  d4low.c   (c)Copyright Sequiter Software Inc., 1990-1994.
  All rights reserved.

  This example test program tests low-level CodeBase functions.  


#define T4LOCK_POS 1000000000L 
/* #define S4TEST_HANDLES */ /* test for the maximum # of allowable file handles */

#include "d4all.h"

#ifdef S4FOX
void t4dbl_to_fox( char *, double ) ;

#ifdef __TURBOC__
#pragma hdrstop                     /* use pre-defined headers */
extern unsigned _stklen = 10000 ;   /* set stack length to 10000 */

#ifndef S4SINGLE
#ifdef S4UNIX
#ifdef S4LOCKF
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/locking.h>
#ifndef __TURBOC__
#ifndef __IBMC__
#include <sys\locking.h>
#define S4LOCKING
#ifdef __ZTC__
extern int  errno ;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <sys\types.h>
#ifdef __TURBOC__
/*      extern int cdecl errno ; */
#include <sys\locking.h>

#include <sys\stat.h>
#include <share.h>

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>

#ifdef S4DO_ERRNO
extern int errno ;

void main()
  CODE4   cb ;                          /* initialize global variables */
  FILE4 file ;
  FILE4 new_file ;
  char  buffer[100] ;
  long len ;
  unsigned char test_buf[5] ;
  unsigned char control_buf[5] ;
  int is_error = 0 ;

  int  rc ;
  double d ;
  char ch ;
  char ptr[20] ;
  unsigned char result[8] ;

  d4init( &cb ) ;
  cb.safety = 0 ;        /* will create new database, regardless of */
  /* it's current existence  */

  for ( rc = 1; 1 ; rc++ )
    c4ltoa45( rc, ptr, 10 ) ; 
    file4create( &file, &cb, ptr, 0 ) ; 
    if ( file.hand >= 0 )
      printf(" FILE HANDLE # %ld. TOTAL NUMBER: %ld\n", file.hand, rc ) ;
      printf(" MAXIMUM FILE HANDLES REACHED: %ld\n", rc ) ;
      exit(1) ;

  printf("Testing byte ordering . . .") ;

  len = 0x01020408 ;
  memcpy( test_buf, (void *)&len, 4 ) ;

#ifdef S4BYTEORDER_3210
  memcpy( control_buf, "\001\002\004\010", 4 ) ;
#ifdef S4BYTEORDER_2301
  memcpy( control_buf, "\002\001\010\004", 4 ) ;
#else  /* default */
  memcpy( control_buf, "\010\004\002\001", 4 ) ;

  if ( memcmp( control_buf , test_buf, 4 ) )
    printf("\nERROR: byte ordering is incorrect \n" ) ;
    printf("\nUse S4BYTEORDER_3210 or S4BYTEORDER_2301\n" ) ;
    printf("\nThis is documented in Multi-Platform Manual\n" ) ;
    is_error = 1 ;
#ifdef S4UNIX
    getchar() ;
    getch() ;
    printf("OK\n" ) ;

  printf("Testing memcmp() . . .") ;

#ifdef S4MEMCMP
  rc = c4memcmp( "\320", "\120", 1 ) ;
  rc = memcmp( "\320", "\120", 1 ) ;
  if (rc <= 0)   /* memcmp assumes signed bytes -- not usable */
    printf("\nERROR: memcmp() assumes signed bytes\n" ) ;
    printf("\nUse S4MEMCMP\n" ) ;
    printf("\nThis is documented in Multi-Platform Manual\n" ) ;
    is_error = 1 ;
#ifdef S4UNIX
    getchar() ;
    getch() ;
    printf("OK\n" ) ;

  printf("Testing for signed byte usage . . .") ;

  ch = -5 ;
  if ( ch != -5 )
    printf("\nERROR: compiled using unsigned byte default\n" ) ;
    printf("\nSee your compiler documentation for\n" ) ;
    printf("\n'signed byte compilation' information.\n" ) ;
    is_error = 1 ;
#ifdef S4UNIX
    getchar() ;
    getch() ;
    printf("OK\n" ) ;

