#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ba8400.h" #include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TFormer_mask /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TFormer_mask : public TAutomask { bool _doc; int _qta_decimals; protected: void run_app(const char* app) const; virtual bool on_field_event(TOperable_field& o, TField_event e, long jolly); void add_array_message(const TString& msg, TReport_field& rf) const; void parse_field_line(const TString& line, TReport_field& rf) const; void import_section(TScanner& scan, TReport_section& rs) const; void import_general(TScanner& scan, TReport& rep); void import_sections(TScanner& scan, TReport& rep); void import_use(TScanner& scan, TReport& rep) const; void import(); public: TFormer_mask(); }; void TFormer_mask::import_use(TScanner& scan, TReport& rep) const { TString use; int parse_use = 0; while (scan.ok()) { const TString& line = scan.line(); if (line.empty()) break; if (parse_use == 0 && line.starts_with("US")) parse_use = 1; if (parse_use == 1) { if (line.starts_with("EN")) { parse_use = 2; break; } else use << line << '\n'; } } if (!use.blank()) rep.set_recordset(use); } void TFormer_mask::add_array_message(const TString& line, TReport_field& rf) const { TToken_string head(line, ' '); TString_array list; rf.get_list(list); const int index = list.last(); TToken_string item = list.row(index); head.add("MESSAGE", 0); TString msg = item.get(2); msg.trim(); if (!msg.empty()) item << '\n'; msg << head; item.add(msg,2); list.add(item, index); rf.set_list(list); } void TFormer_mask::parse_field_line(const TString& line, TReport_field& rf) const { TToken_string head(line, ' '); head.trim(); head.strip_d_spaces(); if (head.starts_with("DR")) { if (rf.type() == 'V' || rf.type() == 'P') rf.set_codval(head.get(1)); } else if (head.starts_with("FI")) { TString fld = head.get(1); const int arrow = fld.find("->"); if (arrow > 0) { const TString& right = fld.mid(arrow+2); fld.cut(arrow); fld << '.' << right; } if (rf.field().blank()) rf.set_field(fld); else rf.set_alternate_field(fld); } else if (head.starts_with("FL")) { const TString& flags = head.get(1); for (int i = 0; flags[i]; i++) { switch (flags[i]) { case 'D': rf.deactivate(); break; case 'H': rf.hide(); break; case 'U': if (rf.type() == 'V') rf.set_type('P'); // Trasforma da Valuta a Prezzo break; default: break; } } } else if (head.starts_with("GR")) { TString g = rf.groups(); for (int i = head.items()-1; i > 0; i--) g << ' ' << head.get(i); rf.set_groups(g); if (_doc && rf.type() == 'N') { if (rf.in_group(29)) // PREZZO { rf.set_type('P'); rf.set_codval("33.CODVAL"); } else if (rf.in_group(30)) // QTA { TString pic = rf.picture().before(","); if (_qta_decimals > 0) { pic << ','; for (int d = 0; d < _qta_decimals; d++) pic << '@'; } const int extra = pic.len() - rf.get_rect().width() / 100; if (extra > 0) pic = pic.mid(extra); rf.set_picture(pic); } else if (rf.in_group(31)) // IMPORTO { rf.set_type('V'); rf.set_codval("33.CODVAL"); } } } else if (head.starts_with("IT")) { const int apicia = head.find('"')+1; if (apicia > 0 && rf.type() == 'A') { const int apicic = head.find('"', apicia); TToken_string item(head.sub(apicia, apicic), SAFE_PIPE_CHR); item.replace('|', SAFE_PIPE_CHR); TString_array list; rf.get_list(list); list.add(item); rf.set_list(list); const int msg = head.find(" ME", apicic); if (msg > 0) add_array_message(head.mid(msg+1), rf); } } else if (head.starts_with("ME")) { if (head.find("NUMEXPR") > 