#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static bool _print_aborted = false; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Utility /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void advanced_draw_justified_text(TWindow& win, const char* text, short x, short y, short dx) { TString txt(text); txt.rtrim(); int spaces = 0; for (int s = 0; txt[s]; s++) if (isspace(txt[s])) spaces++; const int tw = xvt_dwin_get_text_width(win.win(), txt, -1); if (tw < dx && spaces > 0) { txt << ' '; // Aggiunge spazio finale const double kspc = double(dx - tw) / spaces; int start = 0; double kx = x; for (int i = 0; txt[i]; i++) { if (isspace(txt[i])) { const bool last_word = txt[i+1] == '\0'; const TString& parola = txt.sub(start, i + (last_word ? 0 : 1)); const int lw = xvt_dwin_get_text_width(win.win(), parola, -1); if (last_word) // ultima parola kx = x+dx-lw; xvt_dwin_draw_text(win.win(), int(kx+0.5), y, parola, -1); kx += lw + kspc; start = i+1; } } } else xvt_dwin_draw_text(win.win(), x, y, text, -1); } void advanced_draw_text(TWindow& win, const char* text, const RCT& r, char halign, char valign) { const short dx = r.right-r.left; const short dy = r.bottom-r.top; short x = r.left; short y = r.bottom; if (halign != 'L') { const int tw = xvt_dwin_get_text_width(win.win(), text, -1); switch (halign) { case 'C': x += (dx - tw)/2; break; case 'R': x = r.right-tw; break; default : break; } } // Text Height int leading, ascent, descent; xvt_dwin_get_font_metrics(win.win(), &leading, &ascent, &descent); switch (valign) { case 'C': y -= (dy - ascent)/2; break; case 'T': y = r.top + leading + ascent; break; default : y -= descent; break; } RCT orig; xvt_dwin_get_clip(win.win(), &orig); const bool restore_clip = !xvt_rect_is_empty(&orig); if (restore_clip) { RCT clipper; xvt_rect_intersect(&clipper, &orig, (RCT*)&r); xvt_dwin_set_clip(win.win(), (RCT*)&clipper); } else xvt_dwin_set_clip(win.win(), (RCT*)&r); if (halign == 'J') advanced_draw_justified_text(win, text, x, y, dx); else xvt_dwin_draw_text(win.win(), x, y, text, -1); if (restore_clip) xvt_dwin_set_clip(win.win(), &orig); else xvt_dwin_set_clip(win.win(), NULL); } void advanced_draw_paragraph(TWindow& win, TString& para, const RCT& rct, char halign, char valign, int default_10row_height) { const bool acapo = para.find('\n') >= 0; int leading, ascent, descent; xvt_dwin_get_font_metrics(win.win(), &leading, &ascent, &descent); int ky10 = (leading + ascent + descent) * 10; // Aggiusta l'altezza di una riga standard, se necessario if (ky10 < default_10row_height && ky10 > 80*default_10row_height/100) ky10 = default_10row_height; const int rct_height = rct.bottom - rct.top; int rows = (rct_height * 11) / ky10; // Sto abbondante del 10% (*11/10) altrimenti risulta spesso 0 if (acapo || rows > 1) // Devo scrivere piu' righe? { const int kx10 = xvt_dwin_get_text_width(win.win(), "MMMMMMMMMM", 10); const unsigned columns = (rct.right - rct.left) * 10 / kx10; TParagraph_string str(para, columns); if (str.items() < rows) rows = str.items(); int ybase = rct.top; switch (valign) { case 'C': ybase += (rct_height - (rows * ky10) / 10) / 2; break; case 'B': ybase += rct_height - (rows * ky10) / 10; break; default : break; } for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { RCT rctline = rct; rctline.top = ybase + (ky10 * row) / 10; rctline.bottom = rctline.top + ky10 / 10; const char* line = str.get(); if (halign == 'J' && (row == rows-1 || strlen(line) < columns/2)) halign = 'L'; advanced_draw_text(win, line, rctline, halign, 'T'); } } else advanced_draw_text(win, para, rct, halign, valign); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TReport_link /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TReport_link::set(const char* field, const TString& var) { _fields.add(field, var, true); } const TString& TReport_link::get(const char* field) const { const TString* var = (const TString*)_fields.objptr(field); return var != NULL ? *var : (const TString&)EMPTY_STRING; } void TReport_link::add_rect(const RCT& rct) { // Non memorizzo tutti i rettangoli del link, ma la loro unione if (xvt_rect_is_empty(&_rct)) _rct = rct; else { if (rct.left < _rct.left) _rct.left = rct.left; if (rct.top < _rct.top) _rct.top = rct.top; if (rct.right > _rct.right) _rct.right = rct.right; if (rct.bottom > _rct.bottom) _rct.bottom = rct.bottom; } } int TReport_link::hit_test(const PNT& p) const { if (p.v < _rct.top) return -1; if (p.v > _rct.bottom) return +1; if (p.h < _rct.left) return -1; if (p.h > _rct.right) return +1; return 0; } int TReport_link::compare(const TSortable& s) const { const TReport_link& lnk = (const TReport_link&)s; int cmp = _rct.top - lnk._rct.top; if (cmp == 0) cmp = _rct.left - lnk._rct.left; return cmp; } TReport_link::TReport_link(const char* table) : _table(table) { xvt_rect_set_empty(&_rct); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TPrint_preview_window /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TPrint_preview_window : public TField_window { TBook* _book; word _page; int _zoom; bool _grid; TAssoc_array _alinks; TPointer_array _plinks; protected: void page_select(); void popup_menu(EVENT* ep); const TReport_link* find_link(const PNT& pnt) const; virtual void handler(WINDOW win, EVENT* ep); virtual void update(); virtual bool on_key(KEY k); void update_scroll_range(); void do_scroll(int kx, int ky); public: virtual PNT log2dev(long lx, long ly) const; TAssoc_array& alinks() { return _alinks; } TPointer_array& plinks() { return _plinks; } TPrint_preview_window(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, WINDOW parent, TWindowed_field* owner, TBook* book); virtual ~TPrint_preview_window(); }; PNT TPrint_preview_window::log2dev(long lx, long ly) const { PNT pnt = { lx, ly }; const TPoint res = _book->page_res(); if (res.x > 0 && res.y > 0) // Should always be true :-) { pnt.h = short(lx * _zoom / res.x); pnt.v = short(ly * _zoom / res.y); } const TPoint orig = origin(); pnt.h -= short(orig.x); pnt.v -= short(orig.y); return pnt; } void TPrint_preview_window::update_scroll_range() { PNT pnt = { 0, 0 }; const TPoint res = _book->page_res(); if (res.x > 0 && res.y > 0) // Should always be true :-) { const TPoint size = _book->page_size(); pnt.h = short(size.x * _zoom / res.x); pnt.v = short(size.y * _zoom / res.y); RCT rct; xvt_vobj_get_client_rect(win(), &rct); pnt.h -= rct.right; if (pnt.h < 0) pnt.h = 0; pnt.v -= rct.bottom; if (pnt.v < 0) pnt.v = 0; } update_thumb(0, 0); set_scroll_max(pnt.h, pnt.v); } void TPrint_preview_window::update() { clear(MASK_BACK_COLOR); RCT rct; xvt_vobj_get_client_rect(win(), &rct); const TPoint size = _book->page_size(); const PNT pag = log2dev(size.x, size.y); if (pag.h < rct.right) rct.right = pag.h; if (pag.v < rct.bottom) rct.bottom = pag.v; hide_pen(); set_brush(COLOR_WHITE); xvt_dwin_draw_rect(win(), &rct); // Disegna foglio bianco if (_grid) { const TPoint res = _book->page_res(); const int lpi = _book->lpi(); for (int i = 1; lpi > 0; i++) { set_pen(i%lpi ? MAKE_COLOR(232,232,255) : MAKE_COLOR(255,192,255)); const short y = i * res.y / lpi; if (y > size.y) break; line(0, y, (short)size.x, y); } const int cpi = _book->cpi(); for (int j = 1; cpi > 0; j++) { set_pen(j%10 ? MAKE_COLOR(232,232,255) : MAKE_COLOR(255,192,255)); const short x = j * res.x / cpi; if (x > size.x) break; line(x, 0, x, (short)size.y); } } _book->print_page(*this, _page); TString80 str; str.format(FR("Pagina %u di %u"), _page, _book->pages()); statbar_set_title(TASK_WIN, str); } #define POPUP_FIRST 20883 #define POPUP_PREV 20884 #define POPUP_NEXT 20885 #define POPUP_SEARCH 20886 #define POPUP_LAST 20887 #define POPUP_ZOOMIN 20888 #define POPUP_ZOOMOUT 20889 #define POPUP_GRID 20890 void TPrint_preview_window::popup_menu(EVENT* ep) { MENU_ITEM menu[16]; // Stiamo larghi memset(menu, 0, sizeof(menu)); menu[0].tag = POPUP_FIRST; menu[0].text = (char*)TR("Prima"); menu[0].enabled = _page > 1; menu[1].tag = POPUP_PREV; menu[1].text = (char*)TR("Indietro"); menu[1].enabled = _page > 1; menu[2].tag = POPUP_NEXT; menu[2].text = (char*)TR("Avanti"); menu[2].enabled = _page < _book->pages(); menu[3].tag = POPUP_LAST; menu[3].text = (char*)TR("Ultima"); menu[3].enabled = _page < _book->pages(); menu[4].tag = -1; menu[4].separator = true; menu[5].tag = POPUP_ZOOMIN; menu[5].text = (char*)TR("Zoom +"); menu[5].enabled = _zoom < 300; menu[6].tag = POPUP_ZOOMOUT; menu[6].text = (char*)TR("Zoom -"); menu[6].enabled = _zoom > 50; menu[7].tag = -1; menu[7].separator = true; menu[8].tag = POPUP_GRID; menu[8].text = (char*)TR("Griglia"); menu[8].enabled = true; menu[8].checkable = true; menu[8].checked = _grid; const PNT& p = ep->v.mouse.where; xvt_menu_popup(menu, win(), p, XVT_POPUP_CENTER, 0); } void TPrint_preview_window::page_select() { TMask m("Ricerca", 1, 28, 4); m.add_number(101, 0, "Pagina ", 1, 1, 4, "U").check_type(CHECK_REQUIRED); m.add_button(DLG_OK, 0, "", -12, -1, 10, 2); m.add_button(DLG_CANCEL, 0, "", -22, -1, 10, 2); if (m.run()) { _page = m.get_int(101); if (_page < 1) _page = 1; if (_page > _book->pages()) _page = _book->pages(); } } const TReport_link* TPrint_preview_window::find_link(const PNT& pnt) const { int primo = 0, ultimo = _plinks.last(); while (primo <= ultimo) { const int in_mezzo = (primo+ultimo)/2; const TReport_link* lnk = (const TReport_link*)_plinks.objptr(in_mezzo); const int cmp = lnk->hit_test(pnt); if (cmp == 0) return lnk; if (cmp < 0) ultimo = in_mezzo-1; else primo = in_mezzo+1; } return NULL; } void TPrint_preview_window::handler(WINDOW win, EVENT* ep) { static PNT ptPan; switch (ep->type) { case E_MOUSE_MOVE: switch (ep->v.mouse.button) { case 2: { const PNT& ptCur = ep->v.mouse.where; TPoint orig = origin(); orig.x += ptPan.h - ptCur.h; orig.y += ptPan.v - ptCur.v; update_thumb(orig.x, orig.y); force_update(); ptPan = ptCur; } break; default: if (find_link(ep->v.mouse.where) != NULL) xvt_win_set_cursor(win, 8004); // Ditino else