/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* | PDFlib - A library for generating PDF on the fly | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2006 Thomas Merz and PDFlib GmbH. All rights reserved. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | This software is subject to the PDFlib license. It is NOT in the | | public domain. Extended versions and commercial licenses are | | available, please check http://www.pdflib.com. | | | *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* $Id: p_font.c,v 1.4 2009-03-23 08:51:17 guy Exp $ * * PDFlib font handling routines * */ #define P_FONT_C #include "p_intern.h" #include "p_color.h" #include "p_defopt.h" #include "p_font.h" #include "p_tagged.h" #include "ft_truetype.h" #define PDF_TTC_SEPARATOR ':' static const pdc_keyconn pdf_fonttype_pdfkeylist[] = { {"Type1", fnt_Type1}, {"MMType1", fnt_MMType1}, {"TrueType", fnt_TrueType}, {"Type0", fnt_CIDFontType2}, {"Type1", fnt_Type1C}, {"Type0", fnt_CIDFontType0}, {"Type3", fnt_Type3}, {NULL, 0} }; typedef enum { font_afm = 1, font_pfm = 2, font_ttot = 3, font_pfab = 4 } pdf_fontfile_type; static const pdc_keyconn pdf_extension_names[] = { {".tte", font_ttot}, {".ttf", font_ttot}, {".otf", font_ttot}, {".afm", font_afm}, {".pfm", font_pfm}, {".ttc", font_ttot}, {".TTE", font_ttot}, {".TTF", font_ttot}, {".OTF", font_ttot}, {".AFM", font_afm}, {".PFM", font_pfm}, {".TTC", font_ttot}, {".pfa", font_pfab}, {".pfb", font_pfab}, {".PFA", font_pfab}, {".PFB", font_pfab}, {NULL, 0} }; static const pdc_keyconn pdf_fontoption_keylist[] = { {"fontname", fo_fontname}, {"encoding", fo_encoding}, {"fontstyle", fo_fontstyle}, {"monospace", fo_monospace}, {NULL, 0} }; void pdf_init_font(PDF *p, pdf_font *font, pdf_font_options *fo) { (void) p; /* font metric */ fnt_init_font(&font->ft); /* font options */ font->opt = *fo; font->verbose = fo->fontwarning; font->apiname = NULL; font->filename = NULL; font->metricfilename = NULL; font->used_in_formfield = pdc_false; font->used_in_current_doc = pdc_false; font->used_on_current_page = pdc_false; font->obj_id = PDC_BAD_ID; font->cff_offset = 0; font->cff_length = 0; font->t3font = NULL; font->hasoriginal = pdc_false; font->encapiname = NULL; font->outcmapname = NULL; font->codepage = 0; font->towinansi = pdc_invalidenc; font->hasnomac = pdc_false; font->passthrough = pdc_false; font->unibyte = pdc_false; font->asciispace = pdc_false; font->issemantic = pdc_false; font->widthsmissing = pdc_false; font->missingglyphs = 0; font->metricflags = 0; font->supplement = 0; font->symenc = pdc_invalidenc; font->replacementchar = -1; font->replacementcode = -1; font->codesize = 1; font->lastcode = -1; font->gid0code = -1; font->usedgids = NULL; font->expectglyphs = pdc_false; font->iscidfont = pdc_false; font->widths = NULL; font->numwidths = 0; font->konlydef = pdc_false; } void pdf_cleanup_font(PDF *p, pdf_font *font) { if (font->ft.imgname) pdc_unlock_pvf(p->pdc, font->ft.imgname); /* font metric */ fnt_cleanup_font(p->pdc, &font->ft); if (font->apiname != NULL) { pdc_free(p->pdc, font->apiname); font->apiname = NULL; } if (font->metricfilename != NULL) { pdc_free(p->pdc, font->metricfilename); font->metricfilename = NULL; } if (font->encapiname != NULL) { pdc_free(p->pdc, font->encapiname); font->encapiname = NULL; } if (font->outcmapname != NULL) { pdc_free(p->pdc, font->outcmapname); font->outcmapname = NULL; } if (font->usedgids != NULL) { pdc_free(p->pdc, font->usedgids); font->usedgids = NULL; } /* Type3 font */ if (font->t3font != NULL && font->hasoriginal) { pdf_cleanup_t3font(p, font->t3font); pdc_free(p->pdc, font->t3font); font->t3font = NULL; } if (font->widths != NULL) { pdc_free(p->pdc, font->widths); font->widths = NULL; } } void pdf_init_fonts(PDF *p) { p->fonts = NULL; p->fonts_number = 0; p->fonts_capacity = 0; p->t3slot = -1; pdc_init_encoding_info_ids(p->pdc); } void pdf_cleanup_fonts(PDF *p) { int slot; if (p->fonts != NULL) { for (slot = 0; slot < p->fonts_number; slot++) pdf_cleanup_font(p, &p->fonts[slot]); pdc_free(p->pdc, p->fonts); p->fonts = NULL; } } int pdf_insert_font(PDF *p, pdf_font *font) { static const char fn[] = "pdf_insert_font"; int slot = p->fonts_number; /* insert font */ if (p->fonts_number == p->fonts_capacity) { if (p->fonts_capacity == 0) { p->fonts_capacity = FONTS_CHUNKSIZE; p->fonts = (pdf_font *) pdc_calloc(p->pdc, sizeof(pdf_font) * p->fonts_capacity, fn); } else { p->fonts_capacity *= 2; p->fonts = (pdf_font *) pdc_realloc(p->pdc, p->fonts, sizeof(pdf_font) * p->fonts_capacity, fn); } } p->fonts[slot] = *font; p->fonts_number++; return slot; } const char * pdf_get_pdf_fontname(pdf_font *font) { const char *fontname; fontname = fnt_get_abb_std_fontname(font->ft.name); if (fontname == NULL) fontname = fnt_get_abb_cjk_fontname(font->ft.name); if (fontname == NULL) fontname = font->ft.name; return (const char *) fontname; } const char * pdf_get_encoding_name(PDF *p, pdc_encoding enc, pdf_font *font) { const char *apiname = pdc_get_fixed_encoding_name(enc); if (!apiname[0] && enc >= 0) { pdc_encodingvector *ev = pdc_get_encoding_vector(p->pdc, enc); apiname = (const char *) ev->apiname; } else if (enc == pdc_cid && font != NULL && font->outcmapname != NULL) apiname = (const char *) font->outcmapname; return apiname; } char * pdf_get_encoding_adaptname(PDF *p, pdc_encoding enc, pdf_font *font, const char *fontname) { static const char *fn = "pdf_get_encoding_adaptname"; char *encname = (char *) pdf_get_encoding_name(p, enc, font); char *adaptname = NULL; size_t len; len = strlen(encname) + 1 + strlen(fontname) + 1; adaptname = (char *) pdc_malloc_tmp(p->pdc, len, fn, 0, 0); strcpy(adaptname, encname); strcat(adaptname, PDC_ENC_MODSEPAR); strcat(adaptname, fontname); return adaptname; } pdc_encodingvector * pdf_create_font_encoding(PDF *p, pdc_encoding enc, pdf_font *font, const char *fontname, pdc_bool kreg) { pdc_encodingvector *ev = NULL; char *adaptname = NULL; adaptname = pdf_get_encoding_adaptname(p, enc, font, fontname); /* search for a registered encoding */ enc = pdc_find_encoding(p->pdc, adaptname); if (enc != pdc_invalidenc) { font->ft.enc = enc; } else { /* create a font encoding */ ev = pdc_new_encoding(p->pdc, adaptname); ev->flags |= PDC_ENC_FONT; ev->flags |= PDC_ENC_SETNAMES; if (kreg) { enc = pdc_insert_encoding_vector(p->pdc, ev); font->ft.enc = enc; } } pdc_free_tmp(p->pdc, adaptname); return ev; } const char * pdf_get_font_char_option(PDF *p, pdf_font_optflags fflags) { pdf_text_options *to = p->curr_ppt->currto; pdf_font *currfont; if (p->fonts_number == 0 || to->font == -1) pdc_error(p->pdc, PDF_E_TEXT_NOFONT_PAR, pdc_get_keyword(fflags, pdf_fontoption_keylist), 0, 0, 0); currfont = &p->fonts[to->font]; switch (fflags) { case fo_fontname: return (const char *) currfont->ft.name; case fo_encoding: return pdf_get_encoding_name(p, currfont->ft.enc, currfont); case