//  Source file for ArchiveLib 1.0
//  Copyright (c) Greenleaf Software, Inc. 1994
//  All Rights Reserved
//  ALArchive::operator new()
//  ALArchive::ALArchive()
//  ALArchive::~ALArchive()
//  ALArchive::CreateCompressionEngine()
//  ALArchive::CreateStorageObject()
//  ALArchive::AddWildCardFiles()
//  ALArchive::MakeEntriesFromListBox()
//  This file contains all the source code for class ALArchive.  ALArchive
//  is a class derived from ALArchiveBase that knows how to create ALFile
//  and ALMemory objects.  Remember that ALArchiveBase doesn't know how
//  to create any kind of storage object, so we need derived classes to
//  bind ourselves to certain types of objects.
//  May 23, 1994  1.0A  : First release
#include "arclib.h"
#pragma hdrstop

#include "archive.h"
#include "grenengn.h"
#include "copyengn.h"
#include "filestor.h"
#include "memstore.h"
#include "wildcard.h"

// void * ALArchive::operator new( size_t size )
//  size  :  The number of bytes needed to create a new ALArchive object.
//  A pointer to the newly allocated storage area, or 0 if no storage
//  was available.
//  When using a DLL, it is easy to create a dangerous situation when 
//  creating objects whose ctor and dtor are both in the DLL.  The problem
//  arises because when you create an object using new, the memory for
//  the object will be allocated from the EXE.  However, when you destroy
//  the object using delete, the memory is freed inside the DLL.  Since
//  the DLL doesn't really own that memory, bad things can happen.
//  But, you say, won't the space just go back to the Windows heap regardless
//  of who tries to free it?  Maybe, but maybe not.  If the DLL is using
//  a subsegment allocation scheme, it might do some sort of local free
//  before returning the space to the windows heap.  That is the point where
//  you could conceivably cook your heap.
//  By providing our own version of operator new inside this class, we
//  ensure that all memory allocation for the class will be done from
//  inside the DLL, not the EXE calling the DLL.
//   May 23, 1994  1.0A  : First release

#if defined( AL_BUILDING_DLL )
void AL_DLL_FAR * AL_PROTO ALArchive::operator new( size_t size )
  return ::new char[ size ];

// ALArchive::ALArchive( const char *file_name )
//  name  :  The name of the ALFile object that is going to hold the
//           ALArchive.
//  Nothing, this is a constructor.
//  This is one of two constructors for ALArchive.  (The other one 
//  follows immediately in this source file.)  It is used
//  when the archive you are working with or are going to create will
//  reside in an ALFile object, which should be often.  It simply
//  calls the constructor for the base class with the appropriately
//  created ALFile object and returns.  It doesn't have to initialize
//  any data members of its own, so life is really simple.
//   May 23, 1994  1.0A  : First release

AL_PROTO ALArchive::ALArchive( const char AL_DLL_FAR *file_name )
: ALArchiveBase( new ALFile( file_name ), 1 )

// ALArchive::ALArchive( ALStorage &so )
//  so  : A storage object that will used as the storage for the archive.
//  Nothing, this is a constructor.
//  This is one of two constructors for ALArchive.  (The other one 
//  immediately precedes this function in the same source file.)  It is used
//  when the archive you are working with or are going to create will
//  reside in an object that you have already constructed.
//  It doesn't have to initialize any data members of its own, so 
//  all it does is call the base class constructor from an
//  initializer list, and then return.
//  The storage object used for this archive is your responsibility to delete.
//   May 23, 1994  1.0A  : First release

AL_PROTO ALArchive::ALArchive( ALStorage AL_DLL_FAR &so )
: ALArchiveBase( &so, 0 )

// ALArchive::~ALArchive()
//  None.
//  Nothing, destructor.
//  This destructor has an easy life of it, since it has no data
//  members to clean up after.  Instead, it leaves all of the heavy
//  lifting to the base class destructor.  In debug mode we at least
//  do *something*, which is just to verify that this is the correct
//  type of object.
//   May 23, 1994  1.0A  : First release

AL_PROTO ALArchive::~ALArchive()
  AL_ASSERT( GoodTag(), "~ALArchive: attempt to delete invalid object" );

// ALCompressionEngine *ALArchive::CreateCompressionEngine( int engine_type )
//  engine_type  : An integer from ALDEFS.H that defines the type of compression
//                 to be created.
//  A pointer to a newly created compression engine.  If things go bad,
//  a value of 0 is possible.
//  ALArchiveBase doesn't know how to create compression engines or
//  storage objects.  That knowledge is left up to derived classes like
//  this one.  When extracting objects from an archive, this class has
//  to be able to create a compression engine with no more information
//  than the integer engine type stored in the archive directory.
//  This is where we do it.
//   May 23, 1994  1.0A  : First release

ALCompressionEngine AL_DLL_FAR *
AL_PROTO ALArchive::CreateCompressionEngine( int engine_type )
  switch ( engine_type ) {
    return new ALCopyEngine();
    return new ALGreenleafEngine();
    default :
                     "Unknown compression type (%d) found in archive",
                     engine_type );
    break; //Break instead of return because of bogus warnings
  return 0;

// ALStorage * ALArchive::CreateStorageObject( const char *name,
//                                             int object_type )
//  name        : The name of the storage object to be created.
//  object_type : The object type, from ALStorageType in STORAGE.H.
//  A pointer to a newly storage object.  If things go bad,
//  a value of 0 is possible.
//  ALArchiveBase doesn't know how to create compression engines or
//  storage objects.  That knowledge is left up to derived classes like
//  this one.  When extracting objects from an archive, this class has
//  to be able to create a storage object with no more information
//  than the integer object type stored in the archive directory.
//  This is where we do it.
//   May 23, 1994  1.0A  : First release