  printf("Creating File: file4create() . . .") ;

  rc = file4create( &file, &cb, "TEST.FIL", 0 ) ;
  if ( rc < 0 )
    printf("\nERROR: file4create() \n" ) ;
    rc = open( "test.fil", O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR , 0666 ) ;
    if ( rc < 0 )
      printf("Function open() is failing with 'O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR'\n" );
      printf("   and mode set to 0666\n" );
      switch ( (int) errno )
      case EACCES :
        printf("ERRNO == EACCES: Permission denied\n" ) ;
        break ;
      case EINVAL :
        printf("ERRNO == EINVAL: Invalid mode and permission setting\n" ) ;
        break ;
      case EEXIST :
        printf("ERRNO == EEXIST: O_CREAT and O_EXCL specified but file already exists\n" );
        break ;
      case EMFILE :
        printf("ERRNO == EMFILE: No more file handles available\n" ) ;
        break ;
      case ENOENT :
        printf("ERRNO == ENOENT: File not found or directory not present\n" ) ;
        break ;
        printf("ERRNO VALUE NOT RECOGNIZED\n" ) ;
      printf("Function open() succeeds but file4open() fails (create) \n" );
      printf("Investigate further" );
    is_error = 1 ;
#ifdef S4UNIX
    getchar() ;
    getch() ;
    printf("OK\n" ) ;

  printf("Writing To File: file4write() . . .") ;

  rc = file4write( &file, 10, "Some Information", 17 ) ;
  if ( rc < 0 )
    printf("\nERROR: file4write() \n" ) ;
    rc = lseek( file.hand, 10, 0 ) ;
    if ( rc != 10 )
      printf("Function lseek() is failing to seek past EOF\n" );
      switch ( (int) errno )
      case EBADF :
        printf("ERRNO == EBADF: file handle is invalid\n" ) ;
        break ;
      case EINVAL :
        printf("ERRNO == EINVAL: Invalid mode and permission setting\n" ) ;
        break ;
        printf("ERRNO VALUE NOT RECOGNIZED\n" ) ;
    rc = write( file.hand, "Some Information", 17 ) ;
    if ( rc != 17 )
      printf("Function write() is failing to write past EOF\n" );
      switch ( (int) errno )
      case EBADF :
        printf("ERRNO == EBADF: file handle is invalid\n" ) ;
        break ;
      case ENOSPC :
        printf("ERRNO == ENOSPC: system out of disk space\n" ) ;
        break ;
        printf("ERRNO VALUE NOT RECOGNIZED\n" ) ;
      printf("Function write() succeeds but file4write() fails \n" );
      printf("Investigate further" );
    is_error = 1 ;
#ifdef S4UNIX
    getchar() ;
    getch() ;
    printf("OK\n" ) ;

  printf("Checking File Flushing: file4low_flush() . . .") ;

  rc = file4low_flush( &file, 1 ) ;
  if ( rc != 0 )
    printf("\nERROR: file4low_flush() \n" ) ;
    printf("Function file4low_flush() is failing\n" );
    printf("See S4USE_DUP or S4USE_EBX usage\n" );
    printf("Investigate further" );
    is_error = 1 ;
#ifdef S4UNIX
    getchar() ;
    getch() ;
    printf("OK\n" ) ;

  printf("Checking File Size: file4len() . . .") ;

  len = file4len( &file ) ;
  if ( len != 27 )
    printf("\nERROR: file4len() \n" ) ;
    len = filelength( file.hand ) ;
    if ( len != 27 )
      printf("Function filelength() is returning bad filelength\n" );
      printf("Function filelength() succeeds but file4len() fails \n" );
      printf("Investigate further" );
    is_error = 1 ;
#ifdef S4UNIX
    getchar() ;
    getch() ;
    printf("OK\n" ) ;

  printf("Reading From File: file4read() . . .") ;

