#ifndef __PRINTER_H #include #endif #ifndef __PROGIND_H #include #endif #include "../ba/baformed.h" #include "sc3.h" #include "sc3100a.h" #include "sc3100b.h" #include "sc3100c.h" #include "sc21pec.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // serve per ricalcolare le posizioni // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct { char name_1[80]; // Fontname old char name_2[80]; // Fontname new int size_1; // size (height) of old font int size_2; // size (height) of new font double ratio; // ratio (width_old_font/width_new_font) } s_data; class TForm_EC : public TForm { protected: virtual void pre_edit_checks(TMask& m, TPrint_section* sec); virtual bool post_edit_checks(TMask& m, TPrint_section* sec); public: virtual const char* section_mask() { return "sc3100s" ;} virtual void change_number_format(int w, int dec, const char* p); TForm_EC (): TForm() {}; TForm_EC (const char* form, const char * code = "", int editlevel = 0, const char* desc = "") : TForm(form,code,editlevel,desc) {}; virtual ~TForm_EC() {}; }; void TForm_EC::pre_edit_checks(TMask& m, TPrint_section* sec) { // Se sta editando il body abilita i primi 4, se sta editando il footer abilita l'ultimo if (sec->section_type() == 'B') m.enable(-2); if (sec->section_type() == 'F') m.enable(-3); CHECK(exist('H', last_page),"La testata dell'ultima pagina non esiste!"); m.set(F_DES1,find_field('H',last_page,PEC_SALDO).prompt()); m.set(F_DES2,find_field('H',last_page,PEC_RITENUTE).prompt()); m.set(F_DES3,find_field('H',last_page,PEC_ABBUONI).prompt()); m.set(F_DES4,find_field('H',last_page,PEC_DIFFCAM).prompt()); m.set(F_DES5,find_field('H',last_page,PEC_RIPORTO).prompt()); } bool TForm_EC::post_edit_checks(TMask& m, TPrint_section* sec) { CHECK(exist('H', last_page),"La testata dell'ultima pagina non esiste!"); section('H',last_page).set_dirty(); TForm_item& saldo = find_field('H',last_page,PEC_SALDO); TForm_item& abbuoni = find_field('H',last_page,PEC_RITENUTE); TForm_item& diffcam = find_field('H',last_page,PEC_ABBUONI); TForm_item& ritenute = find_field('H',last_page,PEC_DIFFCAM); TForm_item& riporto = find_field('H',last_page,PEC_RIPORTO); saldo.set_prompt(m.get(F_DES1)); saldo.set_dirty(); abbuoni.set_prompt(m.get(F_DES2)); abbuoni.set_dirty(); diffcam.set_prompt(m.get(F_DES3)); diffcam.set_dirty(); ritenute.set_prompt(m.get(F_DES4)); ritenute.set_dirty(); riporto.set_prompt(m.get(F_DES5)); riporto.set_dirty(); return TRUE; } void TForm_EC::change_number_format(int w, int dec, const char* p) { char secs[] = { "FB" }; char ptyp[] = { "LOEF" }; TPrint_section* ps; for (int sc = 0; sc < 4; sc++) for (int pt = 0; pt < 4; pt++) if ((ps = exist(secs[sc], char2page(ptyp[pt]), FALSE)) != NULL) ps_change_number_format(*ps, w, dec, p); } class TForm_EC_editor : public TForm_editor { s_data _prm; TMask * _msk; // maschera di selezione sezione protected: static bool cpy_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY k); static bool font_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY k); static bool code_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY k); static bool lng_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY k); static bool ccodes_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY k); static bool clngs_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY k); void load_fonts(); void change_pos(char sc, pagetype pt); bool recalculate_positions(const char* name, int size); void remove_temp_items(char sec, pagetype p); void put_examples(char sec, pagetype p); void remove_examples(char sec, pagetype p); void hook_footer_to_body(TPrint_section* f, TPrint_section* b); void