
  d4list.c     (c)Copyright Sequiter Software Inc., 1990-1993.
  All rights reserved.

  This example program is discussed in the CodeBase manual on page 4

  NOTE: Make sure that the accompanying database files, 'DATABASE.DBF' 
  and 'DATABASE.MDX' are with this file when executing the program.


#include "d4all.h"

#ifdef __TURBOC__
extern unsigned  _stklen =  10000 ;  /* Borland only */

void main()

  CODE4   code_base ;
  DATA4  *base ;
  FIELD4 *field_ptr ;
  int      j ;
  d4init( &code_base ) ;
  /* Open the data file.  If there is a production MDX and/or MEMO file 
     file, they are also automatically opened. */
  base =  d4open( &code_base, "DATAFILE" ) ;
  e4exit_test( &code_base ) ;
  /* Loop through the entire data file. */
  for ( d4top(base); ! d4eof(base); d4skip(base,1) )
    printf( "\n" ) ;  /* Display the record on a new line. */
    /* Loop through every field */
    for ( j = 1; j <= d4num_fields(base); j++ )
      field_ptr =  d4field_j( base, j ) ;
      printf( "  %s", f4memo_str( field_ptr ) ) ; /* Display the field. */
  printf( "\n") ;

  d4close_all(&code_base) ;
  d4init_undo( &code_base ) ;     /* free up memory */
  mem4reset() ;                   /* free up memory */
  e4exit(&code_base) ;