//  Source file for ArchiveLib 1.0
//  Copyright (c) Greenleaf Software, Inc. 1994
//  All Rights Reserved
//  ALFile::operator new()
//  ALFile::ALFile()
//  ALFile::~ALFile()
//  ALFile::LoadBuffer()
//  ALFile::FlushBuffer()
//  ALFile::Seek()
//  ALFile::Open()
//  ALFile::MakeTempName()
//  ALFile::Create()
//  ALFile::Close()
//  ALFile::RenameToBackup()
//  ALFile::Rename()
//  ALFile::UnRename()
//  ALFile::Delete()
//  This file contains the C++ member functions to support class
//  ALFile.  This class works very closely with the parent class,
//  ALStorage, found in STORAGE.CPP.  You will find in many cases
//  the virtual functions found here in the derived class call
//  the same function in the parent class to help out with some
//  of the work.
//  We don't really do anything exciting in the WEP, it is just
//  May 22, 1994  1.0A  : First release

#include "arclib.h"
#pragma hdrstop

#define __OPEN_FN

#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>

#include <xvtility.h>

#ifndef O_BINARY
#define O_BINARY 0x0000
#else  // not UNIX
#include <dos.h>

#include "filestor.h"

// void * ALFile::operator new( size_t size )
//  size  :  The number of bytes needed to create a new ALFile object.
//  A pointer to the newly allocated storage area, or 0 if no storage
//  was available.
//  When using a DLL, it is easy to get into a dangerous situation when 
//  creating objects whose ctor and dtor are both in the DLL.  The problem
//  arises because when you create an object using new, the memory for
//  the object will be allocated from the EXE.  However, when you destroy
//  the object using delete, the memory is freed inside the DLL.  Since
//  the DLL doesn't really own that memory, bad things can happen.
//  But, you say, won't the space just go back to the Windows heap regardless
//  of who tries to free it?  Maybe, but maybe not.  If the DLL is using 
//  a subsegment allocation scheme, it might do some sort of local free
//  before returning the space to the windows heap.  That is the point where
//  you could conceivably cook your heap.
//  By providing our own version of operator new inside this class, we
//  ensure that all memory allocation for the class will be done from
//  inside the DLL, not the EXE calling the DLL.
//   May 26, 1994  1.0A  : First release

#if defined( AL_BUILDING_DLL )
void AL_DLL_FAR * AL_PROTO ALFile::operator new( size_t size )
  return ::new char[ size ];

// ALFile::ALFile( const char *file_name = "",
//                 int buffer_size = 4096,
//                 ALCase name_case  = AL_LOWER)
//  file_name    : The initial file name of the ALFile object you are 
//                 creating.  By default, this is a blank string, which
//                 will get converted to a temporary name before opening
//                 the actual disk file.
//  buffer_size  : The size of the object's I/O buffer.  The default of 4096
//                 should give very good performance.
//  name_case    : This parameter determines whether the file names will
//                 always be converted to upper case, lower case, or left
//                 in mixed case.  Under MS-DOS, you shouldn't use mixed
//                 case, because the O/S file naming convention is case
//                 insensitive.  ArchiveLib will think "TEMP.BAK" and 
//                 "temp.bak" are different, when they really aren't.
//  Nothing, this is a constructor.
//  This constructor is used to create a new ALFile object, which will
//  usually be treated as an ALStorage object by ArchiveLib functions.
//  It is important to note that not much happens during construction of
//  this object, the real activity happens after you call the Open()
//  function.  Just creating this object *does not* create a file on disk!
//   May 26, 1994  1.0A  : First release

AL_PROTO ALFile::ALFile( const char AL_DLL_FAR *file_name /* = "" */,
                        int buffer_size /* = 4096 */,
                        ALCase name_case /* = AL_LOWER */)
  // Note: if non-msdos, change case parameter to AL_MIXED
: ALStorage( file_name, buffer_size, AL_FILE_OBJECT, name_case ) {
  miHandle = -1;

// ALFile::~ALFile()
//  None.
//  Nothing.
//  The destructor for an ALFile object doesn't have to do much work.
//  The base class destructor will take care of freeing the I/O buffer,
//  and any other loose ends.  All we have to do here is make sure
//  the file gets closed, and that its buffers get flushed to the disk
//  file.
//  Note that in debug mode, the destructor also checks this for the 
//  correct class type.  This helps flag erroneous or duplicated 
//  destructor calls.
//   May 26, 1994  1.0A  : First release

AL_PROTO ALFile::~ALFile()
  AL_ASSERT( GoodTag(), "~ALFile: attempting to delete invalid object" );
  if ( miHandle != -1 )

