#ifndef __MASK_H #define __MASK_H #ifndef __WINDOW_H #include #endif #ifndef __MASKFLD_H #include #endif #ifndef __REAL_H #include #endif // @T typedef bool (*MASK_HANDLER)(TMask& mask, KEY key); enum TMaskmode { NO_MODE, MODE_INS , MODE_MOD , MODE_VIS , MODE_QUERY, MODE_QUERYINS }; // @END // @C // Classe TMask : public TWindow // @END class TMask : public TWindow { // @DPRIV enum { MAX_PAGES = 12 }; // Massimo numero di pagine nella maschera WINDOW _pagewin[MAX_PAGES+1]; // Windows of the pages WINDOW _pagepag[MAX_PAGES]; // Windows of pgup/pgdn WINDOW _pagetag[MAX_PAGES]; // Windows of pagetags int _pages; // Number of pages of the mask int _page; // Current page TBit_array _enabled; // Are pages enabled int _mode; // Mode of the mask TArray _field; // Fields in the mask int _first_focus; // First control to have focus int _focus; // Control with focus int _sheets; // Number of sheets MASK_HANDLER _handler; // User defined key handler TFilename _source_file; // Source file of the mask TFilename _workfile; // Name of savefile long _lastpos; // last read offset on savefile real _exchange; // Current value exhange bool _sheetmask; // Mask owned by a sheet protected: // Ritorna la finestra della pagina corrente (Usare con attenzione) WINDOW win() const { return _page == -1 ? NULL_WIN : _pagewin[_page]; } WINDOW toolwin() const { return _pagewin[MAX_PAGES]; } int find_field_win(WINDOW win) const; // number of field with window win void set_mask_fields() const; // update screen void load_checks() const; // load checks related fields virtual void start_run(); // called when the mask starts to run virtual TMask_field* parse_field(TScanner& scanner); void init_mask(); WINDOW read_page(TScanner& scanner, bool toolbar = FALSE); void read_mask(const char* name, int num, int max); void add_buttons(); int find_parent_page(const TMask_field&) const; int find_first_field(WINDOW w, int dir) const; int find_active_field(int first, int dir) const; bool check_current_page(); // Check all the fields on the current page void next_page(int p); // Show next/previous page int curr_page() const { return _page; } // Current page number bool test_focus_change(WINDOW w = NULL_WIN); void control_handler(EVENT* ep); void handler(WINDOW win, EVENT* ep); public: // @FPUB // crea leggendo descrizione da file .msk TMask(const char* name, int num = 0, int max = MAX_PAGES); // crea mask vuota con parametri dati TMask(const char* title, int pages, int cols, int rows, int xpos = -1, int ypos = -1); virtual ~TMask(); const TFilename& source_file() const { return _source_file; } // aggiunta campi a runtime WINDOW add_static (short id, int page, const char* prompt, int x, int y, const char* flags = ""); WINDOW add_string (short id, int page, const char* prompt, int x, int y, int dim, const char* flags = "", int width = 0); WINDOW add_number (short id, int page, const char* prompt, int x, int y, int dim, const char* flags = "", int ndec = 0); WINDOW add_date (short id, int page, const char* prompt, int x, int y, const char* flags = ""); WINDOW add_button (short id, int page, const char* prompt, int x, int y, int dx = 9, int dy = 1, const char* flags = ""); WINDOW add_radio(short id, int page, const char* prompt, int x, int y, int dx, const char* codes, const char* items, const char* flags = ""); int fields() const { return _field.items(); } int sheets() const { return _sheets; } void set_mode(int m) { _mode = m; } int mode() const { return _mode; } void set_exchange(bool show_value, const real& nuo); const real& exchange() const { return _exchange; } bool check_fields(); void get_mask_fields(); // read screen contents virtual bool stop_run(KEY key); // called to close the mask virtual bool can_be_closed() const; virtual void open(); virtual void close(); virtual void activate(bool on = TRUE); int id2pos(short id) const; TMask_field& fld(int i) const { return (TMask_field&)_field[i]; } // Ritorna il campo i-esimo della maschera TMask_field& field(short id) const; // field with given id TEdit_field& efield(short id) const; // edit-field with given id void set(short fld_id, const char* str, bool hit=FALSE); void set(short fld_id, long num, bool hit=FALSE); const TString& get(short fld_id) const; long get_long(short fld_id) const; int get_int(short fld_id) const { return (int)get_long(fld_id); } bool get_bool(short fld_id) const; int first_focus(short id); void set_focus(); void move_focus_field(int num); void set_focus_win(WINDOW win, bool force); int focus_field() const { return _focus;} virtual bool on_key(KEY key); void on_firm_change(); void enable(short fld_id, bool on = TRUE); // Abilita un campo void disable(short fld_id) { enable(fld_id, FALSE); } void enable_default(short fld_id = -1); void enable_page(byte p, bool on = TRUE); void disable_page(byte p) { enable_page(p, FALSE); } bool page_enabled(byte p) const; byte num_keys() const; void enable_key(byte key, bool on = TRUE); void disable_key(byte key) { enable_key(key, FALSE); } short get_key_field(byte key, bool first) const; bool key_valid(int key) const; void show(short fld_id = -1, bool on = TRUE); void hide(short fld_id = -1) { show(fld_id, FALSE); } void show_default(short fld_id = -1); void reset(short fld_id = -1); void undo(short fld_id = -1); void autoload(const TRelation* = NULL); void autosave(TRelation* = NULL) const; void send_key(KEY key, short id, TMask_field* from = NULL); void set_handler(short fld_id, CONTROL_HANDLER handler); void set_handler(MASK_HANDLER handler); void set_workfile(const char* workfile) { _workfile = workfile; _lastpos = 0L;} bool save(bool append = FALSE) const; bool load(bool reset = FALSE); short dirty() const; // Ritorna il primo campo dirty bool is_sheetmask() const { return _sheetmask; } bool no_mode() const { return _mode == NO_MODE; } bool query_mode() const { return _mode == MODE_QUERY || _mode == MODE_QUERYINS; } bool edit_mode() const { return _mode == MODE_MOD; } bool insert_mode() const { return _mode == MODE_QUERYINS || _mode == MODE_INS; } virtual const char* get_caption() const; virtual void set_caption(const char* c); }; #endif // __MASK_H