fo_fontstyle: return pdc_get_keyword(currfont->opt.fontstyle, pdf_fontstyle_pdfkeylist); default: return NULL; } } double pdf_get_font_float_option(PDF *p, pdf_font_optflags fflags) { pdf_text_options *to = p->curr_ppt->currto; pdf_font *currfont; if (p->fonts_number == 0 || to->font == -1) pdc_error(p->pdc, PDF_E_TEXT_NOFONT_PAR, pdc_get_keyword(fflags, pdf_fontoption_keylist), 0, 0, 0); currfont = &p->fonts[to->font]; switch (fflags) { case fo_monospace: return (double) currfont->opt.monospace; default: return 0; } } static const pdc_keyconn pdf_courier_keylist[] = { {"Courier", fnt_Normal}, {"Courier-Bold", fnt_Bold}, {"Courier-Oblique", fnt_Italic}, {"Courier-BoldOblique", fnt_BoldItalic}, {NULL, 0} }; static const pdc_keyconn pdf_helvetica_keylist[] = { {"Helvetica", fnt_Normal}, {"Helvetica-Bold", fnt_Bold}, {"Helvetica-Oblique", fnt_Italic}, {"Helvetica-BoldOblique", fnt_BoldItalic}, {NULL, 0} }; static const pdc_keyconn pdf_times_keylist[] = { {"Times-Roman", fnt_Normal}, {"Times-Bold", fnt_Bold}, {"Times-Italic", fnt_Italic}, {"Times-BoldItalic", fnt_BoldItalic}, {NULL, 0} }; static const char * pdf_get_fontname_core(pdf_font *font, const char *fontname, pdc_bool checktimes) { const char *fname = NULL; /* font style for core fonts */ if (font->opt.fontstyle != fnt_Normal) { if (!strcmp(fontname, "Courier")) fname = pdc_get_keyword(font->opt.fontstyle, pdf_courier_keylist); else if (!strcmp(fontname, "Helvetica")) fname = pdc_get_keyword(font->opt.fontstyle, pdf_helvetica_keylist); else if (!strcmp(fontname, "Times-Roman")) fname = pdc_get_keyword(font->opt.fontstyle, pdf_times_keylist); } if (checktimes) { if (!strcmp(fontname, "Times")) fname = pdc_get_keyword(font->opt.fontstyle, pdf_times_keylist); } return fname; } static pdc_bool pdf_get_metrics_core(PDF *p, pdf_font *font, const char *fontname, const char *outfilename, pdc_encoding enc, pdc_bool checktimes) { static const char fn[] = "pdf_get_metrics_core"; const char *fname = NULL; const fnt_font_metric *ftm; fname = pdf_get_fontname_core(font, fontname, checktimes); if (fname != NULL) { fontname = fname; font->opt.fontstyle = fnt_Normal; if (font->apiname != NULL) { pdc_free(p->pdc, font->apiname); font->apiname = pdc_strdup_ext(p->pdc, fontname, 0, fn); } } ftm = fnt_get_core_metric(fontname); if (ftm != NULL && (!font->opt.embedding || outfilename != NULL)) { pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 1, trc_font, "\tLoading metrics data for core font \"%s\":\n", fontname); /* Fill up the font struct */ fnt_fill_font_metric(p->pdc, &font->ft, pdc_false, ftm); font->ft.enc = enc; /* all new glyph names of AGL 2.0 are missing */ font->missingglyphs = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Process metrics data */ if (pdf_process_metrics_data(p, font, fontname)) { if (pdf_make_fontflag(p, font)) { if (!font->opt.monospace) return pdc_true; else pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, PDC_E_OPT_IGNORED, "monospace", 0, 0, 0); } } return pdc_false; } return pdc_undef; } void pdf_font_set_missvalues(PDF *p, pdf_font *font) { pdf_font_options *fo = &font->opt; fnt_font_metric *ftm = &font->ft.m; (void) p; if (ftm->descender > 0) ftm->descender = -(ftm->descender); if (fo->mask & (1L << fo_ascender)) { font->metricflags |= font_ascender; ftm->ascender = fo->ascender; } else if (ftm->ascender <= 0) { font->metricflags |= font_ascender; ftm->ascender = 720; } if (fo->mask & (1L << fo_descender)) { font->metricflags |= font_descender; ftm->descender = fo->descender; } else if (ftm->descender == FNT_MISSING_FONTVAL) { font->metricflags |= font_descender; ftm->descender = (int) PDC_ROUND(-0.25 * ftm->ascender); } if (fo->mask & (1L << fo_capheight)) { font->metricflags |= font_capheight; ftm->capHeight = fo->capheight; } else if (ftm->capHeight <= 0) { font->metricflags |= font_capheight; ftm->capHeight = (int) PDC_ROUND(0.93 * ftm->ascender); } if (fo->mask & (1L << fo_xheight)) { font->metricflags |= font_xheight; ftm->xHeight = fo->xheight; } else if (ftm->xHeight <= 0) { font->metricflags |= font_xheight; ftm->xHeight = (int) PDC_ROUND(0.66 * ftm->ascender); } if (fo->mask & (1L << fo_linegap)) { font->metricflags |= font_linegap; font->ft.linegap = fo->linegap; } else if (font->ft.linegap == FNT_MISSING_FONTVAL) { font->metricflags |= font_linegap; font->ft.linegap = (int) PDC_ROUND(0.23 * ftm->ascender); } if (ftm->llx == FNT_MISSING_FONTVAL) ftm->llx = -50; if (ftm->lly == FNT_MISSING_FONTVAL) ftm->lly = ftm->descender; if (ftm->urx == FNT_MISSING_FONTVAL) ftm->urx = 1000; if (ftm->ury == FNT_MISSING_FONTVAL) ftm->ury = ftm->ascender; /* try to fix broken entries */ if (ftm->lly > ftm->ury) ftm->ury = ftm->lly + ftm->ascender; if (ftm->llx > ftm->urx) ftm->urx = ftm->llx + 1000; } pdc_bool pdf_font_get_is_faked(pdf_font *font, pdf_font_values flag) { return (font->metricflags & flag) ? pdc_true : pdc_false; } double pdf_font_get_metric_value(int value) { return (double) value / 1000.0; } /* --------------------------- font processing ---------------------------- */ pdc_bool pdf_make_fontflag(PDF *p, pdf_font *font) { int errcode = 0; if (font->ft.m.type != fnt_Type3) { if (font->ft.m.isFixedPitch) font->ft.m.flags |= FNT_FIXEDWIDTH; if (font->ft.issymbfont == pdc_false || font->ft.enc == pdc_winansi || font->ft.enc == pdc_macroman || font->ft.enc == pdc_ebcdic || font->ft.enc == pdc_ebcdic_37 || font->ft.enc == pdc_ebcdic_winansi) font->ft.m.flags |= FNT_ADOBESTANDARD; else font->ft.m.flags |= FNT_SYMBOL; if (font->ft.m.italicAngle < 0 || font->opt.fontstyle == fnt_Italic || font->opt.fontstyle == fnt_BoldItalic) font->ft.m.flags |= FNT_ITALIC; if (font->ft.m.italicAngle == 0 && font->ft.m.flags & FNT_ITALIC) font->ft.m.italicAngle = FNT_DEF_ITALICANGLE; /* heuristic to identify (small) caps fonts */ if (font->ft.name && (strstr(font->ft.name, "Caps") || !strcmp(font->ft.name + strlen(font->ft.name) - 2, "SC"))) font->ft.m.flags |= FNT_SMALLCAPS; if (font->opt.fontstyle == fnt_Bold || font->opt.fontstyle == fnt_BoldItalic) font->ft.weight = FNT_FW_BOLD; if (strstr(font->ft.name, "Bold") || font->ft.weight >= FNT_FW_BOLD) font->ft.m.flags |= FNT_FORCEBOLD; /* determine values for FontWeight to StemV */ if (font->ft.m.StdVW == 0) font->ft.m.StdVW = fnt_weight2stemv(font->ft.weight); else if (font->ft.weight == 0) font->ft.weight = fnt_stemv2weight(font->ft.m.StdVW); } fnt_font_logg_protocol(p->pdc, &font->ft); switch(font->ft.m.type) { case fnt_Type1: case fnt_MMType1: case fnt_Type3: if (font->opt.fontstyle == fnt_Bold || font->opt.fontstyle == fnt_BoldItalic) { font->metricflags |= font_bold; } if (font->opt.fontstyle == fnt_Italic || font->opt.fontstyle == fnt_BoldItalic) { font->metricflags |= font_italic; } break; default: if (font->opt.embedding) { if (font->opt.fontstyle == fnt_Bold || font->opt.fontstyle == fnt_BoldItalic) { font->metricflags |= font_bold; } if (font->opt.fontstyle == fnt_Italic || font->opt.fontstyle == fnt_BoldItalic) { font->metricflags |= font_italic; } } break; } return errcode ? pdc_false : pdc_true; } int pdf_get_code_or_glyphid(PDF *p, pdf_font *font, pdc_encodingvector *ev, pdc_ushort uv) { if (ev != NULL) { int code = pdc_get_encoding_bytecode(p->pdc, ev, uv); if (code >= 0) { if (fnt_get_glyphid(code, &font->ft) <= 0) code = 0; } return code; } return fnt_get_glyphid((int) uv, &font->ft); } void pdf_set_replchar(PDF *p, pdf_font *font) { pdc_encoding enc = font->ft.enc; switch (enc) { case pdc_glyphid: case pdc_cid: return; case pdc_builtin: font->replacementcode = 0; return; case pdc_unicode: default: { pdc_encodingvector *ev = pdc_get_encoding_vector(p->pdc, enc); pdc_ushort uv = 0; int cg = 0; uv = PDC_UNICODE_NBSP; cg = pdf_get_code_or_glyphid(p, font, ev, uv); if (cg <= 0) { uv = PDC_UNICODE_SPACE; cg = pdf_get_code_or_glyphid(p, font, ev, uv); if (cg <= 0) { uv = 0; cg = 0; } } font->replacementchar = (int) uv; font->replacementcode = cg; } return; } } void pdf_font_issemantic(PDF *p, pdf_font *font) { pdc_encoding enc = font->ft.enc; pdc_ushort spacechar = 0; /* Flag: encoding with ASCII space for wordspacing */ if (enc >= 0) { pdc_encodingvector *ev = pdc_get_encoding_vector(p->pdc, enc); int i; ev->flags |= PDC_ENC_USED; i = pdc_get_encoding_bytecode(p->pdc, ev, PDC_UNICODE_SPACE); if (i > -1) { spacechar = (pdc_ushort) i; if (spacechar == PDC_UNICODE_SPACE) font->asciispace = pdc_true; } } /* Flag: encoding is Unicode interpretable */ if ((enc >= 0) || (enc == pdc_cid && font->codesize == 2) || (enc == pdc_unicode)) font->issemantic = pdc_true; /* determine code of space character */ switch(enc) { case pdc_cid: if (font->codesize == 2) font->ft.spacechar = PDC_UNICODE_SPACE; break; case pdc_unicode: font->ft.spacechar = PDC_UNICODE_SPACE; break; case pdc_glyphid: font->ft.spacechar = (pdc_ushort) MAX(fnt_get_glyphid(PDC_UNICODE_SPACE, &font->ft), 0); break; default: font->ft.spacechar = spacechar; break; } } /* definitions of font options */ static const pdc_defopt pdf_load_font_options[] = { PDF_FONT_OPTIONS2 PDF_FONT_OPTIONS3 PDF_ERRORPOLICY_OPTION PDC_OPT_TERMINATE }; void pdf_init_font_options(PDF *p, pdf_font_options *fo) { static const char fn[] = "pdf_init_font_options"; if (fo == NULL) { p->currfo = (pdf_font_options *) pdc_malloc(p->pdc, sizeof(pdf_font_options), fn); fo = p->currfo; } else { } fo->embedding = pdc_false; /* default true if CID custom font */ fo->encoding = NULL; fo->flags = 0; fo->fontname = NULL; fo->fontstyle = fnt_Normal; fo->fontwarning = p->debug[(int) 'F']; fo->fontwarning = pdf_get_errorpolicy(p, NULL, fo->fontwarning); fo->mask = 0; fo->monospace = 0; fo->ascender = 0; fo->descender = 0; fo->capheight = 0; fo->xheight = 0; fo->linegap = 0; fo->auxiliary = pdc_false; } void pdf_cleanup_font_curroptions(PDF *p) { if (p->currfo) { pdc_free(p->pdc, p->currfo); p->currfo = NULL; } } void pdf_cleanup_font_options(PDF *p, pdf_font_options *fo) { if (fo->fontname != NULL) { pdc_free(p->pdc, fo->fontname); fo->fontname = NULL; } if (fo->encoding != NULL) { pdc_free(p->pdc, fo->encoding); fo->encoding = NULL; } } void pdf_parse_font_options(PDF *p, const char *optlist) { pdc_resopt *resopts = pdc_parse_optionlist(p->pdc, optlist, pdf_load_font_options, NULL, pdc_true); pdf_get_font_options(p, p->currfo, resopts); pdc_cleanup_optionlist(p->pdc, resopts); } void pdf_get_font_options(PDF *p, pdf_font_options *fo, pdc_resopt *resopts) { int inum; (void) p; if (fo->flags & is_block || fo->flags & is_textline || fo->flags & is_textflow) { if (pdc_get_optvalues("fontname", resopts, NULL, NULL)) { fo->fontname = (char *)pdc_save_lastopt(resopts, PDC_OPT_SAVE1ELEM); fo->mask |= (1L << fo_fontname); } if (pdc_get_optvalues("encoding", resopts, NULL, NULL)) { fo->encoding = (char *)pdc_save_lastopt(resopts, PDC_OPT_SAVE1ELEM); fo->mask |= (1L << fo_encoding); } } if (pdc_get_optvalues("fontwarning", resopts, &fo->fontwarning, NULL)) fo->mask |= (1L << fo_fontwarning); fo->fontwarning = pdf_get_errorpolicy(p, resopts, fo->fontwarning); if (pdc_get_optvalues("embedding", resopts, &fo->embedding, NULL)) fo->mask |= (1L << fo_embedding); if (pdc_get_optvalues("fontstyle", resopts, &inum, NULL)) { fo->fontstyle = (fnt_fontstyle) inum; fo->mask |= (1L << fo_fontstyle); } if (pdc_get_optvalues("monospace", resopts, &fo->monospace, NULL)) fo->mask |= (1L << fo_monospace); if (pdc_get_optvalues("ascender", resopts, &fo->ascender, NULL)) fo->mask |= (1L << fo_ascender); if (pdc_get_optvalues("descender", resopts, &fo->descender, NULL)) fo->mask |= (1L << fo_descender); if (pdc_get_optvalues("capheight", resopts, &fo->capheight, NULL)) fo->mask |= (1L << fo_capheight); if (pdc_get_optvalues("xheight", resopts, &fo->xheight, NULL)) fo->mask |= (1L << fo_xheight); if (pdc_get_optvalues("linegap", resopts, &fo->linegap, NULL)) fo->mask |= (1L << fo_linegap); } int pdf__load_font(PDF *p, const char *fontname, int len, const char *encoding, const char *optlist) { int slot; pdf_font_options fo; if (encoding == NULL || *encoding == '\0') pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_ILLARG_EMPTY, "encoding", 0, 0, 0); /* initialize */ pdf_init_font_options(p, &fo); /* Converting fontname */ fo.fontname = (char *) pdf_convert_name(p, fontname, len, PDC_CONV_WITHBOM); if (fo.fontname == NULL || *fo.fontname == '\0') pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_ILLARG_EMPTY, "fontname", 0, 0, 0); /* encoding */ fo.encoding = (char *) pdc_strdup(p->pdc, encoding); /* parsing option list */ if (optlist && strlen(optlist)) { pdc_resopt *resopts; pdc_clientdata data; pdf_set_clientdata(p, &data); resopts = pdc_parse_optionlist(p->pdc, optlist, pdf_load_font_options, &data, pdc_true); if (!resopts) { pdf_cleanup_font_options(p, &fo); return -1; } pdf_get_font_options(p, &fo, resopts); pdc_cleanup_optionlist(p->pdc, resopts); } slot = pdf_load_font_internal(p, &fo); return slot; } static void pdf_check_font_identical(PDF *p, pdf_font *font, int *slot) { pdf_font *oldfont = &p->fonts[*slot]; const char *optname = NULL; if (!oldfont->opt.embedding && font->opt.embedding) { optname = "embedding"; if (p->errorpolicy == errpol_legacy) { pdc_warning(p->pdc, PDF_E_FONT_NOTFULFILL, optname, optname, 0, 0); } else { pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_FONT_NOTFULFILL, optname, optname, 0, 0); *slot = -1; } } } pdc_bool pdf_check_font_embedding(PDF *p, pdf_font *font, const char *fontname) { (void) p; (void) font; (void) fontname; return pdc_true; } int pdf_load_font_internal(PDF *p, pdf_font_options *fo) { pdc_bool logg1 = pdc_logg_is_enabled(p->pdc, 1, trc_font); pdc_bool logg2 = pdc_logg_is_enabled(p->pdc, 2, trc_font); const char *fontname; const char *encoding; const char *encoding_aux; pdc_encoding enc = pdc_invalidenc; pdf_font tmpfont, *font; const char *filename = NULL; const char *extension = NULL; const char *outfilename = NULL; char *fontname_p = NULL; char testfilename[PDF_MAX_FONTNAME + 5]; char *sf, *mmparam, mastername[PDF_MAX_FONTNAME + 1]; char ittc; size_t len; pdc_bool retval = pdc_false; int slot = -1, i; /* register and skip at sign '@' in font name */ if (fo->fontname[0] == PDF_VERTICAL_SIGN || (pdc_is_utf8_bytecode(fo->fontname) && fo->fontname[3] == PDF_VERTICAL_SIGN)) { i = (fo->fontname[0] == PDF_VERTICAL_SIGN) ? 