/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* | PDFlib - A library for generating PDF on the fly | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2006 Thomas Merz and PDFlib GmbH. All rights reserved. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | This software is subject to the PDFlib license. It is NOT in the | | public domain. Extended versions and commercial licenses are | | available, please check http://www.pdflib.com. | | | *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* $Id: p_defopt.h,v 1.3 2008-10-20 14:34:15 guy Exp $ * * PDFlib shared option definitions and structures * */ #ifndef P_DEFOPT_H #define P_DEFOPT_H #define PDF_KEEP_TEXTLEN (1L<<0) /* keep text length */ #define PDF_KEEP_CONTROL (1L<<1) /* keep special control character */ #define PDF_KEEP_UNICODE (1L<<2) /* keep Unicode text */ #define PDF_FORCE_NEWALLOC (1L<<3) /* force alloc for new text */ #define PDF_USE_TMPALLOC (1L<<4) /* use temporary memory */ #define PDF_RETURN_BOXEMPTY "_boxempty" #define PDF_RETURN_BOXFULL "_boxfull" #define PDF_RETURN_NEXTPAGE "_nextpage" #define PDF_RETURN_STOP "_stop" #define PDF_RETURN_ATMARK "_mark%d" typedef enum { is_block = (1L<<0), is_image = (1L<<1), is_textline = (1L<<2), is_textflow = (1L<<3), is_inline = (1L<<4) } pdf_elemflags; struct pdf_text_options_s { pdc_scalar charspacing; pdc_scalar charspacing_pc; pdf_coloropt fillcolor; int font; pdc_scalar fontsize; pdc_scalar fontsize_pc; int fontsize_st; pdc_bool glyphwarning; pdc_scalar horizscaling; pdc_scalar italicangle; pdc_bool fakebold; pdc_bool kerning; unsigned int mask; unsigned int pcmask; unsigned int fontset; pdc_bool overline; pdc_bool strikeout; pdf_coloropt strokecolor; pdc_scalar strokewidth; pdc_scalar dasharray[2]; char *text; int textlen; pdc_text_format textformat; int textrendering; pdc_scalar textrise; pdc_scalar textrise_pc; pdc_scalar leading; pdc_scalar leading_pc; pdc_bool underline; pdc_scalar wordspacing; pdc_scalar wordspacing_pc; pdc_scalar underlinewidth; pdc_scalar underlineposition; pdc_scalar *xadvancelist; int nglyphs; char *link; char *linktype; pdc_bool charref; pdc_bool escapesequence; pdc_glyphcheck glyphcheck; }; typedef enum { xo_filename, xo_ignoreorientation, xo_imagewarning, xo_dpi, xo_page, xo_scale } pdf_xobject_optflags; typedef struct { pdc_bool adjustpage; pdc_bool blind; char *filename; int flags; pdc_bool imagewarning; pdc_bool ignoreorientation; unsigned int mask; int im; int page; pdc_scalar dpi[2]; pdc_scalar scale[2]; } pdf_xobject_options; typedef enum { fit_boxsize, fit_fitmethod, fit_margin, fit_shrinklimit, fit_position, fit_orientate, fit_rotate, fit_matchbox, fit_alignchar, fit_refpoint } pdf_fit_optflags; typedef struct { pdc_scalar boxsize[2]; pdc_fitmethod fitmethod; int flags; pdc_scalar margin[2]; unsigned int mask; unsigned int pcmask; pdc_scalar shrinklimit; pdc_scalar position[2]; int orientate; pdc_scalar refpoint[2]; pdc_scalar rotate; pdc_bool showborder; pdf_mbox *matchbox; pdc_ushort alignchar; } pdf_fit_options; typedef struct pdf_fitres_s pdf_fitres; /* font option definitions */ #define PDF_KERNING_FLAG PDC_OPT_UNSUPP #define PDF_SUBSETTING_FLAG PDC_OPT_UNSUPP #define PDF_AUTOCIDFONT_FLAG PDC_OPT_UNSUPP #define PDF_EMBEDOPENTYPE_FLAG PDC_OPT_UNSUPP #define PDF_SKIPPOSTTABLE_FLAG PDC_OPT_UNSUPP #define PDF_CHARREF_FLAG PDC_OPT_UNSUPP #define PDF_ESCAPESEQU_FLAG PDC_OPT_UNSUPP #define PDF_GLYPHCHECK_FLAG PDC_OPT_UNSUPP #define PDF_VERTICAL_FLAG PDC_OPT_UNSUPP #define PDF_REPLCHAR_FLAG PDC_OPT_UNSUPP #define PDF_KEEPNATIVE_FLAG PDC_OPT_UNSUPP #define PDF_STAMP_FLAG PDC_OPT_UNSUPP #define PDF_LEADER_FLAG PDC_OPT_UNSUPP #define PDF_METADATA_FLAG PDC_OPT_UNSUPP #define PDF_CLIPPATH_FLAG