ALArchive::CreateStorageObject( const char AL_DLL_FAR *name,
                               int object_type )
  switch ( object_type ) {
    return new ALMemory( name );
    return new ALFile( name );
    default :
                     "Unknown storage object type (%d) "
                     "found in archive",
                     object_type );

  return 0;

// int ALArchive::AddWildCardFiles(
//                      ALEntryList & list,
//                      const char *wild_spec = "*.*",
//                      int traverse_flag  = 0,
//                      short int compression_level = AL_GREENLEAF_LEVEL_2 )
//  list              :  The list that is going to receive the newly created
//                       ALEntry objects.
//  wild_spec         :  The wild card file spec to expand into a list of
//                       files.  Note that this string can contain multiple
//                       file specs, separated by commas or spaces.
//  traverse_flag     :  A flag to indicate whether wild card expansion
//                       should traverse subdirectories.
//  compression_level :  The compression level that will be used to create
//                       compression engines for the new entries.
//  The number of entries created by the wild card expansion.
//  It is handy to have a function that will create a bunch of ALEntry
//  objects and add them to a list of your choosing.  We can't do this
//  in the base class of ALArchiveBase, because it doesn't know anything
//  about specific storage objects or compression engines.  So the
//  logical place to turn is to this derived class, which does know about
//  ALFile and ALMemory.  
//  The only bad thing here is that this is a static public functions, 
//  so it is kind of confusing.  You might think that this ought to be
//  a member function of ALEntryList.  The problem is, we don't want
//  ALEntryList to know about specific engines or compression classes,
//  because then they would get linked in to any application created
//  with ArchiveLib.
//  So anyway, this function creates a bunch of new ALEntry objects,
//  with the storage object being an instance of class ALFile, and the
//  compression engine being an object of class ALGreenleafEngine.  It
//  then adds the new ALEntry to the specified ALEntryList, so you don't
//  have to do any work at all.
//   May 23, 1994  1.0A  : First release

ALArchive::AddWildCardFiles( ALEntryList AL_DLL_FAR & list,
                            const char AL_DLL_FAR *wild_spec /* = "*.*" */,
                            int traverse_flag /* = 0 */,
                            short int compression_level /* = AL_GREENLEAF_LEVEL_2 */ )
  AL_ASSERT( wild_spec != 0, "AddWildCardFiles: null parameter for wild_spec" );
  ALWildCardExpander files( wild_spec, traverse_flag );
  int count = 0;
  char *new_name; ALEntry* dummy;
  while ( ( new_name = files.GetNextFile() ) != 0 ) {
    dummy = new ALEntry( list,
                        new ALFile( new_name ),
                        new ALGreenleafEngine( compression_level ) );
  return count;

// int ALArchive::MakeEntriesFromListBox( ALEntryList &list,
//                                        HWND hDlg,
//                                        int list_box /* = -1 */ )
//  list     :  The list that is going to get the new entries.
//  hDlg     :  The handle of the dialog box that contains the list box
//              control.  If you aren't using a dialog box, you can pass
//              the handle of the list box control directly, and set
//              the list_box parameter to -1.
//  list_box :  The id of the list box control in the dialog box.  If this
//              parameter is set to -1, it means that hDlg doesn't refer
//              to a dialog, it refers to the actual handle of a list box
//              control.
//  The number of new entries created from the list box.
//  This function goes through a list box, and picks out all the
//  highlighted entries.  It creates a new ALEntry object for each
//  of the marked entires, using ALFile and ALGreenleafEngine objects.
//  For purposes of orthogonality, I  probably should have had a
//  compression_level parameter here, but I neglected to include that.
//  We could do it in the next release using a default parameter and
//  nobody would even notice.
//   May 23, 1994  1.0A  : First release

#if defined( AL_WINDOWS_GUI )

int AL_PROTO ALArchive::
MakeEntriesFromListBox( ALEntryList AL_DLL_FAR &list,
                       HWND hDlg,
                       int list_box /* = -1 */ )
  HWND window;

  if ( list_box != -1 )
    window = GetDlgItem( hDlg, (short int) list_box );
    window = hDlg;
  int count = (WORD) SendMessage( window, LB_GETSELCOUNT, 0, 0L );
  if ( count == LB_ERR )
    return AL_GETSEL_ERROR;
  int *items = new int[ count ];
  if ( items == 0 )
  if ( count != SendMessage( window, LB_GETSELITEMS, (short int) count, (LPARAM) items ) ) {
    if ( count != SendMessage( window, LB_GETSELITEMS, (short int) count, (LPARAM)(int _far *)  items ) ) {
      delete items;
      return AL_GETSEL_ERROR;
    for ( WORD i = 0 ; i < (WORD) count ; i++ ) {
      WORD length = (WORD) SendMessage( window, LB_GETTEXTLEN, (short int) items[ i ], 0L );
      if ( length > 0 ) {
        char *name = new char[ length + 1 ];
        if ( name ) {
          if ( SendMessage( window, LB_GETTEXT, (short int) items[ i ], (LPARAM)( (LPSTR) name ) ) >= 0 ) {
            new ALEntry( list,
                        new ALFile( name ),
                        new ALGreenleafEngine() );
          delete name;
          SendMessage( window,
                      items[ i ] );
    delete items;
    return count;

#endif //#ifdef AL_WINDOWS_GUI