1 : 4; len = strlen(fo->fontname) + 1 - i; memmove(&fo->fontname[i - 1], &fo->fontname[i], len); } /* host or UTF-8 encoded font name without BOM */ fontname_p = pdc_utf8_to_hostbytes(p->pdc, pdc_false, fo->fontname); if (fontname_p == NULL) { fontname = pdc_utf8strprint(p->pdc, fo->fontname); } else { fontname = pdc_utf8strprint(p->pdc, fontname_p); pdc_free_tmp(p->pdc, fontname_p); } fontname_p = NULL; if (logg1) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\tCanonical font name: \"%s\"\n", fontname); /* font encoding */ encoding = fo->encoding; encoding_aux = encoding; /* initialize font struct */ font = &tmpfont; pdf_init_font(p, font, fo); /* error message prefix */ pdc_push_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_FONT_PREFIX, fontname, encoding, 0, 0); /* API font name */ font->apiname = pdc_strdup(p->pdc, fontname); /* UTF-8 font name with BOM */ font->ft.utf8name = pdc_strdup(p->pdc, fo->fontname); if (logg1) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\tFont UTF-8 name: \"%s\"\n", font->ft.utf8name); /* specified encoding name */ font->encapiname = pdc_strdup(p->pdc, encoding); /* search for a registered encoding */ enc = pdc_find_encoding(p->pdc, encoding); if (enc == pdc_unicode || enc == pdc_glyphid) { pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_UNSUPP_UNICODE, 0, 0, 0, 0); goto PDF_PREMATURE_EXIT; } if (enc == pdc_invalidenc || enc == pdc_unicode) { /* search for a predefined CMap and registered fonts */ if (!pdf_handle_cidfont(p, fontname, encoding, enc, font, &slot, &enc)) goto PDF_PREMATURE_EXIT; if (enc == pdc_invalidenc) { /* search for a new encoding */ enc = pdc_insert_encoding(p->pdc, encoding, &font->codepage, font->verbose); if (enc == pdc_invalidenc) goto PDF_PREMATURE_EXIT; } else if (enc == pdc_cid) { if (slot == -1) goto PDF_NEWFONT_EXIT; else goto PDF_PREMATURE_EXIT; } else if (enc == pdc_glyphid) { encoding_aux = "glyphid"; } else if (enc == pdc_unicode) { encoding_aux = "unicode"; } } if (pdc_strcmp(font->encapiname, encoding)) { pdc_push_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_FONT_PREFIX2, fontname, font->encapiname, encoding, 0); } encoding = encoding_aux; encoding = pdc_get_user_encoding(p->pdc, enc); pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 1, trc_encoding, "\tFont encoding: \"%s\"\n", encoding); if (enc == pdc_unicode || enc == pdc_glyphid) { pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_UNSUPP_UNICODE, 0, 0, 0, 0); goto PDF_PREMATURE_EXIT; } /* * Look whether font is already in the cache. * Look first for the auxiliary font (obj_id == -1). * If a font with same encoding and same relevant options is found, * return its handle. * If a Type 3 font with the same name but different encoding * is found, make a copy in a new slot and attach the requested encoding. */ if (logg1) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\tFont will be searched in the PDFlib font cache\n"); for (slot = 0; slot < p->fonts_number; slot++) { if (p->fonts[slot].obj_id == PDC_BAD_ID && p->fonts[slot].ft.m.type != fnt_Type3) { if (font->opt.auxiliary) goto PDF_PREMATURE_EXIT; } else if (!font->opt.auxiliary && !pdc_strcmp(p->fonts[slot].apiname, fontname) && p->fonts[slot].opt.fontstyle == font->opt.fontstyle) { if (p->fonts[slot].ft.m.type == fnt_Type3) { if (logg2) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\t\tType3 font [%d] found\n", slot); if (enc < pdc_winansi && enc != pdc_unicode) { pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_FONT_BADENC, 0, 0, 0, 0); slot = -1; goto PDF_PREMATURE_EXIT; } if (p->fonts[slot].ft.enc != enc) { if (!pdf_handle_t3font(p, fontname, enc, font, &slot)) { slot = -1; goto PDF_PREMATURE_EXIT; } if (slot > -1) font = &p->fonts[slot]; goto PDF_NEWFONT_EXIT; } goto PDF_PREMATURE_EXIT; } else if (p->fonts[slot].opt.monospace == font->opt.monospace ) { if (p->fonts[slot].ft.enc == enc && p->fonts[slot].codepage == font->codepage) { if (logg2) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\t\tfont [%d] with same encoding found\n", slot); pdf_check_font_identical(p, font, &slot); goto PDF_PREMATURE_EXIT; } else { char *adaptname; int kc; /* Comparing apiname of encoding */ if (!pdc_stricmp(font->encapiname, p->fonts[slot].encapiname) && !pdc_stricmp(font->ft.cmapname, p->fonts[slot].ft.cmapname)) { if (logg2) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\t\tfont [%d] with same encoding " "apiname '%s' found\n", slot, encoding); pdf_check_font_identical(p, font, &slot); goto PDF_PREMATURE_EXIT; } /* Name of adapted to font encoding */ adaptname = pdf_get_encoding_adaptname(p, enc, font, fontname); kc = strcmp(adaptname, pdf_get_encoding_name(p, p->fonts[slot].ft.enc, &p->fonts[slot])); if (!kc) { if (logg2) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\t\tfont [%d] with same internal " "encoding name '%s' found\n", slot, adaptname); pdc_free_tmp(p->pdc, adaptname); pdf_check_font_identical(p, font, &slot); goto PDF_PREMATURE_EXIT; } pdc_free_tmp(p->pdc, adaptname); } } } else if (!font->opt.auxiliary && p->fonts[slot].ft.m.type == fnt_Type1 && p->fonts[slot].ft.isstdfont && p->fonts[slot].ft.enc == enc) { /* different core font specifications */ const char *fname = pdf_get_fontname_core(font, fontname, pdc_true); if ((fname != NULL && !strcmp(fname, p->fonts[slot].ft.name) && p->fonts[slot].opt.fontstyle == fnt_Normal) || (!strcmp(fontname, p->fonts[slot].ft.name) && p->fonts[slot].opt.fontstyle == font->opt.fontstyle)) { if (logg2) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\t\tfont [%d] with same font style '%s' found\n", slot, pdc_get_keyword(font->opt.fontstyle, pdf_fontstyle_pdfkeylist)); pdf_check_font_identical(p, font, &slot); goto PDF_PREMATURE_EXIT; } } } slot = -1; if (logg1) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\tFont not found in the PDFlib font cache\n"); /* embedding check */ if (!pdf_check_font_embedding(p, font, fontname)) { goto PDF_PREMATURE_EXIT; } /* Multiple Master handling: * - strip MM parameters to build the master name * - the master name is used to find the metrics * - the instance name (client-supplied font name) is used in all places * - although the master name is used for finding the metrics, the * instance name is stored in the font struct. */ len = strlen(fontname); if (len > PDF_MAX_FONTNAME) { pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, FNT_E_FONT_NAMETOOLONG, pdc_errprintf(p->pdc, "%d", PDF_MAX_FONTNAME), 0, 0, 0); goto PDF_PREMATURE_EXIT; } strcpy(mastername, fontname); /* A Multiple Master font was requested */ if ((mmparam = strstr(mastername, "MM_")) != NULL) { if (font->opt.embedding) { pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_FONT_EMBEDMM, 0, 0, 0, 0); goto PDF_PREMATURE_EXIT; } mmparam[2] = '\0'; /* strip the parameter from the master name */ } fontname_p = mastername; /* protocol */ if (logg1) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\tPDFlib font name: \"%s\"\n", fontname_p); /* Font file search hierarchy * - Check "FontOutline" resource entry and check TrueType font * - Check "FontAFM" resource entry * - Check "FontPFM" resource entry * - Check "HostFont" resource entry * - Check available in-core metrics * - Check host font */ retval = pdc_false; while (1) { #ifdef PDF_TRUETYPE_SUPPORTED /* Check specified TrueType file */ filename = pdc_find_resource(p->pdc, "FontOutline", fontname_p); if (!filename) { /* check for TTC font names with index */ ittc = PDF_TTC_SEPARATOR; sf = strrchr(fontname_p, ittc); if (sf != NULL) { *sf = 0; filename = pdc_find_resource(p->pdc, "FontOutline", fontname_p); *sf = ittc; } } if (filename) { outfilename = filename; retval = fnt_check_tt_font(p->pdc, filename, fontname_p, &font->ft, pdc_false); if (retval == pdc_true) { retval = pdf_get_metrics_tt(p, font, fontname_p, enc, filename); break; } else if (retval == pdc_undef && pdc_get_errnum(p->pdc) == PDC_E_IO_RDOPEN_NF) { /* file must be exist */ retval = pdc_false; } if (retval == pdc_false) break; } #endif /* PDF_TRUETYPE_SUPPORTED */ /* Check specified AFM file */ filename = pdc_find_resource(p->pdc, "FontAFM", fontname_p); if (filename) { retval = pdf_get_metrics_afm(p, font, fontname_p, enc, filename, pdc_true); break; } /* Check specified PFM file */ filename = pdc_find_resource(p->pdc, "FontPFM", fontname_p); if (filename) { retval = pdf_get_metrics_pfm(p, font, fontname_p, enc, filename, pdc_true); break; } /* Check available in-core metrics - will be skipped * in the case of embedding and missing outline file * to check the possibility of an host font in the next step. */ retval = pdf_get_metrics_core(p, font, fontname_p, outfilename, enc, pdc_false); if (retval != pdc_undef) break; retval = pdc_false; /* Check available in-core metrics */ retval = pdf_get_metrics_core(p, font, fontname_p, "", enc, pdc_true); if (retval != pdc_undef) break; retval = pdc_false; /* Searching for a metric file */ if (logg1) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\tSearching for font metrics data file:\n"); filename = testfilename; for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { extension = pdf_extension_names[i].word; if (!extension) break; strcpy(testfilename, fontname_p); sf = strrchr(testfilename, PDF_TTC_SEPARATOR); if (sf != NULL) *sf = 0; strcat(testfilename, extension); switch (pdf_extension_names[i].code) { #ifdef PDF_TRUETYPE_SUPPORTED case font_ttot: retval = fnt_check_tt_font(p->pdc, filename, fontname_p, &font->ft, pdc_false); if (retval == pdc_true) retval = pdf_get_metrics_tt(p, font, fontname_p, enc, filename); break; #endif /* PDF_TRUETYPE_SUPPORTED */ case font_afm: retval = pdf_get_metrics_afm(p, font, fontname_p, enc, filename, pdc_false); break; case font_pfm: retval = pdf_get_metrics_pfm(p, font, fontname_p, enc, filename, pdc_false); break; default: break; } /* file found or error */ if (retval != pdc_undef) { if (retval == pdc_true) if (pdf_extension_names[i].code == font_ttot) outfilename = filename; break; } } if (retval == pdc_undef) { retval = pdc_false; if (logg1) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\tMetric data file for font \"%s\" not available\n", fontname_p); pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_FONT_NOMETRICS, 0, 0, 0, 0); } break; } /* metrics data search finished */ if (retval == pdc_false) { goto PDF_PREMATURE_EXIT; } /* store instance name instead of master name in the font structure */ if (mmparam) { pdc_free(p->pdc, font->ft.name); font->ft.name = pdc_strdup(p->pdc, fontname); pdc_free(p->pdc, font->ft.m.name); font->ft.m.name = pdc_strdup(p->pdc, fontname); } /* If embedding was requested, check font file (or raise an exception) */ if (font->opt.embedding) { if (font->ft.img == NULL) { retval = pdc_undef; if (outfilename) { /* Font outline file specified */ if (font->ft.m.type == fnt_Type1 || font->ft.m.type == fnt_MMType1) { retval = pdf_t1open_fontfile(p, font, outfilename, NULL, pdc_true); } else { retval = fnt_check_tt_font(p->pdc, outfilename, NULL, &font->ft, pdc_true); } } else { /* Searching font outline file */ if (logg1) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\tSearching for font outline data file:\n"); outfilename = testfilename; for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { extension = pdf_extension_names[i].word; if (!extension) break; strcpy(testfilename, fontname_p); strcat(testfilename, extension); if (font->ft.m.type == fnt_Type1 || font->ft.m.type == fnt_MMType1) { if (pdf_extension_names[i].code == font_pfab) { retval = pdf_t1open_fontfile(p, font, outfilename, NULL, pdc_false); } } else if (pdf_extension_names[i].code == font_ttot) { retval = fnt_check_tt_font(p->pdc, outfilename, NULL, &font->ft, pdc_false); } /* file found or error */ if (retval != pdc_undef) break; } if (retval == pdc_undef) { retval = pdc_false; if (font->ft.m.type == fnt_Type1 || font->ft.m.type == fnt_MMType1) pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_FONT_NOOUTLINE_PS, 0, 0, 0, 0); else pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_FONT_NOOUTLINE_TT, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } if (retval == pdc_false) { if (logg1) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\tOutline data file for font \"%s\" not found\n", fontname_p); } else { if (!font->ft.img) font->filename = font->ft.filename; if (logg1) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\tFont outline data file \"%s\" available\n", font->filename ? font->filename : font->ft.imgname); } } } else if (font->ft.img) { if (!font->ft.imgname) pdc_free(p->pdc, font->ft.img); else { pdc_unlock_pvf(p->pdc, font->ft.imgname); pdc_free(p->pdc, font->ft.imgname); font->ft.imgname = NULL; } font->ft.img = NULL; font->ft.filelen = 0; } if (retval && font->opt.monospace && font->opt.embedding) { pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, PDC_E_OPT_IGNORED, "monospace", 0, 0, 0); retval = pdc_false; } if (retval == pdc_false) { goto PDF_PREMATURE_EXIT; } PDF_NEWFONT_EXIT: pdf_cleanup_font_options(p, fo); encoding = pdc_get_user_encoding(p->pdc, font->ft.enc); if (pdc_strcmp(font->encapiname, encoding)) pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 