PDC_OPT_UNSUPP #define PDF_FONT_OPTIONS1 \ \ {"encoding", pdc_stringlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ 0.0, PDF_MAX_NAMESTRING, NULL}, \ \ {"fontname", pdc_stringlist, PDC_OPT_NONE | PDC_OPT_CONVUTF8, 1, 1, \ 1.0, PDF_MAX_FONTNAME, NULL}, \ #define PDF_FONT_OPTIONS2 \ \ {"autocidfont", pdc_booleanlist, PDF_AUTOCIDFONT_FLAG, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ \ {"autosubsetting", pdc_booleanlist, PDF_SUBSETTING_FLAG, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ \ {"embedding", pdc_booleanlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ \ {"fontstyle", pdc_keywordlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, pdf_fontstyle_pdfkeylist}, \ \ /* deprecated */ \ {"fontwarning", pdc_booleanlist, PDC_OPT_PDFLIB_7, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ \ {"monospace", pdc_integerlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ 1.0, FNT_MAX_METRICS, NULL}, \ \ {"ascender", pdc_integerlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ -FNT_MAX_METRICS, FNT_MAX_METRICS, NULL}, \ \ {"descender", pdc_integerlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ -FNT_MAX_METRICS, FNT_MAX_METRICS, NULL}, \ \ {"capheight", pdc_integerlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ -FNT_MAX_METRICS, FNT_MAX_METRICS, NULL}, \ \ {"xheight", pdc_integerlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ -FNT_MAX_METRICS, FNT_MAX_METRICS, NULL}, \ \ {"linegap", pdc_integerlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ -FNT_MAX_METRICS, FNT_MAX_METRICS, NULL}, \ \ {"subsetlimit", pdc_doublelist, PDF_SUBSETTING_FLAG|PDC_OPT_PERCENT, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 100.0, NULL}, \ \ {"subsetminsize", pdc_doublelist, PDF_SUBSETTING_FLAG, 1, 1, \ 0.0, PDC_FLOAT_MAX, NULL}, \ \ {"subsetting", pdc_booleanlist, PDF_SUBSETTING_FLAG, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ \ {"unicodemap", pdc_booleanlist, PDF_AUTOCIDFONT_FLAG, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ \ {"embedopentype", pdc_booleanlist, PDF_EMBEDOPENTYPE_FLAG, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ \ {"skipposttable", pdc_booleanlist, PDF_SKIPPOSTTABLE_FLAG, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ \ {"keepnative", pdc_booleanlist, PDF_KEEPNATIVE_FLAG, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ \ {"vertical", pdc_booleanlist, PDF_VERTICAL_FLAG, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ \ {"replacementchar", pdc_unicharlist, PDF_REPLCHAR_FLAG, 1, 1, \ 0.0, PDC_MAX_UNIVAL, NULL}, \ \ {"metadata", pdc_stringlist, PDF_METADATA_FLAG, 1, 1, \ 0.0, PDC_INT_MAX, NULL}, \ #define PDF_FONT_OPTIONS3 \ \ {"kerning", pdc_booleanlist, PDF_KERNING_FLAG, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ /* text option definitions */ #define PDF_TEXT_OPTIONS \ \ {"charspacing", pdc_scalarlist, PDC_OPT_PERCENT, 1, 1, \ PDC_FLOAT_MIN, PDC_FLOAT_MAX, NULL}, \ \ /* deprecated */ \ {"glyphwarning", pdc_booleanlist, PDC_OPT_PDFLIB_7, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ \ {"fillcolor", pdc_stringlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 5, \ 0.0, PDF_MAX_NAMESTRING, NULL}, \ \ {"font", pdc_fonthandle, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ 0, 0, NULL}, \ \ {"fontsize", pdc_scalarlist, \ PDC_OPT_PERCENT | PDC_OPT_SUBOPTLIST | PDC_OPT_KEYLIST1, 1, 2, \ PDC_FLOAT_MIN, PDC_FLOAT_MAX, pdf_fontsize_keylist}, \ \ {"horizscaling", pdc_scalarlist, PDC_OPT_PERCENT, 1, 1, \ PDC_FLOAT_MIN, PDC_FLOAT_MAX, NULL}, \ \ {"italicangle", pdc_scalarlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ -89.99, 89.99, NULL}, \ \ {"fakebold", pdc_booleanlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ \ {"kerning", pdc_booleanlist, PDF_KERNING_FLAG, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ \ {"overline", pdc_booleanlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ \ {"strikeout", pdc_booleanlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ \ {"strokecolor", pdc_stringlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 5, \ 0.0, PDF_MAX_NAMESTRING, NULL}, \ \ {"strokewidth", pdc_scalarlist, PDC_OPT_PERCENT, 1, 1, \ 0.0, PDC_FLOAT_MAX, pdf_underlinewidth_keylist}, \ \ {"dasharray", pdc_scalarlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 2, \ 0.0, PDC_FLOAT_MAX, NULL}, \ \ {"textformat", pdc_keywordlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, pdf_textformat_keylist}, \ \ {"textrendering", pdc_integerlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ 0, PDF_LAST_TRMODE, NULL}, \ \ {"textrise", pdc_scalarlist, PDC_OPT_PERCENT, 1, 1, \ PDC_FLOAT_MIN, PDC_FLOAT_MAX, NULL}, \ \ {"underline", pdc_booleanlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ \ {"wordspacing", pdc_scalarlist, PDC_OPT_PERCENT, 1, 1, \ PDC_FLOAT_MIN, PDC_FLOAT_MAX, NULL}, \ \ {"underlinewidth", pdc_scalarlist, PDC_OPT_PERCENT, 1, 1, \ 0.0, PDC_FLOAT_MAX, pdf_underlinewidth_keylist}, \ \ {"underlineposition", pdc_scalarlist, PDC_OPT_PERCENT, 1, 1, \ PDC_FLOAT_MIN, PDC_FLOAT_MAX, pdf_underlineposition_keylist}, \ \ /* deprecated */ \ {"weblink", pdc_stringlist, PDC_OPT_PDFLIB_7, 1, 1, \ 0.0, PDC_INT_MAX, NULL}, \ \ /* deprecated */ \ {"locallink", pdc_stringlist, PDC_OPT_PDFLIB_7, 1, 1, \ 0.0, PDC_INT_MAX, NULL}, \ \ /* deprecated */ \ {"pdflink", pdc_stringlist, PDC_OPT_PDFLIB_7, 1, 1, \ 0.0, PDC_INT_MAX, NULL}, \ \ {"charref", pdc_booleanlist, PDF_CHARREF_FLAG, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ \ {"escapesequence", pdc_booleanlist, PDF_ESCAPESEQU_FLAG, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ \ {"glyphcheck", pdc_keywordlist, PDF_GLYPHCHECK_FLAG, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, pdf_glyphcheck_keylist}, \ \ /* xobject option definitions */ #define PDF_XOBJECT_OPTIONS1 \ \ {"adjustpage", pdc_booleanlist, PDC_OPT_PDC_1_3, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ \ {"blind", pdc_booleanlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ #define PDF_XOBJECT_OPTIONS2 \ \ {"ignoreorientation", pdc_booleanlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ \ {"ignoreclippingpath", pdc_booleanlist, PDF_CLIPPATH_FLAG, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ \ /* deprecated */ \ {"imagewarning", pdc_booleanlist, PDC_OPT_PDFLIB_7, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ \ {"dpi", pdc_scalarlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 2, \ 0.0, PDC_INT_MAX, pdf_dpi_keylist}, \ #define PDF_XOBJECT_OPTIONS3 \ \ {"scale", pdc_scalarlist, PDC_OPT_NOZERO, 1, 2, \ PDC_FLOAT_MIN, PDC_FLOAT_MAX, NULL}, \ /* general fit option definitions */ #define PDF_FIT_OPTIONS1 \ \ {"boxsize", pdc_scalarlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 2, 2, \ 0, PDC_FLOAT_MAX, NULL}, \ \ {"margin", pdc_scalarlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 2, \ 0, PDC_FLOAT_MAX, NULL}, \ \ {"shrinklimit", pdc_scalarlist, PDC_OPT_PERCENT | PDC_OPT_PERCRANGE, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 100.0, NULL}, \ \ {"position", pdc_scalarlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 2, \ PDC_FLOAT_MIN, PDC_FLOAT_MAX, pdf_position_keylist}, \ \ {"matchbox", pdc_stringlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ 0.0, PDC_INT_MAX, NULL}, \ #define PDF_FIT_OPTIONS2 \ \ {"fitmethod", pdc_keywordlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, pdf_fitmethod_keylist}, \ \ {"rotate", pdc_scalarlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ PDC_FLOAT_MIN, PDC_FLOAT_MAX, NULL}, \ \ {"orientate", pdc_keywordlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, pdf_orientate_keylist}, \ \ {"showborder", pdc_booleanlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, NULL}, \ #define PDF_FIT_OPTIONS6 \ \ {"alignchar", pdc_unicharlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 1, 1, \ 0.0, PDC_USHRT_MAX, pdf_charname_keylist}, \ \ {"stamp", pdc_keywordlist, PDF_STAMP_FLAG, 1, 1, \ 0.0, 0.0, pdf_stampdir_keylist}, \ \ {"leader", pdc_stringlist, PDF_LEADER_FLAG, 1, 1, \ 0.0, PDC_INT_MAX, NULL}, \ #define PDF_FIT_OPTIONS3 \ \ {"refpoint", pdc_scalarlist, PDC_OPT_NONE, 2, 2, \ PDC_FLOAT_MIN, PDC_FLOAT_MAX, NULL}, \ /* p_font.c */ void pdf_get_font_options(PDF *p, pdf_font_options *fo, pdc_resopt *resopts); int pdf_load_font_internal(PDF *p, pdf_font_options *fo); /* p_image.c */ void pdf_init_xobject_options(PDF *p, pdf_xobject_options *xo); void pdf_get_xobject_options(PDF *p, pdf_xobject_options *xo, pdc_resopt *resopts); pdc_resopt *pdf_parse_fitxobject_optlist(PDF *p, int im, pdf_xobject_options *xo, pdf_fit_options *fit, const char *optlist); void pdf_fit_xobject_internal(PDF *p, pdf_xobject_options *xo, pdf_fit_options *fit, pdc_matrix *immatrix); /* p_mbox.c */ void pdf_init_fit_options(PDF *p, pdc_bool fortflow, pdf_fit_options *fit); void pdf_cleanup_fit_options(PDF *p, pdf_fit_options *fit); void pdf_get_fit_options(PDF *p, pdc_bool fortflow, pdf_fit_options *fit, pdc_resopt *resopts); void pdf_get_mbox_boxheight(PDF *p, pdf_mbox *mbox, pdc_scalar *boxheight); pdc_bool pdf_get_mbox_clipping(PDF *p, pdf_mbox *mbox, pdc_scalar width, pdc_scalar height, pdc_box *clipbox); double pdf_get_mbox_info(PDF *p, pdf_mbox *mbox, const char *keyword); /* p_text.c */ pdc_bool pdf_calculate_text_options(PDF *p, pdf_text_options *to, pdc_bool force, pdc_scalar fontscale, pdc_scalar minfontsize, pdc_scalar fontsizeref); void pdf_set_text_options(PDF *p, pdf_text_options *to); void pdf_init_text_options(PDF *p, pdf_text_options *to); void pdf_get_text_options(PDF *p, pdf_text_options *to, pdc_resopt *resopts); pdc_resopt *pdf_parse_fittextline_optlist(PDF *p, pdf_text_options *to, pdf_fit_options *fit, const char *optlist); pdc_bool pdf_fit_textline_internal(PDF *p, pdf_fitres *fitres, pdf_text_options *to, pdf_fit_options *fit, pdc_matrix *matrix); void pdf_calculate_textline_size(PDF *p, pdf_text_options *to, pdf_fit_options *fit, pdc_scalar *width, pdc_scalar *height); pdc_bool pdf_is_horiz_orientated(pdf_fit_options *fit); int pdf_calculate_leader_pos(PDF *p, pdf_alignment alignment, pdf_text_options *to, int nchars,pdc_scalar *xstart, pdc_scalar *xstop, pdc_scalar width, pdc_bool left); void pdf_draw_leader_text(PDF *p, pdc_scalar xstart, pdc_scalar ybase, pdc_scalar width, int nchars, pdc_byte *utext, int len, int charlen, pdf_text_options *to); int pdf_get_approximate_uvlist(PDF *p, pdf_font *currfont, pdc_encodingvector *ev, int usv, pdc_bool replace, pdf_fitres *fitres, pdc_ushort *uvlist, pdc_ushort *cglist); void pdf_get_input_textformat(pdf_font *currfont, pdc_text_format *intextformat, int *convflags); pdc_bool pdf_check_textstring(PDF *p, const char *text, int len, int flags, pdf_text_options *to, pdf_fitres *fittext, pdc_byte **outtext, int *outlen, int *outcharlen, pdc_bool verbose); pdc_scalar pdf_calculate_textsize(PDF *p, const pdc_byte *text, int len, int charlen, pdf_text_options *to, int breakchar, pdc_scalar *height, pdc_bool verbose); pdc_scalar pdf_trim_textwidth(pdc_scalar width, pdf_text_options *to); void pdf_place_text(PDF *p, pdc_byte *text, int len, int charlen, pdf_text_options *to, pdc_scalar width, pdc_scalar height, pdc_bool cont); #endif /* P_DEFOPT_H */