// int ALFile::LoadBuffer( long address )
//  address  : The long offset into the physical storage object.  A
//             seek/read combination will be executed at this location,
//             so that subsequent calls to read data will start at
//             the given address.
//  AL_SUCCESS, AL_SEEK_ERROR, AL_END_OF_FILE, or possibly another 
//  error code < AL_SUCCESS.
//  This function is used in the library whenever a byte needs to be read
//  that isn't present in the current I/O buffer.  It has to use
//  the C RTL function lseek() to go to the correct position in the library.
//  If that works, it uses the C RTL function read() to read in an I/O
//  buffer full of data.
//  After that operation is performed, muReadIndex is set to 0, indicating
//  that the next read from the I/O buffer will take place at location 0.
//  mlFilePointer is set to address plus the number of bytes read, so
//  we know where the next read from the file will take place.  And 
//  muBufferValidData is set to the count of bytes read in from this
//  location.  That lets us know how far we can read in the I/O buffer
//  before we run out of space.
//  Note that if CRC checking has been turned on, we will update the
//  current working CRC value with the new data that has been read
//  in from the buffer.
//   May 26, 1994  1.0A  : First release

int AL_PROTO ALFile::LoadBuffer( long address )
  if ( mStatus < AL_SUCCESS )
    return mStatus;
  if ( mlFilePointer != address ) {
    long result = lseek( miHandle, address, SEEK_SET );
    if ( result == -1L )
      return mStatus.SetError( AL_SEEK_ERROR,
                              "Seek failure on %s.  errno = %d",
                              errno );
  int result = read( miHandle, mpcBuffer, muBufferSize );
  if ( result == 0 )
    return AL_END_OF_FILE;
  if ( result < 0 )
    return mStatus.SetError( AL_READ_ERROR,
                            "Read failure on %s.  errno = %d",
                            errno );
  if ( miUpdateCrcFlag )
    UpdateCrc( result );
  muReadIndex = 0; //Reading can resume at this location in the I/O buffer
  mlFilePointer += result;
  muBufferValidData = result;
  return result;

// int ALFile::FlushBuffer()
//  None.
//  An integer status value, AL_SUCCESS, AL_WRITE_ERROR, or possibly some
//  status code < AL_SUCCESS.
//  This function is the counterpart to LoadBuffer(). It gets called
//  when a write operation is poised to overflow the I/O buffer.  This
//  means we need to flush the buffer out to disk, then reset some
//  data members.
//  Unlike LoadBuffer(), this function doesn't have an address argument,
//  so we don't have to perform a seek().  Instead, the data will be
//  written out to the current position of the file pointer.  If the
//  write is successful, muWriteIndex is set to 0, indicating that the
//  next write to the I/O buffer can go to position 0.  mlFilePointer is
//  incremented by the length of the write, so we know where the next read
//  or write will occur.  Finally, muBufferValidData is set to 0, indicating
//  that there is no data in the I/O buffer that has been written, and
//  there is no data that can be read.
//   May 26, 1994  1.0A  : First release

int AL_PROTO ALFile::FlushBuffer()
  if ( mStatus < 0 )
    return mStatus;
  if ( muWriteIndex != 0 ) {
    if ( miUpdateCrcFlag )
      UpdateCrc( muWriteIndex );
    int result = write( miHandle, mpcBuffer, muWriteIndex );
    muWriteIndex = 0;
    if ( result == -1L )
      return mStatus.SetError( AL_WRITE_ERROR,
                              "Write failure on %s.  errno = %d",
                              errno );
    mlFilePointer += result;
  muReadIndex = 0;
  muBufferValidData = 0;
  return AL_SUCCESS;

// int ALFile::Seek( long address )
//  address  :  The address in the physical disk to seek to.
//  AL_SUCCESS, AL_SEEK_ERROR, or possibly some other status code < AL_SUCCESS.
//  This is a function the user can call to position the read/write pointer
//  to a new location in the disk file.  If there is any data that has been
//  written to the I/O buffer, it gets flushed first.  After that, we do
//  a seek, and update mlFilePointer to reflect the new reality.  Note that
//  the other important data members will have been updated by FlushBuffer().
//  And no, this guy doesn't do a LoadBuffer().  Which is fine if you are
//  going to do a bunch of writes afterwards.  If you are going to read data
//  immediately after Seek(), you would have been better of calling
//  LoadBuffer().
//   May 26, 1994  1.0A  : First release

int AL_PROTO ALFile::Seek( long address )
  if ( mStatus < 0 )
    return mStatus;
  if ( mlFilePointer != address ) {
    long result = lseek( miHandle, address, SEEK_SET );
    if ( result == -1L )
      return mStatus.SetError( AL_SEEK_ERROR,
                              "Seek failure on %s.  errno = %d",
                              errno );
  mlFilePointer = address;
  return AL_SUCCESS;