  rc = (int) file4read( &file, 10L, buffer, 17 ) ;
  if ( rc != 17 )
    printf("\nERROR: file4read() \n" ) ;
    rc = lseek( file.hand, 10, 0 ) ;
    if ( rc != 10 )
      printf("Function lseek() is failing to seek past EOF\n" );
      switch ( (int) errno )
      case EBADF :
        printf("ERRNO == EBADF: file handle is invalid\n" ) ;
        break ;
      case EINVAL :
        printf("ERRNO == EINVAL: Invalid mode and permission setting\n" ) ;
        break ;
        printf("ERRNO VALUE NOT RECOGNIZED\n" ) ;
    rc = read( file.hand, buffer, 17 ) ;
    if ( rc != 17 )
      printf("Function write() is failing to write past EOF\n" );
      switch ( (int) errno )
      case EBADF :
        printf("ERRNO == EBADF: file handle is invalid\n" ) ;
        break ;
        printf("ERRNO VALUE NOT RECOGNIZED\n" ) ;
      printf("Function read() succeeds but file4read() fails \n" );
      printf("Investigate further" );
    is_error = 1 ;
#ifdef S4UNIX
    getchar() ;
    getch() ;
    if ( memcmp( "Some Information", buffer, 17 ) )
      printf("\nERROR: file4read() \n" ) ;
      printf("Information read is incorrect \n" );
      printf("MEMCMP: 'Some Information' vs '%s'\n", buffer ) ;
      is_error = 1 ;
#ifdef S4UNIX
      getchar() ;
      getch() ;
      printf("OK\n" ) ;

  printf("Closing File: file4close() . . .") ;

  rc = file4close( &file ) ;
  if ( rc < 0 )
    printf("\nERROR: file4close() \n" ) ;
    rc = close( file.hand ) ;
    if ( rc < 0 )
      switch ( (int) errno )
      case EBADF :
        printf("ERRNO == EBADF: file handle is invalid\n" ) ;
        break ;
        printf("ERRNO VALUE NOT RECOGNIZED\n" ) ;
      printf("Function close() succeeds but file4close() fails \n" );
      printf("Investigate further" );
    is_error = 1 ;
#ifdef S4UNIX
    getchar() ;
    getch() ;
    printf("OK\n" ) ;

  printf("Opening File: file4open() . . .") ;

  rc = file4open( &file, &cb, "TEST.FIL", 0 ) ;
  if ( rc < 0 )
    printf("\nERROR: file4open() \n" ) ;
    rc = open( "test.fil", O_RDWR , 0666 ) ;
    if ( rc < 0 )
      printf("Function open() is failing with 'O_RDWR'\n" );
      printf("   and mode set to 0666\n" );
      switch ( (int) errno )
      case EACCES :
        printf("ERRNO == EACCES: Permission denied\n" ) ;
        break ;
      case EINVAL :
        printf("ERRNO == EINVAL: Invalid mode and permission setting\n" ) ;
        break ;
      case EEXIST :
        printf("ERRNO == EEXIST: O_CREAT and O_EXCL specified but file already exists\n" );
        break ;
      case EMFILE :
        printf("ERRNO == EMFILE: No more file handles available\n" ) ;
        break ;
      case ENOENT :
        printf("ERRNO == ENOENT: File not found or directory not present\n" ) ;
        break ;
        printf("ERRNO VALUE NOT RECOGNIZED\n" ) ;
      printf("Function open() succeeds but file4open() fails (open) \n" );
      printf("Investigate further" );
    is_error = 1 ;
#ifdef S4UNIX
    getchar() ;
    getch() ;
    printf("OK\n" ) ;

  printf("Checking File Size(2): file4len() . . .") ;

  len = file4len( &file ) ;
  if ( len != 27 )
    printf("\nERROR: file4len() \n" ) ;
    len = filelength( file.hand ) ;
    if ( len != 27 )
      printf("Function filelength() is returning bad filelength\n" );
      printf("Function filelength() succeeds but file4len() fails \n" );
      printf("Investigate further" );
    is_error = 1 ;
#ifdef S4UNIX
    getchar() ;
    getch() ;
    printf("OK\n" ) ;