xvt_win_set_cursor(win, CURSOR_ARROW); // Freccia break; } break; case E_MOUSE_DOWN: switch (ep->v.mouse.button) { case 0: { const TReport_link* lnk = find_link(ep->v.mouse.where); if (lnk != NULL && _book != NULL) _book->on_link(*lnk); } break; case 1: popup_menu(ep); break; case 2: ptPan = ep->v.mouse.where; break; default: break; } break; case E_COMMAND: { bool processed = true; switch(ep->v.cmd.tag) { case POPUP_FIRST : processed = _page > 1; if (processed) _page = 1; break; case POPUP_PREV : processed = _page > 1; if (processed) _page--; break; case POPUP_SEARCH : page_select(); break; case POPUP_NEXT : processed = _page < _book->pages(); if (processed) _page++; break; case POPUP_LAST : processed = _page < _book->pages(); if (processed) _page = _book->pages(); break; case POPUP_ZOOMIN : if (_zoom < 300) { _zoom += 10; update_scroll_range(); } break; case POPUP_ZOOMOUT: if (_zoom > 50) { _zoom -= 10; update_scroll_range(); } break; case POPUP_GRID : _grid = !_grid; break; default:processed = false; break; } if (processed) force_update(); } break; case E_HSCROLL: case E_VSCROLL: { int kx = 0, ky = 0; int& k = ep->type == E_HSCROLL ? kx : ky; switch(ep->v.scroll.what) { case SC_PAGE_UP : k = -3; break; case SC_LINE_UP : k = -1; break; case SC_PAGE_DOWN: k = +3; break; case SC_LINE_DOWN: k = +1; break; default : TField_window::handler(win, ep); break; } if (k != 0) do_scroll(kx, ky); break; } break; default: TField_window::handler(win, ep); break; } } void TPrint_preview_window::do_scroll(int kx, int ky) { const TPoint& r = range(); TPoint orig = origin(); orig.x += kx * r.x/8; orig.y += ky * r.y/6; if (orig.x < 0) orig.x = 0; if (orig.x > r.x) orig.x = r.x; if (orig.y < 0) orig.y = 0; if (orig.y > r.y) orig.y = r.y; if (orig != origin()) { update_thumb(orig.x, orig.y); force_update(); } } bool TPrint_preview_window::on_key(KEY k) { bool ok = true; switch (k) { case '+' : dispatch_e_menu(win(), POPUP_ZOOMIN); break; case '-' : dispatch_e_menu(win(), POPUP_ZOOMOUT); break; case K_HOME : case K_LHOME : dispatch_e_menu(win(), POPUP_FIRST); break; case K_PREV : dispatch_e_menu(win(), POPUP_PREV); break; case K_NEXT : dispatch_e_menu(win(), POPUP_NEXT); break; case K_END: case K_LEND : dispatch_e_menu(win(), POPUP_LAST); break; case K_LEFT : do_scroll(-1, 0); break; case K_RIGHT : do_scroll(+1, 0); break; case K_UP : do_scroll(0, -1); break; case K_DOWN : do_scroll(0, +1); break; case 'G' : case 'g' : dispatch_e_menu(win(), POPUP_GRID); break; default : if (k > K_CTRL) dispatch_e_char(parent(), k); // Gestione acceleratori else ok = TField_window::on_key(k); break; }; return ok; } TPrint_preview_window::TPrint_preview_window(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, WINDOW parent, TWindowed_field* owner, TBook* book) : TField_window(x, y, dx, dy, parent, owner), _book(book), _page(1), _zoom(100), _grid(false) { _pixmap = true; update_scroll_range(); TConfig ini(CONFIG_GUI, "Preview"); _grid = ini.get_bool("Grid"); } TPrint_preview_window::~TPrint_preview_window() { TConfig ini(CONFIG_GUI, "Preview"); ini.set("Grid", _grid ? "X" : ""); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TPrint_preview_field /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TPrint_preview_field : public TWindowed_field { TBook* _book; protected: virtual TField_window* create_window(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, WINDOW parent); public: TPrint_preview_field(TMask* m, TBook* book) : TWindowed_field(m), _book(book) { } }; TField_window* TPrint_preview_field::create_window(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, WINDOW parent) { return new TPrint_preview_window(x, y, dx, dy, parent, this, _book); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TPreview_mask /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TPreview_mask : public TAutomask { TBook* _book; TPrint_preview_field* _pvf; protected: virtual bool on_key(KEY k); virtual bool on_field_event(TOperable_field& o, TField_event e, long jolly); virtual TMask_field* parse_field(TScanner& scanner); virtual void handler(WINDOW win, EVENT* ep); public: void export_text(); TPreview_mask(TBook* book); }; bool TPreview_mask::on_key(KEY k) { switch (k) { case '+' : case '-' : case K_HOME : case K_LHOME: case K_LEFT : case K_RIGHT: case K_END : case K_LEND : case K_PREV : case K_NEXT : case 'G' : case 'g' : dispatch_e_char(_pvf->win().win(), k); return true; default: break; } return TAutomask::on_key(k); } void TPreview_mask::handler(WINDOW win, EVENT* ep) { // Riflessione eventi di scroll if (ep->type == E_HSCROLL || ep->type == E_VSCROLL) ::dispatch_event(_pvf->win().win(), *ep, false); TAutomask::handler(win, ep); } void TPreview_mask::export_text() { TFilename n; n.temp(NULL, "txt"); if (_book->export_text(n)) xvt_sys_goto_url(n, "open"); } bool TPreview_mask::on_field_event(TOperable_field& o, TField_event e, long jolly) { if (e == fe_button) { switch (o.dlg()) { case DLG_FIRSTREC: dispatch_e_menu(_pvf->win().win(), POPUP_FIRST); break; case