<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <report name="co1700a" orientation="2" lpi="6" command="ve1 -3"> <description>Stampa Saldi Estratto Conto per Banca</description> <font face="Courier New" size="8" /> <section type="Head"> <field x="50.2" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="IBAN"> <source>101.NUMCC</source> </field> <field x="79" type="Testo" align="right" width="15" pattern="1" text="Saldo a credito" /> <field x="95" type="Testo" align="right" width="12" pattern="1" text="Saldo a debito"> <source>Saldo a debito</source> </field> <field x="112" type="Testo" width="50" pattern="1" text="Banca F; dipendenza"> <source>102.S0</source> </field> <field border="2" y="1" type="Linea" width="170" height="0" pattern="1" /> <field x="1.5" type="Testo" width="54" id="101" pattern="1" text="Socio"> <source>101.CODCF</source> </field> </section> <section type="Head" level="1"> <field x="61" type="Testo" valign="center" align="center" width="60" height="2" pattern="1" text="STAMPA SALDI ESTRATTO CONTO PER BANCA"> <font face="Courier New" bold="1" size="14" /> </field> <field x="157.78" y="0.12" type="Testo" width="5" pattern="1" text="Pag." /> <field x="163.78" y="0.12" type="Numero" align="right" width="5" pattern="1" text="#####"> <source>#REPORT.PAGE</source> </field> <field border="2" y="2" type="Linea" width="170" height="0" pattern="1" /> <field x="3" y="3" type="Testo" width="6" pattern="1" text="Ditta" /> <field x="10" y="3" type="Stringa" width="60" pattern="1"> <source>#SYSTEM.RAGSOC</source> </field> <field x="3" y="4" type="Testo" valign="bottom" width="12" pattern="1" text="Dalla data" /> <field x="16" y="4" type="Data" valign="bottom" align="right" width="15" pattern="1"> <source>#DATAINI</source> </field> <field x="32" y="4" type="Testo" valign="bottom" align="center" width="12" pattern="1" text="alla data" /> <field x="45" y="4" type="Data" valign="bottom" align="right" width="15" pattern="1"> <source>#DATAFIN</source> </field> <field border="2" y="6" type="Linea" width="170" height="0" pattern="1" /> </section> <section type="Head" level="2" page_break="1"> <groupby>CLIFO.CODABI+CLIFO.CODCAB</groupby> <prescript description="H2 PRESCRIPT">MESSAGE RESET,F2.101 MESSAGE RESET,F2.102</prescript> <field border="2" y="1.25" type="Linea" width="170" height="0" pattern="1" /> <field x="4" type="Stringa" width="120" id="106" pattern="1"> <font face="Courier New" bold="1" size="8" /> <source>CLIFO.CODABI+' '+CLIFO.CODCAB+' '+101@.S0+' '+102@.S0</source> <prescript description="H2.106 PRESCRIPT">#THIS @ "F3.106" !</prescript> </field> </section> <section type="Head" level="3"> <groupby>DOC.TIPOCF+DOC.CODCF</groupby> <prescript description="H3 PRESCRIPT">MESSAGE RESET,F3.103 MESSAGE RESET,F3.104 MESSAGE RESET,F3.105</prescript> </section> <section type="Body" /> <section type="Body" level="1" hidden="1"> <field x="3.5" type="Numero" align="right" width="3" id="101" pattern="1"> <source>DOC.CODCF</source> <prescript description="B1.101 PRESCRIPT">#THIS @ \ leggo il valore attuale "F3.101" ! \ lo scrivo nel riepilogo</prescript> </field> <field x="7.5" type="Stringa" dynamic_height="1" width="25" height="2" id="102" pattern="1"> <source>TRIM(20.RAGSOC[1,30])+" "+TRIM(20.RAGSOC[31,50])</source> <prescript description="B1.102 PRESCRIPT">#THIS @ "F3.102" !</prescript> </field> <field x="35.5" type="Stringa" align="right" dynamic_height="1" width="15" height="2" id="103" pattern="1"> <source>CLIFO.IBAN</source> <alt_source>CLIFO.NUMCC</alt_source> <prescript description="B1.103 PRESCRIPT">#THIS @ "F3.103" !</prescript> </field> <field x="53.5" type="Prezzo" align="right" width="15" id="104" pattern="1" text="###.###.###,@@"> <prescript description="B1.104 PRESCRIPT">"DOC.TIPODOC" @ \ leggo il tipo documento "CONF" = IF \ controllo se &#E8; un conferimento "DOC.NETCRED" @ "F3.104" \ lo devo mettere nella coda del gruppo ELSE \ se non &#E8; un conferimento "DOC.IMPONIBILI" @ -1 * \ gli cambio segno "F3.104" \ lo metto nella coda del gruppo THEN +! \ lo sommo</prescript> </field> <field x="53.5" y="1" type="Prezzo" align="right" width="15" id="105" pattern="1" text="###.###.###,@@"> <prescript description="B1.105 PRESCRIPT">"DOC.TOTRITACC" @ "F3.104" \ lo metto nella coda del gruppo +! \ lo sommo</prescript> </field> </section> <section type="Foot" /> <section type="Foot" level="1" /> <section type="Foot" level="2"> <field border="2" x="-0.04" y="0.25" type="Linea" width="170" height="0" pattern="1" /> <field x="54.96" y="1.25" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="TOTALE" /> <field x="79" y="1.25" type="Valuta" align="right" width="15" id="101" pattern="1" hide_zero="1" text="###.###.###,@@" /> <field x="95" y="1.25" type="Valuta" align="right" width="15" id="102" pattern="1" hide_zero="1" text="###.###.###,@@" /> </section> <section type="Foot" level="3"> <field x="0.5" type="Numero" align="right" width="3" id="101" pattern="1" /> <field x="4" type="Stringa" width="46" id="102" pattern="1" /> <field x="50.2" type="Stringa" align="right" width="28.2" id="103" pattern="1" /> <field x="79" type="Valuta" align="right" width="15" id="104" pattern="1" hide_zero="1" text="###.###.###,@@"> <prescript description="F3.104 PRESCRIPT">#THIS @ \ leggo il valore attuale DUP \ lo duplico 0 E;= IF \ se &#E8; maggiore di zero "0" "F3.105" ! \ scrivo 0 in saldo a debito ELSE -1 * \ canbio segno al valore attuale "F3.105" ! \ lo scrivo in saldo a debito 0 "F3.104" ! \ scrivo 0 in saldo a credito THEN</prescript> <postscript description="F3.104 POSTSCRIPT">MESSAGE ADD,F2.101</postscript> </field> <field x="95" type="Valuta" align="right" width="15" id="105" pattern="1" hide_zero="1" text="###.###.###,@@"> <postscript description="F3.105 POSTSCRIPT">MESSAGE ADD,F2.102</postscript> </field> <field x="112" y="-0.13" type="Stringa" width="50" id="106" pattern="1" /> </section> <sql>USE DOC KEY 2 SELECT BETWEEN(DATADOC,#DATAINI,#DATAFIN)((#CODABI=="")||(CLIFO.CODABI==#CODABI))((#CODCAB=="")||(CLIFO.CODCAB==#CODCAB)) BY 20.CODABI 20.CODCAB TIPOCF CODCF JOIN CLIFO INTO TIPOCF==TIPOCF CODCF==CODCF JOIN %BAN TO CLIFO ALIAS 101 INTO CODTAB==CODABI JOIN %BAN TO CLIFO ALIAS 102 INTO CODTAB==CODABI+CODCAB FROM TIPOCF='F' CODCF=#DASOCIO TO TIPOCF='F' CODCF=#ASOCIO </sql> </report>