#include <defmask.h> #include "../cg/cglib01.h" #include "scselect.h" TSelection_mask::TSelection_mask(const char* name) : TMask(name), _who('C'), _key(1), _clifo_rel(NULL), _cli_cur_k1(NULL), _cli_cur_k2(NULL), _for_cur_k1(NULL), _for_cur_k2(NULL) { // crea relazioni, cursori e cursor_sheets _clifo_rel = new TRelation(LF_CLIFO); TRectype filter(LF_CLIFO); filter.put(CLI_TIPOCF, "C"); _cli_cur_k1 = new TCursor(_clifo_rel, "", 1, &filter, &filter); _cli_cur_k2 = new TCursor(_clifo_rel, "", 2, &filter, &filter); _cli_sh_k1 = new TCursor_sheet(_cli_cur_k1, " |CODCF|RAGSOC", "Selezione clienti per codice", "@1|Codice|Ragione Sociale@50",0,1); _cli_sh_k2 = new TCursor_sheet(_cli_cur_k2, " |RAGSOC|CODCF", "Selezione clienti per ragione sociale", "@1|Ragione Sociale@50|Codice",0,1); if (id2pos(SC_CLIFO) >= 0) { filter.put(CLI_TIPOCF, "F"); _for_cur_k1 = new TCursor(_clifo_rel, "", 1, &filter, &filter); _for_cur_k2 = new TCursor(_clifo_rel, "", 2, &filter, &filter); _for_sh_k1 = new TCursor_sheet(_for_cur_k1, " |CODCF|RAGSOC", "Selezione fornitori per codice", "@1|Codice|Ragione Sociale@50",0,1); _for_sh_k2 = new TCursor_sheet(_for_cur_k2, " |RAGSOC|CODCF", "Selezione fornitori per ragione sociale", "@1|Ragione Sociale@50|Codice",0,1); } else { _for_cur_k1 = NULL; _for_cur_k2 = NULL; _for_sh_k1 = NULL; _for_sh_k2 = NULL; } set_handler(SC_CLIFO, rclifo_handler); set_handler(SC_SORTCF, rsortcf_handler); set_handler(SC_SELECT, bselect_handler); set_handler(SC_RESET, breset_handler); set_handler(SC_CFCODFR, ffrom_handler); set_handler(SC_CFCODTO, fto_handler); set_handler(SC_CFDESFR, fdfrom_handler); set_handler(SC_CFDESTO, fdto_handler); } TSelection_mask::~TSelection_mask() { if (_for_sh_k1 != NULL) { delete _for_sh_k2; delete _for_sh_k1; delete _for_cur_k2; delete _for_cur_k1; } delete _cli_sh_k2; delete _cli_sh_k1; delete _cli_cur_k2; delete _cli_cur_k1; delete _clifo_rel; } bool TSelection_mask::stop_run(KEY k) { const bool ok = TMask::stop_run(k); if (ok && k != K_QUIT) update_assoc(); return ok; } void TSelection_mask::set_handler(short fld_id, CONTROL_HANDLER handler) { const int pos = id2pos(fld_id); if (pos >= 0) fld(pos).set_handler(handler); } TCursor_sheet& TSelection_mask::cur_sheet() const { TCursor_sheet* cs; if (get_key() == 1) cs = get_who() == 'C' ? _cli_sh_k1 : _for_sh_k1; else cs = get_who() == 'C' ? _cli_sh_k2 : _for_sh_k2; CHECK(cs, "Can't use a NULL TCursor_sheet"); return *cs; } void TSelection_mask::reset_sheets() { _cli_sh_k1->uncheck(-1); _cli_sh_k2->uncheck(-1); if (_for_sh_k1) { _for_sh_k1->uncheck(-1); _for_sh_k2->uncheck(-1); } reset(SC_CFCODFR); reset(SC_CFCODTO); reset(SC_CFDESFR); reset(SC_CFDESTO); reset(SC_NSEL); } // Seleziona tutti i clienti con codice compreso tra due estremi void TSelection_mask::select_clifo_range(long from, long to) { TWait_cursor hourglass; TCursor_sheet& c = cur_sheet(); const long items = c.items(); const int key = get_key(); TCursor* crs = c.cursor(); if (to == 0 && items) to = c.row(items-1).get_long(key); if (from > to) // Controlla limiti { long tmp = to; to = from; from = tmp; } long last = 0; long firs = 0; TRectype& rec = crs->file().curr(); rec.zero(); rec.put(CLI_TIPOCF,get_who()); rec.put(CLI_CODCF,from); const TRecnotype start = crs->read(_isgteq); firs = rec.get_long(CLI_CODCF); rec.zero(); rec.put(CLI_TIPOCF,get_who()); rec.put(CLI_CODCF,to); TRectype recx(rec); TRecnotype end = crs->read(_isgteq); if (rec > recx) { end--; (*crs)-=1; } last = rec.get_long(CLI_CODCF); c.uncheck(-1); for (long i = start; i <= end; i++) c.check(i); if (get(SC_CFCODFR).not_empty()) set(SC_CFCODFR, firs); if (get(SC_CFCODTO).not_empty()) set(SC_CFCODTO, last); set(SC_NSEL, c.checked()); } void TSelection_mask::select_des_clifo_range(const TString& from, const TString & to) { TWait_cursor hourglass; TCursor_sheet& c = cur_sheet(); const long items = c.items(); const int key = get_key(); CHECK(key == 2, "La chiave deve essere la 2"); TString s_from(from), s_to(to); if (s_to.empty() && items) s_to = c.row(items-1).get(1); s_from.upper(); s_to.upper(); if (s_from > s_to) // Controlla limiti { s_to = from; s_from = to;// ripristina i valori originali (!upper) set(SC_CFDESFR, to); set(SC_CFDESTO, from); } else { if (to.not_empty()) s_to = to; s_from = from; // ripristina i valori originali (!upper) } TString last; TString firs; TCursor* crs = c.cursor(); TRectype& rec = crs->file().curr(); rec.zero(); rec.put(CLI_TIPOCF,get_who()); rec.put(CLI_RAGSOC,s_from); const TRecnotype start = crs->read(_isgteq); firs = rec.get(CLI_RAGSOC); rec.zero(); rec.put(CLI_TIPOCF,get_who()); rec.put(CLI_RAGSOC,s_to); TRectype recx(rec); TRecnotype end = crs->read(_isgteq); if (rec > recx) { end--; (*crs)-=1; } last = rec.get(CLI_RAGSOC); c.uncheck(-1); for (long i = start; i <= end; i++) c.check(i); if (get(SC_CFDESFR).not_empty()) set(SC_CFDESFR, firs); if (get(SC_CFDESTO).not_empty()) set(SC_CFDESTO, last); set(SC_NSEL, c.checked()); } // Cerca il primo e l'ultimo cliente selezionati void TSelection_mask::set_clifo_limits() { TWait_cursor hourglass; long from = 0, to = 0; TCursor_sheet& c = cur_sheet(); const long items = c.items(); const int key = get_key(); long first = -1, last = -1; for (long i = 0; i < items; i++) if (c.checked(i)) { if (first == -1) first = i; } if (first != -1) //Optimization... If nothing was found previously skip this test. for (long j = (items-1); j >= 0 ; j--) if (c.checked(j)) if (last == -1) { last = j; break; } if (first!= -1 && last != -1) // Something selected? { TToken_string fitem(c.row(first)); TToken_string litem(c.row(last)); from = fitem.get_long(key); to = litem.get_long(key); if (from>to) { long t = to; to=from; from=t; } } set(SC_CFCODFR, from); set(SC_CFCODTO, to); set(SC_NSEL, c.checked()); } void TSelection_mask::set_des_clifo_limits() { TWait_cursor hourglass; long first=-1, last=-1; TString from,to; TCursor_sheet& c = cur_sheet(); const long items = c.items(); const int key = get_key(); CHECK(key == 2, "La chiave deve essere la 2"); for (long i = 0; i < items; i++) if (c.checked(i)) { if (first == -1) first = i; } if (first != -1) for (long j = (items-1); j >= 0 ; j--) if (c.checked(j)) if (last == -1) { last = j; break; } if (first!= -1 && last != -1) { TToken_string fitem(c.row(first)); TToken_string litem(c.row(last)); from = fitem.get(1); to = litem.get(1); if (from>to) { TString temp(to); to=from; from=temp; } } set(SC_CFDESFR, from); set(SC_CFDESTO, to); set(SC_NSEL, c.checked()); } // handlers bool TSelection_mask::ffrom_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY k) { TSelection_mask& m = (TSelection_mask&)f.mask(); if (k == K_TAB && f.focusdirty()) { const long cod1 = atol(f.get()); const long cod2 = m.get_long(SC_CFCODTO); m.select_clifo_range(cod1, cod2); } else if (k == K_F9) { TSelection_mask& m = (TSelection_mask&)f.mask(); TCursor_sheet& c = m.cur_sheet(); c.cursor()->curr().put(CLI_CODCF, f.get()); c.cursor()->read(); c.disable_check(); c.disable(DLG_USER); if (c.run() == K_ENTER) { TToken_string& t = c.row(c.selected()); const long cod1 = t.get_long(m.get_key()); const long cod2 = m.get_long(SC_CFCODTO); m.set(SC_CFCODFR, cod1); m.select_clifo_range(cod1, cod2); } c.enable(DLG_USER); c.enable_check(); } return true; } bool TSelection_mask::fto_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY k) { TSelection_mask& m = (TSelection_mask&)f.mask(); if (k == K_TAB && f.focusdirty()) { const long cod1 = m.get_long(SC_CFCODFR); const long cod2 = atol(f.get()); m.select_clifo_range(cod1, cod2); } else if (k == K_F9) { TSelection_mask& m = (TSelection_mask&)f.mask(); TCursor_sheet& c = m.cur_sheet(); c.cursor()->curr().put(CLI_CODCF, f.get()); c.cursor()->read(); c.disable_check(); c.disable(DLG_USER); if (c.run() == K_ENTER) { TToken_string& t = c.row(c.selected()); const long cod2 = t.get_long(m.get_key()); const long cod1 = m.get_long(SC_CFCODFR); m.set(SC_CFCODTO, cod2); m.select_clifo_range(cod1, cod2); } c.enable(DLG_USER); c.enable_check(); } return true; } bool TSelection_mask::fdfrom_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY k) { TSelection_mask& m = (TSelection_mask&)f.mask(); if (k == K_TAB && f.focusdirty()) { const TString des1(f.get()); const TString des2(m.get(SC_CFDESTO)); m.select_des_clifo_range(des1, des2); } else if (k == K_F9) { TSelection_mask& m = (TSelection_mask&)f.mask(); TCursor_sheet& c = m.cur_sheet(); c.cursor()->curr().put(CLI_RAGSOC, f.get()); c.cursor()->read(); c.disable_check(); c.disable(DLG_USER); if (c.run() == K_ENTER) { TToken_string& t = c.row(c.selected()); const TString des1(t.get(3 - m.get_key())); const TString des2 = m.get(SC_CFDESTO); m.set(SC_CFDESFR, des1); m.select_des_clifo_range(des1, des2); } c.enable(DLG_USER); c.enable_check(); } return true; } bool TSelection_mask::fdto_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY k) { TSelection_mask& m = (TSelection_mask&)f.mask(); if (k == K_TAB && f.focusdirty()) { const TString des2(f.get()); const TString des1(m.get(SC_CFDESFR)); m.select_des_clifo_range(des1, des2); } else if (k == K_F9) { TSelection_mask& m = (TSelection_mask&)f.mask(); TCursor_sheet& c = m.cur_sheet(); c.cursor()->curr().put(CLI_RAGSOC, f.get()); c.cursor()->read(); c.disable_check(); c.disable(DLG_USER); if (c.run() == K_ENTER) { TToken_string& t = c.row(c.selected()); const TString des1(m.get(SC_CFDESFR)); const TString des2(t.get(3 - m.get_key())); m.set(SC_CFDESTO, des2); m.select_des_clifo_range(des1, des2); } c.enable(DLG_USER); c.enable_check(); } return true; } bool TSelection_mask::breset_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY k) { if (k == K_SPACE) { TSelection_mask& m = (TSelection_mask&)f.mask(); m.reset_sheets(); } return true; } bool TSelection_mask::bselect_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY k) { if (k == K_SPACE) { TSelection_mask& m = (TSelection_mask&)f.mask(); TCursor_sheet& c = m.cur_sheet(); c.enable_check(); c.run(); if (m.get_key() == 2) m.set_des_clifo_limits(); else m.set_clifo_limits(); } return true; } bool TSelection_mask::rclifo_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY k) { if (k == K_SPACE) { TSelection_mask& m = (TSelection_mask&)f.mask(); m.set_who(f.get()[0]); m.reset_sheets(); } return true; } bool TSelection_mask::rsortcf_handler(TMask_field& f, KEY k) { if (k == K_SPACE) { TSelection_mask& m = (TSelection_mask&)f.mask(); m.set_key(atoi(f.get())); m.reset_sheets(); } return true; } void TSelection_mask::update_assoc() { _assoc.destroy(); _all_selected = false; TCursor_sheet& cs = cur_sheet(); // Sheet di selezione (CLI/FO/PCON) const long checked = cs.checked(); if (checked == 0L || checked == cs.items()) _all_selected =true; else { const int first = get_key(); const char who = get_who(); TString16 key; for (long i = cs.items()-1; i >= 0; i--) if (cs.checked(i)) { TToken_string& row = cs.row(i); if (who == 'C' || who == 'F') { key.format("000000%06ld", row.get_long(first)); } else { const TBill b(row, first, 0x0); key.format("%03d%03d%06ld", b.gruppo(), b.conto(), b.sottoconto()); } _assoc.add(key, NULL); } } } bool TSelection_mask::selected(const TBill& b) const { bool ok = _all_selected; if (!ok) { TString16 key; key.format("%03d%03d%06ld", b.gruppo(), b.conto(), b.sottoconto()); ok = _assoc.is_key(key); } return ok; } bool TSelection_mask::selected(int g, int c, long s) const { bool ok = _all_selected; if (!ok) { TString16 key; key.format("%03d%03d%06ld", g, c, s); ok = _assoc.is_key(key); } return ok; } TRecnotype TSelection_mask::get_clifo_range(long& first, long& last) const { first = last = 0L; TRecnotype items = 0; if (get_who() >= 'C') { if (_all_selected) { TCursor& c = *cur_sheet().cursor(); // Sheet di selezione (CLI/FO/PCON) items = c.items(); if (items > 0) { c = 0L; first = c.curr().get_long(CLI_CODCF); c = c.items()-1L; last = c.curr().get_long(CLI_CODCF); } } else { TAssoc_array& ass = (TAssoc_array&)_assoc; // Trick the compiler FOR_EACH_ASSOC_OBJECT(ass, obj, key, item) { const TFixed_string gcs(key); const long codcf = atol(gcs.right(6)); if (first == 0 || codcf < first) first = codcf; if (last == 0 || codcf > last) last = codcf; items++; } } } return items; }