DLG_PREVREC : dispatch_e_menu(_pvf->win().win(), POPUP_PREV); break; case DLG_FINDREC : dispatch_e_menu(_pvf->win().win(), POPUP_SEARCH);break; case DLG_NEXTREC : dispatch_e_menu(_pvf->win().win(), POPUP_NEXT); break; case DLG_LASTREC : dispatch_e_menu(_pvf->win().win(), POPUP_LAST); break; case DLG_EDIT : export_text(); break; default: break; } } return true; } TMask_field* TPreview_mask::parse_field(TScanner& scanner) { if (scanner.token().starts_with("PR")) { _pvf = new TPrint_preview_field(this, _book); return _pvf; } return TAutomask::parse_field(scanner); } TPreview_mask::TPreview_mask(TBook* book) : _book(book) { read_mask("bagn008", 0, -1); set_handlers(); int pos = id2pos(DLG_FINDREC); if (pos >= 0 && id2pos(DLG_FIRSTREC) >= 0) //se e' un bottone pentapartito... { TButton_field& f_find = (TButton_field &)fld(pos); RCT rct_base; f_find.get_rect(rct_base); const int bwidth = (rct_base.right - rct_base.left); const int bheight = (rct_base.bottom - rct_base.top); if (bwidth > 3*bheight/2) // Controllo se ho gia' ridimensionato i bottoni in precedenza { int bx = bwidth / 3; int by = bheight / 2; RCT r = rct_base; r.left += bx-2; r.right -= bx-2; f_find.set_rect(r); // Ridimensiona il bottone centrale di ricerca bx += 5; by += 3; // Aggiusta dimensioni bottoni sussidiari pos = id2pos(DLG_FIRSTREC); if (pos >= 0) { r = rct_base; r.top = r.bottom - by; r.right = r.left + bx; fld(pos).set_rect(r); } pos = id2pos(DLG_PREVREC); if (pos >= 0) { r = rct_base; r.bottom = r.top + by; r.right = r.left + bx; fld(pos).set_rect(r); } pos = id2pos(DLG_NEXTREC); if (pos >= 0) { r = rct_base; r.bottom = r.top + by; r.left = r.right - bx; fld(pos).set_rect(r); } pos = id2pos(DLG_LASTREC); if (pos >= 0) { r = rct_base; r.top = r.bottom - by; r.left = r.right - bx; fld(pos).set_rect(r); } } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TWindow_printer /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TWindow_printer : public TWindow { public: TWindow_printer(PRINT_RCD* rcd); ~TWindow_printer(); }; TWindow_printer::TWindow_printer(PRINT_RCD* rcd) { WINDOW prwin = xvt_print_create_win(rcd, (char*)(const char*)"Printing"); set_win(prwin); _pixmap = true; } TWindow_printer::~TWindow_printer() { if (win() != NULL_WIN) { xvt_vobj_destroy(win()); set_win(NULL_WIN); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Writing a page /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TPoint TBook::page_size() const { return TPoint(_pw, _ph); } TPoint TBook::page_res() const { return TPoint(_phr, _pvr); } bool TBook::open_page() { if (_out == NULL) _out = new ofstream(_file); _page++; _index.add_long(_out->tellp(), page()); // Scrive alla posizione 1 l'inizio di pagina 1 *_out << "" << endl; } } void TBook::define_frame(const TRectangle& rect) { if (rect != _rect) { _rect = rect; *_out << "" << endl; } } void TBook::set_clip(long top, long bottom) { if (bottom >= top) { const TRectangle rect(0, top, logical_page_width(), bottom-top); define_frame(rect); *_out << "" << endl; } else *_out << "" << endl; } void TBook::draw_text(const TRectangle& r, const char* txt) { const TFixed_string str(txt); if (!str.blank()) { define_frame(r); *_out << "" << endl << str << endl << "" << endl; } } void TBook::draw_book_pages(const TRectangle& r) { define_frame(r); *_out << "" << endl; } void TBook::set_pen(COLOR color, int width, PEN_STYLE style) { if (_tools.pen.color != color || _tools.pen.width != width || _tools.pen.style != style) { _tools.pen.color = color; _tools.pen.width = width; _tools.pen.style = style; *_out << "" << endl; } } void TBook::set_brush(COLOR color, PAT_STYLE pattern) { if (_tools.brush.color != color || _tools.brush.pat != pattern) { _tools.brush.color = color; _tools.brush.pat = pattern; *_out << "" << endl; } } void TBook::set_text_color(COLOR fore, COLOR back, bool opaque) { if (_tools.fore_color != fore || _tools.back_color != back || _tools.opaque_text != short(opaque)) { _tools.fore_color = fore; _tools.back_color = back; _tools.opaque_text = opaque; *_out << "" << endl; } } void TBook::set_text_align(char halign, char valign) { if (_horizontal_alignment != halign || _vertical_alignment != valign) { _horizontal_alignment = halign; _vertical_alignment = valign; *_out << "" << endl; } } void TBook::draw_rectangle(const TRectangle& r) { define_frame(r); *_out << "" << endl; } void TBook::draw_round_rectangle(const TRectangle& r, int radius) { define_frame(r); *_out << "" << endl; } void TBook::draw_ellipse(const TRectangle& r) { define_frame(r); *_out << "" << endl; } void TBook::draw_line(const TRectangle& r) { define_frame(r); *_out << "" << endl; } void TBook::draw_link(const TRectangle& rect, const char* text, const char* link) { define_frame(rect); *_out << "" << text << "" << endl; } void TBook::draw_image(const TRectangle& rect, const char* name) { define_frame(rect); *_out << "" << endl; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Reading a page /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool get_xml_string(const TString& line, const char* attr, TString& value) { TString80 str; str << ' ' << attr << '='; const int pos = line.find(str); if (pos >= 0) { const int apicia = pos + strlen(attr) + 2; if (line[apicia] == '"') { const int apicic = line.find('"', apicia+1); if (apicic > apicia) { value = line.sub(apicia+1, apicic); return true; } } else { const int space = line.find(' ', apicia); if (space > 0) { value = line.sub(apicia, space); return true; } } } return false; } int get_xml_int(const TString& line, const char* attr, int def) { TString16 str; if (get_xml_string(line, attr, str)) def = atoi(str); return def; } bool TBook::print_page(TWindow& win, size_t page) { if (page <= 0 || page > pages()) return false; const bool preview = win.win() != 883; RCT visible; if (preview) { xvt_vobj_get_client_rect(win.win(), &visible); TPrint_preview_window& pw = (TPrint_preview_window&)win; pw.alinks().destroy(); } const int buffer_size = 1024; TString str(buffer_size); char* buffer = str.get_buffer(); TString stringona; // Testo completo di un campo // Calcolo altezza riga standard const TRectangle rect_riga(0,0,1000,1000); RCT rct_riga; win.log2dev(rect_riga, rct_riga); const int default_10row_height = rct_riga.bottom - rct_riga.top; const streampos pos = _index.get_long(page); ifstream ifs(_file); ifs.seekg(pos); _rect.set(-1,-1,0,0); // Reset frame RCT rct = { 0,0,0,0 }; _horizontal_alignment = 'L'; // Reset text alignment _vertical_alignment = 'T'; while (!ifs.eof()) { ifs.getline(buffer, str.size()); if (str.starts_with("= visible.top && rct.top <= visible.bottom) { TString link; if (get_xml_string(str, "href", link)) { TPrint_preview_window& pw = (TPrint_preview_window&)win; TAssoc_array& links = pw.alinks(); TToken_string tok(link, '.'); TString80 table, field, key; tok.get(0, table); tok.get(1, field); key << table << ',' << _rect.y; TReport_link* rl = (TReport_link*)links.objptr(key); if (rl == NULL) { rl = new TReport_link(table); links.add(key, rl); } const int inizio = str.find('>')+1; const int fine = str.rfind('<'); const TString& stringona = str.sub(inizio, fine); rl->set(field, stringona); rl->add_rect(rct); if (!stringona.blank() && rct.right > rct.left) // Possono esserci campi chiave nascosti { WINDOW w = win.win(); DRAW_CTOOLS dct; xvt_dwin_get_draw_ctools(w, &dct); XVT_FNTID oldfont = xvt_dwin_get_font(w); XVT_FNTID newfont = xvt_font_create(); xvt_font_copy(newfont, oldfont, XVT_FA_ALL); xvt_font_set_style(newfont, xvt_font_get_style(oldfont) | XVT_FS_UNDERLINE); xvt_dwin_set_font(w, newfont); win.set_color(COLOR_BLUE, dct.back_color); advanced_draw_text(win, stringona, rct, _horizontal_alignment, _vertical_alignment); win.set_color(dct.fore_color, dct.back_color); xvt_dwin_set_font(w, oldfont); } } } continue; } if (str.starts_with("", &col, &pat); if (pat <= PAT_HOLLOW) win.hide_brush(); else win.set_brush(col, pat); continue; } if (str.starts_with("") { xvt_dwin_draw_oval(win.win(), &rct); continue; } if (str.starts_with("", &x, &y, &dx, &dy); _rect.set(x, y, dx, dy); win.log2dev(_rect, rct); continue; } if (str.starts_with("draw(win.win(), rct); continue; } if (str == "") { PNT fr = { rct.top, rct.left }; PNT to = { rct.bottom, rct.right }; xvt_dwin_draw_set_pos(win.win(), fr); xvt_dwin_draw_line(win.win(), to); continue; } if (str == "") { TString8 str; str.format("%u", pages()); advanced_draw_text(win, str, rct, _horizontal_alignment, _vertical_alignment); continue; } if (str.starts_with("", &col, &width, &style); if (width < 0) win.hide_pen(); else { if (win.win() == 883) win.set_pen(col, width * _phr / 72); // Converte width in 72' di pollice else win.set_pen(col, width); } continue; } if (str == "") { xvt_dwin_draw_rect(win.win(), &rct); continue; } if (str.starts_with("") { stringona.cut(0); while (!ifs.eof()) { ifs.getline(buffer, str.size()); if (str == "") break; if (stringona.not_empty()) stringona << '\n'; stringona << str; } advanced_draw_paragraph(win, stringona, rct, _horizontal_alignment, _vertical_alignment, default_10row_height); continue; } if (str.starts_with("", &_horizontal_alignment, &_vertical_alignment); continue; } if (str.starts_with("", &fore, &back, &opaque); win.set_color(fore, back); win.set_opaque_text(opaque != 0); continue; } } if (preview) { TPrint_preview_window& pw = (TPrint_preview_window&)win; TAssoc_array& alinks = pw.alinks(); TPointer_array& plinks = pw.plinks(); plinks.destroy(); if (alinks.items() > 0) { FOR_EACH_ASSOC_OBJECT(alinks, h, key, l) plinks.add((TReport_link*)l); plinks.sort(); } } return true; } bool TBook::export_text(const TFilename& fname) const { TString str(1024); char* buffer = str.get_buffer(); ifstream ifs(_file); ofstream ofs(fname); TString_array page; int row, col, wid, hei; const TPoint res = page_res(); while (!ifs.eof()) { ifs.getline(buffer, str.size()); if (str.starts_with("", &x, &y, &dx, &dy); row = y * lpi() / res.y; col = x * cpi() / res.x; wid = dx * cpi() / res.x; hei = dy * lpi() / res.y; } else if (str == "") { if (hei == 0 && wid > 0) { if (page.objptr(row) == NULL) page.add("", row); TString& line = page.row(row); for (int i = 0; i < wid; i++) { const int j = i+col; if (j >= line.len()) line.overwrite("-", j); else { if (line[j] == '|') line[j] = '+'; else { if (line[j] == ' ') line[j] = '-'; } } } } else if (hei > 0 && wid == 0) { for (int i = row; i < row+hei; i++) { if (page.objptr(i) == NULL) page.add("", i); TString& line = page.row(i); if (line.len() <= col) line.overwrite("|", col); else { if (line[col] == '-') line[col] = '+'; else { if (line[col] == ' ') line[col] = '|'; } } } } } if (str.starts_with("") { TString8 str; str.format("%u", pages()); TString& line = page.row(row); switch (_horizontal_alignment) { case 'C': line.overwrite(str, col+(wid-str.len())/2); break; case 'R': line.overwrite(str, col+wid-str.len()); break; default : line.overwrite(str, col); break; } } else if (str == "") { TString stringona; while (!ifs.eof()) { ifs.getline(buffer, str.size()); if (str == "") break; stringona << str << '\n'; } stringona.rtrim(); TParagraph_string para(stringona, wid); for (int i = 0; i < hei && i < para.items(); i++) { const int j = row+i; if (page.objptr(j) == NULL) page.add("", j); str = para.get(); TString& line = page.row(j); switch (_horizontal_alignment) { case 'C': line.overwrite(str, col+(wid-str.len())/2); break; case 'R': line.overwrite(str, col+wid-str.len()); break; default : line.overwrite(str, col); break; } } } else if (str.starts_with("", &_horizontal_alignment, &_vertical_alignment); continue; } } return true; } bool TBook::init() { _rcd = printer().get_printrcd(); if (!xvt_print_is_valid(_rcd)) return error_box(TR("Stampante non valida")); xvt_app_escape (XVT_ESC_GET_PRINTER_INFO, _rcd, &_ph, &_pw, &_pvr, &_phr); if (_pw <= 0 || _ph <= 0) return error_box(TR("Dimensioni pagina NULLE")); bool ok = true; if (_pvr < 96 || _phr < 96) // Risoluzione di Acrobat Writer { ok = yesno_box(FR("Stampante obsoleta o non adeguatamente configurata:\n" "Risoluzione %ldx%ld. Continuare ugualmente?"), _phr, _pvr); } return ok; } bool TBook::main_loop() { _print_aborted = true; if (!init()) return false; TWindow_printer win(_rcd); if (!win.ok()) return false; if (_pageto < _pagefrom) _pageto = pages(); _print_aborted = false; for (size_t c = 0; c < _copies && !_print_aborted; c++) { for (size_t page = _pagefrom; page <= _pageto; page++) { if (xvt_print_open_page(_rcd)) { print_page(win, page); xvt_print_close_page(_rcd); } else { _print_aborted = true; break; } } } return !_print_aborted; } static BOOLEAN main_loop_callback(long jolly) { TBook* pp = (TBook*)jolly; return pp->main_loop(); } bool TBook::print(size_t pagefrom, size_t pageto, size_t copies) { if (pages() <= 0) return false; if (pagefrom == 0) { TPrinter& p = printer(); TMask msk("bagn003"); msk.set(F_PRINTER, p.printername()); msk.set(F_FORM, p.get_form_name()); msk.set(F_FONT, p.fontname()); msk.set(F_SIZE, p.get_char_size()); msk.set(F_ISGRAPHICS, p.isgraphics() ? "X" : ""); msk.set(F_FROMPAGE, 1); msk.set(F_TOPAGE, pages()); msk.set(F_COPIES, 1); if (msk.run() == K_ENTER) { _copies = msk.get_int(F_COPIES); _pagefrom = msk.get_int(F_FROMPAGE); _pageto = msk.get_int(F_TOPAGE); } else return false; } else { _pagefrom = pagefrom; _pageto = pageto; _copies = copies; } xvt_print_start_thread(main_loop_callback, (long)this); return true; } bool TBook::preview() { TPreview_mask msk(this); const KEY k = msk.run(); if (k != K_QUIT) print(); return true; } bool TBook::print_or_preview() { bool ok = true; switch (printer().printtype()) { case screenvis: ok = preview(); break; case exportprinter: ok = export_text(printer().get_export_file()); break; default: ok = print(); break; } return ok; } TBook::TBook(const char* name) : _out(NULL), _is_temporary(false), _pw(0), _ph(0), _pvr(0), _phr(0), _pages(0), _page(0) { _file = name; if (_file.blank()) { _file.temp("rep"); _is_temporary = true; } } TBook::~TBook() { if (_out != NULL) { _out->close(); delete _out; if (_is_temporary) xvt_fsys_removefile(_file); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TReport_book /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Converte da coordinate logiche (1/100 caratteri) a coordinate fisiche TPoint TReport_book::log2dev(const TPoint& ptlog) const { TPoint ptdev; ptdev.x = (ptlog.x * _phr) / (100 * cpi()); ptdev.y = (ptlog.y * _pvr) / (100 * lpi()); return ptdev; } void TReport_book::define_frame(const TRectangle& r) { TPoint ptlog = r; ptlog += _delta; TPoint szlog = r.size(); const TRectangle rect(log2dev(ptlog), log2dev(szlog)); TBook::define_frame(rect); } long TReport_book::print_section(char type, int level) { long h = 0; TReport_section* rs = _report->find_section(type, level); if (rs != NULL) h = print_section(*rs); return h; } bool TReport_book::open_page() { if (!TBook::open_page()) return false; _report->set_page(++_rep_page, page()); _page_break_allowed = false; _delta.reset(); TReport_section* page_background = _report->find_section('B', 0); if (page_background != NULL) { _delta = page_background->pos(); print_section(*page_background); _delta.reset(); } if (_rep_page == 1) _delta.y += print_section('H', 1); TReport_section* page_head = _report->find_section('H', 0); if (page_head != NULL && (_rep_page > 1 || !page_head->hidden_if_needed())) { _delta += page_head->pos(); _delta.y += print_section(*page_head); _delta.x = 0; } return true; } bool TReport_book::close_page() { if (_page_is_open) { TReport_section* page_foot = _report->find_section('F', 0); if (page_foot != NULL && (!