#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if XVT_OS==XVT_OS_WIN #include #else #include #include #include #endif class TString512 : public TFixed_string { char _str512[513]; public: TString512(const char* s = "") : TFixed_string(_str512, 513) { set(s); } TString512(const TString& s) : TFixed_string(_str512, 513) { set(s); } const TString& operator =(const char* s); const TString& operator =(const TString& s) { return operator =((const char*)s); } void strncpy(const char* s, int n); }; const TString& TString512::operator =(const char* s) { #ifdef FOXPRO if (_size == 0) { _str = _str512; _size = 512; } #endif return set(s); } void TString512::strncpy(const char* s, int n) { #ifdef FOXPRO if (_size == 0) { _str = _str512; _size = 512; } #endif TFixed_string::strncpy(s, n); } HIDDEN TString512 spark; inline bool is_space(char c) { return c >= '\t' && c <= ' '; } // Dinamically resizes a string // Certified 99% // It doesn't work for static strings and negative values of size void TString::resize(int size, bool cpy) { char* s = new char[size+1]; if (cpy && _str) strcpy(s, _str); else *s = '\0'; if (_str) delete _str; _str = s; _size = size; } // Set the value for the string // Certified 99% (uses resize) TString& TString::set(const char* s) { if (s == NULL) s = ""; const int sz = *s ? strlen(s) : 7; if (sz > size()) resize(sz, FALSE); strcpy(_str, s); return *this; } // Eventually expands the string for s more chars int TString::make_room(int s) { const int lun = len(); const int spare = size() - lun; if (spare < s) resize(size() + 2*s, TRUE); // Melius abundare ... return lun; } TString::TString(const char* s) : _str(NULL), _size(0) { set(s); } TString::TString(const TString& s) : _str(NULL), _size(0) { set(s); } TString::TString(int size) : _str(NULL), _size(0) { resize(size, FALSE); } TString::TString() : _str(NULL), _size(0) { resize(7, FALSE); } TString::~TString() { if (_str) delete _str; } TString& TString::operator <<(const char* s) { if (s && *s) { const int pos = make_room(strlen(s)); strcpy(&_str[pos], s); } return *this; } TString& TString::operator <<(char c) { int pos = make_room(1); _str[pos++] = c; _str[pos] = '\0'; return *this; } TString& TString::operator <<(int n) { char s[16]; sprintf(s, "%d", n); return operator <<(s); } TString& TString::operator <<(long n) { char s[16]; sprintf(s, "%ld", n); return operator <<(s); } TString& TString::operator <<(double n) { char s[32]; sprintf(s, "%lf", n); return operator <<(s); } // Appends an object to the string // Certified 50% // The object should be completely storable in spark TString& TString::operator <<(const TObject& obj) { ostrstream out((char*)(const char*)spark, spark.size()); obj.print_on(out); out << ends; return operator <<(spark); } TString& TString::operator <<(const TString& str) { return operator <<(str._str); } TString& TString::strip(const char* k) { int j = 0; for (int i = 0; _str[i]; i++) { char c = _str[i]; if (strchr(k, c) == NULL) _str[j++] = c; } return cut(j); } bool TString::blank() const { for (int i = 0; _str[i]; i++) if (!is_space(_str[i])) return FALSE; return TRUE; } TString& TString::strip_spaces() { char instring = '\0'; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; _str[i]; i++) { char c = _str[i]; if (is_space(c) && !instring) continue; if (c == '"' || c == '\'') { if (instring == c) instring = '\0'; else if (instring == '\0') instring = c; } _str[j++] = c; } _str[j] = '\0'; return *this; } // Certified 100% const char* TString::class_name() const { return "String"; } // Certified 100% word TString::class_id() const { return CLASS_STRING; } TObject* TString::dup() const { TString* s = new TString(size()); s->set(_str); return s; } void TString::read_from(istream& in) { in >> __tmp_string; set(__tmp_string); } // Certified 100% void