  printf("Changing File Size: file4len_set() . . .") ;

  len = file4len_set( &file, 22 ) ;
  if ( len < 0 )
    printf("\nERROR: file4len_set() \n" ) ;
    printf("OK\n" ) ;

  printf("Checking File Size(3): file4len() . . .") ;

  len = file4len( &file ) ;
  if ( len != 22 )
    printf("\nERROR: file4len() \n" ) ;
    len = filelength( file.hand ) ;
    if ( len != 22 )
      printf("Function filelength() is returning bad filelength\n" );
      printf("Function filelength() succeeds but file4len() fails \n" );
      printf("Investigate further" );
    is_error = 1 ;
#ifdef S4UNIX
    getchar() ;
    getch() ;
    printf("OK\n" ) ;

#ifndef S4SINGLE
#ifndef S4LOCKING

  printf("Locking File: file4lock() . . .") ;

  rc = file4lock( &file, T4LOCK_POS, 1 ) ;
  if ( rc == r4locked )
    printf("\nERROR: file4lock() \n" ) ;
    printf("file locked by another user\n" ) ;
    is_error = 1 ;
#ifdef S4UNIX
    getchar() ;
    getch() ;

  if ( rc < 0 ) 
    printf("\nERROR: file4lock() \n" ) ;
    len = lseek( file.hand, T4LOCK_POS, 0 ) ;
    if ( len != T4LOCK_POS )
      printf("Function lseek() is failing to seek past EOF\n" );
      switch ( (int) errno )
      case EBADF :
        printf("ERRNO == EBADF: file handle is invalid\n" ) ;
        break ;
      case EINVAL :
        printf("ERRNO == EINVAL: Invalid mode and permission setting\n" ) ;
        break ;
        printf("ERRNO VALUE NOT RECOGNIZED\n" ) ;

#ifdef S4LOCKF 
    rc = lockf( file.hand, F_TLOCK, 1 ) ; 
    rc = locking( file.hand, LK_NBLCK, 1 ) ;
    if ( rc < 0 )
      printf("Function lock() is failing to lock past EOF\n" );
      switch ( (int) errno )
      case EBADF :
        printf("ERRNO == EBADF: file handle is invalid\n" ) ;
        break ;
      case EINVAL :
        printf("ERRNO == EINVAL: Invalid mode and permission setting\n" ) ;
        break ;
        printf("ERRNO VALUE NOT RECOGNIZED\n" ) ;
      printf("Function lock() succeeds but file4lock() fails \n" );
      printf("Investigate further" );
    is_error = 1 ;
#ifdef S4UNIX
    getchar() ;
    getch() ;
    printf("OK\n" ) ;

  printf("Unlocking File: file4unlock() . . .") ;

  rc = file4unlock( &file, T4LOCK_POS, 1 ) ;
  if ( rc < 0 ) 
    printf("\nERROR: file4unlock() \n" ) ;
    len = lseek( file.hand, T4LOCK_POS, 0 ) ;
    if ( len != T4LOCK_POS )
      printf("Function lseek() is failing to seek past EOF\n" );
      switch ( (int) errno )
      case EBADF :
        printf("ERRNO == EBADF: file handle is invalid\n" ) ;
        break ;
      case EINVAL :
        printf("ERRNO == EINVAL: Invalid mode and permission setting\n" ) ;
        break ;
        printf("ERRNO VALUE NOT RECOGNIZED\n" ) ;

#ifdef S4LOCKF 
    rc = lockf( file.hand, F_ULOCK, 1 ) ; 
    rc = locking( file.hand, LK_UNLCK, 1 ) ;
    if ( rc < 0 )
      printf("Function unlock() is failing to unlock file\n" );
      switch ( (int) errno )
      case EBADF :
        printf("ERRNO == EBADF: file handle is invalid\n" ) ;
        break ;
      case EINVAL :
        printf("ERRNO == EINVAL: Invalid mode and permission setting\n" ) ;
        break ;
        printf("ERRNO VALUE NOT RECOGNIZED\n" ) ;
      printf("Function unlock() succeeds but file4unlock() fails \n" );
      printf("Investigate further" );
    is_error = 1 ;
#ifdef S4UNIX
    getchar() ;
    getch() ;
    printf("OK\n" ) ;

