// // STOR.INL // // Source file for ArchiveLib 2.0 // Inline function definitions // // Copyright (c) Greenleaf Software, Inc. 1994-1996 // All Rights Reserved // // CONTENTS // // ALStorage::GetSize() // ALStorage::IsOpen() // ALStorage::ClearError() // ALStorage::ReadChar() // ALStorage::WriteChar() // // DESCRIPTION // // Inline functions for class ALStorage. // // REVISION HISTORY // // February 14, 1996 2.0A : New release // // NAME // // ALStorage::GetSize() // // PLATFORMS/ENVIRONMENTS // // Console Windows PM // C++ C VB Delphi // // SHORT DESCRIPTION // // Returns the size of a storage object. // // C++ SYNOPSIS // // #include "arclib.h" // // inline long ALStorage::GetSize() const // // C SYNOPSIS // // #include "arclib.h" // // long ALStorageGetSize( hALStorage this_object ); // // VB SYNOPSIS // // Declare Function ALStorageGetSize Lib "AL20LW" // (ByVal this_object&) As Long // // DELPHI SYNOPSIS // // function ALStorageGetSize( this_object : hALStorage ) : LongInt; // // ARGUMENTS // // this_object : A reference or pointer to the ALStorage object whose // size is desired. Note that the C++ // version of this call doesn't have an explicit argument // here, since it has access to 'this' implicitly. // // DESCRIPTION // // Once an ALStorage object has been opened and closed, you can determine // what size it was by looking at the mlSize member. This member is // protected so people can't jack with it. // // Be sure to note that just creating a storage object doesn't initialize // the mlSize member to its correct value. You have to open the file and // close it. If you are creating the file, you need to do all your output // as well. // // There is an important exception to this, however. When you read in // a directory from an Archive, the size (and other stats) of the stored // files are loaded and ready for perusal. // // RETURNS // // A long integer containing the file length. // // EXAMPLE // // SEE ALSO // // ALStorage::GetCrc32() // // REVISION HISTORY // // February 14, 1996 2.0A : New release // inline long AL_INLINE_PROTO ALStorage::GetSize() const /* Tag public function */ { return mlSize; } // // NAME // // ALStorage::IsOpen() // // PLATFORMS/ENVIRONMENTS // // Console Windows PM // C++ C VB Delphi // // SHORT DESCRIPTION // // Indicates whether a storage object is open or not. // // C++ SYNOPSIS // // #include "arclib.h" // // inline int ALStorage::IsOpen() // // C SYNOPSIS // // #include "arclib.h" // // int ALStorageIsOpen( hALStorage this_object ); // // VB SYNOPSIS // // Declare Function ALStorageIsOpen Lib "AL20LW" // (ByVal this_object&) As Integer // // DELPHI SYNOPSIS // // function ALStorageIsOpen( this_object : hALStorage ) : Integer; // // ARGUMENTS // // this_object : A reference or pointer to the ALStorage object whose // status is desired. Note that the C++ version of this // call doesn't have an explicit argument for this_object, // since it has access to 'this' implicitly. // // DESCRIPTION // // Sometimes you might want to know if a storage object is open. This // function does just that. It relies on the fact that an open storage // object has its mpcBuffer allocated to determine this status. // // RETURNS // // A boolean value telling whether the file is open. // // EXAMPLE // // SEE ALSO // // ALStorage::Open(), ALStorage::Close() // // REVISION HISTORY // // February 14, 1996 2.0A : New release // inline int AL_INLINE_PROTO ALStorage::IsOpen() /* Tag public function */ { return mpcBuffer != 0; } // // NAME // // ALStorage::ClearError() // // PLATFORMS/ENVIRONMENTS // // Console Windows PM // C++ C VB Delphi // // SHORT DESCRIPTION // // Reset the error status for a storage object. // // C++ SYNOPSIS // // #include "arclib.h" // // void ALStorage::ClearError() // // C SYNOPSIS // // #include <arclib.h> // // void ALStorageClearError( hALStorage this_object ); // // VB SYNOPSIS // // Declare Sub ALStorageClearError Lib "AL20LW" (ByVal this_object& ) // // DELPHI SYNOPSIS // // procedure ALStorageClearError( this_object : hALStorage ); // // ARGUMENTS // // this_object : A reference or pointer to the ALStorage object that // is going to have its status reset. Note that the C++ // version of this call doesn't have an explicit argument // here, since it has access to 'this' implicitly. // // DESCRIPTION // // An ALStorage object carries around a status object in its mStatus // member. For various reasons, this member might get set to an error // condition. Error conditions aren't cleared automatically by the library, // so the user will have to manually clear it with a call to this