/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* | PDFlib - A library for generating PDF on the fly | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2006 Thomas Merz and PDFlib GmbH. All rights reserved. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | This software is subject to the PDFlib license. It is NOT in the | | public domain. Extended versions and commercial licenses are | | available, please check http://www.pdflib.com. | | | *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* $Id: p_bmp.c,v 1.3 2008-10-20 14:34:15 guy Exp $ * * BMP processing for PDFlib * */ #include "p_intern.h" #include "p_color.h" #include "p_image.h" #ifndef PDF_BMP_SUPPORTED pdc_bool pdf_is_BMP_file(PDF *p, pdc_file *fp) { (void) p; (void) fp; return pdc_false; } int pdf_process_BMP_data( PDF *p, int imageslot) { (void) imageslot; pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_UNSUPP_IMAGE, "BMP", 0, 0, 0); return -1; } #else /* !PDF_BMP_SUPPORTED */ /* for documentation only */ #if 0 /* BMP file header structure */ typedef struct { pdc_ushort bfType; /* Magic number for file */ pdc_uint32 bfSize; /* Size of file */ pdc_ushort bfReserved1; /* Reserved */ pdc_ushort bfReserved2; /* ... */ pdc_uint32 bfOffBits; /* Offset to bitmap data */ } BITMAPFILEHEADER; /* BMP file info structure */ typedef struct { pdc_uint32 biSize; /* Size of info header */ pdc_sint32 biWidth; /* Width of image */ pdc_sint32 biHeight; /* Height of image */ pdc_ushort biPlanes; /* Number of color planes */ pdc_ushort biBitCount; /* Number of bits per pixel */ pdc_uint32 biCompression; /* Type of compression to use */ pdc_uint32 biSizeImage; /* Size of image data */ pdc_sint32 biXPelsPerMeter; /* X pixels per meter */ pdc_sint32 biYPelsPerMeter; /* Y pixels per meter */ pdc_uint32 biClrUsed; /* Number of colors used */ pdc_uint32 biClrImportant; /* Number of important colors */ } BITMAPINFOHEADER; #endif #define PDF_GET_BYTE(pos) *pos, pos += sizeof(pdc_byte) #define PDF_GET_SHORT(pos) pdc_get_le_short(pos), pos += sizeof(pdc_short) #define PDF_GET_USHORT(pos) pdc_get_le_ushort(pos), pos += sizeof(pdc_ushort) #define PDF_GET_LONG(pos) pdc_get_le_long(pos), pos += sizeof(pdc_sint32) #define PDF_GET_ULONG(pos) pdc_get_le_ulong(pos), pos += sizeof(pdc_uint32) #define PDF_BMP_STRING "\102\115" /* "BM" */ #define PDF_BMP_RGB 0 /* No compression - straight BGR data */ #define PDF_BMP_RLE8 1 /* 8-bit run-length compression */ #define PDF_BMP_RLE4 2 /* 4-bit run-length compression */ #define PDF_BMP_BITFIELDS 3 /* RGB bitmap with RGB masks */ #define PDF_BMP_FILE_HEADSIZE 14 /* File header size */ #define PDF_BMP_INFO_HEAD2SIZE 12 /* Info header size BMP Version 2 */ #define PDF_BMP_INFO_HEAD3SIZE 40 /* Info header size BMP Version 3 */ #define PDF_BMP_INFO_HEAD4SIZE 108 /* Info header size BMP Version 4 */ static void pdf_data_source_BMP_init(PDF *p, PDF_data_source *src) { static const char *fn = "pdf_data_source_BMP_init"; pdf_image *image = (pdf_image *) src->private_data; src->buffer_length = image->info.bmp.rowbytes_buf; src->buffer_start = (pdc_byte *) pdc_calloc(p->pdc, image->info.bmp.rowbytes_pad, fn); src->bytes_available = image->info.bmp.rowbytes_pdf; src->next_byte = src->buffer_start; } static pdc_bool pdf_data_source_BMP_fill(PDF *p, PDF_data_source *src) { pdf_image *image = (pdf_image *) src->private_data; int i, j; (void) p; if (image->info.bmp.bpp == 16) { if (image->info.bmp.pos < image->info.bmp.end) { pdc_ushort pixel, ppixel; int ilast = image->info.bmp.rowbytes_buf - 3; i = 0; for (j = 0; j < (int) image->info.bmp.rowbytes; j += 2) { pixel = PDF_GET_USHORT(image->info.bmp.pos); if (i <= ilast) { ppixel = (pixel & image->info.bmp.redmask); ppixel = (ppixel >> image->info.bmp.redmove); src->buffer_start[i] = (pdc_byte) ((ppixel * 255) / image->info.bmp.redmax); i++; ppixel = (pixel & image->info.bmp.greenmask); ppixel = (ppixel >> image->info.bmp.greenmove); src->buffer_start[i] = (pdc_byte) ((ppixel * 255) / image->info.bmp.greenmax); i++; ppixel = (pixel & image->info.bmp.bluemask); ppixel = (ppixel >> image->info.bmp.bluemove); src->buffer_start[i] = (pdc_byte) ((ppixel * 255) / image->info.bmp.bluemax); i++; } } } else { src->bytes_available = 0; } } else if (image->info.bmp.bpp == 32 || image->info.bmp.compression == PDF_BMP_RGB) { size_t avail; /* Read 1 padded row from file */ avail = pdc_fread(src->buffer_start, 1, image->info.bmp.rowbytes_pad, image->fp); if (avail > 0) { /* Fill up remaining bytes */ if (avail < image->info.bmp.rowbytes_pad) { for (i = (int) avail; i < (int) src->buffer_length; i++) src->buffer_start[i] = 0; } if (image->colorspace == DeviceRGB) { /* Swap red and blue */ if (image->info.bmp.bpp == 32) { pdc_uint32 pixel, ppixel; pdc_byte *pos = src->buffer_start; i = 0; for (j = 0; j < (int) image->info.bmp.rowbytes_buf; j += 4) { pixel = PDF_GET_ULONG(pos); ppixel = (pixel & image->info.bmp.redmask); ppixel = (ppixel >> image->info.bmp.redmove); src->buffer_start[i] = (pdc_byte) ((ppixel * 255) / image->info.bmp.redmax); i++; ppixel = (pixel & image->info.bmp.greenmask); ppixel = (ppixel >> image->info.bmp.greenmove); src->buffer_start[i] = (pdc_byte) ((ppixel * 255) / image->info.bmp.greenmax); i++; ppixel = (pixel & image->info.bmp.bluemask); ppixel = (ppixel >> image->info.bmp.bluemove); src->buffer_start[i] = (pdc_byte) ((ppixel * 255) / image->info.bmp.bluemax); i++; } } else { for (j = 0; j < (int) image->info.bmp.rowbytes_buf; j += 3) { pdc_byte c = src->buffer_start[j]; src->buffer_start[j] = src->buffer_start[j + 2]; src->buffer_start[j + 2] = c; } } } } else { src->bytes_available = 0; } } /* Compression methods RLE8 and RLE4 */ else { int col = 0; int fnibble = 1; pdc_byte c, cc, ccc, cn[2], ccn; if (image->info.bmp.pos < image->info.bmp.end) { if (image->info.bmp.skiprows) { for (; col < (int) image->info.bmp.rowbytes; col++) src->buffer_start[col] = 0; image->info.bmp.skiprows--; } else { while (1) { c = *image->info.bmp.pos; image->info.bmp.pos++; if (image->info.bmp.pos >= image->info.bmp.end) goto PDF_BMP_CORRUPT; cc = *image->info.bmp.pos; if (c != 0) { /* Repeat c time pixel value */ if (image->info.bmp.compression == PDF_BMP_RLE8) { for (i = 0; i < (int) c; i++) { if (col >= (int) image->info.bmp.rowbytes) goto PDF_BMP_CORRUPT; src->buffer_start[col] = cc; col++; } } else { cn[0] = (pdc_byte) ((cc & 0xF0) >> 4); cn[1] = (pdc_byte) (cc & 0x0F); for (i = 0; i < (int) c; i++) { if (col >= (int) image->info.bmp.rowbytes) goto PDF_BMP_CORRUPT; ccn = cn[i%2]; if (fnibble) { fnibble = 0; src->buffer_start[col] = (pdc_byte) (ccn << 4); } else { fnibble = 1; src->buffer_start[col] |= ccn; col++; } } } } else if (cc > 2) { /* cc different pixel values */ if (image->info.bmp.compression == PDF_BMP_RLE8) { for (i = 0; i < (int) cc; i++) { image->info.bmp.pos++; if (image->info.bmp.pos >= image->info.bmp.end) goto PDF_BMP_CORRUPT; if (col >= (int) image->info.bmp.rowbytes) goto PDF_BMP_CORRUPT; src->buffer_start[col] = *image->info.bmp.pos; col++; } } else { for (i = 0; i < (int) cc; i++) { if (!(i%2)) { image->info.bmp.pos++; if (image->info.bmp.pos >= image->info.bmp.end) goto PDF_BMP_CORRUPT; ccc = *image->info.bmp.pos; cn[0] = (pdc_byte) ((ccc & 0xF0) >> 4); cn[1] = (pdc_byte) (ccc & 0x0F); } if (col >= (int) image->info.bmp.rowbytes) goto PDF_BMP_CORRUPT; ccn = cn[i%2]; if (fnibble) { fnibble = 0; src->buffer_start[col] = (pdc_byte) (ccn << 4); } else { fnibble = 1; src->buffer_start[col] |= ccn; col++; } } if (cc % 2) cc++; cc /= 2; } /* Odd number of bytes */ if (cc % 2) image->info.bmp.pos++; } else if (cc < 2) { /* End of scan line or end of bitmap data*/ for (; col < (int) image->info.bmp.rowbytes; col++) src->buffer_start[col] = 0; } else if (cc == 2) { int cola; /* Run offset marker */ if (image->info.bmp.pos >= image->info.bmp.end - 1) goto PDF_BMP_CORRUPT; image->info.bmp.pos++; c = *image->info.bmp.pos; image->info.bmp.pos++; cc = *image->info.bmp.pos; /* Fill current row */ cola = col; for (; col < (int) image->info.bmp.rowbytes; col++) src->buffer_start[col] = 0; if (col - cola != (int) c) goto PDF_BMP_CORRUPT; /* Number of rows to be skipped */ image->info.bmp.skiprows = (size_t) cc; } image->info.bmp.pos++; if (col >= (int) image->info.bmp.rowbytes) { /* Skip end of scan line marker */ if (image->info.bmp.pos < image->info.bmp.end - 1) { c = *image->info.bmp.pos; cc = *(image->info.bmp.pos + 1); if(cc == 0 && cc <= 1) image->info.bmp.pos += 2; } break; } } } } else { src->bytes_available = 0; } } return (src->bytes_available ? pdc_true : pdc_false); PDF_BMP_CORRUPT: image->corrupt = pdc_true; src->bytes_available = 0; return pdc_false; } static void pdf_data_source_BMP_terminate(PDF *p, PDF_data_source *src) { pdf_image *image = (pdf_image *) src->private_data; pdc_free(p->pdc, (void *) src->buffer_start); if (image->info.bmp.bitmap != NULL) pdc_free(p->pdc, (void *) image->info.bmp.bitmap); } pdc_bool pdf_is_BMP_file(PDF *p, pdc_file *fp) { pdc_byte buf[2]; pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 1, trc_image, "\tChecking image type BMP...