#endif  /* ifdef S4LOCKING */
#endif  /* ifndef S4MACINTOSH */
#endif  /* ifndef S4SINGLE */

  printf("Closing File: file4close() . . .") ;

  rc = file4close( &file ) ;
  if ( rc < 0 )
    printf("\nERROR: file4close() \n" ) ;
    rc = close( file.hand ) ;
    if ( rc < 0 )
      switch ( (int) errno )
      case EBADF :
        printf("ERRNO == EBADF: file handle is invalid\n" ) ;
        break ;
        printf("ERRNO VALUE NOT RECOGNIZED\n" ) ;
      printf("Function close() succeeds but file4close() fails \n" );
      printf("Investigate further" );
    is_error = 1 ;
#ifdef S4UNIX
    getchar() ;
    getch() ;
    printf("OK\n" ) ;

  printf("Removing NEW_TEST.FIL (if exists) . . .") ;

  rc = u4remove( "NEW_TEST.FIL" ) ;
  if ( (rc < 0) && ((int) errno != ENOENT) )
    printf("\nERROR: u4move() \n" ) ;
    switch ( (int) errno )
    case EACCES :
      printf("ERRNO == EACCES: Permission denied\n" ) ;
      break ;
      printf("ERRNO VALUE NOT RECOGNIZED\n" ) ;
    is_error = 1 ;
#ifdef S4UNIX
    getchar() ;
    getch() ;
    printf("OK\n" ) ;

  printf("Renaming TEST.FIL to NEW_TEST.FIL . . .") ;

  rc = u4rename( "TEST.FIL", "NEW_TEST.FIL" ) ;
  if ( rc < 0 )
    printf("\nERROR: u4rename() \n" ) ;
    switch ( (int) errno )
    case EACCES :
      printf("ERRNO == EACCES: Permission denied\n" ) ;
      break ;
    case ENOENT :
      printf("ERRNO == ENOENT: No such file or directory\n" ) ;
      break ;
      printf("ERRNO VALUE NOT RECOGNIZED\n" ) ;
    is_error = 1 ;
#ifdef S4UNIX
    getchar() ;
    getch() ;
    printf("OK\n" ) ;


#ifdef S4FOX
  printf("\n\nS4FOX COMPATIBILITY TESTING . . .\n") ;

  t4dbl_to_fox( result, 1.0 ) ;
  if ( is_error=memcmp( result, "\277\360\000\000\000\000\000\000", 8 ) )
    printf("ERROR: t4dbl_to_fox %f\n", *(double *)result ) ;

  t4dbl_to_fox( result, 22.34 ) ;
  if ( is_error=memcmp( result, "\300\066\127\012\075\160\243\327", 8 ) )
    printf("ERROR: t4dbl_to_fox %f\n", *(double *)result) ;

  t4dbl_to_fox( result, 1191.575675 ) ;
  if ( is_error=memcmp( result, "\300\222\236\115\175\277\110\200", 8 ) )
    printf("ERROR: t4dbl_to_fox %f\n", *(double *)result ) ;

  t4dbl_to_fox( result, 0.0 ) ;
  if ( is_error=memcmp( result, "\200\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", 8 ) )
    printf("ERROR: t4dbl_to_fox %f\n", *(double *)result ) ;

  t4dbl_to_fox( result, 9999.000 ) ;
  if ( is_error=memcmp( result, "\300\303\207\200\000\000\000\000", 8 ) )
    printf("ERROR: t4dbl_to_fox %f\n", *(double *)result ) ;

  t4dbl_to_fox( result, 0.000001 ) ;
  if ( is_error=memcmp( result, "\276\260\306\367\240\265\355\215", 8 ) )
    printf("ERROR: t4dbl_to_fox %f\n", *(double *)result ) ;