unhook_footer(TPrint_section* f); void hide_body_items(TPrint_section* b); void show_body_items(TPrint_section* b); void remove_form(TLocalisamfile& frm, TLocalisamfile& rfr,const TString& t,const TString& c); virtual const char* selection_mask() const { return "sc3100a"; } virtual bool ask_profile(); virtual bool edit(char s, pagetype p); virtual void print(); public: TForm_EC_editor() {_msk = NULL;} virtual ~TForm_EC_editor() {} }; inline TForm_EC_editor& app() { return (TForm_EC_editor&) main_app();} BOOLEAN XVT_CALLCONV1 wprms (long data) { s_data* st =(s_data*)data; WINDOW prwin = xvt_print_create_win(printer().get_printrcd(),""); long width_old,width_new; TString spc(100); spc.fill('m'); xvt_set_font(prwin,st->name_1, XVT_FS_NONE, st->size_1); width_old = xvt_dwin_get_text_width(prwin,(char*)(const char*)spc, 100); xvt_set_font(prwin,st->name_2, XVT_FS_NONE, st->size_2); width_new = xvt_dwin_get_text_width(prwin,(char*)(const char*)spc, 100); st->ratio = (double)width_old / (double)width_new; xvt_vobj_destroy(prwin); return FALSE; } bool TForm_EC_editor::ccodes_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY k) { TMask& m = f.mask(); if (k==K_TAB) { TString base(m.get(F_CBASE)); TString code(f.get()); code << m.get(F_CCODELS); TLocalisamfile frm(LF_FORM); frm.zero(); frm.put("TIPOPROF",base); frm.put("CODPROF",code); if (frm.read(_isequal)== NOERR) m.set(F_CDESCS,frm.get("DESC")); else m.reset(F_CDESCS); } return TRUE; } bool TForm_EC_editor::clngs_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY key) { TMask& m = f.mask(); if (key==K_TAB) { TString base(m.get(F_CBASE)); TString code(m.get(F_CCODES)); code << f.get(); TLocalisamfile frm(LF_FORM); frm.zero(); frm.put("TIPOPROF",base); frm.put("CODPROF",code); if (frm.read(_isequal)== NOERR) m.set(F_CDESCS,frm.get("DESC")); else m.reset(F_CDESCS); } return TRUE; } bool TForm_EC_editor::cpy_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY k) { if (k==K_SPACE) { TLocalisamfile frm(LF_FORM),rfr(LF_RFORM); TMask mm("sc3100b"); mm.set_handler(F_CCODES,ccodes_handler); mm.set_handler(F_CCODELS,clngs_handler); const TMask & m = f.mask(); mm.set(F_CCODED, m.get(F_CODE)); mm.set(F_CCODELD, m.get(F_CODEL)); mm.set(F_CDESCD, m.get(F_DESC)); mm.set(F_CBASE,BASE_EC_PROFILE); while (mm.run() == K_ENTER) // Prende in input il nome del profilo sorgente { long scode = mm.get_long(F_CCODES); long dcode = mm.get_long(F_CCODED); char slng = mm.get(F_CCODELS)[0]; char dlng = mm.get(F_CCODELD)[0]; TString form = mm.get(F_CBASE); TString scod,dcod; scod.format("%04ld%c",scode,slng); // Codice profilo sorgente if (scode == 0) scod = ""; dcod.format("%04ld%c",dcode,dlng); // Codice profilo destinazione frm.zero(); frm.put("TIPOPROF",form);frm.put("CODPROF",dcod); if (frm.read()==NOERR) { error_box("Il profilo specificato come destinazione e' gia' esistente."); continue; } //Effettua la copia dei record. frm.zero(); frm.put("TIPOPROF",form); // Questo vale per tutti frm.put("CODPROF",scod); //Profilo sorgente... if (frm.read()==NOERR) { TLocalisamfile rfr_to_write(LF_RFORM); frm.put("CODPROF",dcod); //Cambia il codice del profilo con quello di destinazione e lo scrive frm.put("DESC",mm.get(F_CDESCD)); // Mette la descrizione if (frm.write() != NOERR) frm.rewrite(); if (frm.status() != NOERR) { error_box("Errore %d in scrittura testata profilo.",frm.status()); break; } TProgind pi(50,"Copia in corso...",FALSE,FALSE,10); rfr.zero();rfr.put("TIPOPROF",form); rfr.put("CODPROF",scod); //Profilo sorgente rfr.read(_isgteq); while ( rfr.get("CODPROF") == scod && rfr_to_write.good() && !rfr.eof()) { rfr_to_write.curr() = rfr.curr(); rfr_to_write.put("CODPROF",dcod); // cambia