TString::print_on(ostream& out) const { out << _str; } // Certified 100% int TString::find(char c, int from) const { CHECKD(from <= len(), "Trying to find past end of string", from); const char* p = strchr(_str + from, c); return p ? int(p - _str) : -1; } // Certified 50% bool TString::match(const char* s) const { if (strchr(s, '?') == NULL) return operator ==(s); for (const char* me = _str; *s && *me; s++, me++) if (*s != '?' && *s != *me) break; return *s == '\0' && *me == '\0'; } #if XVT_OS != XVT_OS_WIN HIDDEN char* strstr(const char* string1, const char* string2) { const int len = strlen(string2); while (*string1) { if (strncmp(string1, string2, len) == 0) return (char*) string1; string1++; } return NULL; } #endif // Certified 100% int TString::find(const char* s, int from) const { CHECKD(from <= len(), "Trying to find past end of string", from); const char* p = strstr(_str + from, s); return p ? int(p - _str) : -1; } // Certified 99% const TString& TString::left(int count) const { spark.strncpy(_str, count); return spark; } // Certified 99% const TString& TString::right(int count) const { int from = len()-count; if (from < 0) from = 0; spark = _str + from; return spark; } // Certified 100% const TString& TString::mid(int from, int count) const { const int l = len(); #ifdef DBG if (from < 0) { yesnofatal_box("Ivalid MID parameter: from = %d", from); from = 0; } #endif if (from > l) from = l; if (count < 0) count = l-from; spark.strncpy(&_str[from], count); return spark; } // Certified 100% const TString& TString::sub(int from, int to) const { const int count = to-from; return mid(from, count); } // Certified 100% TString& TString::cut(int n) { _str[n] = '\0'; return *this; } TString& TString::ltrim(int count) { const char* s; if (count > 0) { if (count >= len()) return cut(0); s = &_str[count]; } else for (s = _str; *s && is_space(*s); s++); if (s != _str) strcpy(_str, s); return *this; } TString& TString::rtrim(int count) { if (count > 0) { int i = len() - count; if (i < 0) i = 0; cut(i); } else { char* good = _str-1; for (char* s = _str; *s; s++) if (!is_space(*s)) good = s; *(good+1) = '\0'; } return *this; } TString& TString::trim() { char* last = _str; // Salta spazi iniziali for (const char* s = _str; *s && is_space(*s); s++); // Copia stringa if (s > _str) { for(char* c = _str; *s; s++) { *c++ = *s; if (!is_space(*s)) last = c; } // Elimina spazi finali *last = '\0'; } else rtrim(); return *this; } // Certified 50% int TString::compare(const char* s, int max, bool ignorecase) const { int res; if (ignorecase) { if (max < 0) res = stricmp(_str, s); else { for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { res = toupper(_str[i]) - toupper(s[i]); if (res) break; } } } else res = max < 0 ? strcmp(_str, s) : strncmp(_str, s, max); return res; } // Certified 100% TString& TString::fill(char c, int n) { if (n < 0) n = size(); else if (n > size()) resize(n, FALSE); memset(_str, c, n); _str[n] = '\0'; return *this; } // Certified 100% TString& TString::right_just(int n, char c) { if (n < 0) n = size(); trim(); spark = _str; fill(c, n); overwrite(spark, n-spark.len()); return *this; } // Certified 100% TString& TString::center_just(int n, char c) { if (n < 0) n = size(); trim(); spark = _str; fill(c, n); const int p = (n-spark.len()) >> 1; overwrite(spark, p); return *this; } // Certified 100% TString& TString::left_just(int n, char c) { if (n < 0) n = size(); trim(); spark = _str; fill(c, n); overwrite(spark, 0); return *this; } TString& TString::picture(const char* pic, const char* s) { if (pic == NULL || *pic == '\0') return set(s); set(pic); int l = strlen(s)-1; // Prossimo carattere da sostituire a # o @ for (int i = len()-1; i >= 0; i--) { const char k = pic[i]; if (k == '#') _str[i] = (l >= 0) ? s[l--] : ' '; else if (k == '@') _str[i] = (l >= 