/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 1991-1996 by ORCA Software, Inc. * * * * All rights reserved. May not be reproduced or distributed, in printed or * * electronic form, without permission of ORCA Software, Inc. May not be * * distributed as object code, separately or linked with other object modules, * * without permission. * *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef INCL_XI #define INCL_XI #ifndef XI_R4_API #define OLDXVT_H #ifndef XVT_INCL_XVT #include "xvt.h" #endif #endif #ifdef WIN32 #if XIAGADLL == 1 #define XIDLL __declspec(dllexport) #else #define XIDLL __declspec(dllimport) #endif #else #define XIDLL #endif #include "xiport.h" #define XI_VERSION "4.0" #define XI_VERSION_NBR 4.0 #define MEMCLEAR( x ) memset(( char* )&( x ), '\0', ( size_t )sizeof( x )) /* FORM UNITS */ #define XI_FU_MULTIPLE 8 /* character modifier constants */ #define XI_MOD_SHIFT 0x10000000L #define XI_MOD_CONTROL 0x20000000L #define XI_MOD_ALT 0x40000000L /* not yet supported */ #define HSCROLL_CID_CONST 6000 #ifndef XI_R4_API typedef XinRect XI_RCT; typedef XinPoint XI_PNT; #if XVT_CC != XVT_CC_MACCW #define XinWindow WINDOW #endif #endif typedef enum _e_search_type { XI_SEARCH_FOR_FOCUSABLE, XI_SEARCH_FOR_FIELD, XI_SEARCH_FOR_TAB_CID, XI_SEARCH_FOR_INITIAL } XI_SEARCH_TYPE; typedef enum _e_next_type { XI_NEXT_FORM_TAB, XI_NEXT_FORM_BACKTAB, XI_NEXT_ITF_TAB, XI_NEXT_ITF_BACKTAB } XI_NEXT_TYPE; typedef enum _e_dequeue_flag { XI_DEQUEUE_INIT, XI_DEQUEUE_COMPLETE, XI_DEQUEUE_CALL } XI_DEQUEUE_FLAG; typedef long LM; typedef long STX; #define XI_ATR_ENABLED 0x1L #define XI_ATR_EDITMENU 0x2L #define XI_ATR_AUTOSELECT 0x4L #define XI_ATR_AUTOSCROLL 0x8L #define XI_ATR_RJUST 0x10L #define XI_ATR_BORDER 0x20L #define XI_ATR_VISIBLE 0x40L #define XI_ATR_FOCUSBORDER 0x80L #define XI_ATR_READONLY 0x100L #define XI_ATR_NAVIGATE 0x200L #define XI_ATR_TABWRAP 0x400L #define XI_ATR_PASSWORD 0x800L #define XI_ATR_SELECTED 0x1000L #define XI_ATR_VCENTER 0x2000L #define XI_ATR_SELECTABLE 0x4000L #define XI_ATR_COL_SELECTABLE 0x8000L #define XI_ATR_HCENTER 0x10000L #define XI_AGA_ATR_AUTOEND 0x20000L #define XI_MAX_EVENT 100 #define XI_NULL_OBJ (( XI_OBJ* ) NULL ) #define XI_SCROLL_PGUP 1001 #define XI_SCROLL_PGDOWN 1002 #define XI_SCROLL_FIRST 1003 #define XI_SCROLL_LAST 1004 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif extern BOOLEAN xi_false; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif typedef struct { short row; short column; } XI_CELL_SPEC; typedef enum { XIC_ENABLED, XIC_BACK, XIC_HILIGHT, XIC_SHADOW, XIC_ACTIVE, XIC_DISABLED, XIC_DISABLED_BACK, XIC_WHITE_SPACE, XIC_ACTIVE_BACK, XIC_FORE } XI_COLOR_PART; struct _xi_obj; struct _xi_event; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef void ( *XI_EVENT_HANDLER ) ( struct _xi_obj * itf, struct _xi_event * xiev ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /********************************** * XI Preferences enumeration **********************************/ typedef enum { XI_PREF_OVERLAP, XI_PREF_FORM_TAB_CHAR, XI_PREF_FORM_BACKTAB_CHAR, XI_PREF_SCROLL_INC, XI_PREF_3D_LOOK, XI_PREF_USE_APP_DATA, XI_PREF_AUTOSEL_ON_MOUSE, XI_PREF_CELL_BTN_ICON_X, XI_PREF_CELL_BTN_ICON_Y, XI_PREF_R4_API, XI_PREF_PASSWORD_CHAR, XI_PREF_USE_TX_SUPPORT, XI_PREF_SINGLE_CLICK_COL_SELECT, /* Only when columns are also movable */ XI_PREF_COLUMN_OFFSET, XI_PREF_SB_OFFSET, XI_PREF_SB_WIDTH, XI_PREF_SB_HEIGHT, XI_PREF_SIZE_CURSOR_RID, XI_PREF_HAND_CURSOR_RID, XI_PREF_VSIZE_CURSOR_RID, XI_PREF_COMBO_ICON, XI_PREF_COLOR_LIGHT, XI_PREF_COLOR_CTRL, XI_PREF_COLOR_DARK, XI_PREF_OPTIMIZE_CELL_REQUESTS, XI_PREF_CARET_WIDTH, XI_PREF_TRIPLE_CLICK_TIME, XI_PREF_BUTTON_KEY, XI_PREF_LIMIT_MIN_WIN_SIZE, XI_PREF_DEFAULT_MAX_LINES_IN_CELL, XI_PREF_KEEP_FOCUS_FIXED, XI_PREF_NATIVE_CTRLS, XI_PREF_ITF_TAB_CHAR, XI_PREF_ITF_BACKTAB_CHAR, XI_PREF_ITF_WS_RIGHT, /* in form units */ XI_PREF_ITF_WS_BOTTOM, /* in form units */ XI_PREF_VIR_SP_H, XI_PREF_VIR_SP_V, XI_PREF_DBL_PRESSES_BUTTON, XI_PREF_CONTAINER_GRID_WIDTH, /* in pixels */ XI_PREF_MULTILINE_QUICK_PASTE, XI_PREF_COLOR_DISABLED, XI_PREF_BUTTON_HEIGHT, XI_PREF_BUTTON_PAD, XI_PREF_HORZ_SPACING, XI_PREF_VERT_SPACING, XI_PREF_HORZ_PIXEL_SPACING, XI_PREF_VERT_PIXEL_SPACING, XI_PREF_ITF_MIN_TOP, /* in pixels */ XI_PREF_ITF_MIN_LEFT, /* in pixels */ XI_PREF_XIL, XI_PREF_ASSERT_ON_NULL_CID, /* with xi_get_obj */ XI_PREF_NO_BUTTON_SPACE, XI_PREF_LASTPREF /* should always be last */ } XI_PREF_TYPE; typedef enum { AGA_PREF_BTN_COLOR_LIGHT, AGA_PREF_BTN_COLOR_CTRL, AGA_PREF_BTN_COLOR_DARK, AGA_PREF_LASTPREF /* should always be last */ } AGA_PREF_TYPE; #define XI_NBR_PREFERENCES XI_PREF_LASTPREF #define AGA_NBR_PREFERENCES AGA_PREF_LASTPREF /********************************** * XI Bitmap structure **********************************/ typedef enum _xi_bitmap_mode { XI_BITMAP_NORMAL, XI_BITMAP_RESIZE, XI_BITMAP_TILE } XI_BITMAP_MODE; typedef struct _xi_bitmap { XinBitmap* xin_bitmap; XI_BITMAP_MODE mode; long ref_count; /* The following properties are only used for XI_BITMAP_NORMAL */ XinColor background; short x_offset; short y_offset; BOOLEAN hcenter; BOOLEAN vcenter; } XI_BITMAP; /********************************** * XI Object