il codice del profilo con quello di destinazione if (rfr_to_write.write() != NOERR) rfr_to_write.rewrite(); rfr.read(_isgreat); } pi.cancel(); if (rfr_to_write.status() != NOERR) { error_box("Errore %d in scrittura righe profilo.",rfr_to_write.status()); break ; } break; } else error_box("Non esiste il profilo sorgente specificato."); } } return TRUE; } bool TForm_EC_editor::code_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY key) { TMask& m = f.mask(); if (key==K_TAB && f.get().not_empty()) { TString base(m.get(F_BASE)); TString code(f.get()); code << m.get(F_CODEL); TLocalisamfile frm(LF_FORM); frm.zero(); frm.put("TIPOPROF",base); frm.put("CODPROF",code); if (frm.read(_isequal)== NOERR) m.set(F_DESC,frm.get("DESC")); else m.reset(F_DESC); } return TRUE; } bool TForm_EC_editor::lng_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY key) { TMask& m = f.mask(); if (key==K_TAB && m.get(F_CODE).not_empty()) { TString base(m.get(F_BASE)); TString code(m.get(F_CODE)); code << f.get(); TLocalisamfile frm(LF_FORM); frm.zero(); frm.put("TIPOPROF",base); frm.put("CODPROF",code); if (frm.read(_isequal)== NOERR) m.set(F_DESC,frm.get("DESC")); else m.reset(F_DESC); } return TRUE; } bool TForm_EC_editor::font_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY key) { if (key == K_SPACE) { main_app().begin_wait(); const char* family = f.get(); const int MAXSIZES = 16; long sizes[MAXSIZES]; BOOLEAN scalable; const int num_sizes = (int)xvt_fmap_get_family_sizes(printer().get_printrcd(), (char*)family, sizes, &scalable, MAXSIZES); TToken_string pn1(80), pn2(80); if (scalable) { for (int i = 4; i <= 32; i++) { pn1.add(i); pn2.add(i); } } else { if (num_sizes > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < num_sizes; i++) pn1.add(sizes[i]); } else pn1.add(printer().get_char_size()); pn2 = pn1; } TList_field& lst = (TList_field&)f.mask().field(F_SSIZE); lst.replace_items(pn1, pn2); lst.set(format("%d",printer().get_char_size())); main_app().end_wait(); } return TRUE; } void TForm_EC_editor::load_fonts() { const int MAX_FAMILIES = 128; char* family[MAX_FAMILIES]; const int num_families = (int)xvt_fmap_get_families(printer().get_printrcd(), family, MAX_FAMILIES); bool font_found = FALSE; TToken_string pn1(256), pn2(256); for (int i = 0; i < num_families; i++) { pn1.add(family[i]); pn2.add(family[i]); if (!font_found) if (form().fontname() == family[i]) font_found = TRUE; xvt_mem_free(family[i]); } TList_field& lst = (TList_field&)_msk->field(F_SFONT); lst.replace_items(pn1, pn2); if (!font_found) warning_box("Il font %s non esiste per la stampante di default.",(const char*) form().fontname()); lst.set(form().fontname()); } void TForm_EC_editor::change_pos(char sc, pagetype pt) { TPrint_section* sec = form().exist(sc, pt); if (sec != NULL && !sec->columnwise()) { sec->set_dirty(); for (word i = 0; i < sec->fields() ; i++) { TForm_item& fi = sec->field(i); short value = fi.x(); if (value > 0 && (_prm.ratio != 1.0)) { real x_pos; x_pos = value * _prm.ratio; x_pos.round(); fi.set_x((short)x_pos.integer()); fi.set_dirty(); } } } } bool TForm_EC_editor::recalculate_positions(const char* name, int size) { if (!form().dirty()) form().set_dirty(); _prm.size_1=form().fontsize(); strcpy(_prm.name_1,form().fontname()); _prm.size_2=size; strcpy(_prm.name_2,name); _prm.ratio = 1.0; // Next 3 lines may be changed xvt_print_open(); xvt_print_start_thread (wprms, (long)&_prm); xvt_print_close(); form().fontname() = name; form().fontsize() = size; const char sechar[4] = { 'B', 'F', 'G', 'H' }; for (int sn = 0; sn < 4 ; sn++) { const char sc = sechar[sn]; for (pagetype pt = odd_page; pt <= last_page; pt = pagetype(pt+1)) change_pos(sc,pt); } return TRUE; } void TForm_EC_editor::remove_temp_items(char sec, pagetype p) { TPrint_section* s = form().exist(sec,p); if (s!