/* DEC *_SimpleAux(ndays,intr,princ,intamt,opt,diy) * * ARGUMENT * int *ndays; number of days * DEC *intr; annual interest rate * DEC *princ; principal amount * DEC *intamt accrued interest amount * int opt; variable to solve for * int diy; days in year (360 or 365) * * DESCRIPTION * Give three of the above variables, solves for the fourth. opt is * either GM_N, GM_I, GM_PV, or GM_INTR, according to the variable to solve * for. Three source pointers are inputs, the fourth is the destination * pointer. princ and intamt are rounded to 2 decimal places, ndays is * rounded up to an integer, and intr is calculated to maximum precision. * This function does the calculations for SimpleInterest360 & * SimpleInterest365. * * SIDE EFFECTS * If successful, the output pointer is modified, otherwise none. * error flag is set in this routine. * * RETURNS * variable if successful, otherwise GM_NULL. * * POSSIBLE ERRORS * GM_NULLPOINTER * GM_ARGVAL * * ALGORITHM * intrate = princ * intr * ndays / (100 * diy) * * AUTHOR * Jared Levy * Copyright (C) 1987-1990 Greenleaf Software Inc. All rights reserved. * * MODIFICATIONS * * */ #include <stdio.h> #include "gm.h" #include "gmsystem.h" DEC *_SimpleAux(ndays,intr,princ,intamt,opt,diy) int *ndays; DEC *intr; DEC *princ; DEC *intamt; int opt; int diy; { DEC dday, *day=&dday, dhdiy, *hdiy=&dhdiy; DEC dtemp, *temp=&dtemp, dt2, *t2=&dt2; /* check for invalid opt */ if ((opt!=GM_N) && (opt!=GM_I) && (opt!=GM_PV) && (opt!=GM_INTR)) { _MacErr(GM_ARGVAL); return(GM_NULL); } /* check for null pointers */ if (!ndays || !intr || !princ || !intamt) { _MacErr(GM_NULLPOINTER); return(GM_NULL); } if ((opt!=GM_I&&_MacBad(intr)) || (opt!=GM_PV&&_MacBad(princ)) || (opt!=GM_INTR&&_MacBad(intr))) { _MacErr(GM_INIT); return(GM_NULL); } /* change ndays to DEC */ if (opt!=GM_N) (void) ConvLongToDecimal(day, (long) *ndays); (void) ConvLongToDecimal(hdiy, 100L * (long) diy); /* solved for interest accrued */ if (opt==GM_INTR) { (void) _MulDec80Bit(temp, princ, intr); (void) _MulDec80Bit(temp, temp, day); (void) _DivRndDec80Bit(intamt, temp, hdiy, 2); return(intamt); } /* check for zero variables */ if ((opt!=GM_N) && (*ndays==0)) { _MacErr(GM_ARGVAL); return(GM_NULL); } if ((opt!=GM_I) && _MacIsDecZ(intr)) { _MacErr(GM_ARGVAL); return(GM_NULL); } if ((opt!=GM_PV) && _MacIsDecZ(princ)) { _MacErr(GM_ARGVAL); return(GM_NULL); } /* solve for principal */ if (opt==GM_PV) { (void) _MulDec80Bit(temp, intamt, hdiy); (void) _DivDec80Bit(temp, temp, intr); (void) _DivRndDec80Bit(princ, temp, day, 2); return(princ); } /* solve for interest rate */ if (opt==GM_I) { (void) _MulDec80Bit(temp, intamt, hdiy); (void) _DivDec80Bit(temp, temp, princ); (void) _DivDec80Bit(intr, temp, day); (void) _Sq5UnsTo4Uns(intr); return(intr); } /* solve for number of days */ /* if (opt==GM_N) */ (void) _MulDec80Bit(temp, intamt, hdiy); (void) _DivDec80Bit(temp, temp, intr); (void) _DivDec80Bit(temp, temp, princ); (void) _TruncateDec80Bit(t2, temp, 0); if (!CompareDecimal(t2, temp)==0) _AddDec80Bit(t2, t2, &decOne); if (t2->dc.sl[1] || _MacIsDecN(t2) || (t2->dc.sl[0]&0x8000) || t2->dc.sl[2] || t2->dc.sl[3] || t2->dc.msd) { _MacErr(GM_ARGVAL); return(GM_NULL); } *ndays = (int) t2->dc.sl[0]; return(GM_NULL); }