/* DEC **DepreciateDoubleDecliningTable(depr,remval,book,salv,life,partial); * * ARGUMENT * DEC *depr, *remval, *book, *salv, *partial; * int life; * * DESCRIPTION * Calculate a specific year's depreciation and remaining depreciable * value according to double declining balance depreciation. * The item has book value * book, salvage value salv, and lifetime life (which may include a partial * period). At year# i, the depreciation and remaining value are * computed and stored in depr[i] and remval[i]. The first year is always * the partial year. * * SIDE EFFECTS * depr and remval are changed. * * RETURNS * depr if successful, otherwise GM_NULL. * * POSSIBLE ERRORS * GM_NULLPOINTER * GM_ARGVAL * * AUTHOR * Jared Levy * Copyright (C) 1988-1990 Greenleaf Software Inc. All rights reserved. * * MODIFICATIONS * * */ #include <stdio.h> #include "gm.h" #include "gmsystem.h" DEC **DepreciateDoubleDecliningTable(depr,remval,book,salv,life,partial) DEC **depr, **remval, *book, *salv, *partial; int life; { DEC dth, *th=&dth, **p; _MacStart(GM_DPDDBTBL); (void) ConvLongToDecimal(th, 200L); p = DepreciateDecliningTable(depr,remval,book,salv,th,life,partial); _MacRet(p); }