1, trc_encoding, "\tDetermined font encoding: \"%s\"\n", encoding); /* set missing font metrics values */ pdf_font_set_missvalues(p, font); /* font is semantic (Unicode compatible) */ pdf_font_issemantic(p, font); /* set replacement character and code */ pdf_set_replchar(p, font); /* font object ID */ if (!font->opt.auxiliary) font->obj_id = pdc_alloc_id(p->out); /* Now everything is fine, insert font */ if (slot == -1) slot = pdf_insert_font(p, font); pdc_pop_errmsg(p->pdc); return slot; PDF_PREMATURE_EXIT: pdf_cleanup_font_options(p, fo); pdf_cleanup_font(p, font); if (slot == -1) { if (font->verbose) pdc_error(p->pdc, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0); } pdc_pop_errmsg(p->pdc); return slot; } /* --------------------------- font writing ---------------------------- */ static char * pdf_code2fontglyphname(pdf_font *font, pdc_encodingvector *ev, int code) { char *glyphname; glyphname = ev->chars[code]; pdc_get_alter_glyphname(ev->codes[code], font->missingglyphs, &glyphname); return glyphname ? glyphname : (char *) pdc_get_notdef_glyphname(); } void pdf_transform_fontwidths(PDF *p, pdf_font *font, pdc_encodingvector *evto, pdc_encodingvector *evfrom) { int widths[256]; pdc_ushort code2gid[256]; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { widths[i] = font->ft.m.defwidth; code2gid[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { j = (int) pdc_transform_bytecode(p->pdc, evto, evfrom, (pdc_byte)i); widths[j] = font->ft.m.widths[i]; if (font->ft.code2gid != NULL) code2gid[j] = font->ft.code2gid[i]; } widths[0] = font->ft.m.defwidth; memcpy(font->ft.m.widths, widths, 256 * sizeof(int)); if (font->ft.code2gid != NULL) memcpy(font->ft.code2gid, code2gid, 256 * sizeof(pdc_ushort)); } void pdf_prepare_fontwidths(PDF *p, pdf_font *font, int nusedgids) { (void) p; (void) nusedgids; if (font->towinansi != pdc_invalidenc || font->widths != NULL || (font->iscidfont && (font->ft.isstdfont || font->opt.monospace))) { return; } /* exchange widths pointer */ if (!font->iscidfont && font->ft.enc != pdc_unicode) { font->widths = font->ft.m.widths; font->numwidths = font->ft.m.numwidths; font->ft.m.widths = NULL; font->ft.m.numwidths = 0; return; } /* already defined or no basic data */ if (font->ft.m.widths == NULL && font->ft.m.ciw == NULL ) { return; } } static void pdf_write_fontdescriptor( PDF *p, pdf_font *font, int missingwidth, pdc_id fontdescriptor_id, pdc_id cidset_id, pdc_id fontfile_id, int nusedgids) { (void) cidset_id; (void) nusedgids; /* * Font descriptor object */ pdc_begin_obj(p->out, fontdescriptor_id); /* font descriptor obj */ pdc_begin_dict(p->out); /* font descriptor dict */ pdc_puts(p->out, "/Type/FontDescriptor\n"); pdc_printf(p->out, "/Flags %ld\n", font->ft.m.flags); pdc_printf(p->out, "/Ascent %d\n", font->ft.m.ascender); pdc_printf(p->out, "/CapHeight %d\n", font->ft.m.capHeight); pdc_printf(p->out, "/Descent %d\n", font->ft.m.descender); pdc_printf(p->out, "/FontBBox[%d %d %d %d]\n", (int) font->ft.m.llx, (int) font->ft.m.lly, (int) font->ft.m.urx, (int) font->ft.m.ury); pdc_printf(p->out, "/FontName"); pdf_put_pdfname(p, font->ft.m.name); pdc_puts(p->out, "\n"); pdc_printf(p->out, "/ItalicAngle %d\n", (int) (font->ft.m.italicAngle)); pdc_printf(p->out, "/StemV %d\n", font->ft.m.StdVW); if (font->ft.m.StdHW > 0) pdc_printf(p->out, "/StemH %d\n", font->ft.m.StdHW); if (font->ft.m.xHeight > 0) pdc_printf(p->out, "/XHeight %d\n", font->ft.m.xHeight); if (missingwidth > 0) pdc_printf(p->out, "/MissingWidth %d\n", missingwidth); if (fontfile_id != PDC_BAD_ID) { switch(font->ft.m.type) { case fnt_Type1: case fnt_MMType1: pdc_objref(p->out, "/FontFile", fontfile_id); break; #ifdef PDF_TRUETYPE_SUPPORTED case fnt_TrueType: case fnt_CIDFontType2: pdc_objref(p->out, "/FontFile2", fontfile_id); break; case fnt_Type1C: case fnt_CIDFontType0: pdc_objref(p->out, "/FontFile3", fontfile_id); break; #endif /* PDF_TRUETYPE_SUPPORTED */ default: break; } } pdc_end_dict(p->out); /* font descriptor dict */ pdc_end_obj(p->out); /* font descriptor obj */ } static void pdf_put_font(PDF *p, pdf_font *font) { const char *fontname = font->ft.name; fnt_fonttype fonttype = font->ft.m.type; pdc_id fontdescriptor_id = PDC_BAD_ID; pdc_id fontfile_id = PDC_BAD_ID; pdc_id encoding_id = PDC_BAD_ID; pdc_id cidset_id = PDC_BAD_ID; pdc_id length_id = PDC_BAD_ID; pdc_id descendant_id = PDC_BAD_ID; pdc_encoding enc = font->ft.enc; const char *encoding; pdc_encoding_info *encinfo = NULL; pdc_bool comp_font = pdc_false; pdc_bool acro_fontstyle = pdc_false; pdc_scalar a = 1.0; PDF_data_source src; int nusedgids = 0; /* save font struct members */ pdc_encodingvector *ev = NULL; pdc_encoding font_encoding = font->ft.enc; pdc_encoding font_towinansi = font->towinansi; int font_numcodes = font->ft.numcodes; int font_codesize = font->codesize; int missingwidth = 0; int i; encoding = pdc_get_user_encoding(p->pdc, enc); if (!pdc_strcmp(font->encapiname, encoding)) { pdc_push_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_FONT_PREFIX, font->apiname, font->encapiname, 0, 0); } else { pdc_push_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_FONT_PREFIX2, font->apiname, font->encapiname, encoding, 0); } /* ID for embedded font */ if (font->opt.embedding) { switch(fonttype) { case fnt_Type1: case fnt_MMType1: case fnt_TrueType: case fnt_CIDFontType2: case fnt_Type1C: case fnt_CIDFontType0: fontfile_id = pdc_alloc_id(p->out); break; default: break; } } /* * Font dictionary */ pdc_begin_obj(p->out, font->obj_id); /* font obj */ pdc_begin_dict(p->out); /* font dict */ pdc_puts(p->out, "/Type/Font\n"); /* /Subtype */ pdc_printf(p->out, "/Subtype/%s\n", pdc_get_keyword(fonttype, pdf_fonttype_pdfkeylist)); comp_font = fonttype == fnt_CIDFontType0 || fonttype == fnt_CIDFontType2; /* Acrobat font style */ acro_fontstyle = font->opt.fontstyle != fnt_Normal && !