// int ALFile::Open()
//  None. 
//  AL_CANT_OPEN_FILE, AL_SUCCESS, or possibly some other error code
//  This is an important function, because it converts the ALFile
//  object from a dinky little unimportant object, to a big massive
//  thing that is ready to do serious work.
//  The first thing we do here is see if we can open the file.  We try
//  to open it with READ/WRITE privileges, but we give up and drop back
//  to READ only if that doesn't work out.
//  We then call the base class ALStorage::Open() who takes care of
//  allocating buffers and initializing data members.
//  Finally, we have to get the protection attributes and time date
//  stamps for the file.  After those are stored off, the file is ready
//  for abuse.
//   May 26, 1994  1.0A  : First release

int AL_PROTO ALFile::Open()
  if ( mStatus < AL_SUCCESS )
    return mStatus;
  miHandle = open( mName, O_BINARY | O_RDWR );
  if ( miHandle == -1 && errno == EACCES )
    miHandle = open( mName, O_BINARY | O_RDONLY );
  if ( miHandle == -1 )
    return mStatus.SetError( AL_CANT_OPEN_FILE,
                            "File open failure.  Open of %s returned "
                            "errno = %d",
                            errno );

  struct stat buf;
  struct tm *tblock;
  if ( stat( mName, &buf ) == -1 )
    return mStatus.SetError( AL_CANT_OPEN_FILE,
                            "Couldn't get time, date, and size "
                            "information for %s.  errno = %d.",
                            errno );
  mlSize = buf.st_size;
  tblock = localtime( &buf.st_mtime );
  mTimeDate.SetTimeDate( tblock );
  // TBI code for UNIX attributes
  // stat s; 
  // mAttributes = SetFromUnixMode(stat.st_mode)
#if defined( AL_WIN32S )
  DWORD attributes = GetFileAttributes( mName );
  if ( attributes == 0xFFFFFFFF )
    return mStatus.SetError( AL_CANT_OPEN_FILE,
                            "Couldn't get Win32 file attribute "
                            "information for %s.  GetLastError = %d.",
                            GetLastError() );
  mAttributes.SetFromWin32Attributes( attributes );
  unsigned attributes;
  if ( _dos_getfileattr( mName, &attributes ) != 0 )
    return mStatus.SetError( AL_CANT_OPEN_FILE,
                            "Couldn't get DOS attribute "
                            "information for %s.  errno = %d.",
                            errno );
  mAttributes.SetFromDosAttributes( attributes );
  return AL_SUCCESS;

// void ALFile::MakeTempName( int i )
//  i    : A numeric argument that can somehow be incorporated into 
//         the temporary file name.  Create() will call this function
//         while incrementing this number in an attempt to find a unique 
//         name.
//  Nothing.
//  This function is called by Create() and other functions when they
//  decide they need to cook up a temporary file name.  The single parameter
//  i is incremented by the calling program so that repeated calls should
//  eventually produce a unique name.
//  All this function does to create that unique name is perform a sprintf()
//  into a buffer using a simple template.  The result is copied into the
//  mName member, and is ready to be tried out.
//   May 26, 1994  1.0A  : First release

void AL_PROTO ALFile::MakeTempName( int i )
  char name[ 21 ];

  sprintf( name, "~al~%03d.tmp", i );
  mName = name;

// int ALFile::Create()
//  None.
//  AL_SUCCESS, AL_CANT_OPEN_FILE, or possibly some other error code
//  This function is used to create a new file storage object.  Since
//  we are creating a new object, we must be able to open it with read
//  access.  We will also rudely obliterate any existing file.
//  The first thing we do here is call the base class Create() function.
//  It takes care of setting up the I/O buffer and initializing the
//  data members used to support the class.
//  Next, function checks to see if we have a valid filename.  If 
//  not, a  search is made for a valid temporary file name.  In either 
//  case, the file is then opened with R/W access, in O_CREAT
//  mode, obliterating any existing file with the same name.
//  Once the file is open, everything is ready to go, and you can write
//  to the file at will.  Don't expect much to happen if you try to
//  read, however.
//   May 26, 1994  1.0A  : First release

