<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <report name="lv0500c" orientation="1" lpi="6" command="lv0 -1 lv0500c"> <description>Stampa Passaggi per Cliente</description> <font face="Courier New" size="10" /> <section type="Head" height="6"> <field x="0.87" y="0.25" type="Testo" width="12" height="1.5" pattern="1" text="Data elab. :" /> <field x="13.37" y="0.25" type="Stringa" width="12" height="1.5" pattern="1"> <prescript>MESSAGE _TODAY</prescript> </field> <field x="25.87" y="0.25" type="Testo" align="center" width="45" height="1.5" pattern="1" text="Stampa passaggi per cliente"> <font face="Courier New" bold="1" size="12" /> </field> <field x="74.74" y="0.37" type="Testo" width="5" height="1.5" pattern="1" text="Pag." /> <field x="80.37" y="0.37" type="Stringa" width="10" height="1.5" pattern="1"> <prescript>MESSAGE _PAGENO</prescript> </field> <field y="3.25" type="Testo" align="center" width="20" pattern="1" text="Cliente" /> <field x="19.5" y="3.25" type="Testo" align="right" width="10" pattern="1" text="Contratto" /> <field x="30" y="3.25" type="Testo" width="9" pattern="1" text="Giorno" /> <field x="59.5" y="3.25" type="Testo" width="4" pattern="1" text="Ord." /> <field x="64" y="3.25" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Frequenza" /> <field x="83" y="3.25" type="Testo" width="7" pattern="1" text="Modal." /> <field border="1" x="-0.13" y="3.31" type="Linea" width="93" height="0" pattern="1" /> <field x="40.5" y="3.31" type="Testo" width="10" pattern="1" text="Itinerario" /> <field x="89" y="3.37" type="Testo" width="5" pattern="1" text="Stag." /> <field x="83" y="4" type="Testo" width="7" pattern="1" text="Passag." /> <field x="64" y="4.12" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Consegne" /> <field border="1" y="5" type="Linea" width="93" height="0" pattern="1" /> </section> <section type="Head" level="1" /> <section type="Head" level="2" /> <section type="Body" /> <section type="Body" level="1" height="4"> <field type="Numero" align="right" width="6" pattern="1"> <source>164.CODCF</source> </field> <field x="6.5" type="Stringa" width="17" height="3" pattern="1"> <source>300@.RAGSOC</source> </field> <field x="23.5" type="Numero" align="right" width="6" pattern="1"> <source>164.CODCONT</source> </field> <field x="30" type="Array" width="9" pattern="1"> <source>164.GGCONS</source> <list> <li Value="Luned&#EC;" Code="1" /> <li Value="Marted&#EC;" Code="2" /> <li Value="Mercoled&#EC;" Code="3" /> <li Value="Gioved&#EC;" Code="4" /> <li Value="Venerd&#EC;" Code="5" /> <li Value="Sabato" Code="6" /> <li Value="Domenica" Code="7" /> </list> </field> <field x="40.5" type="Stringa" width="3" pattern="1"> <source>164.CODITI</source> </field> <field x="43.5" type="Stringa" width="17" height="3" pattern="1"> <source>301@.S0</source> </field> <field x="60.5" type="Numero" align="right" width="3" pattern="1"> <source>164.ORDFERM</source> </field> <field x="64" type="Stringa" width="2" pattern="1"> <source>164.FREQ</source> </field> <field x="66.5" type="Stringa" width="17" height="3" pattern="1"> <source>302@.S0</source> </field> <field x="83.5" type="Array" width="8" pattern="1"> <source>164.MODPASS</source> <list> <li Value="Entrambi" Code=" " /> <li Value="Entrambi" Code="E" /> <li Value="Consegna" Code="C" /> <li Value="Ritiro" Code="R" /> </list> </field> <field x="92" type="Stringa" width="1" pattern="1"> <source>164.FLSTAG</source> </field> </section> <section type="Foot" /> <section type="Foot" level="1" /> <section type="Foot" level="2" /> <sql>USE 164 KEY 1 SELECT BETWEEN(CODCONT,#FROM_CODCONT,#TO_CODCONT)  BETWEEN (168.STATUS, #STATUSCONT,#STATUSCONT) JOIN 168 TO 164 ALIAS 303 INTO CODCONT==CODCONT JOIN 20 TO 164 ALIAS 300 INTO TIPOCF=="C" CODCF==CODCF JOIN ITI TO 164 ALIAS 301 INTO CODTAB==CODITI JOIN FRQ TO 164 ALIAS 302 INTO CODTAB==FREQ FROM CODCF=#FROM_CODCF TO CODCF=#TO_CODCF </sql> </report>