function. // // This is a real simple function, so in C++ it will be implemented as // an inline function. The rest of the supported languages don't have // this luxury. // // RETURNS // // Nothing. // // EXAMPLE // // SEE ALSO // // ALStatus::SetError() // // REVISION HISTORY // // February 14, 1996 2.0A : New release // inline void AL_INLINE_PROTO ALStorage::ClearError() /* Tag public function */ { mStatus.SetError( AL_SUCCESS, 0 ); } // // NAME // // ALStorage::ReadChar() // // PLATFORMS/ENVIRONMENTS // // Console Windows PM // C++ C VB Delphi // // SHORT DESCRIPTION // // Read a character from a storage object. // // C++ SYNOPSIS // // #include "arclib.h" // // inline int ALStorage::ReadChar() // // C SYNOPSIS // // #include "arclib.h" // // int ALStorageReadChar( hALStorage this_object ); // // VB SYNOPSIS // // Declare Function ALStorageReadChar Lib "AL20LW" // (ByVal this_object&) As Integer // // DELPHI SYNOPSIS // // function ALStorageReadChar( this_object : hALStorage ) : Integer; // // ARGUMENTS // // this_object : A reference or pointer to the ALStorage object that // is going to be read from. Note that the C++ // version of this call doesn't have an explicit argument // here, since it has access to 'this' implicitly. // // DESCRIPTION // // This is an inline function that is able to quickly do buffered I/O. // By utilizing an I/O buffer we can make this routine very fast, since // it doesn't have to call a virtual function. The virtual function // only has to be called when LoadBuffer() gets called. // // Different compilers have different abilities to make this code inline, // so sometimes it needs to be tinkered with. If you see anything in here // that looks funny, that probably explains why. // // // It is really important to keep this routine inline!!!! // // RETURNS // // Either the next character available from the I/O buffer, or // AL_END_OF_FILE. // // EXAMPLE // // SEE ALSO // // REVISION HISTORY // // February 14, 1996 2.0A : New release // inline int AL_INLINE_PROTO ALStorage::ReadChar() /* Tag public function */ { int result; AL_ASSERT( muWriteIndex == 0, "ReadChar(): Attempt to read while in write mode" ); /*Can't read if I've done a write!*/ result = muBufferValidData - muReadIndex; if ( result <= 0 ) result = LoadBuffer( mlFilePointer ); AL_ASSERT( mpcBuffer != 0, "ReadChar(): Attempt to read from closed file" ); /*Potential disaster*/ if ( result < 0 ) return result; else return mpcBuffer[ muReadIndex++ ] & 0xff; } // // NAME // // ALStorage::WriteChar() // // PLATFORMS/ENVIRONMENTS // // Console Windows PM // C++ C VB Delphi // // SHORT DESCRIPTION // // Write a character to a storage object. // // C++ SYNOPSIS // // #include "arclib.h" // // inline int ALStorage::WriteChar( int c ) // // C SYNOPSIS // // #include "arclib.h" // // int ALStorageWriteChar( hALStorage this_object, int c ); // // VB SYNOPSIS // // Declare Function ALStorageWriteChar Lib "AL20LW" // (ByVal this_object&, ByVal c%) As Integer // // DELPHI SYNOPSIS // // function ALStorageWriteChar( this_object : hALStorage; // c : Integer ) : Integer; // // ARGUMENTS // // this_object : A reference or pointer to the ALStorage object that // is going to be written to. Note that the C++ // version of this call doesn't have an explicit argument // here, since it has access to 'this' implicitly. // // c : The character that is going to be written. // // DESCRIPTION // // This is an inline function that is able to quickly do buffered I/O. // By utilizing an I/O buffer we can make this routine very fast, since // it doesn't have to call a virtual function. The virtual function // only has to be called when FlushBuffer() gets called. // // Different compilers have different abilities to make this code inline, // so sometimes it needs to be tinkered with. If you see anything in here // that looks funny, that probably explains why. // // // It is really important to keep this routine inline!!!! // // RETURNS // // Either the character that we just wrote out, or an error < AL_SUCCESS. // // EXAMPLE // // SEE ALSO // // ALStorage::ReadChar(), ALStorage::WriteBuffer() // // REVISION HISTORY // // February 14, 1996 2.0A : New release // inline int AL_INLINE_PROTO ALStorage::WriteChar( int c ) /* Tag public function */ { int result; /* assert( muReadIndex == 0 ); */ /* Can't write if I've done a read */ AL_ASSERT( mpcBuffer != 0, "WriteChar(): Attempt to write to closed file" ); /* Disaster! */ result = muBufferSize - muWriteIndex; if ( result <= 0 ) result = FlushBuffer(); if ( result < 0 ) return mStatus; else return mpcBuffer[ muWriteIndex++ ] = (char) c; }