\n"); if (pdc_fread(buf, 1, 2, fp) < 2 || strncmp((const char *) buf, PDF_BMP_STRING, 2) != 0) { pdc_fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET); return pdc_false; } return pdc_true; } int pdf_process_BMP_data( PDF *p, int imageslot) { static const char *fn = "pdf_process_BMP_data"; pdc_byte buf[256], *pos, *cmap, bdummy; pdf_image *image = &p->images[imageslot]; pdc_file *fp = image->fp; pdc_uint32 uldummy, infosize = 0, offras = 0, planes = 0, bitmapsize = 0; pdc_uint32 ncolors = 0, importcolors = 0, compression = PDF_BMP_RGB; pdc_ushort usdummy, bpp = 0, bpp_pdf = 0; pdc_sint32 width = 0, height = 0, dpi_x = 0, dpi_y = 0; pdc_uint32 redmask = 0, greenmask = 0, bluemask = 0, ccmax; size_t nbytes; pdf_colorspace cs; pdf_colormap colormap; int i, slot, colsize = 0, errcode = 0; /* Error reading magic number or not a BMP file */ if (pdf_is_BMP_file(p, image->fp) == pdc_false) { errcode = PDC_E_IO_BADFORMAT; goto PDF_BMP_ERROR; } /* read file header without FileType field + */ /* Size field of info header */ pos = &buf[2]; nbytes = PDF_BMP_FILE_HEADSIZE - 2 + 4; if (!PDC_OK_FREAD(fp, pos, nbytes)) { errcode = PDF_E_IMAGE_CORRUPT; goto PDF_BMP_ERROR; } uldummy = PDF_GET_ULONG(pos); usdummy = PDF_GET_USHORT(pos); usdummy = PDF_GET_USHORT(pos); offras = PDF_GET_ULONG(pos); infosize = PDF_GET_ULONG(pos); /* no support of later version than 3 */ if (infosize != PDF_BMP_INFO_HEAD2SIZE && infosize != PDF_BMP_INFO_HEAD3SIZE) { errcode = PDF_E_BMP_VERSUNSUPP; goto PDF_BMP_ERROR; } /* info header */ pos = buf; nbytes = infosize - 4; if (!PDC_OK_FREAD(fp, pos, nbytes)) { errcode = PDF_E_IMAGE_CORRUPT; goto PDF_BMP_ERROR; } if (infosize == PDF_BMP_INFO_HEAD2SIZE) { width = PDF_GET_SHORT(pos); height = PDF_GET_SHORT(pos); planes = PDF_GET_USHORT(pos); bpp = PDF_GET_USHORT(pos); colsize = 3; } else if (infosize == PDF_BMP_INFO_HEAD3SIZE) { width = PDF_GET_LONG(pos); height = PDF_GET_LONG(pos); planes = PDF_GET_USHORT(pos); bpp = PDF_GET_USHORT(pos); compression = PDF_GET_ULONG(pos); bitmapsize = PDF_GET_ULONG(pos); dpi_x = PDF_GET_LONG(pos); dpi_y = PDF_GET_LONG(pos); ncolors = PDF_GET_ULONG(pos); importcolors = PDF_GET_ULONG(pos); colsize = 4; } /* compressed BMP images by bitfields */ if (compression == PDF_BMP_BITFIELDS) { pos = buf; nbytes = 3 * sizeof(pdc_uint32); if (!PDC_OK_FREAD(fp, pos, nbytes)) { errcode = PDF_E_IMAGE_CORRUPT; goto PDF_BMP_ERROR; } else { redmask = PDF_GET_ULONG(pos); greenmask = PDF_GET_ULONG(pos); bluemask = PDF_GET_ULONG(pos); } } pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 5, trc_image, "\t\t\tinfosize = %d\n" "\t\t\twidth = %d\n" "\t\t\theight = %d\n" "\t\t\tplanes = %d\n" "\t\t\tbpp = %d\n" "\t\t\tcompression = %d\n" "\t\t\tbitmapsize = %d\n" "\t\t\tdpi_x = %d\n" "\t\t\tdpi_y = %d\n" "\t\t\tncolors = %d\n" "\t\t\timportcolors = %d\n" "\t\t\tcolsize = %d\n" "\t\t\tredmask = 0x%08X\n" "\t\t\tgreenmask = 0x%08X\n" "\t\t\tbluemask = 0x%08X\n", infosize, width, height, planes, bpp, compression, bitmapsize, dpi_x, dpi_y, ncolors, importcolors, colsize, redmask, greenmask, bluemask); image->bpc = bpp; image->width = width; image->height = -height; image->dpi_x = (pdc_scalar) (PDC_INCH2METER * dpi_x); image->dpi_y = (pdc_scalar) (PDC_INCH2METER * dpi_y); image->info.bmp.bpp = bpp; bpp_pdf = bpp; /* color map only for bpp = 1, 4, 8 */ if (bpp < 16) { if (!ncolors) ncolors = (pdc_uint32) (1 << bpp); if (ncolors > (offras - PDF_BMP_FILE_HEADSIZE - infosize) / colsize) { errcode = PDF_E_IMAGE_CORRUPT; goto PDF_BMP_ERROR; } /* allocate and read color map */ nbytes = colsize * ncolors; cmap = (pdc_byte *) pdc_malloc(p->pdc, nbytes, fn); if (!PDC_OK_FREAD(fp, cmap, nbytes)) { errcode = PDF_E_IMAGE_CORRUPT; goto PDF_BMP_ERROR; } /* set color map (bgr) */ pos = cmap; for (i = 0; i < (int) ncolors; i++) { colormap[i][2] = PDF_GET_BYTE(pos); colormap[i][1] = PDF_GET_BYTE(pos); colormap[i][0] = PDF_GET_BYTE(pos); if (infosize == PDF_BMP_INFO_HEAD3SIZE) { bdummy = PDF_GET_BYTE(pos); } } pdc_free(p->pdc, cmap); pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 5, trc_image, "\t\t\tcolor map with %d colors generated\n", ncolors); image->components = 1; cs.type = Indexed; cs.val.indexed.base = DeviceRGB; cs.val.indexed.palette_size = (int) ncolors; cs.val.indexed.colormap = &colormap; cs.val.indexed.colormap_id = PDC_BAD_ID; slot = pdf_add_colorspace(p, &cs, pdc_false); image->colorspace = slot; } else { image->colorspace = DeviceRGB; image->components = 3; image->bpc = 8; if (bpp == 16) { bpp = 24; bpp_pdf = 24; if (compression == PDF_BMP_RGB) { redmask = 0x00007C00; greenmask = 0x000003E0; bluemask = 0x0000001F; } } if (bpp == 32) { bpp_pdf = 24; if (compression == PDF_BMP_RGB) { redmask = 0x00FF0000; greenmask = 0x0000FF00; bluemask = 0x000000FF; } } /* maximum and movement */ if (image->info.bmp.bpp != 24) { for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { ccmax = (redmask >> i); if (ccmax & 0x00000001) break; } image->info.bmp.redmask = redmask; image->info.bmp.redmax = ccmax; image->info.bmp.redmove = i; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { ccmax = (greenmask >> i); if (ccmax & 0x00000001) break; } image->info.bmp.greenmask = greenmask; image->info.bmp.greenmax = ccmax; image->info.bmp.greenmove = i; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { ccmax = (bluemask >> i); if (ccmax & 0x00000001) break; } image->info.bmp.bluemask = bluemask; image->info.bmp.bluemax = ccmax; image->info.bmp.bluemove = i; } } if (image->imagemask) { if (image->components != 1) { errcode = PDF_E_IMAGE_BADMASK; goto PDF_BMP_ERROR; } if (p->compatibility <= PDC_1_3) { if (image->components != 1 || image->bpc != 1) { errcode = PDF_E_IMAGE_MASK1BIT13; goto PDF_BMP_ERROR; } } else if (image->bpc > 1) { /* images with more than one bit will