#include #include #include HIDDEN int LEN_SPACES(WINDOW win, int x) { HIDDEN long w = 0L; if (x < 0) { x = 80; w = 0L; } if (w == 0L) { TString spc(132, 'm'); w = xvt_dwin_get_text_width(win, spc.get_buffer(), 132); } const int k = int((w*x) / 132); #ifdef DBG static bool error_on = TRUE; if (error_on) { TString256 spc; spc.fill('m', x); const int k1 = xvt_dwin_get_text_width(win, spc.get_buffer(), x); if (k != k1) error_on = error_box("Maguire disagrees: %d != %d", k, k1); } #endif return k; } void TPrintwin::paint_background(long j) { const bool isbackground = _bg->items() > 0 && printer().isgraphics(); const bool fink_mode = printer().get_fink_mode(); int rw = (int)(j % _formlen); int cnt = 0; char ch; char curcol = 'n'; char curpen = 'n'; char curpat = 'n'; char curwid = '1'; unsigned int x1, y1, x2, y2, id; PNT b, e; if (!fink_mode) { const char* line = printer().background_chars(rw); set_color (COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE); xvt_dwin_draw_text(win(), _hofs , (rw*_chary + _chary - _descent + _vofs), (char*)line, -1); // return; } if (!isbackground) return; TString& rwd = (TString&)(*_bg)[rw]; while (ch = rwd[cnt++]) { if (!fink_mode && (ch == 'v' || ch == 'o' || ch == 'u' || ch == 'h' || ch == 'r')) continue; switch(ch) { case 'v': // verticale intera x1 = (byte)rwd[cnt++]-1; b.h = e.h = LEN_SPACES(win(), x1)+LEN_SPACES(win(), 1)/2+_hofs; b.v = rw * _chary + _vofs; e.v = (rw+1) * _chary + _vofs; xvt_dwin_draw_set_pos(win(),b); xvt_dwin_draw_line(win(),e); break; case 'o': // verticale pezzo sopra x1 = (byte)rwd[cnt++]-1; b.h = e.h = LEN_SPACES(win(), x1)+LEN_SPACES(win(), 1)/2 + _hofs; b.v = rw * _chary + _vofs; e.v = rw * _chary + _chary/2 + _vofs; xvt_dwin_draw_set_pos(win(),b); xvt_dwin_draw_line(win(),e); break; case 'u': // verticale pezzo sotto x1 = (byte)rwd[cnt++]-1; b.h = e.h = LEN_SPACES(win(), x1)+LEN_SPACES(win(), 1)/2 + _hofs; b.v = rw*_chary + _chary/2 + _vofs; e.v = (rw+1) * _chary + _vofs; xvt_dwin_draw_set_pos(win(),b); xvt_dwin_draw_line(win(),e); break; case 'h': // orizzontale intera x1 = (byte)rwd[cnt++]-1; x2 = (byte)rwd[cnt++]-1; b.v = e.v = rw*_chary + _chary/2 + _vofs; b.h = LEN_SPACES(win(), x1)+_hofs; e.h = LEN_SPACES(win(), x2)+_hofs; xvt_dwin_draw_set_pos(win(),b); xvt_dwin_draw_line(win(),e); break; case 'r': // orizzontale scorciata agli estremi x1 = (byte)rwd[cnt++]-1; x2 = (byte)rwd[cnt++]-1; b.v = e.v = rw*_chary + _chary/2 + _vofs; b.h = LEN_SPACES(win(), x1)+LEN_SPACES(win(), 1)/2 + _hofs; e.h = LEN_SPACES(win(), x2)+LEN_SPACES(win(), 1)/2+_hofs; xvt_dwin_draw_set_pos(win(),b); xvt_dwin_draw_line(win(),e); break; case 'i': id = (byte)(rwd[cnt++])-1; // Numero immagine y1 = (byte)(rwd[cnt++])-1; // Riga sorgente x1 = (byte)(rwd[cnt++])-1; // Colonna destinazione x2 = (byte)(rwd[cnt++]); // Larghezza destinazione (in caratteri) y2 = (byte)(rwd[cnt++]); // Altezza destinazione (in caratteri) if (id >= 0) { const short width = LEN_SPACES(win(), x2); // Larghezza in pixel TImage* i = (TImage*)_images.objptr(id); if (i == NULL) { const TString_array& a = printer().image_names(); const TImage src(a.row(id)); if (src.ok()) { i = new TImage(src, width, _chary*y2); _images.add(i, id); } } if (i && i->ok()) { RCT src; xvt_rect_set(&src, 0, int(_chary*y1), width, min(int(_chary*(y1+1)), i->height())); if (src.top < i->height()) { PNT p; p.h = LEN_SPACES(win(), x1) + _hofs; p.v = _chary*rw + _vofs; RCT dst = src; xvt_rect_set_pos(&dst, p); i->draw(win(), dst, src); } } } break; case 'W': curwid = rwd[cnt++]; set_pen(trans_color(curcol), curwid- '0', trans_brush(curpat), trans_pen(curpen)); break; case 'P': curpen = rwd[cnt++]; set_pen(trans_color(curcol), curwid- '0', trans_brush(curpat), trans_pen(curpen)); break; case 'B': curpat = rwd[cnt++]; set_pen(trans_color(curcol), curwid- '0', trans_brush(curpat), trans_pen(curpen)); break; case 'C': curcol = rwd[cnt++]; set_pen(trans_color(curcol), curwid- '0', trans_brush(curpat), trans_pen(curpen)); break; default: break; } } // restore default pen set_pen(COLOR_BLACK); } void TPrintwin::paint_image(int row, const char* cp) { TToken_string tok(cp+2, ','); TImage img(tok.get(0)); const int x = _hofs + LEN_SPACES(win(), tok.get_int()-1); const int y = _vofs + row * _chary; int dx = LEN_SPACES(win(), tok.get_int(3)-tok.get_int(1)+1); int dy = _chary * (tok.get_int(4)-tok.get_int(2)+1); if (img.ok()) { const double ratiox = double(img.width()) / dx; const double ratioy = double(img.height()) / dy; const double ratio = ratiox > ratioy ? ratiox : ratioy; dx = int(img.width() / ratio); dy = int(img.height() / ratio); RCT dst; xvt_rect_set(&dst, x, y, x+dx, y+dy); img.draw(win(), dst); } else { RCT dst; xvt_rect_set(&dst, x, y, x+dx, y+dy); set_pen(COLOR_RED); xvt_dwin_draw_rect(win(), &dst); } } void TPrintwin::paint_row(long j) { const int row = (int)(j % _formlen); const int y = row*_chary + _chary - _descent + ((_chary == 1) ? 0 : _vofs); if (_chary > 1) // Stampante vera (non Generica solo Testo) { paint_background(j); _txt.read_line(j); int pos = 0; const char* cp; while((cp = _txt.piece()) != NULL) { const int st = _txt.get_style(); const COLOR bg = trans_color(_txt.get_background()); const COLOR fg = trans_color(_txt.get_foreground()); set_color(fg, bg); if (bg != fg) // Testo vero { set_color(fg, bg); set_font(printer().fontname(), st, _char_size); const char* beg = cp; while (*beg) { for (; *beg == ' '; beg++) // Salta spazi iniziali pos++; if (*beg) { int len = 0; for (const char * end = beg; *end && (*end != ' ' || *(end+1) != ' '); end++) len++; // Misura stringa da stampare xvt_dwin_draw_text(win(), _hofs + LEN_SPACES(win(), pos), y, (char*)beg, len); pos += len; beg = end; } } } else // Testo trasparente (elementi grafici aggiuntivi) { if (*cp == 'i') paint_image(row, cp); } } } else { set_font(printer().fontname(), XVT_FS_NONE, _char_size); #if XVT_OS == XVT_OS_WIN || XVT_OS == XVT_OS_WIN32 // Questa e' la patch per TTY.DRV. if (j > 0 && (j % _realformlen) == 0) { _frlc++; xvt_dwin_draw_text(win(), 0, y , "", -1); } else #endif xvt_dwin_draw_text(win(), 0, y, (char*)(const char*)_txt.line(j - _frlc), -1); } } // @doc INTERNAL // @mfunc Permette di stampare un rettangolo a video // // @rdesc Ritorna se e' riuscito a stampare in una unica