  t4dbl_to_fox( result, 0.990001 ) ;
  if ( is_error=memcmp( result, "\277\357\256\026\223\300\073\305", 8 ) )
    printf("ERROR: t4dbl_to_fox %f\n", *(double *)result ) ;

  t4dbl_to_fox( result, 1.00000 ) ;
  if ( is_error=memcmp( result, "\277\360\000\000\000\000\000\000", 8 ) )
    printf("ERROR: t4dbl_to_fox %f\n", *(double *)result ) ;

  t4dbl_to_fox( result, 3.0 ) ;
  if ( is_error=memcmp( result, "\300\010\000\000\000\000\000\000", 8 ) )
    printf("ERROR: t4dbl_to_fox %f\n", *(double *)result ) ;

  t4dbl_to_fox( result, 12345678.90 ) ;
  if ( is_error=memcmp( result, "\301\147\214\051\334\314\314\315", 8 ) )
    printf("ERROR: t4dbl_to_fox %f\n", *(double *)result ) ;

  t4dbl_to_fox( result, .000000 ) ;
  if ( is_error=memcmp( result, "\200\000\000\000\000\000\000\000", 8 ) )
    printf("ERROR: t4dbl_to_fox %f\n", *(double *)result ) ;

  t4dbl_to_fox( result, -1.0 ) ;
  if ( is_error=memcmp( result, "\100\017\377\377\377\377\377\377", 8 ) )
    printf("ERROR: t4dbl_to_fox %f\n", *(double *)result ) ;

  t4dbl_to_fox( result, -22.34 ) ;
  if ( is_error=memcmp( result, "\077\311\250\365\302\217\134\050", 8 ) )
    printf("ERROR: t4dbl_to_fox %f\n", *(double *)result ) ;

  t4dbl_to_fox( result, -1191.575675 ) ;
  if ( is_error=memcmp( result, "\077\155\141\262\202\100\267\177", 8 ) )
    printf("ERROR: t4dbl_to_fox %f\n", *(double *)result ) ;

  t4dbl_to_fox( result, -9999.000 ) ;
  if ( is_error=memcmp( result, "\077\074\170\177\377\377\377\377", 8 ) )
    printf("ERROR: t4dbl_to_fox %f\n", *(double *)result ) ;

  t4dbl_to_fox( result, -0.000001 ) ;
  if ( is_error=memcmp( result, "\101\117\071\010\137\112\022\162", 8 ) )
    printf("ERROR: t4dbl_to_fox %f\n", *(double *)result ) ;

  t4dbl_to_fox( result, -0.990001 ) ;
  if ( is_error=memcmp( result, "\100\020\121\351\154\077\304\072", 8 ) )
    printf("ERROR: t4dbl_to_fox %f\n", *(double *)result ) ;

  t4dbl_to_fox( result, -1.00000 ) ;
  if ( is_error=memcmp( result, "\100\017\377\377\377\377\377\377", 8 ) )
    printf("ERROR: t4dbl_to_fox %f\n", *(double *)result ) ;

  t4dbl_to_fox( result, -3.0 ) ;
  if ( is_error=memcmp( result, "\077\367\377\377\377\377\377\377", 8 ) )
    printf("ERROR: t4dbl_to_fox %f\n", *(double *)result ) ;

  t4dbl_to_fox( result, -12345678.90 ) ;
  if ( is_error=memcmp( result, "\076\230\163\326\043\063\063\062", 8 ) )
    printf("ERROR: t4dbl_to_fox %f\n", *(double *)result ) ;

  if ( is_error )
    printf("\n\nS4FOX TESTS: ERROR(S) FOUND\n") ;
    printf("\n\nS4FOX TESTS: SUCCESSFUL\n") ;


  if ( is_error )
    printf("\n\nD4LOW: ERROR(S) FOUND\n") ;
    printf("\n\nD4LOW: SUCCESSFUL\n") ;