be written as /SMask, * and don't require an /ImageMask entry. */ image->imagemask = pdc_false; } image->colorspace = DeviceGray; } /* we invert this flag later */ if (image->ignoremask) image->transparent = pdc_true; /* number of bytes per row */ image->info.bmp.rowbytes_pdf = (size_t) ((bpp_pdf * width + 7) / 8); image->info.bmp.rowbytes_buf = (size_t) ((bpp * width + 7) / 8); if (bpp == 4) image->info.bmp.rowbytes = image->info.bmp.rowbytes_buf; else if (image->info.bmp.bpp == 16) image->info.bmp.rowbytes = (size_t) (4 * ((image->info.bmp.bpp * width + 31) / 32)); else image->info.bmp.rowbytes = (size_t) ((bpp * width) / 8); image->info.bmp.rowbytes_pad = (size_t) (4 * ((bpp * width + 31) / 32)); image->info.bmp.compression = compression; image->info.bmp.skiprows = 0; image->info.bmp.bitmap = NULL; pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 5, trc_image, "\t\t\tinternal variables:\n" "\t\t\t\tbpp_pdf = %d\n" "\t\t\t\trowbytes = %d\n" "\t\t\t\trowbytes_buf = %d\n" "\t\t\t\trowbytes_pdf = %d\n" "\t\t\t\trowbytes_pad = %d\n", bpp_pdf, image->info.bmp.rowbytes, image->info.bmp.rowbytes_buf, image->info.bmp.rowbytes_pdf, image->info.bmp.rowbytes_pad); /* read whole bitmap */ if (image->info.bmp.bpp < 24 && (image->info.bmp.bpp == 16 || image->info.bmp.compression != PDF_BMP_RGB)) { if (!bitmapsize) { bitmapsize = (int) (pdc_file_size(fp) - pdc_ftell(fp)); pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 5, trc_image, "\t\t\tcalculated bitmapsize = %d\n", bitmapsize); } image->info.bmp.bitmap = (pdc_byte *) pdc_malloc(p->pdc, bitmapsize, fn); if (!PDC_OK_FREAD(fp, image->info.bmp.bitmap, bitmapsize)) { pdc_free(p->pdc, (void *) image->info.bmp.bitmap); errcode = PDF_E_IMAGE_CORRUPT; goto PDF_BMP_ERROR; } image->info.bmp.pos = image->info.bmp.bitmap; image->info.bmp.end = image->info.bmp.bitmap + bitmapsize; } /* offset bitmap data */ pdc_fseek(image->fp, (pdc_sint32) offras, SEEK_SET); /* put image data */ image->src.init = pdf_data_source_BMP_init; image->src.fill = pdf_data_source_BMP_fill; image->src.terminate = pdf_data_source_BMP_terminate; image->src.private_data = (void *) image; image->use_raw = pdc_false; image->in_use = pdc_true; pdf_put_image(p, imageslot, pdc_true, pdc_true); if (image->corrupt) errcode = PDF_E_IMAGE_CORRUPT; else return imageslot; PDF_BMP_ERROR: { const char *stemp = NULL; if (errcode) stemp = pdf_get_image_filename(p, image); switch (errcode) { case PDF_E_IMAGE_MASK1BIT13: case PDF_E_BMP_VERSUNSUPP: case PDF_E_BMP_COMPUNSUPP: case PDF_E_IMAGE_BADMASK: pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, errcode, stemp, 0, 0, 0); break; case PDC_E_IO_BADFORMAT: pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, errcode, stemp, "BMP", 0, 0); break; case PDF_E_IMAGE_CORRUPT: pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, errcode, "BMP", stemp, 0, 0); break; case 0: /* error code and message already set */ break; } } return -1; } #endif /* PDF_BMP_SUPPORTED */