int AL_PROTO ALFile::Create()
  if ( mStatus < AL_SUCCESS )
    return mStatus;
  if ( (char *) mName == 0 || strlen( mName ) == 0 ) {
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < 999 ; i++ ) {
      MakeTempName( i );
      miHandle = open( mName,
                      O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_BINARY | O_EXCL,
                      S_IREAD | S_IWRITE );
      if ( miHandle != -1 )
      else if ( errno != EEXIST && errno != EACCES ) {
        mStatus.SetError( AL_CANT_OPEN_FILE,
                         "Temporary file creation failure.  "
                         "Open of %s returned errno = %d",
                         errno );
        mName = "";
        return AL_CANT_OPEN_FILE;
    if ( i == 1000 ) {
      mStatus.SetError( AL_CANT_OPEN_FILE,
                       "Temporary file creation failure.  "
                       "Tried 1000 times to open %s "
                       "(or a name something like that).",
                       mName.GetName() );
      mName = "";
      return AL_CANT_OPEN_FILE;
  } else {
    miHandle = open( mName,
                    O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_BINARY | O_TRUNC,
                    S_IREAD | S_IWRITE );
  if ( miHandle == -1 )
    return mStatus.SetError( AL_CANT_OPEN_FILE,
                            "File creation failure.  "
                            "Open of %s returned errno = %d",
                            errno );
  return AL_SUCCESS;

// int ALFile::Close()
//  None.
//  Any status code, hopefully AL_SUCCESS.
//  This function is called when you are done accessing a file, and want 
//  to free up its resources.  The first thing it does is check to see
//  if the file was ever actually opened.  If it was, we flush the output
//  buffer, then calculate and store the file length.  Finally, we close
//  the disk file, then call the base class Close() function to clean up
//  the buffers and deal with other miscellaneous dirty work.
//   May 26, 1994  1.0A  : First release

int AL_PROTO ALFile::Close()
  if ( miHandle == -1 )
    return mStatus;
  mlSize = filelength( miHandle );
  if ( miCreated && mTimeDate.Valid() ) {
#if defined( AL_WIN32S )
    // Can you do this under NT?  I don't know how.    
    _dos_setftime( miHandle, mTimeDate.GetDosDate(), mTimeDate.GetDosTime() );
  close( miHandle );
  miHandle = -1;
  if ( miCreated && mTimeDate.Valid() ) {
    // TBI code for setting UNIX attributes
#if defined( AL_WIN32S )
    SetFileAttributes( mName, mAttributes.GetWin32Attributes() );
    _dos_setfileattr( mName, mAttributes.GetDosAttributes() );
  return mStatus;

// int ALFile::RenameToBackup( int delete_on_clash = 1 )
//  delete_on_clash  : If this flag is set, it means that we will overwrite
//                     an existing file with this file if the names clash.
//                     For example, if I am renaming TEMP.DAT to TEMP.BAK,
//                     and a TEMP.BAK already exists, I will delete it
//                     before renaming if this arg is set.
//  This function is a quick way to rename a storage object. The new
//  name created is the default name, which usually means changing the
//  file extension to ".BAK", from whatever it was.
//  You don't see it here, but both the mName member and the physical file
//  name are both updated.  That all happens in the Rename() function.
//   May 26, 1994  1.0A  : First release

int AL_PROTO ALFile::RenameToBackup( int delete_on_clash /* = 1 */ )
  return Rename( 0, delete_on_clash );

// int ALFile::Rename( const char *new_name /* = 0 */, 
//                     int delete_on_clash /* = 1 */ )
//  new_name         : A character pointer to a new file name.  If a name is
//                     defined here, the file is renamed to this new value.
//                     If this value is 0, it means that we expect that
//                     the mName member has already been updated with a
//                     new name.  In this case, the old name of the
//                     file is renamed to the new name.
//  delete_on_clash  : If this flag is set, it means that we will overwrite
//                     an existing file with this file if the names clash.
//                     For example, if I am renaming TEMP.DAT to TEMP.BAK,
//                     and a TEMP.BAK already exists, I will delete it
//                     before renaming if this arg is set.
//  This virtual function provides a way to rename a storage object's
//  physical implementation.  It first updates the mName member if a
//  new_name argument is provided.  After that, we unlink the clash file
//  if one exists, then do a simple rename of mName.mszOldName to 
//  new_name.
//  Note that this function does a lot of error checking in debug mode.
//  It also does a little error checking in release mode.
//   May 26, 1994  1.0A  : First release

int AL_PROTO ALFile::Rename( const char AL_DLL_FAR *new_name /* = 0 */,
                            int delete_on_clash /* = 1 */ )
  AL_ASSERT( miHandle == -1, "Rename: attempting to rename open file" );
  AL_ASSERT( mName.GetName() != 0, "Rename: attempting to rename file with null name" );
  AL_ASSERT( strlen( mName ) > 0, "Rename: attempting to rename file with 0 length name" );