_is_last_page || !page_foot->hidden_if_needed())) { _delta.x = page_foot->pos().x; _delta.y = _logical_foot_pos; print_section(*page_foot); } } return TBook::close_page(); } void TReport_book::reprint_group_headers(const TReport_section& rs) { int max_group = _report->find_max_level('H'); if (rs.type() == 'H' && rs.level() <= max_group) max_group = rs.level()-1; for (int level = 2; level <= max_group; level++) { TReport_section& rs = _report->section('H', level); if (rs.repeat_on_page()) { const long height = rs.compute_size().y; // Compute size after the initilization script! if (height > 0) { rs.print(*this); _delta.y += height; } } } if (rs.level() > 10) // E' una sottosezione { TPointer_array headers; // Elenco degli header di sottosezione che devo stampare for (int level = rs.level(); level > 10; level /= 10) { TReport_section& rs = _report->section('H', level); if (rs.repeat_on_page()) { const long height = rs.compute_size().y; // Compute size after the initilization script! if (height > 0) headers.add(rs); } } for (int i = headers.last(); i >= 0; i--) // Stampo in ordine livello { TReport_section& rs = (TReport_section&)headers[i]; const long height = rs.compute_size().y; rs.print(*this); _delta.y += height; } } } long TReport_book::print_section(TReport_section& rs) { if (_print_aborted) return 0; rs.load_fields(); // Non sono sicuro se vada prima di load_fields o dopo execute_prescript if (!rs.condition().blank()) { TVariant var; _report->evaluate(rs.condition(), var, _nullfld); if (!var.as_bool()) return 0; } if (!rs.execute_prescript()) { _print_aborted = true; return 0; } const long height = rs.compute_size().y; // Compute size after the initilization script! if (height > 0) // Has some visible fields { long reprint_from = 0; // Posizione di stampa per sezione interrotte a meta' bool page_break = _page_break_allowed && rs.page_break(); // Salto pagina "forzato" if (!page_break && rs.level() > 0) // Controlla se il salto pagina e' "necessario" { long h = height; if (rs.keep_with_next()) // Devo mantenermi con la prossima sezione { char next_type = 'B'; // Spesso la prossima sezione e' body 1 int next_level = 1; if (rs.type() == 'H') // Tento di essere piu' preciso con gli headers { const int maxlev = rs.report().find_max_level('H'); if (rs.level() < maxlev) { next_type = 'H'; next_level = rs.level()+1; h += 100; // Bonus per il body successivo all'header successivo } } const TReport_section& next_section = rs.report().section(next_type, next_level); if (next_section.page_break()) h += _ph; else h += next_section.compute_size().y; } const long space_left = _logical_foot_pos - _delta.y; // Calcola spazio rimasto page_break = h > space_left; // Controlla se e' sufficiente // Controllo se la sezione puo' essere stampata su due pagine if (page_break && space_left >= 100 && rs.can_be_broken() ) { reprint_from = space_left / 100 * 100; rs.print_clipped(*this, 0, reprint_from); } } if (page_break) { close_page(); open_page(); reprint_group_headers(rs); } if (_page_is_open) { if (reprint_from > 0) { _delta.y -= reprint_from; rs.print_clipped(*this, reprint_from, height); } else rs.print(*this); } if (rs.level() > 0) // Ho stampato qualcosa che non sia lo sfondo! _page_break_allowed = true; } if (!rs.execute_postscript()) _print_aborted = true; return height; } bool TReport_book::init(TReport& rep) { if (!TBook::init()) return false; const int report_orientation = rep.orientation(); if (report_orientation > 0) { const int priter_orientation = _ph > _pw ? 1 : 2; if (report_orientation != priter_orientation) { // Scambia orientamento della carta xvt_app_escape(XVT_ESC_SET_PRINTER_INFO, _rcd, &_pw, &_ph, NULL, NULL); // Rilegge parametri cambiati xvt_app_escape (XVT_ESC_GET_PRINTER_INFO, _rcd, &_ph, &_pw, &_pvr, &_phr); } } _report = &rep; if (_report->use_printer_font()) _report->load_printer_font(); const TPoint siz = page_size(); const TPoint res = page_res(); const double pollici_pagina_y = (double)siz.y / (double)res.y; const double righe_pagina = pollici_pagina_y * lpi(); _logical_page_height = long(righe_pagina*100.0); const double pollici_pagina_x = (double)siz.x / (double)res.x; const double colonne_pagina = pollici_pagina_x * cpi(); _logical_page_width = long(colonne_pagina*100.0); const TReport_section& footer = _report->section('F',0); _logical_foot_pos = footer.pos().y; if (_logical_foot_pos <= 0) { const long logical_footer_height = footer.compute_size().y; _logical_foot_pos = _logical_page_height - logical_footer_height; } return true; } void TReport_book::print_subsections(int father) { for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) { const int level = father*10+i; TReport_section* rs = _report->find_section('B', level); if (rs == NULL) break; TRecordset* rex = rs->recordset(); if (rex != NULL) { rex->requery(); if (rex->items() > 0) { _delta.y += print_section('H', level); for (bool ok = rex->move_to(0); ok && !