pagina bool TPrintwin::print_band( int page, // @parm Numero della pagina in cui stampare RCT& r) // @parm Parte di finestra da stampare // @comm Di solito viene disegnata l'intera pagina, ma la cosa dipende dal driver di stampa { // int i,l_ofst = printer().get_line_offset(); // const int offset = l_ofst < 0 ? abs(l_ofst) + 1: 0; // const int offset = printer().get_line_offset(); // const bool generic = _chary == 1; const long j = ((long)page) * _formlen; const int rows = (r.bottom - r.top) / _chary; const int top = r.top / _chary; for (int k = top; k < top+rows; k++) { long row = j + k; if (row < _txt.lines() + _frlc && k < _formlen) paint_row(row); else break; } return (j + k < _txt.lines() + _frlc); } // @doc INTERNAL // @mfunc Inizia la stampa // // @rdesc Ritorna se viene interrotta la stampa: // // @flag TRUE | La stampa e' andata a buon fine // @flag FALSE | La stampa e' stata interrotta bool TPrintwin::do_print() // @comm Quando possibile parte un processo concorrente (dipende dal sistema operativo) { int page = 0; RCT* rct; bool ok = TRUE; #ifdef DBG const long size = xvt_dwin_get_font_size_mapped(win()); #endif _frlc = 0; _blank_lines_to_print = 0; while (ok && !_aborted) { _aborted = xvt_print_open_page(_printrcd) == 0; while (!_aborted && ok && (rct = xvt_print_get_next_band()) != NULL) { set_font(XVT_FFN_SYSTEM, XVT_FS_NONE, _char_size); set_font(printer().fontname(), XVT_FS_NONE, _char_size); #ifdef DBG long size1 = xvt_dwin_get_font_size_mapped(win()); CHECK(size == size1, "Failed to set font. xvt bugs???"); #endif ok = print_band(page, *rct); } _aborted |= (xvt_print_close_page(_printrcd) == 0); page++; } return !_aborted; } TPrintwin::TPrintwin(TTextfile& txt) : _txt(txt), _inited(FALSE), _aborted(FALSE) { TPrinter& p = printer(); _printrcd = p.get_printrcd(); if (!xvt_print_is_valid(_printrcd)) { _aborted = TRUE; return; } WINDOW prwin = xvt_print_create_win(_printrcd, (char*)(const char*)main_app().title()); if (prwin == NULL_WIN) { _aborted = TRUE; return; } set_win(prwin); _char_size = p.get_char_size(); set_font(p.fontname(), XVT_FS_NONE, _char_size); LEN_SPACES(win(), -1); // force update _pagelen = p.formlen(); p.init_formlen(prwin); // Calcola offset e altre misure pagina int abs_column=p.get_column_offset(); int segno = abs_column>=0 ? 1 : -1; abs_column*=segno; xvt_dwin_get_font_metrics(prwin, &_lead, &_ascent, &_descent); _bg = &p.getbgdesc(); _chary = p.get_dots_per_line(); _hofs = p.get_horz_offset() + segno*LEN_SPACES(prwin,abs_column); _vofs = p.get_vert_offset() + p.get_line_offset()*_chary; _formlen = p.formlen(); p.formlen(_pagelen); if (p.is_generic()) { long pw, ph, phr, pvr; // Printer width, height, horizontal and vertical resolution xvt_app_escape (XVT_ESC_GET_PRINTER_INFO, p.get_printrcd(), &ph, &pw, &pvr, &phr); if (pvr != 0) _realformlen = int(ph * p.get_lines_per_inch() / pvr); else _realformlen = 66; } else _realformlen = 66; // Anche se non e' importante settarlo in altri casi. _formwidth = p.formwidth(); _inited = TRUE; } TPrintwin::~TPrintwin() { if (_inited && win() != NULL_WIN) xvt_vobj_destroy(win()); set_win(NULL_WIN); }