=NULL) { const word items = s->fields(); for (word j=0;jfield(j).temp()) s->destroy_field(j,FALSE); } s->field_array().pack(); } } void TForm_EC_editor::put_examples(char sez, pagetype p) { TPrint_section* s = form().exist(sez,p); if (s!=NULL) { const word items = s->fields(); for (word i=0;ifield(i); if (fi.fields()!=0) continue; if (fi.memo()) fi.set(fi.memo_info()); else if (fi.prompt().empty()) { if (fi.class_name() == "DATA") { const TDate d(TODAY); fi.set(d); } else if (fi.class_name() == "NUMERO") { fi.set_prompt(fi.example()); fi.temp() = TRUE; } else fi.set(fi.key()); } } } } void TForm_EC_editor::remove_examples(char sez, pagetype p) { TPrint_section* s = form().exist(sez,p); if (s!=NULL) { const word items = s->fields(); for (word i=0;ifield(i); if (fi.fields()!=0) continue; if (fi.memo()) fi.set(""); else if (fi.class_name() == "NUMERO" && fi.temp()) { fi.set_prompt(""); fi.temp() = FALSE; } } } } void TForm_EC_editor::hook_footer_to_body(TPrint_section* f, TPrint_section* b) { const word items = b->columnwise() ? f->fields() : 0; b->reset_tabs(); for (word i=0;ifield(i); if (fi.x()>0 || !fi.shown()) continue; short id = fi.id(); if (id >= PEC_TSALDO && id <= PEC_TUNASSIGNED) id = PEC_DESCR; else if (id == PEC_UNASSIGNED) id = PEC_AVERE; TForm_item& fb = b->find_field(id); if (!fb.shown()) { fi.hide(); fi.set_x(-1); } else fi.set_x(fb.x()); fi.ofs() = 999; } } void TForm_EC_editor::unhook_footer(TPrint_section* f) { const word items = f->fields(); for (word i=0;ifield(i); if (fi.ofs()==999) { if (fi.x() == -1) fi.show(); fi.ofs() = 0; fi.set_x(0); } } } void TForm_EC_editor::hide_body_items(TPrint_section* b) { const word items = b->fields(); for (word i=0;ifield(i); if (fi.shown() && fi.prompt().not_empty()) { fi.hide(); fi.temp() = TRUE; } } } void TForm_EC_editor::show_body_items(TPrint_section* b) { const word items = b->fields(); for (word i=0;ifield(i); if (fi.temp()) { fi.show(); fi.temp() = FALSE; } } } bool TForm_EC_editor::edit(char s, pagetype p) { _msk= new TMask("sc3100c"); TString80 caption; bool dirty = FALSE; bool other = FALSE; KEY k; if (extra()) { if (s == 'R') dirty = edit_relation(); else if (s == 'D') form_config(); else if (s == 'K') dirty = edit_fincatura(); else if (s == 'J') dirty = edit_formato_numero(); else if (s == 'Y') dirty = edit_formato_data(); else other = TRUE; } if (!extra() || (extra() && other)) { // Carica i fonts disponibili nel listbox load_fonts(); printer().set_char_size(form().fontsize()); // Questo settera' il carattere della stampante a quello del form // Setta l'handler per il listbox dei fonts e per aggiornare i valori dello sfondo _msk->set_handler(F_SFONT,font_handler); // carica i dati relativi all'offset _msk->set(F_SX, form().offset_x()); _msk->set(F_SY, form().offset_y()); TString ctp; ctp << form().char_to_pos(); _msk->set(F_SCTP, ctp); _msk->set(F_SIPX, form().ipx()); _msk->set(F_SIPY, form().ipy()); _msk->set(F_FOOT_H,form().exist('F',odd_page)->height()); // carica i dati relativi ai flags (memorizzati in HEADER LAST) if (form().exist('H', last_page)) { TForm_item& flags = form().find_field('H',last_page,PEC_FLAGS); TToken_string tt(flags.prompt()); if (tt.get(0) != NULL) _msk->set(F_SVALUTA,tt.get(0)); if (tt.get(1) != NULL) _msk->set(F_FINK,tt.get(1)); if (tt.get(2) != NULL) _msk->set(F_MAXTOT,tt.get(2)); } // carica i dati relativi allo sfondo (memorizzati in