_print_aborted; ok = rex->move_next()) { _delta.y += print_section('B', level); print_subsections(level); } _delta.y += print_section('F', level); } } } } bool TReport_book::add(TReport& rep, bool progind) { if (!init(rep)) return false; if (!_report->execute_prescript()) return false; TRecordset* rex = _report->recordset(); if (rex == NULL) return true; rex->requery(); if (rex->items() <= 0) return true; TString msg = TR("Elaborazione report"); msg << ' ' << _report->filename(); TProgind* pi = NULL; if (progind) pi = new TProgind(rex->items(), msg, true, true); TString_array oldgroup, newgroup; const int max_group = _report->find_max_level('H'); if (max_group >= 2) { for (int g = 2; g <= max_group; g++) oldgroup.add(EMPTY_STRING, g); } const int max_body = _report->find_max_level('B'); int last_body_height = 0; _rep_page = rep.last_printed_page(); // Azzera numero di pagina relativo _is_last_page = false; bool ok = rex->move_to(0); open_page(); for (; ok && !_print_aborted; ok = rex->move_next()) { if (max_group >= 2) // Gestione raggruppamenti { int first_changed = 0; TVariant var; for (int g = 2; g <= max_group; g++) { const TString& expr = _report->section('H', g).grouped_by(); _report->evaluate(expr, var, _alfafld); const TString& grp = var.as_string(); newgroup.add(grp, g); if (newgroup.row(g) != oldgroup.row(g) || rex->current_row() == 0) { if (first_changed == 0) first_changed = g; } } if (first_changed) { oldgroup = newgroup; if (_delta.x > 0) // Devo tornare a capo! _delta.y += last_body_height; _delta.x = 0; if (rex->current_row() > 0) { for (int g = max_group; g >= first_changed ; g--) _delta.y += print_section('F', g); } for (int g = first_changed; g <= max_group; g++) _delta.y += print_section('H', g); } } // Stampa di tutti i body for (int b = 1; b <= max_body; b++) { const int dy = print_section('B', b); if (dy > 0) // Ho stampato qualcosa { // Cerco di vedere se e' possibile la stampa etichette int column_delta = 0; const int dx = _report->section('B', b).size().x; // Se dx > 0 ho una sezione a dimensione fissa if (dx > 0 && _delta.x+2*dx <= _logical_page_width) { column_delta = dx; last_body_height = dy; } if (column_delta > 0) _delta.x += column_delta; else { _delta.x = 0; _delta.y += dy; last_body_height = 0; // Non servirebbe strettamente } // Stampa eventuali sottosezioni print_subsections(b); } } if (pi != NULL) { pi->addstatus(1); if (pi->iscancelled()) _print_aborted = true; } } if (!_print_aborted) { // Devo stampare tutte le code degli eventuali raggrupamenti for (int g = max_group; g >= 2 ; g--) _delta.y += print_section('F', g); TReport_section* fl = _report->find_section('F',1); if (fl != NULL) // Gestione footer last (se esite) { const int fy = fl->pos().y; if (fy > 0) // Ha una coordinata y imposta { if (fy < _delta.y) // Sono gia' andato oltre quindi salto pagina { close_page(); open_page(); } _delta.x = 0; _delta.y = fy; // Azzero temporaneamente le dimensioni del footer per evitare salti pagina const int lfp = _logical_foot_pos; _logical_foot_pos = _logical_page_height; print_section(*fl); _logical_foot_pos = lfp; } else print_section(*fl); // Stampa normale } _is_last_page = true; close_page(); _report->execute_postscript(); } if (pi != NULL) delete pi; return !_print_aborted; } int TReport_book::lpi() const { if (_report != NULL) return _report->print_lpi(); return TBook::lpi(); } int TReport_book::cpi() const { if (_report != NULL) return _report->print_cpi(); return TBook::cpi(); } bool TReport_book::print(size_t pagefrom, size_t pageto, size_t copies) { if (pages() <= 0) return false; if (pagefrom <= 0) { TPrinter& p = printer(); TMask msk("bagn003"); msk.set(F_PRINTER, p.printername()); if (_report != NULL) { msk.set(F_FORM, _report->filename()); msk.set(F_FONT, _report->print_font().name()); msk.set(F_SIZE, _report->print_font().size()); } msk.set(F_ISGRAPHICS, p.isgraphics() ? "X" : ""); msk.set(F_FROMPAGE, 1); msk.set(F_TOPAGE, page()); msk.set(F_COPIES, 1); if (msk.run() == K_ENTER) { copies = msk.get_int(F_COPIES); pagefrom = msk.get_int(F_FROMPAGE); pageto = msk.get_int(F_TOPAGE); } else return false; } return TBook::print(pagefrom, pageto, copies); } bool TReport_book::on_link(const TReport_link& lnk) { bool ok = false; if (_report != NULL) ok = _report->on_link(lnk); return ok; } TReport_book::TReport_book(const char* name) : TBook(name), _report(NULL) { }