="1" hide_zero="1" text="#########,@@"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <source>#PARENT.IMPOSTE</source> <prescript description="B11.109 PRESCRIPT">#THIS @ -1 * #THIS !</prescript> <postscript description="B11.109 POSTSCRIPT">#THIS @ #EC_IMPO !</postscript> </field> <field x="144" type="Numero" hidden="1" align="right" width="10" id="110" pattern="1"> <source>#PARENT.MERCATO</source> </field> <field x="145" type="Stringa" bg_color="#00FFFF" width="40" id="111" pattern="1"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <prescript description="B11.111 PRESCRIPT">MESSAGE _ISAMREAD,CLIFO,TIPOCF='C'!CODCF=#PARENT.MERCATO,RAGSOC</prescript> </field> <field x="190" type="Valuta" hidden="1" align="right" width="15" id="207" pattern="1" hide_zero="1" text="###.###.###,@@"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <prescript description="B11.207 PRESCRIPT">#PARENT.CODNUM @ \ legge il tipodoc "CONF" = IF \ controlla se &#E8; un conferimento #PARENT.NETCRED @ \ se &#E8; un conferimento scrivo TOTMER ELSE 0 THEN #THIS ! \ lo scrivo effettivamente </prescript> <postscript description="B11.207 POSTSCRIPT">#THIS @ #EC_NETC ! </postscript> </field> <field x="133" type="Valuta" hidden="1" align="right" width="15" id="208" pattern="1" hide_zero="1" text="###.###.###,@@"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <source>#PARENT.TOTRITACC</source> <prescript description="B11.208 PRESCRIPT">#THIS @ \ leggo il val corrente -1 * \ cambio segno #THIS ! \ scrivo il valore</prescript> <postscript description="B11.208 POSTSCRIPT">#THIS @ DUP "F1.98" +! #EC_RIT ! </postscript> </field> </section> <section type="Foot" level="11" /> <section type="Foot" /> <section type="Foot" level="1"> <field border="2" type="Linea" width="170" height="0" pattern="1" /> <field x="10" type="Testo" width="30" pattern="1" text="Ritenute mensili (12%)"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> </field> <field x="30" y="1" type="Testo" width="10" pattern="1" text="Totali"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> </field> <field border="2" y="2.5" type="Linea" width="170" height="0" pattern="1" /> <field x="12" y="2.5" type="Testo" valign="center" width="25" pattern="1" text="Riepilogo per tipo movimento"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <source>DESCR</source> </field> <field x="46" y="2.5" type="Testo" valign="center" align="right" width="8" pattern="1" text="Peso"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <source>Q.ta</source> </field> <field x="78" y="2.5" type="Testo" valign="center" align="right" width="9" pattern="1" text="Dir. Merc."> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> </field> <field x="89" y="2.5" type="Testo" valign="center" align="right" width="8" pattern="1" text="Acc. 8%"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <source>RITENUTA</source> </field> <field x="99" y="2.5" type="Testo" valign="center" align="right" width="15" pattern="1" text="Imp.a credito"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <source>IMPCNS</source> </field> <field x="116" y="2.5" type="Testo" valign="center" align="right" width="15" pattern="1" text="Imp.a debito"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <source>IMPCNS</source> </field> <field x="133" y="2.5" type="Testo" valign="center" align="right" width="10" pattern="1" text="Imposta"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> </field> <field border="2" y="3.5" type="Linea" width="170" height="0" pattern="1" /> <field border="2" y="12" type="Linea" width="170" height="0" pattern="1" /> <field x="116" type="Valuta" align="right" width="15" id="98" pattern="1" hide_zero="1" text="###.###.###,@@"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <groups>1</groups> <prescript description="F1.98 PRESCRIPT">#THIS @ #108 @ + #108 !</prescript> </field> <field x="46" y="1" type="Numero" align="right" width="8" id="102" pattern="1" text="###.###,@@"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <groups>1</groups> </field> <field x="78" y="1" type="Valuta" align="right" width="9" id="105" pattern="1" hide_zero="1" text="###.###.###,@@"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <groups>1</groups> </field> <field x="89" y="1" type="Valuta" align="right" width="8" id="106" pattern="1" text="###.###.###,@@"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <groups>1</groups> </field> <field x="99" y="1" type="Valuta" align="right" width="15" id="107" pattern="1" hide_zero="1" text="###.###.###,@@"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <groups>1</groups> </field> <field x="116" y="1" type="Valuta" align="right" width="15" id="108" pattern="1" hide_zero="1" text="###.###.###,@@"> <font face="Courier New" size="7" /> <groups>1</groups> </field> <field x="138.5" y="1" type="Stringa" align="right" width="16" id="109" pattern="1"> <font face="Courier New" bold="1" size="8" /> <groups>1</groups> <prescript description="F1.109 PRESCRIPT">"F1.107" @ \ leggo il contenuto del campo 107 "F1.108" @ \ leggo il contenuto del campo 108 - \ faccio la sottrazione tra i due 0 E;= IF \ se il risultato &#E8; maggiore di zero, scrivo "saldo a credito" "Saldo a credito" "F1.109" ELSE "Saldo a debito" "F1.109" \ altrimenti scrivo saldo a debito THEN !</prescript> </field> <field x="154.5" y="1" type="Valuta" align="right" width="12" id="110" pattern="1" hide_zero="1" text="###.###.###,@@"> <font face="Courier New" bold="1" size="8" /> <groups>1</groups> <prescript description="F1.110 PRESCRIPT">"F1.107" @ \ leggo il contenuto del campo 107 "F1.108" @ \ leggo il conetnuto del campo 108 - \ faccio la sottrazione tra i due DUP \ duplico il risultato 0 C;= IF \ se il risultato &#E8; negativo, gli cambio segno -1 * THEN \ e lo scrivo nel campo 110 #THIS ! </prescript> <postscript description="F1.110 POSTSCRIPT">1 #EC_CHIUDI !</postscript> </field> </section> <sql>USE DOC KEY 2 SELECT BETWEEN(DATADOC,#DATAINI,#DATAFIN)(201@.I1E;4) JOIN CLIFO ALIAS 101 INTO TIPOCF==TIPOCF CODCF==CODCF JOIN COMUNI TO 101@ INTO STATO==STATOCF COM==COMCF JOIN %NUM ALIAS 201@ INTO CODTAB==CODNUM FROM TIPOCF='F' CODCF=#SOCIO PROVV='D' ANNO=#ANNO DATADOC=#DATAINI TO TIPOCF='F' CODCF=#SOCIO PROVV='D' ANNO=#ANNO DATADOC=#DATAFIN </sql> </report>