0 || head.find("STREXPR") > 0) { const int pos = head.find(',')+1; rf.set_field(head.mid(pos)); } else { if (rf.type() == 'A') add_array_message(head, rf); else { head.add("MESSAGE", 0); TString me = rf.prescript(); if (me.not_empty()) me << '\n'; me << head; rf.set_prescript(me); } } } else if (head.starts_with("PI")) { const int apici = head.find('"'); if (apici > 0) { TString pic = head.mid(apici); pic.strip("\""); pic.insert(rf.picture()); rf.set_picture(pic); } } else if (head.starts_with("PR")) { const int x = 100*(head.get_int(1)-1); const int y = 100*(head.get_int()-1); rf.set_pos(x, y); const int apici = head.find('"'); if (apici > 0) { TString prompt = head.mid(apici); if (rf.type() == 'I') rf.set_field(prompt); else { prompt.strip("\""); rf.set_picture(prompt); } } } } void TFormer_mask::import_general(TScanner& scan, TReport& rep) { TString expr; while (scan.ok()) { TString& line = scan.line(); if (line.empty() || line.starts_with("EN")) break; if (_doc) { if (line.starts_with("EXCLUDE")) { TToken_string exclude(50, ','); exclude = line.after('"'); exclude.strip("\""); exclude.trim(); TString cond, codart; cond << "(34.TIPORIGA='" << exclude.get(0) << "\')"; codart = exclude.get(1); if (!codart.blank()) { cond.insert("("); cond << "&&(34.CODART?='" << codart << "')"; cond << ')'; } if (expr.not_empty()) expr << "||"; expr << cond; } else if (line.starts_with("QTA_DECIMALS")) { _qta_decimals = atoi(line.mid(13)); } } } if (_doc && expr.not_empty()) { expr.insert("!("); expr << ')'; rep.section('B', 1).set_condition(expr); } } void TFormer_mask::import_section(TScanner& scan, TReport_section& rs) const { TToken_string head(256, ' '); int in_field = 0; TReport_field* cur_field = NULL; while (scan.ok()) { TString& line = scan.line(); if (line.empty()) break; if (line.starts_with("BE")) { in_field++; if (in_field == 1) { head.trim(); head.strip_d_spaces(); const TString16 str_type = head.get(0); char type = ' '; if (str_type.starts_with("FI")) type = 'I'; else if (str_type.starts_with("LI")) type = 'A'; else type = str_type[0]; if (type > ' ') { const int id = head.get_int(1); const int width = 100*head.get_int(); const int height = 100*head.get_int(); cur_field = new TReport_field(&rs); cur_field->set_type(type); if (id > 0) cur_field->set_id(id); if (width > 0) cur_field->set_width(width); if (height > 0) { cur_field->set_height(height); if (_doc && type == 'S' && height >= 500 && rs.type() == 'B') cur_field->set_dynamic_height(true); // Altezza descrizione automatica } if (strchr("NVP", type) != NULL) { cur_field->set_horizontal_alignment('R'); cur_field->hide_zeroes(true); } rs.add(cur_field); } } } else if (line.starts_with("EN")) { if (in_field >= 0) { if (cur_field != NULL) { // Trasforma in testi fissi i campi stringa senza sorgente if (cur_field->type() == 'S' && !cur_field->picture().blank() && cur_field->field().blank() && cur_field->prescript().blank()) cur_field->set_type('T'); } in_field--; // END of field cur_field = NULL; } if (in_field < 0) break; // END of section } else if (cur_field != NULL) { parse_field_line(line, *cur_field); } head = line; } } void TFormer_mask::import_sections(TScanner& scan, TReport& rep) { while (scan.ok()) { TString& line = scan.line(); if (line.empty()) break; if (line.starts_with("GE")) import_general(scan, rep); if (line.starts_with("SE")) { line.trim(); line.strip_d_spaces(); TToken_string head(line, ' '); const TString16 str_name = head.get(1); const TString16 str_type = head.get(); int height = 100*head.get_int(); char type = ' '; int level = 0; if (str_name.starts_with("BO")) { if (str_type.starts_with("OD")) { type = 'B'; level = 1; height = 0; } } if (str_name.starts_with("FO")) { if (str_type.starts_with("LA")) { type = 'F'; level = 1; } if (str_type.starts_with("OD")) { type = 'F'; level = 0; } } else if (str_name.starts_with("GR")) { if (str_type.starts_with("OD")) { type = 'B'; level = 0; } } else if (str_name.starts_with("HE")) { if (str_type.starts_with("FI")) { type = 'H'; level = 1; } if (str_type.starts_with("OD")) { type = 'H'; level = 0; } } if (type > ' ') { TReport_section& cur_sec = rep.section(type, level); if (height >= 0) cur_sec.set_height(height); else { if (type == 'F') { const TPoint abolute_footer_pos(0, -height); cur_sec.set_pos(abolute_footer_pos); } } import_section(scan, cur_sec); } } } const char* hf = "HF"; for (int i = 0; hf[i]; i++) { TReport_section* sec = rep.find_section(hf[i], 0); if (sec != NULL) { const bool yes = rep.find_section(hf[i], 1) != NULL; sec->hide_if_needed(yes); } } } void TFormer_mask::import() { _doc = get_bool(F_DOC); TScanner scan(get(F_FORM)); TReport rep; import_use(scan, rep); import_sections(scan, rep); if (_doc) rep.set_libraries("ve1300"); rep.save(get(F_REPORT)); } void TFormer_mask::run_app(const char* app) const { const TFilename output = get(F_REPORT); if (output.exist()) { TString cmd; cmd << app << ' ' << output; TExternal_app app(cmd); app.run(); } else ::error_box(TR("Il file %s non esiste"), (const char*)output); } bool TFormer_mask::on_field_event(TOperable_field& o, TField_event e, long jolly) { switch (o.dlg()) { case F_FORM: if (e == fe_modify || (e == fe_init && !o.empty())) { TFilename output = get(F_REPORT); TFilename path = output.path(); if (path.empty()) { path = firm2dir(-1); path.add("custom"); } TFilename input = o.get(); input.ext("frm"); input.custom_path(); o.set(input); const TString name = input.name(); output = path; output.add(name); output.ext("rep"); output.lower(); set(F_REPORT, output, true); enable(DLG_ELABORA, input.exist()); set(F_DOC, isdigit(name[2]) ? "" : "X"); } break; case F_REPORT: if (e == fe_modify || e == fe_init) { const TFilename output = get(F_REPORT); const bool yes = output.exist(); enable(DLG_EDIT, yes); enable(DLG_PRINT, yes); } break; case DLG_ELABORA: if (e == fe_button) { const TFilename output = get(F_REPORT); if (output.exist()) { if (!yesno_box(TR("Il file %s esiste gia':\nSi desidera sovrascriverlo?"), (const char*)output)) return false; } import(); enable(DLG_PRINT, output.exist()); } break; case DLG_EDIT: if (e == fe_button) run_app("ba8 -2"); break; case DLG_PRINT: if (e == fe_button) { if (get_bool(F_DOC)) run_app("ve1 -2"); else run_app("ba8 -2"); } return false; default: break; } return true; } TFormer_mask::TFormer_mask() : TAutomask("ba8400a"), _qta_decimals(0) { #ifdef DBG set(F_FORM, "d:/clienti/newcelltop/custom/nctfat.frm"); #endif } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TFormer_app /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TFormer_app : public TSkeleton_application { protected: virtual bool create(); virtual void main_loop(); }; bool TFormer_app::create() { if (!has_module(RSAUT)) return error_box(TR("Modulo non autorizzato")); return TSkeleton_application::create(); } void TFormer_app::main_loop() { TFormer_mask m; m.run(); } int ba8400(int argc, char* argv[]) { TFormer_app app; app.run(argc, argv, TR("Form Converter")); return 0; }