/* char *ConvDecimalToAsciiCommaRound(s, x, n) * * ARGUMENT * DEC *x; * char *s; * int n; * * * DESCRIPTION * Converts a DEC structure to an ascii string. A '-' will be printed * for negative numbers, but a '+' sign will never be printed. A decimal * point will be printed whenever the implied decimal is positive. Trailing * zeroes after the decimal point will be printed. A comma will be printed * every three digits left of the decimal point. * * SIDE EFFECTS * None. * * RETURNS * A string pointer if successful, NULL otherwise. * * POSSIBLE ERROR CODES * * GM_NULLPOINTER * GM_NULLSTRING * GM_CNVRW * GM_INVALIDID * * AUTHOR * Jared Levy Feb 1, 1987 * Copyright (C) 1987-1990 Greenleaf Software Inc. All rights reserved. * * MODIFICATIONS * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "gmsystem.h" char* ConvDecimalToAsciiCommaRound( s, x, n) char *s; DEC *x; int n; /* 0...18 */ { DEC a,*pa=&a; int i, wDigits, wOut; char t[GM_IMAXID * 2]; _MacStart(GM_DTOACR); if(!s) { _MacErr(GM_NULLSTRING); _MacRet(NULL); } if (!x) { strcpy(s, "(null)"); _MacErr(GM_NULLPOINTER); _MacRet (NULL); } if (_MacBad(x)) { strcpy(s, "(null)"); _MacErr(GM_INIT); _MacRet (NULL); } if (n<GM_MINID) { _MacErr(GM_INVALIDID); n = GM_MINID; } if (n>GM_MAXID) { _MacErr(GM_INVALIDID); n = GM_MAXID; } wDigits = wOut = 0; /* preserve source integrity */ _MacDCopy(pa,x); if(_MacIsDecN(pa)) { ++wOut; } if (n < pa->dc.id) { if (wfGMRound) _DivUnsArrByPwrOf10(pa->dc.sl, 5, pa->dc.id - n); else _DivUnsArrByPwrOf10Trunc(pa->dc.sl, 5, pa->dc.id - n); pa->dc.id = n; if (_MacIsDecZ(pa)) wOut = 0; _MacErr(GM_CNVRW); } /* calculate wDigits */ while(!(_MacIsDecZ(pa))) { i = (int) _DivUnsArrByUns(pa->dc.sl,10,5); t[wDigits] = (char) (i + 0x30); wDigits++; } /* precede by zeroes if necessary */ for (; wDigits <= pa->dc.id; wDigits++) t[wDigits] = '0'; /* add minus sign */ if(wOut!=0) { s[0] = '-'; } /* copy wDigits into string */ for (wDigits--; wDigits >= 0; wDigits--) { if (wDigits == pa->dc.id - 1) { s[wOut] = '.'; wOut++; } s[wOut] = t[wDigits]; wOut++; if ((wDigits > pa->dc.id) && ((wDigits - pa->dc.id) % 3 == 0)) { s[wOut] = ','; wOut++; } } if (pa->dc.id < n) { if (pa->dc.id == 0) { s[wOut] = '.'; wOut++; } for (i=pa->dc.id; i<n; i++) { s[wOut] = '0'; wOut++; } } /* a # in the format string forces a decimal point */ if (wfFlagNumber && n==0) { s[wOut] = '.'; wOut++; } s[wOut] = '\0'; _MacRet (s); }