definition structures **********************************/ typedef enum _xi_btn_draw { XIBT_DEFAULT, XIBT_EMULATED, XIBT_NATIVE } XI_BTN_DRAW; typedef enum _xi_btn_type { XIBT_BUTTON, XIBT_CHECKBOX, XIBT_RADIOBTN, XIBT_TABBTN, XIBT_BUTTON_CHECKBOX, XIBT_BUTTON_RADIOBTN } XI_BTN_TYPE; typedef enum _xi_obj_type { XIT_BTN, XIT_CONTAINER, XIT_FORM, XIT_FIELD, XIT_GROUP, XIT_LINE, XIT_RECT, XIT_TEXT, XIT_CELL, XIT_COLUMN, XIT_ITF, XIT_LIST, XIT_ROW } XI_OBJ_TYPE; typedef struct _xi_btn_def { XI_BTN_TYPE type; XinRect xi_rct; XinRect pixel_rect; unsigned long attrib; char *text; int tab_cid; BOOLEAN dflt; BOOLEAN cancel; int down_icon_rid; int up_icon_rid; int disabled_icon_rid; short icon_x; short icon_y; XI_BITMAP* down_bitmap; XI_BITMAP* up_bitmap; XI_BITMAP* disabled_bitmap; BOOLEAN checked; XinColor fore_color; BOOLEAN drawable; XI_BTN_DRAW draw_as; char mnemonic; short mnemonic_instance; XinFont *font; #ifndef XI_R4_API XVT_FNTID font_id; #endif #ifdef XI_R3_COMPAT void *font_id; #endif } XI_BTN_DEF; typedef enum { XI_STACK_HORIZONTAL, XI_STACK_VERTICAL, XI_GRID_HORIZONTAL, XI_GRID_VERTICAL } XI_CONTAINER_ORIENTATION; typedef struct _xi_container_def { XinRect xi_rct; XinRect pixel_rect; XI_CONTAINER_ORIENTATION orientation; int tab_cid; short btn_height; /* in form units */ short btn_width; /* in form units */ BOOLEAN packed; /* no space btwn btns, overlap 1 pixel in grid */ } XI_CONTAINER_DEF; typedef struct _xi_field_def { XinPoint pnt; /* form units */ short field_width; /* form units */ XinPoint pixel_origin; short pixel_width; short pixel_button_distance; XinRect xi_rct; /* if set, use text edit module */ unsigned long attrib; int tab_cid; short text_size; XinColor back_color; XinColor enabled_color; /* but inactive */ XinColor disabled_color; XinColor disabled_back_color; XinColor active_color; XinColor active_back_color; XinColor hilight_color; /* for well and platform fields */ XinColor shadow_color; /* for well and platform fields */ BOOLEAN button; BOOLEAN button_on_left; XinFlag no_button_space; /* Is the button contained in the field's area? Defaults to preference. */ int icon_rid; XI_BITMAP* button_bitmap; BOOLEAN well; BOOLEAN platform; BOOLEAN auto_tab; BOOLEAN scroll_bar; BOOLEAN cr_ok; BOOLEAN var_len_text; char mnemonic; int button_width; /* Desired width of the button in pixels. */ XinFont *font; #ifndef XI_R4_API XVT_FNTID font_id; #endif #ifdef XI_R3_COMPAT void *font_id; #endif } XI_FIELD_DEF; typedef struct _xi_form_def { int tab_cid; } XI_FORM_DEF; typedef struct _xi_group_def { short nbr_cids; int *cids; } XI_GROUP_DEF; typedef struct _xi_line_def { XinPoint pnt1; XinPoint pnt2; XinPoint pixel_pnt1; XinPoint pixel_pnt2; XinColor fore_color; XinColor back_color; BOOLEAN well; unsigned long attrib; } XI_LINE_DEF; typedef struct _xi_rect_def { XinRect xi_rct; XinRect pixel_rect; XinColor fore_color; XinColor back_color; XinColor hilight_color; XinColor shadow_color; BOOLEAN well; /* else platform */ BOOLEAN ridge; XI_BITMAP* bitmap; unsigned long attrib; } XI_RECT_DEF; typedef struct _xi_text_def { XinRect xi_rct; XinRect pixel_rect; unsigned long attrib; char *text; XinColor fore_color; XinColor back_color; XinFont *font; char mnemonic; short mnemonic_instance; #ifndef XI_R4_API XVT_FNTID font_id; #endif #ifdef XI_R3_COMPAT void *font_id; #endif } XI_TEXT_DEF; typedef enum _xi_icon_mode_type { XIM_ICON_HAS_PRIORITY, XIM_TEXT_WITH_ICON_ON_LEFT, XIM_TEXT_WITH_ICON_ON_RIGHT, XIM_TEXT_AND_BITMAP_OVERLAP } XI_ICON_MODE_TYPE; typedef struct _xi_column_def { unsigned long attrib; short sort_number; short width; /* form units */ short pixel_width; /* alternate, pixel width */ short text_size; char *heading_text; BOOLEAN center_heading; BOOLEAN heading_well; BOOLEAN heading_platform; BOOLEAN column_well; BOOLEAN column_platform; short position; XinFont *font; int icon_rid; short icon_x; short icon_y; XI_BITMAP* bitmap; BOOLEAN size_rows; BOOLEAN suppress_update_heading; BOOLEAN suppress_update_cells; BOOLEAN vertical_align_center; BOOLEAN vertical_align_bottom; BOOLEAN wrap_text; BOOLEAN wrap_text_scrollbar; BOOLEAN auto_tab; BOOLEAN cr_ok; BOOLEAN var_len_text; char mnemonic; XI_ICON_MODE_TYPE icon_mode; #ifndef XI_R4_API XVT_FNTID font_id; #endif #ifdef XI_R3_COMPAT void *font_id; #endif } XI_COLUMN_DEF; typedef struct _xi_itf_def { XI_EVENT_HANDLER xi_eh; XinRect *rctp; char *title; BOOLEAN ctl_size; BOOLEAN ctl_vscroll; BOOLEAN ctl_hscroll; BOOLEAN ctl_close; BOOLEAN ctl_iconized; BOOLEAN ctl_iconizable; int menu_bar_rid; XinWindow win; XinWindow menu_win; BOOLEAN size_win; /* automatically size window win */ BOOLEAN edit_menu; XinColor back_color; BOOLEAN automatic_back_color; unsigned long attrib; BOOLEAN virtual_itf; BOOLEAN modal; BOOLEAN size_font_to_win; BOOLEAN tab_on_enter; BOOLEAN use_whitespace; int whitespace_right; int whitespace_bottom; XinFont *font; BOOLEAN use_xil_win; BOOLEAN autoclose; XI_BITMAP* bitmap; BOOLEAN modal_wait; BOOLEAN border_style_set; XinBorderStyle border_style; BOOLEAN visible; BOOLEAN enabled; BOOLEAN maximized; XinWindow parent; XinMenu *menu; int icon_rid; int initial_focus_cid; #ifndef XI_R4_API XVT_FNTID font_id; #endif #ifdef XI_R3_COMPAT void *font_id; #endif } XI_ITF_DEF; typedef struct _xi_list_def { XinPoint xi_pnt; short height; short width; XinPoint pixel_origin; short pixel_height; short pixel_width; unsigned long attrib; XinColor back_color; XinColor enabled_color; /* but inactive */ XinColor disabled_color; XinColor disabled_back_color; XinColor active_color; XinColor active_back_color; XinColor white_space_color; XinColor rule_color; BOOLEAN no_heading; BOOLEAN one_row_list; BOOLEAN scroll_bar; BOOLEAN sizable_columns; BOOLEAN movable_columns; BOOLEAN scroll_bar_button; short fixed_columns; int tab_cid; short min_cell_height; short min_heading_height; BOOLEAN no_horz_lines; BOOLEAN no_vert_lines; int start_percent; int first_vis_column; BOOLEAN drop_and_delete; BOOLEAN select_cells; BOOLEAN get_all_records; BOOLEAN resize_with_window; XinFont *font; int horz_sync_list; int vert_sync_list; BOOLEAN row_focus_border; XinColor row_focus_border_color; int max_lines_in_cell; BOOLEAN single_select; BOOLEAN retain_back_color_on_select; BOOLEAN drag_and_drop_rows; BOOLEAN drag_rows_autoscroll; BOOLEAN button_on_cell_focus; int position_by_typing_cid; BOOLEAN scroll_on_thumb_track; #ifndef XI_R4_API XVT_FNTID font_id; #endif #ifdef XI_R3_COMPAT void *font_id; #endif } XI_LIST_DEF; typedef struct _xi_obj_def { XI_OBJ_TYPE type; int cid; struct _xi_obj_def *parent; short nbr_children; struct _xi_obj_def **children; long app_data; long app_data2; char *help_key; union { XI_BTN_DEF *btn; XI_CONTAINER_DEF *container; XI_FORM_DEF *form; XI_FIELD_DEF *field; XI_GROUP_DEF *group; XI_LINE_DEF *line; XI_RECT_DEF *rect; XI_TEXT_DEF *text; XI_COLUMN_DEF *column; XI_ITF_DEF *itf; XI_LIST_DEF *list; } v; } XI_OBJ_DEF; /********************************** * XI Events **********************************/ typedef enum _xi_event_type { XIE_CHAR_FIELD, XIE_DBL_FIELD, XIE_CHG_FIELD, XIE_OFF_FIELD, XIE_ON_FIELD, XIE_OFF_GROUP, XIE_ON_GROUP, XIE_OFF_FORM, XIE_ON_FORM, XIE_VIR_PAN, XIE_XIN_EVENT, XIE_XIN_POST_EVENT, XIE_INIT, XIE_BUTTON, XIE_CHAR_CELL, XIE_CLEANUP, XIE_CLOSE, XIE_COMMAND, XIE_DBL_CELL, XIE_GET_FIRST, XIE_GET_LAST, XIE_GET_NEXT, XIE_GET_PERCENT, XIE_GET_PREV, XIE_CELL_REQUEST, XIE_CHG_CELL, XIE_OFF_CELL, XIE_ON_CELL, XIE_OFF_ROW, XIE_ON_ROW, XIE_OFF_COLUMN, XIE_ON_COLUMN, XIE_OFF_LIST, XIE_ON_LIST, XIE_REC_ALLOCATE, XIE_REC_FREE, XIE_ROW_SIZE, XIE_SELECT, XIE_UPDATE, XIE_COL_DELETE, XIE_COL_MOVE, XIE_COL_SIZE, XIE_DROP_ROW, #if defined(XI_R3_COMPAT) || !defined(XI_R4_API) XIE_POST_NAVIGATION, XIE_XVT_EVENT, XIE_XVT_POST_EVENT #else XIE_POST_NAVIGATION #endif } XI_EVENT_TYPE; struct _xi_obj; typedef struct _xi_event { XI_EVENT_TYPE type; BOOLEAN refused; union { #ifndef XI_R4_API EVENT xvte; #endif #ifdef XI_R3_COMPAT struct { int dummy; } xvte; #endif XinEvent xin_event; struct _xi_obj *xi_obj; struct xit_rec_request { struct _xi_obj *list; long spec_rec; long data_rec; short percent; unsigned long attrib; XinColor color; int row_height; BOOLEAN has_focus; } rec_request; struct xit_rec_allocate { struct _xi_obj *list; long record; } rec_allocate; struct xit_rec_free { struct _xi_obj *list; long record; } rec_free; struct xit_get_percent { struct _xi_obj *list; long record; short percent; } get_percent; struct xit_select { struct _xi_obj *xi_obj; BOOLEAN selected; BOOLEAN dbl_click; BOOLEAN shift; BOOLEAN control; int column; long *records; } select; struct xit_cell_request { struct _xi_obj *list; char *s; short len; long rec; short col_nbr; int icon_rid; XI_BITMAP* bitmap; unsigned long attrib; XinColor color; XinColor back_color; XinFont *font; BOOLEAN button; BOOLEAN button_on_left; BOOLEAN button_on_focus; BOOLEAN button_full_cell; int button_icon_rid; XI_BITMAP* button_bitmap; long *records; #ifndef XI_R4_API XVT_FNTID font_id; #endif #ifdef XI_R3_COMPAT void *font_id; #endif } cell_request; struct xit_row_size { struct _xi_obj *xi_obj; int new_row_height; } row_size; struct xit_cmd { int tag; BOOLEAN shift; BOOLEAN control; } cmd; struct xit_chr { struct _xi_obj *xi_obj; int ch; BOOLEAN shift; BOOLEAN control; BOOLEAN alt; BOOLEAN is_paste; } chr; struct xit_vir_pan { BOOLEAN before_pan; /* else after */ int delta_x; int delta_y; } vir_pan; struct xit_column { struct _xi_obj *list; int col_nbr; /* column to move, size, delete */ int new_col_nbr; BOOLEAN in_fixed; int new_col_width; /* form units */ int new_col_pixel_width; /* pixel units */ } column; struct xit_drop_row { struct _xi_obj* src_list; struct _xi_obj* dest_list; long src_rec; long dest_rec; BOOLEAN after_all_rows; BOOLEAN delete_row; BOOLEAN shift; BOOLEAN control; } drop_row; long user_data; } v; } XI_EVENT; /*************************************************** * XI Object Macros * Use these macros to fill in the appropriate * fields of an XI_OBJ struct for synthesizing * cells, rows, and columns. ***************************************************/ #define XI_MAKE_CELL( objp, listobj, row_nbr, column_nbr ) \ memset(( char* )objp, '\0', ( size_t )sizeof( XI_OBJ )), \ (( objp )->itf = ( listobj )->parent, \ ( objp )->parent = listobj, \ ( objp )->type = XIT_CELL, \ ( objp )->v.cell.row = row_nbr, \ ( objp )->v.cell.column = column_nbr, \ ( objp )->nbr_children = 0 ) #define XI_MAKE_ROW( objp, listobj, row_nbr ) \ memset(( char* )objp, '\0', ( size_t )sizeof( XI_OBJ )), \ (( objp )->itf = ( listobj )->parent, \ ( objp )->parent = listobj, \ ( objp )->type = XIT_ROW, \ ( objp )->v.row = row_nbr, \ ( objp )->nbr_children = 0 ) #ifndef max #define max(A, B) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B)) #endif #ifndef min #define min(A, B) ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B)) #endif /*************************************************** * XI Object data * * NOTE: Applications cannot use or rely upon data * found in the XI_INTERNAL section of these structures * Applications should use the non-XI_INTERNAL fields * when referring to these objects. * * The cid field is unused for objects of type * XIT_CELL, XIT_ROW and XIT_COLUMN ***************************************************/ #ifdef __cplusplus struct _xi_column_data; struct _xi_itf_data; struct _xi_list_data; struct _xi_container_data; struct _xi_btn_data; struct _xi_field_data; struct _xi_form_data; struct _xi_group_data; struct _xi_line_data; struct _xi_rect_data; struct _xi_text_data; #define STRUCT #else #define STRUCT struct #endif typedef struct _xi_cell_data { unsigned char row; unsigned char column; unsigned char is_vert_scrolled; } XI_CELL_DATA; typedef struct _xi_row_data { short row; unsigned char is_vert_scrolled; } XI_ROW_DATA; typedef struct _xi_obj { int cid; struct _xi_obj *itf; struct _xi_obj *parent; XI_OBJ_TYPE type; short nbr_children; struct _xi_obj **children; long app_data; long app_data2; char *help_key; union { XI_CELL_DATA cell; XI_ROW_DATA row_data; short row; #ifdef XI_INTERNAL STRUCT _xi_column_data *column; STRUCT _xi_itf_data *itf; STRUCT _xi_list_data *list; STRUCT _xi_container_data *container; STRUCT _xi_btn_data *btn; STRUCT _xi_field_data *field; STRUCT _xi_form_data *form; STRUCT _xi_group_data *group; STRUCT _xi_line_data *line; STRUCT _xi_rect_data *rect; STRUCT _xi_text_data *text; #else /* so that union has room for a ptr */ char *dummy; #endif } v; } XI_OBJ; typedef void ( *XI_EH_TYPE ) ( XI_OBJ * itf, struct _xi_event * xiev ); #ifdef XI_INTERNAL /* XI INTERNAL USE ONLY */ typedef struct _xi_btn_data { XI_BTN_TYPE type; int tab_cid; unsigned long attrib; int down_icon_rid; int up_icon_rid; int disabled_icon_rid; short icon_x; short icon_y; XI_BITMAP* down_bitmap; XI_BITMAP* up_bitmap; XI_BITMAP* disabled_bitmap; XinWindow btnctl; XinRect rct; /* bounding rectangle in pixels */ XinRect xi_rct; /* original bounding rect in form units */ char *text; XinColor fore_color; XI_BTN_DRAW draw_as; BOOLEAN drawable; BOOLEAN checked; BOOLEAN down; BOOLEAN down_in_btn; BOOLEAN dflt; BOOLEAN cancel; BOOLEAN packed; /* no focus or default rect space */ char mnemonic; short mnemonic_instance; XinFont *font; } XI_BTN_DATA; /* XI INTERNAL USE ONLY */ typedef struct _xi_container_data { XinRect xi_rct; /* original container rect in form units */ XI_CONTAINER_ORIENTATION orientation; int tab_cid; short btn_height; /* original button height in form units */ short btn_width; /* original button width in form units */ short nbr_buttons; /* number of buttons used in calculations */ BOOLEAN packed; /* no padding or focus rect space */ /* calculated */ XinRect rct; short nbr_down; /* number of buttons down in the container */ short nbr_across; /* number of buttons across the container */ short pix_height; /* button height in pixels */ short pix_width; /* button width in pixels */ short step_down; /* pixels from top edge to next top edge */ short step_across; /* pixels from left edge to next left edge */ } XI_CONTAINER_DATA; /* XI INTERNAL USE ONLY */ typedef struct _xi_field_data { STX stx; int tab_cid; XinRect xi_rct; XinPoint xi_pnt; int field_width; XinRect rct; BOOLEAN button; BOOLEAN button_on_left; XinFlag no_button_space; int icon_rid; XI_BITMAP* button_bitmap; int button_width; /* disired pixel width of button */ BOOLEAN down; BOOLEAN down_in_btn; XinRect btn_rct; BOOLEAN well; BOOLEAN platform; BOOLEAN font_set; BOOLEAN scroll_bar; BOOLEAN cr_ok; BOOLEAN var_len_text; char mnemonic; } XI_FIELD_DATA; /* XI INTERNAL USE ONLY */ typedef struct _xi_form_data { XI_OBJ *focus_field; unsigned long attrib; int tab_cid; } XI_FORM_DATA; /* XI INTERNAL USE ONLY */ typedef struct _xi_group_data { short nbr_cids; int *cidlist; XI_OBJ **objlist; } XI_GROUP_DATA; /* XI INTERNAL USE ONLY */ typedef struct _xi_line_data { XinPoint pnt1; XinPoint pnt2; XinPoint xi_pnt1; XinPoint xi_pnt2; XinColor fore_color; XinColor back_color; BOOLEAN well; unsigned long attrib; } XI_LINE_DATA; /* XI INTERNAL USE ONLY */ typedef struct _xi_rect_data { XinRect rct; XinRect xi_rct; XinColor fore_color; XinColor back_color; XinColor hilight_color; XinColor shadow_color; BOOLEAN well; BOOLEAN ridge; unsigned long attrib; XI_BITMAP* bitmap; } XI_RECT_DATA; /* XI INTERNAL USE ONLY */ typedef struct _xi_text_data { XinRect rct; XinRect xi_rct; short text_size; char *text; unsigned long attrib; XinFont *font; XinColor fore_color; XinColor back_color; char mnemonic; short mnemonic_instance; } XI_TEXT_DATA; /* XI INTERNAL USE ONLY */ typedef struct _xi_column_data { short sort_number; } XI_COLUMN_DATA; /* XI INTERNAL USE ONLY */ typedef