/* n_vargs.c: Macro of variable arguments */ /* from C99 Standard 6.10.3 Examples */ #define debug( ...) fprintf( stderr, __VA_ARGS__) #define showlist( ...) puts( #__VA_ARGS__) #define report( test, ...) ((test) ? puts( #test) \ : printf( __VA_ARGS__)) { /* fprintf( stderr, "Flag"); */ debug( "Flag"); /* fprintf( stderr, "X = %d\n", x); */ debug( "X = %d\n", x); /* puts( "The first, second, and third items."); */ showlist( The first, second, and third items.); /* ((x>y) ? puts( "x>y") : printf( "x is %d but y is %d", x, y)); */ report( x>y, "x is %d but y is %d", x, y); } /* { dg-do preprocess } { dg-options "-std=c99" } { dg-final { if ![file exist n_vargs.i] { return } } } { dg-final { if \{ [grep n_vargs.i "fprintf\\( stderr, *\"Flag\" *\\)"] != "" \} \{ } } { dg-final { if \{ [grep n_vargs.i "fprintf\\( stderr, *\"X = %d\\\\n\", x *\\)"] != "" \} \{ } } { dg-final { if \{ [grep n_vargs.i "puts\\( \"The first, second, and third items\.\" *\\)"] != "" \} \{ } } { dg-final { if \{ [grep n_vargs.i "\\(\\( *x>y *\\) \[?\] puts\\( \"x>y\" *\\) : printf\\( *\"x is %d but y is %d\", x, y *\\)\\)"] != "" \} \{ } } { dg-final { return \} \} \} \} } } { dg-final { fail "n_vargs.c: macro of variable arguments" } } */