  int status;
  const char *real_old_name;
  const char *real_new_name;
  if ( new_name ) {
    real_old_name = mName.GetSafeName();
    real_new_name = new_name;
  } else {
    real_old_name = mName.GetSafeOldName();
    real_new_name = mName.GetSafeName();
#if !defined( AL_WIN32S )
  const char *p = strchr( real_new_name, '.' );
  if ( p && strlen( p ) > 4 )
    return mStatus.SetError( AL_RENAME_ERROR,
                            "Error trying to rename %s.  It has a long "
                            "extension, which could lead to inadvertent "
                            "deletion of a file when trying to rename.",
                            real_old_name );
  if ( delete_on_clash ) {
    if ( mName.mCase == AL_MIXED )
      status = strcmp( real_new_name, real_old_name );
      status = stricmp( real_new_name, real_old_name );
    if ( status == 0 )
      return mStatus.SetError( AL_RENAME_ERROR,
                              "Error attempting to rename %s to %s.  "
                              "Can't rename to the same name!",
                              real_old_name );
    status = unlink( real_new_name );
    if ( status != 0 && errno != ENOENT )
      return mStatus.SetError( AL_RENAME_ERROR,
                              "Error deleting %s before renaming %s.  "
                              "errno = %d",
                              errno );
  status = rename( real_old_name, real_new_name );
  if ( status != 0 )
    return mStatus.SetError( AL_RENAME_ERROR,
                            "Error renaming %s to %s.  errno = %d",
                            errno );
  if ( new_name != 0 )
    mName = new_name;
  return AL_SUCCESS;

// int ALFile::UnRename( int delete_on_clash /* = 1 */ )
//  delete_on_clash  : If this flag is set, it means that we will overwrite
//                     an existing file with this file if the names clash.
//                     For example, if I am renaming TEMP.BAK to TEMP.DAT,
//                     and a TEMP.DAT already exists, I will delete it
//                     before renaming if this arg is set.
//  This virtual function provides a way to undo a previous renaming of
//  a storage object's physical name.  We can do this because the mName
//  member of ALStorage keeps track both of the current name of the file,
//  and the old name.  In this case, we just rename the current name to
//  the old name.  Then we update the mName member so it is accurate.
//  Note that this function does a lot of error checking in debug mode.
//  It also does a little error checking in release mode.
//   May 26, 1994  1.0A  : First release

int AL_PROTO ALFile::UnRename( int delete_on_clash /* = 1 */ )
  AL_ASSERT( miHandle == -1, "UnRename: attempting to rename open file" );
  AL_ASSERT( mName.GetName() != 0, "UnRename: attempting to rename file with null name" );
  AL_ASSERT( mName.GetOldName() != 0, "UnRename: attempting to rename file with null old name" );
  AL_ASSERT( strlen( mName ) > 0, "UnRename: attempting to rename file with 0 length name" );
  AL_ASSERT( strlen( mName.GetOldName() ) > 0, "UnRename: attempting to rename file with 0 length old name" );

  int status;

  if ( delete_on_clash ) {
    status = unlink( mName.GetOldName() );
    if ( status != 0 && errno != ENOENT )
      return mStatus.SetError( AL_RENAME_ERROR,
                              "Error deleting %s before renaming %s.  "
                              "errno = %d",
                              errno );
  status = rename( mName, mName.GetOldName() );
  if ( status != 0 && errno != ENOENT )
    return mStatus.SetError( AL_RENAME_ERROR,
                            "Error renaming %s to %s.  errno = %d",
                            errno );
  ALStorage::mName = mName.GetOldName();
  return AL_SUCCESS;

// int ALFile::Delete()
//  None.
//  This function is called to delete the physical object associated with
//  a file.  This simply means calling the unlink() function for the
//  given name.
//   May 26, 1994  1.0A  : First release

int AL_PROTO ALFile::Delete()
  AL_ASSERT( miHandle == -1, "Delete: attempting to delete open file" );
  AL_ASSERT( mName.GetName() != 0, "Delete: attempting to delete file with null name"  );
  AL_ASSERT( strlen( mName ) > 0, "Delete: attempting to delete file with 0 length name" );

  int status = unlink( mName );
  if ( status != 0 )
    return mStatus.SetError( AL_DELETE_ERROR,
                            "Error deleting file %s, errno = %d ",
                            errno );
  return AL_SUCCESS;