struct _xi_itf_data { unsigned short magic; XinWindow xin_win; XinWindow menu_win; XI_EVENT_HANDLER xi_eh; XI_OBJ *focus_obj; XI_OBJ *trap_obj; BOOLEAN trap_explicit; BOOLEAN cursor_override; XinCursor cursor; BOOLEAN half_baked; BOOLEAN edit_menu; BOOLEAN paste_enable; BOOLEAN cut_or_copy_enable; XinColor back_color; BOOLEAN automatic_back_color; BOOLEAN virtual_itf; BOOLEAN modal; BOOLEAN size_font_to_win; BOOLEAN tab_on_enter; XI_BITMAP* bitmap; BOOLEAN modal_wait; XinRect original_win_rct; int original_font_size; XinWindow prev_modal; XinPoint max_xi_pnt; XinPoint phys_xi_pnt; XinPoint win_xi_pnt; int delta_x; int delta_y; int caret_x; int caret_y; int caret_height; XinRect caret_clip; BOOLEAN caret_is_on; BOOLEAN mouse_is_down; BOOLEAN closing; int in_callback; XI_OBJ *update_obj; XinFont *font; int fu_width; int fu_height; BOOLEAN moving_focus; BOOLEAN chg_flag; BOOLEAN use_xil_win; BOOLEAN pasting; XI_DEQUEUE_FLAG dequeue; BOOLEAN in_event_destroy; int initial_focus_cid; BOOLEAN needs_update; } XI_ITF_DATA; /* XI INTERNAL USE ONLY */ #define FOCUS_CELL_ARRAY_LEN 6 typedef struct _xi_list_data { XinPoint xi_pnt; int height; int tab_cid; BOOLEAN scroll_bar; BOOLEAN one_row_list; short sb_offset; short sb_width; BOOLEAN movable_columns; BOOLEAN scroll_bar_button; short width; XI_OBJ *focus_cell; XI_OBJ focus_cell_array[FOCUS_CELL_ARRAY_LEN]; LM lm; XinWindow sb_win; XinWindow hsb_win; XinRect sbb_rct; BOOLEAN down_in_btn; BOOLEAN down; int start_percent; XI_CELL_SPEC *cell_spec; BOOLEAN have_sb_rct; XinRect sb_rct; BOOLEAN have_hsb_rct; XinRect hsb_rct; XinFont *font; int horz_sync_list; int vert_sync_list; BOOLEAN row_focus_border; XinColor row_focus_border_color; int max_lines_in_cell; BOOLEAN scrolling_in_progress; BOOLEAN done_initial_xi_scroll; BOOLEAN single_select; BOOLEAN in_select_process; int position_by_typing_cid; BOOLEAN scroll_on_thumb_track; } XI_LIST_DATA; #endif /* XI_INTERNAL */ /********************************** * XI Metrics and preferences **********************************/ typedef enum { XI_SV_FU_HEIGHT, XI_SV_FU_WIDTH, XI_SV_ITF_BORDER, XI_SV_SYSFONT_HEIGHT, XI_SV_SYSFONT_ASCENT, XI_SV_SYSFONT_DESCENT, XI_SV_SYSFONT_LEADING, XI_SV_LASTSV /* should always be last */ } XI_SV_TYPE; #define XI_NBR_SYSVALS XI_SV_LASTSV typedef struct _xi_eq { XI_EVENT xiev; XI_OBJ *itf; struct _xi_eq *next; } XI_EQ; typedef struct _xi_window_list { struct _xi_window_list *next; XinWindow win; XI_OBJ *itf; } XI_WINDOW_LIST; typedef struct _xi_scroll_record_arg { XI_OBJ *xi_obj; long record; XinColor row_color; unsigned long attrib; int row_height; BOOLEAN rec_at_top; } XI_SCROLL_RECORD_ARG; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifdef XI_R4_API #define xi_init() xi_init_internal( TRUE ) #define xi_create( a, b ) xi_create_internal( (a), (b), FALSE, TRUE ) #define xi_get_def_rect( a, b ) xi_get_def_rect_internal( (a), (b), TRUE ) #else #define xi_init() xi_init_internal( FALSE ) #define xi_create( a, b ) xi_create_internal( (a), (b), FALSE, FALSE ) #define xi_get_def_rect( a, b ) xi_get_def_rect_internal( (a), (b), FALSE ) #endif XIDLL XI_OBJ_DEF * xi_add_button_def XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ_DEF * parent, int cid, XinRect * rct, unsigned long attrib, char *text, int tab_cid ) ); XIDLL XI_OBJ_DEF * xi_add_container_def XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ_DEF * itf, int cid, XinRect * xi_rct, XI_CONTAINER_ORIENTATION orientation, int tab_cid ) ); XIDLL XI_OBJ_DEF * xi_add_field_def XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ_DEF * form, int cid, int v, int h, int field_width, unsigned long attrib, int tab_cid, int text_size, XinColor enabled_color, XinColor back_color, XinColor disabled_color, XinColor disabled_back_color, XinColor active_color ) ); XIDLL XI_OBJ_DEF * xi_add_form_def XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ_DEF * itf, int cid, int tab_cid ) ); XIDLL XI_OBJ_DEF * xi_add_group_def XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ_DEF * object, int cid, int nbr_cids, int *cid_list ) ); XIDLL XI_OBJ_DEF * xi_add_line_def XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ_DEF * itf, int cid, XinPoint * pnt1, XinPoint * pnt2, unsigned long attrib, XinColor fore_color, XinColor back_color, BOOLEAN well ) ); XIDLL XI_OBJ_DEF * xi_add_rect_def XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ_DEF * itf, int cid, XinRect * rct, unsigned long attrib, XinColor fore_color, XinColor back_color ) ); XIDLL XI_OBJ_DEF * xi_add_text_def XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ_DEF * itf, int cid, XinRect * rct, unsigned long attrib, char *text ) ); XIDLL int xi_button_calc_pixel_height XVT_CC_ARGS( ( int height ) ); XIDLL int xi_button_calc_pixel_width XVT_CC_ARGS( ( int width ) ); XIDLL int xi_button_def_get_width XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ_DEF * obj_def ) ); XIDLL void xi_check XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, BOOLEAN check ) ); XIDLL void xi_clean_up XVT_CC_ARGS( ( void ) ); XIDLL int xi_container_def_get_btn_width XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ_DEF * obj_def ) ); XIDLL int xi_container_def_get_height XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ_DEF * obj_def ) ); XIDLL int xi_container_def_get_width XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ_DEF * obj_def ) ); XIDLL void xi_container_reorient XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * cnt_obj, XI_CONTAINER_DEF * cnt_def ) ); XIDLL void xi_def_free XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ_DEF* obj_def ) ); XIDLL int xi_get_fixed_columns XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj ) ); XIDLL void xi_get_font_metrics_font( XinFont * font, int *leading, int *ascent, int *descent, int *char_width ); XIDLL long xi_get_handle XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * list, XI_OBJ * child_obj ) ); XIDLL BOOLEAN xi_is_checked XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj ) ); XIDLL void xi_set_fixed_columns XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, int fixed_columns ) ); XIDLL void xi_set_fore_color XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, XinColor color ) ); XIDLL void xi_vir_pan XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, int delta_x, int delta_y ) ); XIDLL int xi_button_calc_height_font XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XinFont * font ) ); XIDLL int xi_field_calc_height_font XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XinFont * font ) ); XIDLL int xi_field_calc_width_font XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XinFont * font, char *string ) ); #ifndef XI_R4_API XIDLL int xi_button_calc_height_font_id XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XVT_FNTID font ) ); XIDLL int xi_field_calc_height_font_id XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XVT_FNTID font ) ); XIDLL int xi_field_calc_width_font_id XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XVT_FNTID font, char *string ) ); #endif XIDLL XI_OBJ_DEF * xi_add_column_def XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ_DEF * list, int cid, unsigned long attrib, int sort_number, int width, int text_size, char *heading_text ) ); XIDLL XI_OBJ_DEF * xi_add_list_def XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ_DEF * itf, int cid, int v, int h, int height, unsigned long attrib, XinColor enabled_color, XinColor back_color, XinColor disabled_color, XinColor disabled_back_color, XinColor active_color, int tab_cid ) ); XIDLL BOOLEAN xi_button_set_default XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, BOOLEAN set ) ); XIDLL void xi_cell_request XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj ) ); XIDLL XI_OBJ * xi_create_internal XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * parent, XI_OBJ_DEF * xi_obj_def, BOOLEAN special, BOOLEAN r4_api ) ); XIDLL XI_OBJ_DEF * xi_create_itf_def XVT_CC_ARGS( ( int cid, XI_EVENT_HANDLER xi_eh, XinRect * rctp, char *title, long app_data ) ); XIDLL void xi_delete XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj ) ); XIDLL BOOLEAN xi_delete_row XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj ) ); XIDLL void xi_dequeue XVT_CC_ARGS( ( void ) ); #ifdef XI_R4_API XIDLL void xi_event XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XinWindow win, XinEvent * ep ) ); #else #define xi_event XinXvtEventHandler XIDLL long XinXvtEventHandler XVT_CC_ARGS( ( WINDOW win, EVENT * ep ) ); #endif XIDLL void xi_force_focus_cell_visible XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * list ) ); XIDLL BOOLEAN xi_cell_data_valid( XI_OBJ * cell ); XIDLL void xi_fu_to_pu XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * itf, XinPoint * pnts, int nbr_pnts ) ); XIDLL long xi_get_app_data XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj ) ); XIDLL long xi_get_app_data2 XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj ) ); XIDLL unsigned long xi_get_attrib XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj ) ); XI_CELL_SPEC * xi_get_cell_selection XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * list, int *nbr_cells ) ); XIDLL XI_OBJ_DEF * xi_get_def XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * obj ) ); XIDLL XinRect * xi_get_def_rect_internal XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ_DEF * xi_obj_def, XinRect * rctp, BOOLEAN r4_api ) ); XIDLL XI_OBJ * xi_get_focus XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * itf ) ); XIDLL XI_OBJ * xi_get_itf XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XinWindow win ) ); XIDLL XI_OBJ_DEF * xi_get_list_def XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * list ) ); XIDLL long * xi_get_list_info XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * list, int *nbr_recs ) ); XIDLL XI_OBJ ** xi_get_member_list XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, int *nbr_members ) ); XIDLL long xi_get_pref XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_PREF_TYPE preftype ) ); XIDLL XI_OBJ * xi_get_obj XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * itf, int cid ) ); XIDLL XinRect * xi_get_rect XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, XinRect * rctp ) ); XIDLL void xi_set_rect XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, XinRect * rctp, BOOLEAN do_invalidates ) ); XIDLL void xi_get_sel XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, int *selstart, int *selstop ) ); XIDLL XinFont * xi_get_system_font XVT_CC_ARGS( ( void ) ); XIDLL int xi_get_sysval XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_SV_TYPE valtype ) ); XIDLL char * xi_get_text XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, char *s, int len ) ); XIDLL XinWindow xi_get_window XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj ) ); XIDLL int xi_get_visible_rows XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, int *first_vis, int *last_vis ) ); XIDLL void xi_get_visible_columns XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, int *first_vis, int *last_vis ) ); XIDLL void xi_set_fixed_columns XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, int new_fixed_count ) ); XIDLL XinRect * xi_get_xi_rct XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * itf, XinRect * xi_rct ) ); XIDLL XI_OBJ* xi_get_itf_containing XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XinPoint* pt ) ); XIDLL BOOLEAN xi_def_get_xil_pref( XI_OBJ_DEF* obj_def ); XIDLL void xi_init_internal XVT_CC_ARGS( ( BOOLEAN r4_api ) ); XIDLL BOOLEAN xi_insert_row XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * list, int row ) ); XIDLL BOOLEAN xi_is_changed XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * obj ) ); XIDLL BOOLEAN xi_is_itf XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * itf ) ); XIDLL BOOLEAN xi_is_window XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XinWindow win ) ); XIDLL BOOLEAN xi_is_focus_moving XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj ) ); XIDLL BOOLEAN xi_is_auto_tab XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj ) ); XIDLL BOOLEAN xi_itf_closing_is XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * itf ) ); XIDLL BOOLEAN xi_itf_in_event_destroy( XI_OBJ * itf ); XIDLL int xi_list_def_get_client_height XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ_DEF * list_def, int rows ) ); XIDLL int xi_list_def_get_client_width XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ_DEF * obj_def, int columns ) ); XIDLL int xi_list_def_get_outer_height XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ_DEF * list_def, int rows ) ); XIDLL int xi_list_def_get_outer_width XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ_DEF * obj_def, int columns ) ); XIDLL int xi_list_def_get_rows XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ_DEF * list_def ) ); XIDLL void xi_move_column XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * column, int position ) ); XIDLL BOOLEAN xi_move_focus XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj ) ); XIDLL void xi_pu_to_fu XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * itf, XinPoint * pnts, int nbr_pnts ) ); XIDLL int xi_scroll XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, int nbr_lines ) ); XIDLL int xi_scroll_rec XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, long record, XinColor row_color, unsigned long attrib, int row_height ) ); XIDLL int xi_scroll_record XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_SCROLL_RECORD_ARG * arg ) ); XIDLL int xi_scroll_percent XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, int percent ) ); XIDLL void xi_set_app_data XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, long app_data ) ); XIDLL void xi_set_app_data2 XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, long app_data2 ) ); XIDLL void xi_set_attrib XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, unsigned long attrib ) ); XIDLL void xi_set_bufsize XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, int size ) ); XIDLL void xi_set_color XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, XI_COLOR_PART part, XinColor color ) ); XIDLL void xi_set_column_width XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, int width ) ); XIDLL void xi_column_set_pixel_width XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, int width ) ); XIDLL void xi_set_focus XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj ) ); XIDLL void xi_set_font XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XinFont * font ) ); #ifndef XI_R4_API XIDLL void xi_set_font_id XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XVT_FNTID font_id ) ); #else XIDLL void xi_set_font_id XVT_CC_ARGS( ( void* font_id ) ); #endif XIDLL void xi_set_list_size XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, int height, int width ) ); XIDLL void xi_set_obj_font XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, XinFont * font ) ); #ifndef XI_R4_API XIDLL void xi_set_obj_font_id XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, XVT_FNTID font_id ) ); #else XIDLL void xi_set_obj_font_id XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, void* font_id ) ); #endif XIDLL void xi_set_bitmap XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ* xi_obj, XI_BITMAP* bitmap ) ); XIDLL void xi_set_down_bitmap XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ* xi_obj, XI_BITMAP* bitmap ) ); XIDLL void xi_set_icon XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, int icon_rid, int down_icon_rid ) ); XIDLL void xi_set_pref XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_PREF_TYPE preftype, long value ) ); XIDLL void xi_set_sel XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, int selstart, int selstop ) ); XIDLL void xi_set_row_height XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, int height ) ); XIDLL void xi_set_text XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ * xi_obj, char *s ) ); XIDLL void xi_set_override_cursor XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_OBJ* itf, XinCursor cursor, BOOLEAN flag ) ); XIDLL void xi_event_debug XVT_CC_ARGS( ( char *tag, XI_EVENT * xiev, char *s, int len ) ); XIDLL char * gstrncpy XVT_CC_ARGS( ( char *dst, char *src, int n ) ); /* XI consistant drawing functions - these functions perform identically on * all platforms. These functions also do virtual interface coordinate * conversion. */ XIDLL void xi_draw_3d_diamond XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XinWindow win, XinRect * rctp, BOOLEAN well, BOOLEAN black, int height, XinColor color ) ); XIDLL void xi_draw_3d_line XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XinWindow win, XinPoint pnt1, XinPoint pnt2, BOOLEAN well ) ); XIDLL void xi_draw_3d_rect XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XinWindow win, XinRect * rctp, BOOLEAN well, int height, XinColor color_light, XinColor color_ctrl, XinColor color_dark ) ); XIDLL void xi_draw_diamond XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XinWindow win, XinRect * rctp, BOOLEAN well, BOOLEAN black, BOOLEAN fill, XinColor color ) ); XIDLL void xi_draw_text_attrib XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XinWindow win, XinFont * font, int x, int y, char *s, int len, unsigned long attrib ) ); XIDLL void xi_draw_thick_rect XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XinWindow win, XinRect * rctp, int width ) ); XIDLL BOOLEAN xi_rect_intersect XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XinRect * rctp, XinRect * rctp1, XinRect * rctp2 ) ); XIDLL void xi_offset_rect( XinRect * rct, int delta_h, int delta_v ); XIDLL void xi_invalidate_rect( XinWindow win, XinRect * rctp ); XIDLL void xi_draw_rect( XinWindow win, XinRect * rctp ); XIDLL void xi_draw_line( XinWindow win, XinPoint p ); XIDLL void xi_move_to( XinWindow win, XinPoint p ); /****************************************************************** Tree module ******************************************************************/ #ifdef TREEDEBUG #define xi_tree_malloc( size, parent ) \ xi_tree_malloc_d( size, parent, __LINE__, __FILE__ ) #define xi_tree_realloc( p, size ) \ xi_tree_realloc_d( p, size, __LINE__, __FILE__ ) #endif #ifdef TREEDEBUG XIDLL void * xi_tree_malloc_d XVT_CC_ARGS( ( size_t size, void *parent, int line, char *file ) ); XIDLL void * xi_tree_realloc_d XVT_CC_ARGS( ( void *p, size_t size, int line, char *file ) ); #else XIDLL void * xi_tree_malloc XVT_CC_ARGS( ( size_t size, void *parent ) ); XIDLL void * xi_tree_realloc XVT_CC_ARGS( ( void *p, size_t size ) ); #endif XIDLL void xi_tree_reparent XVT_CC_ARGS( ( void *p, void *parent ) ); XIDLL void xi_tree_free XVT_CC_ARGS( ( void *p ) ); XIDLL void * xi_tree_get_parent XVT_CC_ARGS( ( void *p ) ); XIDLL void xi_tree_dbg XVT_CC_ARGS( ( char *title ) ); XIDLL void xi_tree_check_sanity XVT_CC_ARGS( ( char *title ) ); XIDLL void xi_tree_reg_error_fcn XVT_CC_ARGS( ( void ( *fcn ) ( void ) ) ); XIDLL void aga_set_pref XVT_CC_ARGS((AGA_PREF_TYPE preftype, long value)); XIDLL long aga_get_pref XVT_CC_ARGS((AGA_PREF_TYPE preftype)); /* Bitmap functions and macros */ XIDLL XI_BITMAP* xi_bitmap_create XVT_CC_ARGS( ( char* filename, XI_BITMAP_MODE mode ) ); XIDLL XI_BITMAP* xi_bitmap_create_res XVT_CC_ARGS( ( short id, XI_BITMAP_MODE mode ) ); XIDLL XI_BITMAP* xi_bitmap_copy XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_BITMAP* bitmap ) ); XIDLL void xi_bitmap_destroy XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_BITMAP* bitmap ) ); XIDLL void xi_bitmap_draw XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_BITMAP* bitmap, XinWindow win, XinRect* rct, XinRect* clip_rct, BOOLEAN in_paint_event ) ); XIDLL void xi_bitmap_size_get XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_BITMAP* bitmap, short* width, short* height ) ); XIDLL BOOLEAN xi_bitmap_draw_all_on_resize XVT_CC_ARGS( ( XI_BITMAP* bitmap ) ); #define xi_bitmap_background_set( bitmap, color ) ((bitmap)->background = (color) ) #define xi_bitmap_hcenter_set( bitmap, flag ) ((bitmap)->hcenter = (flag) ) #define xi_bitmap_mode_set( bitmap, m ) ((bitmap)->mode = (m) ) #define xi_bitmap_offset_x_set( bitmap, x ) ((bitmap)->x_offset = (x) ) #define xi_bitmap_offset_y_set( bitmap, y ) ((bitmap)->y_offset = (y) ) #define xi_bitmap_vcenter_set( bitmap, flag ) ((bitmap)->vcenter = (flag) ) #define xi_bitmap_background_get( bitmap ) ((bitmap)->background) #define xi_bitmap_hcenter_get( bitmap ) ((bitmap)->hcenter) #define xi_bitmap_mode_get( bitmap ) ((bitmap)->mode) #define xi_bitmap_offset_x_get( bitmap ) ((bitmap)->x_offset) #define xi_bitmap_offset_y_get( bitmap ) ((bitmap)->y_offset) #define xi_bitmap_vcenter_get( bitmap ) ((bitmap)->vcenter) #ifdef __cplusplus } /* End of extern "C" */ #endif #endif /* INCL_XI */