0) ? s[l--] : '0'; else if (k == '~') { _str[i] = ' '; l--; } } return *this; } // Certified 90% (spark size limited) TString& TString::format(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list pars; va_start(pars, fmt); const int tot = vsprintf((char*)(const char*)spark, fmt, pars); va_end(pars); CHECK(tot >= 0 && tot < spark.size(), "Ue'! Quanto scrivi?"); if (tot > size()) resize(tot, FALSE); strcpy(_str, spark); return *this; } // Certified 100% TString& TString::upper() { for (char* s = _str; *s; s++) *s = toupper(*s); return *this; } // Certified 100% TString& TString::lower() { for (char* s = _str; *s; s++) *s = tolower(*s); return *this; } // Certified 50% TString& TString::add_plural(long num, const char* name) { const TFixed_string n(name); const char last = n[n.len()-1]; if (num < 1) { *this << "nessun"; if (toupper(last) == 'A' || toupper(n[0]) == 'Z' || toupper(n[0]) == 'S' && strchr("aeiouAEIOU", n[1]) == NULL) *this << tolower(last); *this << ' ' << name; } else { *this << num << ' ' << name; if (num > 1) _str[len()-1] = (last == 'a') ? 'e' : 'i'; } return *this; } // Certified 90% TString& TString::overwrite(const char* s, int pos) { const int l = len(); if (pos < 0) pos = l; const int max = pos+strlen(s); if (max > size()) resize(max, TRUE); // resize needed? const bool over = max > l; // beyond end of string? for (int i = l; i < pos; i++) _str[i] = ' '; // space padding for (; *s; s++) _str[pos++] = *s; // write if (over) _str[pos] = '\0'; // end of string return *this; } // Certified 90% TString& TString::insert(const char* s, int pos) { if (s && *s) { const int l = strlen(s); make_room(l); mid(pos); // Scrivi in spark la stringa da pos in poi overwrite(s, pos); // Aggiungi s strcpy(&_str[pos+l], spark); // Aggiungi spark } return *this; } // Villa's megasmart hash function // Certified 90% word TString::hash() const { word h = 0x0000; for (int i = 0; _str[i]; i++) h ^= (i & 0x1) ? (_str[i] << 8) : _str[i]; return h; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TFixed_string /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Certified 100% TFixed_string::TFixed_string(const char* str, int size) : TString((char*)str, (size < 1) ? strlen(str) : size-1) { CHECK(str, "NULL buffer for fixed string"); if (size == 301) message_box("Lavori in corso"); if (size > 0 && memchr(str, '\0', size) == NULL) cut(0); } // Certified 100% TFixed_string::~TFixed_string() { _str = NULL; } // Impedisce la deallocazione // Certified 100% void TFixed_string::resize(int size, bool) { #ifdef DBG fatal_box("Impossibile ridimensionare una stringa fissa da %d a %d caratteri:\n'%s'", _size, size, _str); #endif } // Certified 99% (s != NULL) void TFixed_string::strncpy(const char* s, int n) { CHECKD(n <= _size, "Fixed string can't be strncpyed: lenght ", n); for (int i = 0; *s && i < n; i++) _str[i] = *s++; _str[i] = '\0'; } // Certified 99% // More efficient than TString::format, it does not use spark TString& TFixed_string::format(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list pars; va_start(pars, fmt); const int tot = vsprintf(_str, fmt, pars); va_end(pars); CHECK(tot >= 0 && tot < size(), "Ue'! Quanto scrivi con 'sta format?"); return *this; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Filename /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char SLASH = #if XVT_OS == XVT_OS_WIN '\\'; #else '/'; #endif // Certified 90% const char* TFilename::ext() const { const char* d = strrchr(name(), '.'); if (d && is_not_slash(*(++d))) return d; return ""; } // Certified 90% void TFilename::ext(const char* e) { char* d = strrchr(name(), '.'); if (d && is_not_slash(*(d+1))) *d = '\0'; if (*e && *e != '.') *this << "."; *this << e; } // Certified 90% const char* TFilename::name() const { for (int i = strlen(_str)-1; i >= 0; i--) if (_str[i] == '/' || _str[i] == '\\' || _str[i] == ':') break; return &_str[i+1]; } // Certified 90% const char* TFilename::path() const { for (int i = strlen(_str)-1; i >= 0; i--) if (_str[i] == '/' || _str[i] == '\\' || _str[i] == ':') break; spark.strncpy(_str, i+1); return spark; } TFilename& TFilename::add(const char* n) { if (not_empty()) *this << SLASH; *this << n; return *this; } bool TFilename::ok() const { const int l = len(); int len = 0; // lunghezza ultima sottostringa bool ext = FALSE; // trovata estensione for (int c = 0; c < l; c++) { switch(_str[c]) { #if XVT_OS == XVT_OS_WIN case ':': if (c != 1 || !isalpha(_str[0])) return FALSE; // Nome disco errato len = 0; break; case '\\': #endif case '/': if (ext) return FALSE; // Slash dopo estensione if (len > 8) return FALSE; // Nome troppo lungo if (!isalnum(_str[++c])) return FALSE; len = 1; break; case '.': if (len == 0 || ext) return FALSE; // Nome nullo o Doppia estensione ext = TRUE; len = 0; c++; default: if (isalnum(_str[c])) len++; else return FALSE; break; } } if (ext && len > 3) return FALSE; return len > 0 && len < 9; } // Certified 70% const TFilename& TFilename::tempdir() { static TFilename _tempdir; if (_tempdir.empty()) { const char* dirpref = getenv("TEMP"); if (dirpref == NULL || *dirpref == '\0') dirpref = getenv("TMP"); if (dirpref == NULL || *dirpref == '\0') #if XVT_OS==XVT_OS_WIN dirpref = "\\tmp"; #else dirpref = "/tmp"; #endif _tempdir = dirpref; const int last = len()-1; if (!is_not_slash(_str[last])) _tempdir.cut(last); bool ok = TRUE; _tempdir.lower(); if (!fexist(_tempdir)) ok = make_dir(_tempdir); if (ok) { TString16 user(user()); user.lower(); if (user.not_empty() && _tempdir.find(user) != _tempdir.len() - user.len()) _tempdir << SLASH << user; _tempdir.lower(); if (!fexist(_tempdir)) ok = make_dir(_tempdir); } if (!ok) fatal_box("Impossibile creare la directory '%s' per i file temporanei", (const char*)_tempdir); _tempdir.insert("TMP=", 0); putenv(_tempdir); } set(_tempdir.mid(4)); return *this; } // Certified 50% const TFilename& TFilename::temp(const char* prefix) { tempdir(); if (prefix && *prefix) { set(prefix); // Copia prefisso e ... strip("$#*?."); // ... toglie caratteri jolly const TFixed_string f(prefix); #if XVT_OS==XVT_OS_WIN if (f.find("$$") != -1) { char pid[8]; sprintf(pid, "%d", getpid()); pid[3] = '\0'; *this << pid; } #else if (f.find("$$") != -1) *this << getpid(); if (f.find("##") != -1) *this << getuid(); #endif } else cut(0); char* t = tempnam(NULL, (char*)_str); CHECK(t != NULL, "Can't execute tempnam"); set(t); free(t); #ifdef DBG if (fexist(_str)) fatal_box("Il file '%s' esiste gia'", _str); #endif return *this; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Token string /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Certified 100% TToken_string::TToken_string(const char* s, char separator) : TString(s), _separator(separator) { restart(); } // Certified 100% TToken_string::TToken_string(int n, char separator) : TString(n), _separator(separator), _last(0) {} // Certified 100% TToken_string::TToken_string(const TToken_string& s) : TString(s), _separator(s._separator), _last(s._last) {} // Certified 100% TObject* TToken_string::dup() const { return new TToken_string(_str, _separator); } // Certified 90% const char* TToken_string::get() { if (_last < 0) return NULL; const int start = _last; if (_str[start] == '\0') { _last = -1; return NULL; } else if (_str[start] == _separator) { _last = start+1; } else { const int k = find(_separator, start); _last = (k >= 0) ? k+1 : -1; return sub(start, k); } return ""; } // Certified 50% const char* TToken_string::get(int n) { if (n < 0) { if (n == -2) { const char* sep = strrchr(_str, _separator); _last = -1; return sep ? sep+1 : _str; } else return get(); } int sep = 0; for (const char* s = _str; sep < n && *s; s++) if (*s == _separator) sep++; if (sep >= n) { char* p = strchr(s, _separator); if (p == NULL) { spark = s; _last = -1; } else { *p = '\0'; spark = s; *p = _separator; _last = (int)((const char*)p - _str) + 1; } } else { _last = -1; return NULL; } return spark; } // Certified 99% char TToken_string::get_char(int n) { const char* const car = get(n); return car ? *car : '\0'; } // Certified 99% int TToken_string::get_int(int n) { const char* const num = get(n); return num ? atoi(num) : 0; } // Certified 99% long TToken_string::get_long(int n) { const char* const num = get(n); return num ? atol(num) : 0L; } // Certified 70% bool TToken_string::set_item(const char* v, int n) { int sep = 0; for (int i = 0; sep < n && _str[i]; i++) if (_str[i] == _separator) sep++; if (sep < n) // Aggiunge items mancanti prima della posizione n { for (;sep < n; sep++) *this << _separator; *this << v; return FALSE; } int e = find(_separator, i); if (e < 0) e = len(); spark = &_str[e]; // Salva items seguenti cut(i); // Considera solo items precedenti *this << v << spark; // Aggiunge item desiderato e seguenti return TRUE; } // Certified 80% int TToken_string::get_pos(const char* s) { const char* item; restart(); for (int i = 0; (item = get()) != NULL; i++) if (strcmp(item, s) == 0) return i; return -1; } // Certified 90% bool TToken_string::empty_items() const { for (const char* c = _str; *c; c++) if (!is_space(*c) && *c != _separator) return FALSE; return TRUE; } // Certified 80% int TToken_string::items() const { int t = 0; if (not_empty()) { t++; for (const char* s = _str; *s; s++) if (*s == _separator) t++; } return t; } // Adds an item to the token string // Certified 99% void TToken_string::add(const char* s, int pos) { if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') s = " "; if (pos < 0) { if (not_empty()) *this << _separator; *this << s; } else set_item(s, pos); if (_last < 0) _last = 0; } // Certified 0% void TToken_string::add(char c, int pos) { const char s[2] = { c, '\0' }; add(s, pos); } // Adds an integer value to the token string // Certified 100% void TToken_string::add(long n, int pos) { char s[16]; sprintf(s, "%ld", n); add(s, pos); } void TToken_string::add(int n, int pos) { char s[16]; sprintf(s, "%d", n); add(s, pos); } // Certified 50% void TToken_string::destroy(int n) { if (_last == -2) return ; if (n < 0) { char* s = strrchr(_str, _separator); if (s != NULL) *s = '\0'; } else { int sep = 0; for (char* s = _str; sep < n && *s; s++) if (*s == _separator) sep++; if (sep >= n) { const char* p = strchr(s, _separator); *s = '\0'; if (p != NULL) strcat(s, p+1); } } restart(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Paragraph string /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TParagraph_string::TParagraph_string(const char* s, int width) : TToken_string(s, '|'), _width(width) { tokenize(); } const TString& TParagraph_string::operator =(const char* s) { TToken_string::operator=(s); tokenize(); return *this; } void TParagraph_string::tokenize() { int start = 0; for (int end = start+_width; end < len(); end = start+_width) { for (int i = end; i >= start; i--) if (is_space(_str[i])) break; if (i < start) { insert("|", end); start = end+1; } else { _str[i] = '|'; start = i+1; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TString_array /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int TString_array::add(const char* s, int n) { if (objptr(n) == NULL) n = TArray::add(new TToken_string(s), n); else row(n) = s; return n; } int TString_array::add(const TToken_string& s, int n) { if (objptr(n) == NULL) n = TArray::add(s); else row(n) = s; return n; } int TString_array::find(const char* s, int from) const { int found = -1; for (int i = from; i < items(); i++) if (row(i).compare(s, -1, TRUE) == 0) { found = i; break; } return found; }