(font->metricflags & (font_bold | font_italic)); /* /Name */ if (fonttype == fnt_Type3 || font->used_in_formfield) { /* * The name is optional, but if we include it it will show up * in Acrobat's font info box. However, if the same font name * is used with different encodings Acrobat 4 will not be * able to distinguish both. For this reason we add the * encoding name to make the font name unique. */ const char *name = fontname; if (font->used_in_formfield) name = pdf_get_pdf_fontname(font); pdc_puts(p->out, "/Name"); pdf_put_pdfname(p, name); pdc_puts(p->out, "\n"); } /* /BaseFont */ switch (fonttype) { case fnt_Type1: case fnt_MMType1: case fnt_TrueType: case fnt_Type1C: case fnt_CIDFontType2: case fnt_CIDFontType0: { pdc_puts(p->out, "/BaseFont"); pdf_put_pdfname(p, fontname); if (font->outcmapname) pdc_printf(p->out, "-%s", font->outcmapname); if (acro_fontstyle && !comp_font) pdc_printf(p->out, ",%s", pdc_get_keyword(font->opt.fontstyle, pdf_fontstyle_pdfkeylist)); pdc_puts(p->out, "\n"); } break; /* /FontBBox, /FontMatrix, /CharProcs /Resources */ case fnt_Type3: if (font->t3font->charprocs_id == PDC_BAD_ID) pdc_error(p->pdc, PDF_E_T3_OUTLINESMISSING, fontname, 0, 0, 0); pdc_printf(p->out, "/FontBBox[%f %f %f %f]\n", font->ft.bbox.llx, font->ft.bbox.lly, font->ft.bbox.urx, font->ft.bbox.ury); pdc_printf(p->out, "/FontMatrix[%f %f %f %f %f %f]\n", font->ft.matrix.a, font->ft.matrix.b, font->ft.matrix.c, font->ft.matrix.d, font->ft.matrix.e, font->ft.matrix.f); pdc_objref(p->out, "/CharProcs", font->t3font->charprocs_id); pdc_objref(p->out, "/Resources", font->t3font->res_id); /* We must apply a correctional factor since Type 3 fonts not * necessarily use 1000 units per em. We apply the correction * here, and store the 1000-based width values in the font in * order to speed up PDF_stringwidth(). */ a = 1000 * font->ft.matrix.a; break; default: break; } /* changing 8-bit font encoding to builtin */ if (enc >= 0 && font->symenc != pdc_invalidenc) { ev = NULL; enc = pdc_builtin; font->ft.enc = enc; } /* changing 8-bit font encoding to winansi */ if (font->towinansi != pdc_invalidenc) { pdc_encodingvector *evfrom; ev = pdc_get_encoding_vector(p->pdc, font->towinansi); evfrom = pdc_get_encoding_vector(p->pdc, enc); pdf_transform_fontwidths(p, font, ev, evfrom); enc = font->towinansi; font->ft.enc = enc; font->towinansi = pdc_invalidenc; } /* preparation for font widths array */ pdf_prepare_fontwidths(p, font, nusedgids); /* /FontDescriptor, /FirstChar, /LastChar, /Widths */ switch (fonttype) { case fnt_Type1: /* disabled, because of PDF 1.7 reference if (font->ft.isstdfont == pdc_true) break; */ case fnt_MMType1: case fnt_TrueType: case fnt_Type1C: case fnt_Type3: { int firstchar = 0; int lastchar = 255; int defwidth = 0; if (fonttype != fnt_Type3 ) { fontdescriptor_id = pdc_alloc_id(p->out); pdc_objref(p->out, "/FontDescriptor", fontdescriptor_id); /* bug #1036 */ if (font->ft.isstdfont == pdc_true) break; } /* determine missing width. * Only for embedded fonts because of a bug in Acrobat, * which arises if the font is not installed at host. */ if (font->opt.embedding) { if (fonttype != fnt_Type3) defwidth = font->widths[0]; { for (i = 1; i < 255; i++) { if (font->widths[i] != defwidth) break; } if (i > 1) firstchar = i; for (i = 255; i > 0; i--) { if (i == firstchar || font->widths[i] != defwidth) break; } lastchar = i; } if (firstchar > 0 || lastchar < 255) missingwidth = (int) (defwidth / a + 0.5); } pdc_printf(p->out, "/FirstChar %d\n", firstchar); pdc_printf(p->out, "/LastChar %d\n", lastchar); pdc_puts(p->out, "/Widths"); pdc_begin_array(p->out); for (i = firstchar; i <= lastchar; i++) { pdc_printf(p->out, "%d", (int) (font->widths[i] / a + .5)); if (i < 255) pdc_printf(p->out, "%s", ((i + 1) % 16) ? " " : "\n"); } pdc_end_array(p->out); } break; default: break; } /* /Encoding */ switch (fonttype) { case fnt_Type1: case fnt_MMType1: case fnt_TrueType: case fnt_Type1C: if (!font->used_in_formfield) { if (enc == pdc_winansi) { pdc_printf(p->out, "/Encoding/WinAnsiEncoding\n"); break; } if (enc == pdc_macroman && font->hasnomac == pdc_false) { pdc_printf(p->out, "/Encoding/MacRomanEncoding\n"); break; } } case fnt_Type3: if (enc >= 0) { encinfo = pdc_get_encoding_info(p->pdc, enc); if (encinfo->id == PDC_BAD_ID) encinfo->id = pdc_alloc_id(p->out); encoding_id = encinfo->id; } if (encoding_id != PDC_BAD_ID) pdc_objref(p->out, "/Encoding", encoding_id); if (encinfo != NULL) { if (!encinfo->stored) encinfo->stored = pdc_true; else encoding_id = PDC_BAD_ID; } break; case fnt_CIDFontType2: case fnt_CIDFontType0: if (font->outcmapname) { pdc_printf(p->out, "/Encoding/%s\n", font->outcmapname); } break; default: break; } /* /ToUnicode . Only reasonable if nusedgids != 1 * (== 1: only notdef character in a font subset) */ /* /DescendantFonts */ if (comp_font == pdc_true) { descendant_id = pdc_alloc_id(p->out); pdc_puts(p->out, "/DescendantFonts"); pdc_begin_array(p->out); pdc_objref(p->out, "", descendant_id); pdc_end_array(p->out); } pdc_end_dict(p->out); /* font dict */ pdc_end_obj(p->out); /* font obj */ /* * Encoding dictionary */ if (encoding_id != PDC_BAD_ID) { char *glyphname; pdc_begin_obj(p->out, encoding_id); /* encoding obj */ pdc_begin_dict(p->out); /* encoding dict */ pdc_puts(p->out, "/Type/Encoding\n"); { pdc_encodingvector *evb = NULL; pdc_set_encoding_glyphnames(p->pdc, enc); ev = pdc_get_encoding_vector(p->pdc, enc); /* See Implementation Note 46. The restrictions described there * are also valid for Acrobat versions up to now. */ if (fonttype != fnt_Type3 && !font->used_in_formfield) { if (!strncmp(ev->apiname, PDC_ENC_MODWINANSI, strlen(PDC_ENC_MODWINANSI)) || !strncmp(ev->apiname, PDC_ENC_ISO8859, strlen(PDC_ENC_ISO8859)) || !strncmp(ev->apiname, PDC_ENC_CP125, strlen(PDC_ENC_CP125))) { pdc_puts(p->out, "/BaseEncoding/WinAnsiEncoding\n"); evb = pdc_get_encoding_vector(p->pdc, pdc_winansi); } else if (!strncmp(ev->apiname, PDC_ENC_MODMACROMAN, strlen(PDC_ENC_MODMACROMAN))) { pdc_puts(p->out, "/BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding\n"); evb = pdc_get_encoding_vector(p->pdc, pdc_macroman); } else { /* /BaseEncoding/StandardEncoding */ evb = pdc_get_encoding_vector(p->pdc, pdc_stdenc); } } if (evb != NULL) { int iv = -1; for (i = 0; i < font->ft.numcodes; i++) { glyphname = pdf_code2fontglyphname(font, ev, i); /* enforce first three names because of bug in Acrobat 6 */ if (i < 3 || (glyphname && !evb->chars[i]) || (!glyphname && evb->chars[i]) || (glyphname && evb->chars[i] && strcmp(glyphname, evb->chars[i]))) { if (iv == -1) pdc_puts(p->out, "/Differences[0"); if (i > iv + 1) pdc_printf(p->out, "%d", i); pdf_put_pdfname(p, glyphname); pdc_puts(p->out, "\n"); iv = i; } } if (iv > -1) pdc_end_array(p->out); } else { pdc_puts(p->out, "/Differences[0"); for (i = 0; i < font->ft.numcodes; i++) { glyphname = pdf_code2fontglyphname(font, ev, i); pdf_put_pdfname(p, glyphname); pdc_puts(p->out, "\n"); } pdc_end_array(p->out); } } pdc_end_dict(p->out); /* encoding dict */ pdc_end_obj(p->out); /* encoding obj */ if (p->flush & pdc_flush_content) pdc_flush_stream(p->out); } /* * CID fonts dictionary */ if (descendant_id != PDC_BAD_ID) { pdc_begin_obj(p->out, descendant_id); /* CID font obj */ pdc_begin_dict(p->out); /* CID font dict */ pdc_puts(p->out, "/Type/Font\n"); /* /Subtype */ if (fonttype == fnt_CIDFontType0) pdc_puts(p->out, "/Subtype/CIDFontType0\n"); if (fonttype == fnt_CIDFontType2) pdc_puts(p->out, "/Subtype/CIDFontType2\n"); /* /BaseFont */ pdc_puts(p->out, "/BaseFont"); pdf_put_pdfname(p, fontname); if (acro_fontstyle) pdc_printf(p->out, ",%s", pdc_get_keyword(font->opt.fontstyle, pdf_fontstyle_pdfkeylist)); pdc_puts(p->out, "\n"); /* /CIDSystemInfo */ pdc_puts(p->out, "/CIDSystemInfo<out, "/Ordering"); pdf_put_hypertext(p, fnt_get_ordering_cid(font->ft.m.charcoll)); pdc_printf(p->out, "/Supplement %d>>\n", MAX(font->supplement, 0)); /* /FontDescriptor */ fontdescriptor_id = pdc_alloc_id(p->out); pdc_objref(p->out, "/FontDescriptor", fontdescriptor_id); /* /DW /W */ #ifdef PDF_CJKFONTWIDTHS_SUPPORTED if (font->ft.isstdfont) pdf_put_cidglyph_widths(p, font); #endif /* PDF_CJKFONTWIDTHS_SUPPORTED */ pdc_end_dict(p->out); /* CID font dict */ pdc_end_obj(p->out); /* CID font obj */ } /* * FontDescriptor dictionary */ if (fontdescriptor_id != PDC_BAD_ID) pdf_write_fontdescriptor(p, font, missingwidth, fontdescriptor_id, cidset_id, fontfile_id, nusedgids); /* * Font embedding */ if (fontfile_id != PDC_BAD_ID) { pdc_id length1_id = PDC_BAD_ID; pdc_id length2_id = PDC_BAD_ID; pdc_id length3_id = PDC_BAD_ID; pdc_bool compress = pdc_false; /* Prepare embedding */ switch(fonttype) { case fnt_Type1: case fnt_MMType1: { pdf_make_t1src(p, font, &src); length1_id = pdc_alloc_id(p->out); length2_id = pdc_alloc_id(p->out); length3_id = pdc_alloc_id(p->out); } break; #ifdef PDF_TRUETYPE_SUPPORTED case fnt_TrueType: case fnt_CIDFontType2: { length1_id = pdc_alloc_id(p->out); } case fnt_Type1C: case fnt_CIDFontType0: case fnt_OpenType: { src.private_data = (void *) font->filename; if (font->filename) { /* Read the font from file */ src.init = pdf_data_source_file_init; src.fill = pdf_data_source_file_fill; src.terminate = pdf_data_source_file_terminate; switch(fonttype) { case fnt_TrueType: case fnt_CIDFontType2: case fnt_OpenType: src.offset = (long) 0; src.length = (long) 0; break; case fnt_Type1C: case fnt_CIDFontType0: src.offset = font->cff_offset; src.length = (long) font->cff_length; break; default: break; } } else { /* Read the font from memory */ src.init = NULL; src.fill = pdf_data_source_buf_fill; src.terminate = NULL; switch(fonttype) { case fnt_TrueType: case fnt_CIDFontType2: case fnt_OpenType: src.buffer_start = font->ft.img; src.buffer_length = font->ft.filelen; break; case fnt_Type1C: case fnt_CIDFontType0: src.buffer_start = font->ft.img + font->cff_offset; src.buffer_length = font->cff_length; break; default: break; } src.bytes_available = 0; src.next_byte = NULL; } } break; #endif /* PDF_TRUETYPE_SUPPORTED */ default: break; } /* Embedded font stream dictionary */ pdc_begin_obj(p->out, fontfile_id); /* Embedded font stream obj */ pdc_begin_dict(p->out); /* Embedded font stream dict */ /* /Length, /Filter */ length_id = pdc_alloc_id(p->out); pdc_objref(p->out, "/Length", length_id); switch(fonttype) { case fnt_Type1: case fnt_MMType1: break; #ifdef PDF_TRUETYPE_SUPPORTED case fnt_TrueType: case fnt_CIDFontType2: case fnt_Type1C: case fnt_CIDFontType0: case fnt_OpenType: if (font->ft.filelen != 0L) { compress = pdc_true; if (pdc_get_compresslevel(p->out)) pdc_puts(p->out, "/Filter/FlateDecode\n"); } break; #endif /* PDF_TRUETYPE_SUPPORTED */ default: break; } /* /Length1, /Length2, Length3 */ if (length1_id != PDC_BAD_ID) pdc_objref(p->out, "/Length1", length1_id); if (length2_id != PDC_BAD_ID) pdc_objref(p->out, "/Length2", length2_id); if (length3_id != PDC_BAD_ID) pdc_objref(p->out, "/Length3", length3_id); #ifdef PDF_TRUETYPE_SUPPORTED /* /Subtype */ if(fonttype == fnt_Type1C) pdc_puts(p->out, "/Subtype/Type1C\n"); if (fonttype == fnt_CIDFontType0) pdc_puts(p->out, "/Subtype/CIDFontType0C\n"); if (fonttype == fnt_OpenType) pdc_puts(p->out, "/Subtype/OpenType\n"); #endif /* PDF_TRUETYPE_SUPPORTED */ pdc_end_dict(p->out); /* Embedded font stream dict */ /* Stream */ pdf_copy_stream(p, &src, compress); pdc_end_obj(p->out); /* Embedded font stream obj */ pdc_put_pdfstreamlength(p->out, length_id); /* Length objects */ switch(fonttype) { case fnt_Type1: case fnt_MMType1: pdf_put_length_objs(p, &src, length1_id, length2_id, length3_id); break; #ifdef PDF_TRUETYPE_SUPPORTED case fnt_TrueType: case fnt_CIDFontType2: if (compress) { pdc_begin_obj(p->out, length1_id); /* Length1 obj */ pdc_printf(p->out, "%ld\n", (long) font->ft.filelen); pdc_end_obj(p->out); /* Length1 obj */ } else { /* same as /Length */ pdc_put_pdfstreamlength(p->out, length1_id); } break; #endif /* PDF_TRUETYPE_SUPPORTED */ default: break; } } if (p->flush & pdc_flush_content) pdc_flush_stream(p->out); /* restore font struct members */ font->ft.enc = font_encoding; font->towinansi = font_towinansi; font->ft.numcodes = font_numcodes; font->codesize = font_codesize; pdc_pop_errmsg(p->pdc); } void pdf_write_doc_fonts(PDF *p) { int slot; pdc_bool logg1 = pdc_logg_is_enabled(p->pdc, 1, trc_font); /* output pending font objects */ for (slot = 0; slot < p->fonts_number; slot++) { pdf_font *font = &p->fonts[slot]; switch(p->fonts[slot].ft.m.type) { case fnt_Type1: case fnt_MMType1: #ifdef PDF_TRUETYPE_SUPPORTED case fnt_TrueType: case fnt_CIDFontType2: case fnt_Type1C: #endif /* PDF_TRUETYPE_SUPPORTED */ case fnt_CIDFontType0: case fnt_Type3: if (font->obj_id != PDC_BAD_ID) { if (logg1) { pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\tProcessing font %d: \"%s\" " "with encoding \"%s\" and PDF object id %ld", slot, font->ft.name, pdf_get_encoding_name(p, font->ft.enc, font), font->obj_id); } if (font->ft.enc == pdc_invalidenc || font->used_in_current_doc == pdc_false) { if (logg1) pdc_logg(p->pdc, " - but not used\n", font->obj_id); /* * This font has been defined, but never used in the * document. Ignore it. However, the font's object id * has already been allocated, so we mark the object * as free in order to avoid a complaint of the object * machinery. */ pdc_mark_free(p->out, font->obj_id); } else { if (logg1) pdc_logg(p->pdc, "\n"); pdf_put_font(p, font); } } break; default: break; } } } void pdf_write_page_fonts(PDF *p) { int i, total = 0; int bias = p->curr_ppt->fn_bias; /* This doesn't really belong here, but all modules which write * font resources also need this, so we include it here. * Note that keeping track of ProcSets is considered obsolete * starting with PDF 1.4, so we always include the full set which * is written as a constant object at the beginning of the file. */ pdc_objref(p->out, "/ProcSet", p->procset_id); for (i = 0; i < p->fonts_number; i++) if (p->fonts[i].used_on_current_page == pdc_true) total++; if (total > 0 || bias) { pdc_puts(p->out, "/Font"); pdc_begin_dict(p->out); /* font resource dict */ } if (total > 0) { for (i = 0; i < p->fonts_number; i++) { if (p->fonts[i].used_on_current_page == pdc_true) { p->fonts[i].used_on_current_page = pdc_false; /* reset */ pdc_printf(p->out, "/F%d", bias + i); pdc_objref(p->out, "", p->fonts[i].obj_id); } } if (!bias) pdc_end_dict(p->out); /* font resource dict */ } } void pdf_get_page_fonts(PDF *p, pdf_reslist *rl) { int i; for (i = 0; i < p->fonts_number; i++) { if (p->fonts[i].used_on_current_page) { p->fonts[i].used_on_current_page = pdc_false; /* reset */ pdf_add_reslist(p, rl, i); } } } void pdf_mark_page_font(PDF *p, int ft) { p->fonts[ft].used_on_current_page = pdc_true; }