GRAPHICS ODD) if (form().exist('G', odd_page)) { TForm_item& pict = form().find_field('G',odd_page,PEC_PICTURE); _msk->set(F_BACKGROUND,pict.prompt()); _msk->set(F_BACKWIDTH,pict.width()); _msk->set(F_BACKHEIGHT,pict.height()); _msk->set(F_BACKX,pict.x()); _msk->set(F_BACKY,pict.y()); } bool font_changed=FALSE; while (TRUE) { bool local_dirty = FALSE; enable_menu_item(M_FILE_PRINT); k = _msk->run(); disable_menu_item(M_FILE_PRINT); if ((_msk->field(F_SFONT).dirty() || _msk->field(F_SSIZE).dirty())) { font_changed = TRUE; TString ff(_msk->get(F_SFONT)); dirty = recalculate_positions(ff, _msk->get_int(F_SSIZE)); // Va bene dirty e non local_dirty printer().set_char_size(_msk->get_int(F_SSIZE)); // Questo settera' il carattere della stampante a quello del form } if (k==K_F3) local_dirty = edit_fincatura(); else if (k==K_F4) local_dirty = edit_formato_data(); else if (k==K_F5) local_dirty = edit_formato_numero(); else if (k!= K_ESC && k!=K_ENTER) { if (k==K_F6) { s = 'H'; caption = "Testata"; } else if (k==K_F7) { s = 'B'; caption = "Corpo"; } else if (k==K_F8) { s = 'F'; caption = "Piede"; } local_dirty = TRUE; if (!form().exist(s, odd_page)) { const KEY k = yesnocancel_box("La sezione %s non esiste:\n" "si desidera generarla?", (const char*)caption); if (k == K_ESC) local_dirty = FALSE; else { TPrint_section* sec = form().exist(s, odd_page, TRUE); if (k == K_YES) { const TPrint_section* def = form().exist(s, odd_page); if (def) *sec = *def; else local_dirty = FALSE; } } } if (local_dirty) { local_dirty = form().section(s,odd_page).edit(caption); if (!local_dirty) // E' stato premuto annulla dalla maschera di sezione if (form().reread(s,odd_page) && font_changed) //se e' stato cambiato il font allora in _prm ho i dati necessari // per ricostruire le dimensioni corrette change_pos(s,odd_page); } } if (local_dirty || _msk->dirty()!=0) dirty=TRUE; if (k==K_ESC || k==K_ENTER) break; } // End of while } // End if if (_msk->dirty() != 0 || dirty) { form().fontname() = _msk->get(F_SFONT); form().fontsize() = _msk->get_int(F_SSIZE); form().offset_x() = _msk->get_int(F_SX); form().offset_y() = _msk->get_int(F_SY); form().char_to_pos() = _msk->get(F_SCTP)[0]; form().ipx() = _msk->get_int(F_SIPX); form().ipy() = _msk->get_int(F_SIPY); if (form().exist('H', last_page)) { TForm_item& flags = form().find_field('H',last_page,PEC_FLAGS); TString s(_msk->get(F_SVALUTA)); s << "|" << _msk->get(F_FINK); s << "|" << _msk->get(F_MAXTOT); form().section('H',last_page).set_dirty(); flags.set_prompt(s); flags.set_dirty(); } if (form().exist('G', odd_page)) { TForm_item& pict = form().find_field('G',odd_page,PEC_PICTURE); pict.set_prompt(_msk->get(F_BACKGROUND)); pict.width() = _msk->get_int(F_BACKWIDTH); pict.height() = _msk->get_int(F_BACKHEIGHT); pict.set_x(_msk->get_int(F_BACKX)); pict.y() = _msk->get_int(F_BACKY); form().section('G',odd_page).set_dirty(); pict.set_dirty(); } form().set_dirty(); if (!dirty) dirty = TRUE; } if ((dirty && k==K_ESC && yesno_box("Salvare le modifiche?")) || (dirty && k==K_ENTER)) { // Se si preme annulla e sono state effettuate modifiche chiede la conferma per salvare // Se invece si preme conferma e sono state effettuate modifiche non chiede la conferma if (form().code().empty()) { TFilename n(form().name()); n.ext("frm"); TFilename bak(n); bak.ext("bak"); rename(n, bak); ofstream out(n); form().print_on(out); } else form().write_profile(); } else if (k==K_ESC && form()._isnew) { TLocalisamfile f(LF_FORM),r(LF_RFORM); remove_form(f,r,form().name(),form().code()); mask().reset(F_BASE); mask().reset(F_CODE); mask().reset(F_CODEL); mask().reset(F_DESC); } if (_msk!=NULL) delete _msk; _msk = NULL; if (!extra()) dispatch_e_menu(MENU_ITEM(14)); return dirty; } void TForm_EC_editor::print() { TPrint_section* g = form().exist('G',odd_page); TPrint_section* h = form().exist('H',odd_page); TPrint_section* f = form().exist('F',odd_page); TPrint_section* b = form().exist('B',odd_page); bool remove = TRUE; CHECK(b!=NULL && f!=NULL && h!=NULL,"Una o piu' sezioni non sono presenti"); // Rilegge la sezione grafica, perche' se e' la seconda volta che si // stampa deve ripristinare la situazione iniziale. // NB la sezione grafica deve contenere solo sfondo: le linee di fincatura // qui generate non verranno salvate; analogamente il programma di stampa // vero e proprio. if (b->columnwise()) { bool gen_fink = TRUE; if (_msk != NULL) { TForm_item& pict = g->find_field(PEC_PICTURE); pict.set_prompt(_msk->get(F_BACKGROUND)); pict.width() = _msk->get_int(F_BACKWIDTH); pict.height() = _msk->get_int(F_BACKHEIGHT); pict.set_x(_msk->get_int(F_BACKX)); pict.y() = _msk->get_int(F_BACKY); form().offset_y() = _msk->get_int(F_SY); form().offset_x() = _msk->get_int(F_SX); form().set_mode((bkg_mode)_msk->get_int(F_FINK)); if (form().mode() == none) gen_fink = FALSE; } // Schiaffa dentro le stringhe di esempio per ogni campo che non ha prompt o riferimenti sul file // per i campi memo si copia _memo in _prompt const int formlen = printer().formlen(); const int h_height = h->height(); int rws[3] = {h_height,formlen-f->height(),0}; if (gen_fink) form().genera_fincatura(odd_page,h_height-2,formlen,rws); form().genera_intestazioni(odd_page,h_height-1); } else remove = FALSE; hook_footer_to_body(f,b); hide_body_items(b); put_examples('H',odd_page); put_examples('F',odd_page); TForm_editor::print(); remove_examples('H',odd_page); remove_examples('F',odd_page); show_body_items(b); unhook_footer(f); if (remove) { remove_temp_items('G',odd_page); remove_temp_items('H',odd_page); } } void TForm_EC_editor::remove_form(TLocalisamfile& frm, TLocalisamfile& rfr,const TString& t,const TString& c) { frm.zero(); frm.put("TIPOPROF", t); if (c.not_empty()) frm.put("CODPROF", c); if (frm.read() == NOERR) frm.remove(); rfr.zero(); rfr.put("TIPOPROF", t); rfr.put("CODPROF", c); if (rfr.read(_isgteq) == NOERR) { for ( ; rfr.get("CODPROF") == c && rfr.get("TIPOPROF") == t; rfr.next()) rfr.remove(); } } bool TForm_EC_editor::ask_profile() { KEY k; mask().set_handler(DLG_COPY,cpy_handler); mask().set_handler(F_CODE,code_handler); mask().set_handler(F_CODEL,lng_handler); mask().set(F_BASE,BASE_EC_PROFILE); disable_menu_item(M_FILE_PRINT); while ((k = mask().run()) != K_QUIT) { TLocalisamfile frm(LF_FORM); TLocalisamfile rfr(LF_RFORM); TString fform = mask().get(F_BASE); TString fdesc = mask().get(F_DESC); long fcode = mask().get_long(F_CODE); char flng = mask().get(F_CODEL)[0]; TString cod; cod.format("%04ld%c",fcode,flng); if (!extra() && fcode == 0 && flng=='\0') { error_box("Non e' possibile modificare il profilo standard."); continue; } if (k == K_ENTER) { check_form(); set_form(new TForm_EC(fform, (fcode!=0) ? cod : "", extra() ? 2 :1, fdesc)); break; } else if (k == K_DEL) { if (fcode != 0 && yesno_box("Confermare la cancellazione del profilo %04ld%c", fcode,flng)) { TProgind pi(50,"Cancellazione in corso...",FALSE,FALSE,10); remove_form(frm,rfr,fform,cod); pi.cancel(); mask().set(F_BASE,""); mask().set(F_CODE,""); mask().set(F_CODEL,""); mask().set(F_DESC,""); } } } if (k == K_QUIT) { dispatch_e_menu(M_FILE_QUIT); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } int sc3100(int argc, char** argv) { TForm_EC_editor a; a.run(argc, argv, "Parametrizzazione profili EC"); return 0; }